
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #35

return for the cut. Great room and board of the pair have guaranteed 30 hours each month, volunteering with the residents. I have some ideas like maybe doing that making on weekends left against fitness would be good because of what we do know is very limited. And I think it's a wonderful well, we can always >> Better when we have young people around. I think the idea is the brainchild of bonita paquette, who found government subsidies to make the plan financially viable. Intergenerational living itself is not. >> The norm in north america, you know, in other countries, nor the netherlands has been doing this for a very long time. >> This students moving in here in the fall were chosen through an essay reading contest. But the pair were chosen out of a 50 entries. Kevin green, ctv news, calgary. >> Now to some unsettling health news. A new study finds daily over-the-counter fish oil supplements may increase the risk of stroke and heart issues. U.K. biobank study analyzed data on more than 415,000 people ages 40 to 69 for those without hard issues over and average of 12 years as regular use of fish oil supplements was associated with a 13% higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation, a 5% heighten risk of having a stroke. The study also noted over the counter fish or suffers from a lack of purity. Inconsistency. British prime minister rishi sunak has set a date for a summer election. This party far behind in the polls. >> And today I spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has grown to this request and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold. >> Sunak's conservatives have seen their support dwindle steadily after 14 years of power. They've also suffered from ethics scandals and a revolving door of leaders. The opposition labour party is the big favoured to win. We're following the latest out of uvalde, texas, where families of the victims of that tragic mass shooting have launched a lawsuit against texas police. The families of 19 of the victims and the you all the elementary school shooting have announced a lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers who are part of that botched law enforcement response. The families recently agreed to a 2 million dollar settlement with the city. The city agreed to set higher standards and improve training for local police. The lawyer for the family says additional lawsuits are coming. There will be lawsuits forthcoming most immediately. Against the state of texas, which has done nothing. But bird in this town. Before the shooting by not giving them the resources they need. Prevented these families from getting the information they need. And then blaming. Blaming the city. This comes 2 days before the two-year anniversary of one of the deadliest school shootings in american history. 19 4th grade children were killed along with 2 of their teachers at robb elementary. Authorities in iowa continue search and rescue rescue efforts after a tornado tore through a small town. Greenfield killing an unknown number of people. Sadly, we can confirm that there have been fatalities with this tornado. >> Also, injuries have been sustained by residents here in the greenfield area. >> The tornado carved a path of destruction. Homes were destroyed. Crarr cars were crushed, the field hospital was damaged and that man at least a dozen of the injured had to be taken to neighbouring towns and cities. Many residents are shocked, but determined to get through this. The funeral service today was held for iran's president and 7 others killed in a helicopter helicopter crash on the weekend. Many people travel to tehran from across the country for the ceremony. Ibrahim, a racy and other iranian officials were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. Tracy was considered a potential successor to iran's the 85 year-old supreme leader. A new election has been set for the end of june. There is no clear favourite for the position among the countries. >> Political elite. >> And that's going to do it for me today. I'm roger petersen. Thank you for making ctv news channel a part of your day. Ctv national news with sandie rinaldo starts right now.

>> Do [ ] >> Merella: thanks for joining us. Here are some of the stories we have for you right now. >>> New support for a palestinian state. >> I'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step. >> Merella: but no change yet from canada. >> They're criminals. You cannot trust them. >> London drugs says "no" to paying a random demanded by hackers. >>> No yes, sir anily you would like it -- I don't necessarily think -- I think he would be surprised, you know. >> Merella: and a legal threat made over the movie about donald trump. >>> That's supplies and personnel are running so low the U.N. agency for palestinian refugees had suspended food aid operations in rafah. >> The situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who are at the very brink of famine are now closer than they've probably ever been to this catastrophic situation. >> Reporter: the worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes more than seven months since the war began after hamas attacked israel taking more than 200 hostages. Today a heartbreaking new video shows the moments after five young women were taken hostage. 19-year-old daniela is one of them. >> It's not a very easy things to see, to see your daughter with this terrified look. >> Reporter: the ongoing conflict in the devastation has prompted spain, norway, and ireland to recognize a palestinian state. >> Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely, especially when it is the right thing to do. >> Reporter: already, though, the decision has sparked swift condemnation from israel which has ordered the immediate recall of its ambassadors from those three countries. >> Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas, and I suggest that it is not a reward to hamas who has no interest in two states, has no interest in the continuation of israel acinitis ens. It's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. >> Reporter: the move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations, something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that vote. [ Shouting ] >> Reporter: canada has maintained its support for a two-state solution where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support -- to call for a two-state solution. That's the pass to lasting peace in the middle east. >> Reporter: the recognition by the three european countries is historic, but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations, merella, will happen next tuesday. >> Merella: ctv's annie bergeron-oliver in ottawa.

>>> So in the past four days there have been five homicides in montreal. Just last night, three people killed in a brawl and one of them was only 15 years old. Ctv's genevieve beauchemin joins us now. Jen, are these incidents connected at all? What more are police saying about the violence? >> Reporter: yes, merella. And what's so startling to police is so many of these murders are unrelated to gang violence, including the one that happened right here, the triple murder that unfolded in front of so many people in their apartments. On tuesday night around 15 people were involved in a violent brawl in the alley. When it was over, three people had been stabbed to death including a 15-year-old boy. A classmate said the school principal broke the news to students. >> [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: "he told us he had been killed in a fight," she said. "many of burst into tears." police suspect a perm conflict escalated into devastating violence. >> Reporter: the father of one of the victims says he can't understand how this could have led to three families losing a son. In the past 10 days, montreal police have responded to seven homicides. One victim was killed which a firearm, five of the others stabbed. >> It's very difficult to say something about the knife. That's more teenager or person. It's -- the organized crime takes more firearms. That's where we are. >> Reporter: montreal has a low murder rate compared to other big cities throughout canada and north america. For instance, in 2022, montreal had fewer murders per 100,000 inhabitants than winnipeg, vancouver, halifax, and toronto. And past spikes of violence here were most often related to turf wars over the control of the drug trade. Since last year, montreal police have cracked down on gun crimes, but several of the recent murders seem to be based on personal conflict including a fight between neighbours over music and last night's brawl. Now, police are trying to pinpoint exactly what happened. They have a lot of surveillance videos, good quality ones to go through to determine exactly who was here at the time. Merella. >> Merella: ctv's genevieve beauchemin.

>>> So interpol investigators say hundreds of vehicles stolen from canadians are being found around the world. The international police agency says more than 1500 vehicles have been discovered since february, and that's when rcmp began sharing data with the agency. Interpol collects information from 137 countries and now ranks canada among the 10 worst places in the world for car theft. The agency says criminals are attracted to our supply of high-demand models which are often shipped to africa and the middle east. >>> We are hearing from the passengers on board the singapore flight that hit some terrible turbulence. One person was killed in the incidents. The travellers describe a scene of sheer terror in the cabin when the plane took a sudden dive. >> People were flung across the aisle just like going completely horizontal, hitting the ceiling and landing back down in really awkward position. People, like, getting massive gashes in their heads. >> Merella: the london to singapore flight was carrying more than 200 passengers, including two canadians. It was diverted to a bangkok airport. >>> London drugs confirms cyber criminals are after a ransom after hacking into their system. They're demanding $25 million, which the company says it can't pay. Ctv's bc bureau chief andrew johnson is on the story. Andrew, the company says it can't pay, so how is it going to deal with this? >> Reporter: well, merella, the company is bracing for whatever was accessed to be released, and offering to help employees protect themselves. As shoppers come and go from the department stores today, all is not well behind the scenes. London drugs is confirming a scenario it calls deeply distressing. The company is being held ransom by what it calls a sophisticated group of global cyber criminals. The retailer says in a statement, we acknowledge these criminals may leak stolen london drugs corporation files, some of which may contain employee information on the dark web." experts are identifying the criminal group as lock bit. >> This retailer in canada, which is not the biggest organization in the planet, was up against one of the most sophisticated criminal gangs ever basing out of russia. >> Reporter: in a post, lock bit says it will release data stolen from london drugs in 48 hours if the company does not pay $25 million. The leaked data is not believed to include patient or customer information. >> They have posted stuff before. They've also lied through their teeth about what data they have. They're criminals. Can you not trust them. They've tried to bluff their way through like some evil bond villain in a poker game. >> Reporter: the original attack forced london drugs to close all 79 stores for about 10 days. Among the longest retail outages due to a cyber attack in canadian history. Lock bit is believed to have extorted more than $100 million from thousands of victims including hospitals, schools, and global companies. London drugs is offering employees two years of identity theft protection in the case this is no bluff. Merella. >> Merella: all right. Ctv's andrew johnson.

>>> Many people struggling right now to buy essential items like grocery. A critical part of the social safety net is under a lot of strain. New numbers on poverty in canada come with a stark warning that if more isn't done the food bank system in the country could fail. Ctv's heather wright has been digging into details. How bleak is this outlook? >> Reporter: merella, we know many canadians are struggling to make ends meet, but a new report from food banks canada is painting a picture of just how many people are relying on food banks. A number that keeps going up. Poverty and food insecurity in canada are worse today than they were a year ago according to this report by handed out report cards to provinces, territories, and the federal government cree grading how the different jurisdictions are tackling poverty. Most provincial governments received grades in the "d" range. Seven out of ten got a d- -- for what the report called an insufficient approach to poverty reduction. >> We're not doing enough as a country to make sure people are able to make ends meet right now. >> Reporter: nearly half of those surveyed feel they are doing worse financially compared to last year, while one in four people say they are experiencing food insecurity. A lack of affordable housing and stubbornly high food prices have created a perfect storm of need in many parts of the country and there are concerns the system certainly can't keep up. >> The word I hear the most often when I talk to food bankers is that it's unsustainable, that they cannot continue to meet the growing demands with the amount of food and donations that are coming through the doors, and even then, no system is designed for, you know, growth like we've seen. >> Reporter: the report says some provinces like pei and nova scotia are making legislative progress, but it criticizes what it calls an overall lack of urgency at all levels of government in tackling poverty. Merella. >> Merella: pretty sad situation there, heather. Thank you. >>> Donald trump's real life rise to real estate mogul has been briton about -- been written about many times, but now there is a movie about the former U.S. president. It's called "the apprentice." the director says it's inspired by true events. Trump's campaign team says it's fewer fiction and wants to sue. Ctv's washington bureau chief joy malbon reports. [ ] >> Reporter: it's the buzzed-about movie about donald trump and his rise to power as a new york real estate tycoon starring the suck succession's jeremy strachan -- they made the world repremier at the cannes film festival making headlines for some controversial scenes. A disturbing scene shows the future president sexually assaulting his first wife ivana who died in 2022. And that's no, sir the only thing trunk would find objectionable -- that's not the -- from pill popping to surgery to remove a bald spot, not exactly a flattering portrait. The film, a canadian-irish-danish coproduction was shot in ontario. The director defended his film saying it was inspired by true events, even inviting trump to see for himself. >> I don't necessarily think he would like it. I think that he -- I think he would be surprised, you know. And I -- you know, like you've said before, like, I would be happy -- I would offer him to go and meet him wherever he wants and talk about the context of the movie, have a screening and have a chat afterwards. >> Reporter: the trump re-election campaign lashed out threatening a lawsuit. In a statement saying, this garbage is pure fiction which sensational ices lies that have been long debunked. It belongs in a dumpster fire. And here's what the director had to say. >> Everybody talks about him suing a lot of people. They don't talk about his success rate though, you know. [ Applause ] >> Reporter: suing the filmmakers is the least of trump's problems. He faces 88 criminal charges in four cases and will be back in a new york courtroom next week as his hush money trial continues. Merella. >> Merella: joy malbon is in washington.

>>> COMING UP, THE VERY REAL RISK FROM THE TINY TICK. >> THEY'RE MOVING FURTHER NORTHWARD. THEY'RE EXPLORING NEW TERRITORIES. >> Merella: WHY THERE SEEMS TO BE MORE OF THEM IN MORE PLACES. >>> PLUS FUR VERSUS FEATHERS AND THE OUTCOME COULD SURPRISE YOU. Leo's having a hard time hitting that bullseye. Leaving his family unprotected, should anything happen to him, is throwing him off his game. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it would be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Leo, let's give this another shot. With North Cover Life Insurance, take comfort in affordable coverage - for whatever life throws at you. Keep your family protected with a cash payout of up to one point five million dollars. If you're diagnosed with a terminal illness, you'll receive your benefit upfront. And if you're not sure where to start, don't worry, applying is easy. Expert insurance advisors are a phone call away. They'll help you hit the bullseye on a plan that fits your needs. North Cover - Comfort in being protected. Get a quote today. Call 1-833-865-1010 now or visit What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l WAH is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] And I feel so free - [Announcer] Linda just paid off over $42,000 in credit card debt. A debt management plan lowered her total monthly payments by over 40%. Consolidated Credit counseling services worked with her creditors to reduce her interest rates to just 1% so she could pay off all her debt fast. Call now for a free consultation or go to Call now.

>>> A search-and-rescue operation is on in iowa after a tornado tore through the small town of greenfield. >> Sadly we can confirm there have been fatalities with this tornado. Also injuries have been sustained by residents here in the greenfield area. >> Merella: the twister caused a path of destruction ripping apart homes, crushing cars. Greenfield's hospital is damaged as well, which meant many of the injured had to go elsewhere to be treated. Residents here are in shock, but determined to get through this. >> You never think it's going to happen to you, you know. >> Everything's gone. The only thing that matters to me right now is that my family is okay. >> This stuff will get cleaned up pretty quick. It's just so devastating. I just hope people can get back in their homes and get things going again as soon as possible. >> Merella: from iowa, the storm's moved east knocking out power to thousands of customers in illinois and wisconsin. >>> Severe storms also hammered parts of southern bc leaving thousands of customers in the vancouver area with no power. Wind gusts reached up to 90 kilometres an hour last night toppling trees and power lines. At one point, 28,000 customers were in the dark. Parts of the province were also soaked with heavy rain, which is welcome during wildfire season, but fire officials say a lot more is needed to offset that dry winter. >> In terms of the fire behaviour that we could see later in the season, this rain isn't going to necessarily impact what we see in july and august moving forward. >> Merella: parts of vancouver saw between 40 and 52 millimetres of rain. >>> It's the changing climate that has led to a rise in the number of ticks in canada and the irritating insects are moving further north. Ctv's paul hollingsworth joins us now with more ticks, lyme disease, and the weather. Paul. >> Reporter: merella, warm temperatures, sunny skies across many parts of canada is pleasant for a lot of us, but, at the same time, this is the season that ticks concerns are on the rise. These tiny parasites can be found in many places and a lot of these ticks carry dangerous diseases. According to mount allison university biology professor vet lloyd, the tick population national surge is linked to change in our climate. >> The ticks are quite happy with the milder winters that are happening in the maritimes and across canada. >> Reporter: there were more than 8,000 reported cases of lyme disease in canada from 2021 to 2023. Tick spread to new areas of canada has also reached alarming levels. >> They're moving further northward. They're exploring new territories where people are not necessarily as familiar with them. >> Reporter: concerns about ticks spreading lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses are now at their highest. >> The blackfly tick is very much a big problem all around canada. >> Reporter: the lone star tick is also dangerous offender ucp. >> It's also throughout the entire country -- dangerous offender ucp. >> Reporter: dawna spent years battling severe lyme disease symptoms before she was probably diagnosed. >> Lying in bed in the dark because I had a light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, scent sensitivity, digestive issues, hearing issues. >> Reporter: lugar says lyme disease awareness month and the warm season in general is the perfect time to warn canadians ticks are found everywhere and people should check their bodies closely after being outdoors. According to recent data from the government of canada, there are 40 different types of ticks in our country. Not all of these ticks will make you sick, but they all require our immediate attention if one of those ticks is attached to your body. Merella. >> Merella: all right, good to know. Thank you, paul.

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