
Jesse Watters Shrugs Off Distinction Between Hamas, Palestinians

Fox News
Fox News

Jesse Watters apparently doesn’t see much difference between Palestinians—a population that includes children—and the terrorist group Hamas, saying Monday on The Five, “I don’t like how people try to differentiate between the Palestinians and Hamas.” The Fox News host went on: “To me, I see people with guns. That’s Hamas. The people without the guns are the Palestinians. They believe the same thing. The Palestinians hire Hamas to run their government. You poll them; they all love killing Jews. It’s in their charter. They say they believe in suicide bombings.” Watters followed up his sweeping claim with another one. “Every time a Palestinian refugee goes to another country, it doesn’t work out so well for the country and for those Palestinians,” he asserted. After mentioning how nearby Middle East countries like Egypt have thus far resisted taking in refugees from Gaza, Watters claimed the answer was obvious: “I think we all know why they don’t want the Palestinians.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.