
Foyle Rumble 'a dream come true' for young wrestlers

A wrestling event involving young people with learning disabilities in Londonderry has been a slamming success story, an organiser has said.

The first ever Foyle Rumble was staged earlier this month by the Tuned In Project.

The group for people in the north west with learning disabilities offers a wide range of creative and personal development opportunities.

The Foyle Rumble saw Tuned In members take to the ring with professional wrestlers for a showpiece event at a local hotel.

Sean Curran from the Tuned In Project said their members were hard at work training for more than five months for the event.

Mr Curran said the group takes part in a variety of activities, but the Foyle Rumble was by far the biggest event they have ever staged.

"You've got adults with learning disabilities who are the main stars in the ring with the professional wrestlers," he explained.

"Different matches would see them fighting with and also against the wrestlers."

Sean Curran standing in gym
Sean Curran said the Foyle Rumble was a big confidence boost for participants [BBC]

Mr Curran said the event had been a huge success and their members had taken a lot from the experience.

"I've seen their sporting ability grow, but the big thing for me is seeing their confidence grow as well, because many of them would not really be used to performing in front of a big crowd," he said.

"They've literally grown so much in confidence with every week that's past."

Noel Mulgrew took part in the Foyle Rumble and said it was an unbelievable experience.

"This is something that I've never done before in my entire life," he said.

"I think these past few months have been an unforgettable experience and I've really had a good time."

PJ Morrison told BBC News NI that he loved every minute of his wrestling debut.

"It's been brilliant and taking part in this event has been something that we'll all never forget," he said.

"Our hard work at training has paid off and I've enjoyed it very much, it's fun to be able to catch up with your friends and learn new skills."

A 'pinch-yourself moment'

Taylor Healy has always dreamt of becoming a wrestler and said that it was a real pinch-yourself moment to finally step into the ring.

"I remember growing up as a kid I was always watching wrestling and I used to think about what it was like to be like them in the ring," Taylor said.

"I didn't know I was going to get this chance now and I was so excited about it."

Taylor said he learned a lot from the experience and is really proud of himself with how far he has come on his wrestling journey in such a short time.

The success of the Foyle Rumble event captured the attention of a local filmmaker.

Rachael McNamee is now making a documentary about the success of the wrestling extravaganza and the benefit the experience had on Tuned In Project members.