
ECHL goalie blows up breakaway by sending opponent flying

This ECHL goalie channelled his inner Dominik Hasek on Friday. (@RailersHC/Twitter)
This ECHL goalie channelled his inner Dominik Hasek on Friday. (@RailersHC/Twitter)

A game in the ECHL on Friday night featured a moment we haven’t seen in a professional hockey game in quite some time.

Early in the first period of a contest between the Reading Royals and the Worcester Railers, goaltender Jimmy Poreda of the Railers made a decision to go out and attempt to play the puck on what would have been a breakaway for Anthony Gagnon. The play didn’t go how Poreda was expecting, however, as he was forced to dive to make contact with the puck, and sent Gagnon flying as a result.

The play was eerily similar to an incident we saw back in 2007 when Detroit Red Wings goaltender Dominik Hasek came well out of his crease and sent forward Marian Gaborik flipping through the air. The only difference between the two plays was that Hasek was given a two-minute minor for tripping, while Poreda wasn’t assessed a penalty.

Unfortunately for Poreda, that was the only highlight of his night, as he proceeded to give up five goals on just 24 shots as he and the Railers fell to the Royals by a score of 5-3. The end result of the game wasn't what he hoped for, but at least this clip will live forever.

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