Joe Buck really doesn't want to narrate your NSFW videos
Joe Buck is just trying to do a good thing. With sports off the air, the long-time broadcaster wants to keep his vocal cords active. To make that process more fun, Buck has asked fans to submit entertaining videos from Buck to narrate on Twitter. It’s been a nice distraction from everything else.
But because this is the Internet, you know the garbage people of Twitter found a way to try and distort a wholesome thing. Turns out, some fans are sending Buck their NSFW videos in hopes that he’ll narrate the action.
Buck, 50, isn’t ready to go there yet, according to KMOX NewsRadio in St. Louis.
"Yeah, I've received quite a few," Buck says. "And you have to be careful. You have to go through these videos like the Zapruder film because you're worried that there's going to be something in the background, there's going to be something hidden like a Highlights Magazine that we should not focus on, but it's still there and it becomes some internet thing where I put my voice to something that I shouldn't have.
"Yeah, I've had a couple of submissions from let's say, a man and a woman, that just didn't seem appropriate to put my voice to in this stage of my life. Maybe later in life, but not now. I look at these videos very carefully and pick the ones that seem the most wholesome to put my voice to."
Buck doesn’t necessarily rule out one day providing commentary on those videos, it’s just not going to be today. Instead, Buck would rather focus on light-hearted, uplifting clips — like trick-shot videos or footage of dogs being dogs.
Keep sending those types of videos to Buck right now. Stop sending in your NSFW ones ... at least until Buck asks for them or runs out of content in July.
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