
'I'll Blow You Up': Police Arrest Escaped Patient

An escaped psychiatric patient who was seen in a shopping centre yelling "I'll blow you up" has been arrested after an hours-long manhunt.

Police said the 19-year-old Algerian had fled a psychiatric facility in Lower Saxony on Wednesday morning.

Weserpark mall in Bremen was cleared in the late afternoon after the man was allegedly spotted acting suspiciously.

Police spokesman Nils Matthiesen said at the time: "It's possible that the missing man has hidden something in the shopping centre. It could be a device or some other dangerous item."

The man is said to have made sympathetic comments about a gunman who killed nine people in Munich on Friday.

He also spoke about Islamic State after he was arrested previously in connection to several thefts, but is not known to have any ties to the group.

They also have no evidence he had any concrete plans to carry out an attack.

The man was moved to the psychiatric facility after he hurt himself a number of times, according to police.

He was finally detained in Bremen main train station.

Earlier, a supermarket in the city had been evacuated because of a bomb threat, but it was reopened after several hours.

The alert came after police in Zirndorf, Bavaria, were called to reports of an explosion near a migrants' reception centre .