
Everything Gravina said about Italy, Spalletti, EURO 2024 and World Cup hopes

Everything Gravina said about Italy, Spalletti, EURO 2024 and World Cup hopes
Everything Gravina said about Italy, Spalletti, EURO 2024 and World Cup hopes

FIGC President Gabriele Gravina has addressed the media following Italy’s elimination from EURO 2024 on Saturday evening, confirming that Luciano Spalletti will continue in his role as head coach, while also apologising for the team’s shortcomings over the last few weeks.

Italy were knocked out of EURO 2024 at the round of 16 following a miserable 2-0 defeat to Switzerland in Berlin on Saturday evening.

Speaking at a highly-anticipated press conference in Iserlohn in Germany on Sunday, Gravina apologised to Azzurri supporters, shared insights from the dressing room on Saturday, while also outlining plans for upcoming Nations League matches and the World Cup qualifying campaign.

Gravina thanks and apologises to Italy supporters

Trying to take the positives after a tough day for Italian football, Gravina said that today is ‘special’ in that it is an opportunity to reflect, learn and grow.

“I would like to thank those who have made a significant contribution to this event. Having around 40,000 attendees here at Casa Azzurri is a positive sign. Today is a special day, there are so many feelings and things to reflect on from yesterday. We are sorry for not having been able to give the Italian fans the joy they deserved, sorry for the result, we know that these things are subject to lots of different variables, including defeat,” Gravina said, reported via Corriere dello Sport.

“What remains is the disappointment of not having been able to give back and not having reacted in the way we know how to after everything that has been done for us. This is the disappointment that we must all reflect upon.

“Last night the coach, Buffon and the whole team began talking, the boys shared all the responsibility, we have nothing to hide, we are all responsible.”

Gravina puts trust in Spalletti

Gravina confirmed that CT Luciano Spalletti will continue in his role for now, despite lots of calls for him to hand in his resignation.

“We have nothing to hide, but we must continue to take responsibility. There was a long chat with the coach yesterday and I think that it is unthinkable to solve the problems by abandoning a multi-year project after eight to nine months,” Gravina told the media at the beginning of his press conference in Germany on Sunday.

“Central to our project is a coach who has been here for nine to 10 months, who has not always had all the players available. Our trust has to work as there is already a new challenge in 60 days’ time.”

“Spalletti has our trust, a new challenge begins in 60 days and we can’t hope that a Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi or Mbappe will suddenly pop up in Italy. We have to value the talent that is there in our country, all the youth teams have qualified for the final stages of tournaments.”

Gravina on criticism, expectations and demands

Gravina also shared his thoughts after a fair share of criticism over the last 24 hours.

“Criticism hurts for everyone, but you have to be able to take inspiration from it and improve, it’s part of the job. Constructive and legitimate criticism must be taken under consideration. Detrimental criticism, like requesting a resignation in a moment of reflection should not. We have to be clear, there is no way anyone can demand resignation from the outside when it comes to federal governance.

“The election deadline is scheduled for March 2025, and the elections will take place at the first available date. They cannot be done before the end of the Olympics. We will go to a democratic selection, that is the only legitimate choice.”

Gravina on Italian youngsters and foreign players in Serie A

Answering questions about the reliance on foreign imports in Serie A, Gravina said: “There are national and international laws that prevent certain decisions relating to the use of young players. It is a fact, 67% of footballers in Serie A are foreigners. 33% of players in Serie A are available for selection.

“We are strenuously resisting the continuous signing of non-EU players. Creating a decent youth system is not a cost, but an investment. We must all agree on a project to develop young players, otherwise nothing can really be implemented.

“We are aware that we cannot miss out on the next World Cup. We always have to deal with reality, none of us are able to guarantee results.

“Since 2018, the Federation’s decisions on youth teams has always been to finance grassroots activity. We need to broaden the options for those eligible. In 60 days we will approach the Nations League, which is very important in terms of ranking.”

Gravina on Nations League, World Cup and mood in Italy camp

The FIGC President revealed that the Italy players were ‘mortified’ after the defeat to Switzerland, but insists that they cannot afford to slip up in World Cup qualification.

“These are the players we have, we are a little further away from the objectives we had set ourselves, but we cannot give up. We need to raise awareness as best we can and bring the best out of these young guys. We know that it would be an inimaginable disaster not to qualify for the World Cup three times in a row.

“We met last night, everyone was disappointed, the boys were mortified. The biggest disappointment is that they were not able to demonstrate the sacrifices they have made over the last 30 days. I’m not disappointed by them, rather by the performance. They are the guys we have to continue investing in. In 60 days it is difficult to find alternatives that make a big difference in quality.”