
Inter and SWM Motorcycles together for the children at the Centro Maria Letizia Verga

Inter and SWM Motorcycles together for the children at the Centro Maria Letizia Verga
Inter and SWM Motorcycles together for the children at the Centro Maria Letizia Verga

MILANO - Inter and SWM Motorcycles are together again for an extraordinary and important project dedicated to the young heroes facing huge challenges in their everyday lives. The SWM Motorcycles Italia HQ, Oficial Motorcycles Partner of the Nerazzurri club, played host to the families and young patients from the Centro Maria Letizia Verga - IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori in Monza. Thanks to the collaboration between Inter, SWM Motorcycles and the Comitato, the young heroes and their families were able to have a unique and moving experience. They had the chance to see different stages of motorcycle production up close and ride with the SWM professionals around the circuit at the HQ in Biandronno, province of Varese. The children’s smiles made it an unforgettable day.

For several years, Inter has collaborated with the Centro Maria Letizia Verga, a point of excellence in the Milano area for the research and cure of paediatric cancers. In particular, the Club has supported the area responsible for the psychological support of the children and young people through initiatives such as the Winners Cup (the tournament from Inter for young oncology patients), visits to the stadium, activities in schools and much more that works alongside sports and therapies for recovery and growth.