
Dons committed to Thelin's 'fresh ideas' - Polvara

"Spending time with them at every meal, around the villas and watching the Euros together."

No, that's not us talking about our family holidays, that's what the Aberdeen players are up to in Portugal as they build "chemistry" among the group, according to Dante Polvara.

While their pre-season camp is crucial for laying important "tactical" foundations and getting to grips with new boss Jimmy Thelin's "fresh ideas", it is also a time to form strong relationships required for the season.

"Chemistry is the biggest thing, among the boys but also between the players and the staff," the 24-year-old midfielder told club media.

"Spending time with them at every meal, around the villas and watching the Euros together is really important for when we get to tough times throughout the season, when we need to stick together and lean on each other.

"It's important, of course for the tactical side and from day one he [Thelin] has made some really important foundations clear as to how he wants to play and we've tried to show the idea.

"There are obviously some disconnects from time to time, but that's what pre-season is all about, and the boys are communicating well among it, chatting about little details off the pitch.

"It's always good to have fresh ideas and it's a style of play everyone is enjoying. That is important because you need everyone on board and committed. I feel that way and I can feel the same reciprocated throughout the group."