
Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Photo credit: katie buckleitner
Photo credit: katie buckleitner

Overview: Intentional action, anyone? Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and stays there until July 5, reigniting us with a sense of action oriented movement, excitement, and enthusiasm towards making our dreams come true. Venus begins a transit in Taurus on Saturday until June 23, making us more intentional about our values and deliberate, thoughtful, and sensual about our relational choices. A Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Aries on Sunday gives us greater confidence to start something new!

Read your Sun/Rising horscope:


Level up, Aries! Mars enters your sign on Tuesday and gives you even more energy, ambition, and excitement to make your dreams come true. Venus enters your Taurus-ruled safety zone on Saturday and brings more security to your relationships. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction wants you to own what you want bravely and fearlessly so it can work to manifest it!


Ready, set, release, Taurus! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and empowers you to prioritize rest, rejuvenation, and self-care for healing. Venus enters your sign on Saturday and beautifies, supports, and harmonizes your romantic relationships. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction helps you find closure, completion, and healing in unexpected places.


Happy birthday, Gemini! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and you’ll be stepping into leadership in a big way, especially with your friends and community. Venus enters Taurus on Saturday and gives you a sense of healing, completion, and closure in past relationships. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction wants you to reunite and reconnect with your friends.


You’re the boss, Cancer! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and wants you to take control of your professional world by being more direct and/or starting your own business. Venus enters Taurus on Saturday and blurs the boundaries between friend and lover for good reasons. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction is a productive one, so follow your curiosities to wonderful places.


Ciao, Leo! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and wants you to travel to new places (maybe even new countries!) for horizon-expanding opportunities. Venus enters your Taurus-ruled career zone on Saturday and attracts relationships that are mutually beneficial on the career front. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction wants you to apply a learning to an area that needs change!


What’s your truth, Virgo? Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and has you getting to the bottom of why you do what you do—and you get bonus points if you express this vulnerably. Venus enters Taurus on Saturday and inspires you to get more educated re: relationships. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction is a sexy one, so pursue pleasure for pleasure’s sake!


Love is a battlefield, Libra! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and asks you to normalize a healthy amount of conflict. Think of each conflict as a desire for closeness. Venus enters Taurus on Saturday and you’ll be looking for more intimacy and passion in your relationships. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction has you finding a balance between your desires and the desires of others!


Work it, Scorpio! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and wants you to work at making your life work a lil more. Commit to breaking bad habits and start new ones with small steps. Venus enters your Taurus-ruled opposites-attract relationships zone on Saturday, improving your connections. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction wants you to try a new wellbeing strategy bravely.


Share your heart’s story, Sag! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and has you sharing your hopes, fears, and desires in a big way with people who need to hear it. Venus enters your Taurus-ruled habits zone and attracts accountability friends who help you personally develop. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction is the day where you shoot straight from the heart!


Civil war, Capricorn? Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and could inspire some conflict with “family." Remember, sometimes things need to be brought up to be healed. You can do it! Venus enters Taurus on Saturday and gives you a boost of confidence where you want it. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction is a moment to declare a boundary to avoid resentment.


Straight talk, Aquarius! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and reminds you that, as Brené Brown says, "Clear communication is kind. Unclear is unkind." On Saturday, Venus enters your Taurus-ruled home zone and repairs your relationships with your family of origin and chosen family, too. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction wants you to speak up proactively to avoid confusion.


Ground down, Pisces! Mars enters Aries on Tuesday and begins to center you in the wisdom of your body for helpful groundedness and mindfulness. Venus enters your Taurus-ruled communication zone on Saturday, inspiring you to think about language as a path to relational safety. Sunday’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction wants you to take an audacious step towards financial freedom.

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