
KFC Sells Out of Double Down Dog Sandwich

KFC Sells Out of Double Down Dog Sandwich

KFC's newest creation, the Double Down Dog, is getting a lot of attention on social media.

The Double Down Dog is a cheese-filled hot dog served in a fried chicken bun. It is currently only sold in the Philippines, and USA Today reports there are no plans to bring the menu item to America.

According to the KFC Philippines Facebook, the "all new, outrageously meaty" Double Down Dog will only be sold January 26 and 27 at 11 select locations. Only 50 pieces of the sandwich are available in participating stores each day, and they sell out pretty quick. In fact, KFC Philippines posts photos of the lucky customers with their Double Down Dogs as they sell on Instagram.

The Double Down Dog is the latest in the line-up of over-the-top creations from KFC. Americans got a taste of the original Double Down Sandwich, a bacon and cheese sandwich with fried chicken buns, in 2010 and again when it returned in April of last year. Following that, KFC Korea came out with a beefed up version of the Double Down, called the Zinger Double Down King. In October, KFC New Zealand released Double Shell Tacos, tacos filled with fried chicken.

Business Insider reports the new menu item represents the current food trend for protein-heavy foods in restaurants since many diners are watching their carb intake. In addition, its popularity on social media is free advertising for the chain.

Image Credit: KFC Phillipines Facebook