
Infamous Bitconnect Promoter Claims Victimhood, Says It Wasn’t His First Scam

So it wasn't as lucrative as the infamous Bitconnect scam, but CabbageTech is still pretty bizarre. | Source: YouTube
So it wasn't as lucrative as the infamous Bitconnect scam, but CabbageTech is still pretty bizarre. | Source: YouTube

By Carlos Matos, who promoted Bitconnect throughout its existence, posted a bizarre video to YouTube today in which he claims that he lost most of the money invested in BitConnect and that it was not the first scam to which he fell victim. Watch Matos below, in a video from 2017, pumping the crowd at a Bitconnect event.

‘BeeeeeetConnect’ Guy is Back

In the new vlog, Matos says he invested around $25,600 into Bitconnect originally, but only took small profits from the infamous scam. At the height of things, he had approximately $250,000 he could have withdrawn but didn’t decide to do so until it was too late – like many who lost money.

“As you guys know, the tragic end of Bitconnect was that it fell down and everybody lost everything. I was one of those as well. I lost most of the amount of money that I had in Bitconnect, which was over $250,000.”

Matos only touches briefly on the subject of Bitconnect, which is the subject most people want to hear him talk about. Matos’ face became associated with the global, multi-billion dollar racket in the minds of many.

Moving On, Or Awaiting Prosecution?

The video blog goes on in a rambling manner for over 20 minutes, during which Matos talks about his ambitions to become a “board-certified behavioral analyst.” Matos says he is already such an analyst but hopes to become “board-certified.”

Matos wants his viewers to know that he has been victimized by several scams, including Bitconnect, for more than $100,000 of his investment. While he does mention that he made a little money for his efforts in Bitconnect, that would make him a rarity among the Ponzi scheme’s investors.

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