
Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary appears in court charged with terror offences

Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary has appeared in court charged with three terror offences relating to banned organisation Al-Muhajiroun.

The 56-year-old appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday along with 28-year-old Khaled Hussein, who lives in Canada.

Choudary, from east London, was charged on Sunday with directing a terrorist organisation, being a member of a proscribed organisation and addressing meetings to encourage support for a proscribed organisation.

Anjem Choudary

Hussein is charged with membership of a proscribed organisation.

Choudary was arrested in east London on July 17, while Hussein was detained at Heathrow after arriving on a flight the same day.

The court remanded them in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on August 4.