
40 Extremely Random Things I Just Found Out That Completely And Totally Blew My Mind Last Month

40 Extremely Random Things I Just Found Out That Completely And Totally Blew My Mind Last Month

1.This is Ruth Malcolmson, the woman who won the 1924 Miss America pageant:

Ruth Malcolmson, wearing a Miss Philadelphia sash, sits wearing a long pearl necklace and long, curly hair with pigtails

Let's give it up for Ruth, the champ.

George Rinhart / Corbis via Getty Images

2.There's a bird that looks JUST like Danny DeVito:

Seagulls on a pebbled ground, one in the center with a visible crest on its head

3.This is what a 4,500-pound block of cheese looks like:

Giant wheel of cheddar cheese for sale at $5.99/lb, labeled "THE BIG CHEESE," weighing 4,500 lbs

Nature is so beautiful.

u/chansharp / Via

4.The world's verified oldest woman just had a birthday last month:

Maria Branyas Morena's Wikipedia page section with photo and facts including birth date, March 4, 1907, and nationality, Spanish

Imagine hearing the "Happy Birthday" song 117 times. Heinous stuff.

5.This bad boy is Zach T. Wilcox, owner of the world's longest beard, in 1922:

Man with an extremely long beard standing in a room, next to a draped curtain and ornate furniture

Whoa, Zach! Save some beard for the rest of us, playboy.

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

6.This is what a piece of the moon and a piece of Mars look like:

A person's hand holding a speckled square mineral sample above a rough, irregular-shaped black sample

7.Slang may just have peaked in the Victorian era:

A list of "Sorely missed Victorian slang" phrases on a social media post by Adam Sharp, including "Not up to dick" (unwell), "Got the morbs" (temporary sadness), "Bitch the pot" (pour the tea), and "Tight as a boiled owl" (drunk)

8.This painting by Leonardo da Vinci is the most expensive painting ever sold:

Salvator Mundi painting by da Vinci, with similar style to Mona Lisa

9.This boat, known as Boomin' Beaver, is apparently the smallest ship in the US Navy:

The Boomin' Beaver, a small oval boat, docked

10.This is what a Twix that hasn't been dipped in chocolate looks like:

Person holding a caramel biscuit, with another chocolate-covered biscuit in the background

A "nude" Twix, if you will.

u/smolangryginger / Via

11.This is what a stairwell that doesn't loop around and only goes in one direction looks like:

A steep, seemingly endless series of steps leading upward

This is like something you'd see in a dream.

u/zbrew / Via

12.This right here is a baby platypus, known as a "puggle":

Close-up of a platypus being held in a pink towel

This is the most important thing you'll learn all day.

Greg Wood / AFP via Getty Images

13.The most points you can get for a word in Scrabble, specifically for the word "oxyphenbutazone," is 1,778:

Scrabble game board showing a variety of words with high-scoring placements, including "oxyphenbutazone" going down and words like "ejaculating" and "awakeners" built off of it

14.This is how condoms were tested in the 1930s:

Two workers inspecting a large number of expanded condoms on a factory table

Can only imagine the epic water balloon fights at the ol' condom factory.

Science & Society Picture Library / SSPL via Getty Images

15.You can tell the difference between cheap pasta and expensive pasta by looking at them:

Two pieces of uncooked pasta on a textured surface, with the pasta on the right having a finer, more granulated texture

16.This is the Hoba meteorite, the largest meteorite on Earth:

A man standing on the large meteorite

The largest that we know of, that is. It's located in Namibia.

Groblerdupreez / Getty Images

17.Hammerhead sharks look absolutely terrifying in X-ray form:

X-ray of a hammerhead shark, with a very wide skull with eyes at either end

18.This is what the inside of a wind turbine blade looks like:

Inside a long, narrowing tunnel with light visible at the far end

Would love to rent this out for $850 a month.

u/accomplished_comb182 / Via

19.Some children's doctor's offices put doorknobs up super high on doors so children can't "escape":

A closed wooden door in a room with a whiteboard and examination bed on the right side, with the knob more than halfway up the door

This is some Dr. Seussery, right here.

u/qbertking / Via

20.This is what a license plate from Antarctica looks like:

Antarctica license plate, with two letters and two numerals and a penguin in the middle of the plate and "The world's last frontier" slogan

21.And, finally, this proposed design for a "female urinal" looks...not...great:

Urinal with a tubular protuberance extending from the center

22.This is what a turtle getting an X-ray looks like:

Turtle with head and limbs sticking out between two flat metal surfaces, looking puzzled

23.This is the view from the toilet on the 155th floor of the United Arab Emirates' Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world:

Bathroom with toilet next to floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking expansive view

24.Hail can be really, really, really big:

Hand holding a tennis ball next to a comparably sized piece of hail, showing the large size of the hailstone

25.Entire houses can be moved on the back of a truck:

An old two-story house is being transported on a large trailer with people sitting on the porch roof on the highway

26.This is what a smoker's window looks like compared with a nonsmoker's window:

Two stacked windows with blinds on a brick wall, with the blinds of one window light brown and other white

Can you tell which is which?

u/svekt3 / Via

27.This is what the inside of a walnut tree looks like:

Man standing next to a forklift holding a large, sliced tree trunk with dark wood

Shoutout to walnuts. Great nut.

u/tschinggets / Via

28.The picture, from 1930, shows what the Empire State Building looked like while it was under construction:

Black-and-white photo of the building with the top floors with scaffolding



29.This 65-foot-tall behemoth is the world's largest sandcastle, built in Denmark in 2021:

An elaborate sandcastle sculpture with intricate details, including doors, windows, and battlements, and a person walking by in the foreground

Just when I was about to be out on the Danes, they go and do something incredible like that. Thank you, Danish peple.

Claus Bjoern Larsen / Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images

30.Maple leaves...maple leaves can be very, very tiny:

A tiny red leaf rests in the center of a person's open palm

31.This is how big Plymouth Rock is in real life:

A large but not enormous rock behind bars, with people looking at it

Puny little rock. Pathetic.

u/catbehindbars / Via

32.This is one of the world's largest offshore gas platforms, the Troll A platform, located in Norway:

Offshore drilling platform rising far above the ocean on four towers, with a supply ship nearby

You know me, so you know I don't say this lightly: That is a big platform.

Antonio Ribeiro / Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

33.This particular breed of sheep, known as Hissar or Gissar, is famous for its large, ample buttocks:

Sheep in a pen with protruding, elongated buttocks

As you can plainly see.

Olga Seifutdinova / Getty Images/iStockphoto

34.This is what a completely empty CVS store looks like:

An empty, bare open space without aisles, shelves, checkout, or items for purchase

Nature is wonderful.

u/bcjh / Via

35.See that little hole there? This is what Mount Vesuvius looks like from space:

An arrow pointing to a dot on a landscape


Space Frontiers / Getty Images

36.This is what a counterfeit $50 bill (on top) looks like compared with a real one:

Two US $50 bills, one above the other, with slight design differences

They did my boy Ulysses S. Grant dirty.

u/actualseaurchin / Via

37.These are the real-life outfits doctors would wear to treat plague patients in the 1600s:

Two people in historical plague-doctor costumes with long robes, long gloves, and beaklike masks that have eye openings and extend to the shoulders

No thanks! I'm all set.

General Photographic Agency / Getty Images

38.This is what a pineapple that has flowered looks like:

Young pineapple growing among pointy leaves, with purple flowers emerging from its top

39.This isn't a big ol' grape. It's the world's largest single-celled organism:

Translucent, speckled orb nestled among seafloor vegetation with marine life

It's called Valonia ventricosa, and it's a type of algae.

Damocean / Getty Images/iStockphoto

40.And finally, every single letter in the alphabet appears in at least one US state...except for the letter "Q":

Map of the United States of America with each state's name

No state names have a "Q" in them!

Prospective56 / Getty Images/iStockphoto