
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #34

finally gave up. And the guy who survived and walked away and the fox went off to hunt a squirrel haha. >> So the goose wasn't cooked, but we're not sure about that school. Graceland, elvis presley's graceland is safe for now. It won't be hitting the auction block tomorrow. The tennessee judge adjourned the sale this morning during a hearing that only lasted a few minutes. A company claimed that presley's estate failed to repay a loan that listed the property as collateral. Presley's granddaughter riley keough. It aired the trust in ownership of the home after the death of her mother b summary. Keogh filed a lawsuit alleging a deal. But the company was fraudulent and that her mother's signature had been forged. Canada's largest documentary festival is temporarily closing. It's toronto theatre, the beleaguered hot docs festival says financial constraints have force the company to close its flagship theatre for 3 months and lay off staff. The festival has been warning the public of its financial jeopardy since april and has been looking for more financial support. Organizers say they will use the temporary closure to regroup and come up with a strategy to deal with the crisis. The doors for the hot docs. Ted rogers cinema close on june. 12. Well, it is music to the ears of any 90's fan apple music naming the miseducation of lauryn hill, the best album of all time. All right, so yeah, the iconic 1998 album snagged the top spot from a list of great apple albums. We should point out over the last 65 years learned house alameda records from beyonce, the beatles, michael jackson and amy winehouse. You're watching ctv news channel. Top stories are next. (Dynamic music) Tomorrow on Your Morning... A comic strip like Garfield helped shape comedy. Lindsey: Chris Pratt on what fans can expect from the brand-new Garfield movie. Start your morning in the know Thursday only on ctv. If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. Crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here.

Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. >> Programs are really going to solve the problem because why are 100? We will be there to invest in supporting canadians with a national school food program. >> Liberals and conservatives face off during question period over a scathing new food banks. Canada report. It didn't start and importantly, stay. Ireland, norway and spain plan to formally recognize a palestinian state, a movement angering israel while all right. A person to choose its future. Alone in the rain. British prime minister rishi sunak has set a july 4th election day poll showing the opposition labour party like we do it. You're watching ctv news channel. I'm roger petersen. Thank you very much for joining us. >> Well, some sobering numbers when it comes to food insecurity in canada in its annual poverty report. Cards, food banks. Canada warns that we have reached a critical point as poverty and food insecurity worsen in every corner of the country. Canada received an overall grade of d minus a decline from the d last year, only to provinces nova scotia and prince edward island actually managed to improve their rating. The rest of the country stagnant. Got worse. >> Putting together housing plan, looking at yours, social assistance or benefits rates, making sure their indexed to inflation so that people are falling further and further behind into poverty. And then what we're suggesting for provinces that don't and put together a coordinated poverty reduction plan with with target so that you can hold your government to account and citizens can see that your government is taking action. >> Digging deeper into the numbers, the report found that more than 44% of people are feeling worse off when compared to last year. The percentage of people paying more than 30% of their income on housing hit 43.6% in 2024. And the food banks. Canada report was brought up today in question period by conservative leader pierre poilievre, who used it to slam the prime minister's policies, including the carbon tax. All this spending were working. >> Then why is it that food banks, canada reports today that 25% of young adults had to go to a food bank in 3 months alone and 2 million canadians are lined up every month. Mister speaker with so many empty stomachs, isn't it just a little bit wacko be racing carbon taxes on farmers we will keep going on delivering support for canadians. And we will keep going on putting more money in the pockets of 8 out of 10 canadians with our price on pollution that supports canadian families and successfully fights climate change. >> The prime minister also slammed the conservatives on policy, saying that they vote against measures meant to help canadians. Norway, spain and ireland have announced their intention to formally recognize a palestinian state, a declaration that would take effect on tuesday. >> I've spoken with a number of of the heaters and counterparts. I'm confident that for other countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. >> The country's leaders say they hope the move brings new momentum toward a two-state solution, adding it's not a decision against israel or one in favour of hamas, but instead it is in support of peace. And here at home, it's a move. Ndp leader jagmeet singh says he'd like to see canada take as well. We absolutely believe that we need to recognize palestine as a state to move forward. The two-state solution to move ultimately for for a peaceful solution we maintain our position. We have a private member's motion on this, a prime member's bill on this by heather macpherson. What are my foreign affairs critic? This is the new democrat position, but most importantly. Canada should take this position. Justin trudeau should take this position. Other countries have already made it clear that that is one of the ways forward to bringing the two-state solution back to the forefront. And we believe it is a fundamental step towards peace. Not surprisingly, israel is angry with the move, calling the decision distorted. Israel has recalled its ambassadors to the country's and someone

their envoys to brussels. Joining us now is chevy professor of middle east politics at georgetown university. Professor, thank you for joining us. Thanks for the mitt. So norway, ireland and spain joining the growing list of countries that support the idea of a palestinian state. Your thoughts on this does this? What does this mean? >> Well, and beverage reminded the 1970's in 1980's it was a global struggle against apartheid in south africa at the time. Western countries because of cold war considerations were very reluctant pressure south africa to change >> Grace policies toward its majority black population. But gradually that you started to shift. It started with scandinavian countries. We started to lead the way and then slowly but surely other countries followed in large part because of internal pressure from their own populations, pressuring their elected officials saying that what the status quo here is untenable. We should not be complicit in this situation. So most of the world that you pointed out, the global south 140 countries effectively recognizes palestine within its international borders, western europe and north america have not. But now we're starting to see that consensus in western europe start to break with with it, with the news today that ireland, norway and spain are going to officially recognises to in the state of palestine. And I suspect. >> In the coming years for the reasons that I just mentioned in for reasons very similar to the struggle against apartheid in south africa, in the 70's and 80's, we're going to see if other countries follow suit. >> Will this work that will this is there any pressure on israel to listen to this? >> Well, I think this is largely symbolic. Let's be clear that you know what, the announcement today is not going to save one life in gaza, but it is going to send a message to israel and its supporters that there are for its repressive policies against the palestinians, that countries are going to start to break with. Israel be much more critical of israel's policies toward the palestinians. And the, you know, impunity that israel's enjoyed for a very long time is no longer good to pass and so you know, I think it's going to take a long there's going to be people who are going to say no, this within israel. And within the, you know, global support community of israeli supporters, there's going to be pushed back. This could be an internal debate, but it's the start of something. It's sending the signal that, you know, israel cannot have its security guaranteed at the expense of the security of the palestinian population that occupies. So that's how I see this sort of playing out since the start of a big process. What kind of message does this send them to a palestinian for a democracy there. Is there any hope of a true democracy being set up there? >> With a wood with the palestinian authority be willing tell hamas of they can't be part of this. Is there any realistic expectation palestine will be able to go along with this? >> Well, obviously the palestinian authority and palestinian officials are going to welcome this. The question of whether palestine will be a democracy is going to be an internal struggle among to develop responsible representative government. And like all countries that have travelled down the path of democracy. This is going to be an uphill battle is going to games and the first thing you need before you can have a democracy. New state. So I think the fact that, you know, we we're seeing these at these countries in western europe, better democratic rising to the occasion and supporting palestine helps those democratic forces within the palestinian community. So i, you know, so let let I mean, the question democracy is, it is, you know, we have to remember the don't emerge overnight. Those are internal struggles that even when you have a democracy, there could be rolled back as we're seeing right now, united states where I'm speaking to you from, because palestine is a country that is still occupied by israel. Before you can talk about the nature of the government, you're going to have you have to have a territory that you can claim sovereignty over and then begin a very important struggle of trying to create a democratic institution. Ok professor, thank you as always for your analysis. Much appreciated. Professor nader hashemi is a professor of middle east politics at georgetown university. >> A warning viewers might find the images in this next story. Disturbing the families of israeli soldiers taken hostage by hamas on october 7th released graphic new footage of their kidnapping. Now this image from the video shows a hamas militant holding one woman captive in tying up her hands while another visibly injured woman he's held against the wall. The hostages families

forum says they obtained the video from the idf and that it was originally released by hamas. The group continues to put pressure on the israeli government to secure the release of the hostages. People, including a 15 year-old boy are dead after they were stabbed in a fight in montreal. >> With so looking for. All in all the food that we in the fight to know exactly what's happening yesterday with still looking videos. And terry, to some people and do it in the room to check out the fi out some of the deal with some information about it. >> Montreal police received numerous 9-1-1 calls last night about a brawl involving 15 people in the plateau. Mont-royal borough. When they arrived, they found 3 victims. 15, 23 25 all had been injured by a sharp object and later died. Police say the incident was not related to games or organized crime. 3 suspects have been identified, but no arrests so far. It has now been 2 months since the province of alberta began investigating a company that placed patients who are waiting for assisted living in motels. Now internal emails have been shared by the opposition that reveal that 2 government ministers received a complaint about contentment, social services months earlier, ctv's chelan, skulski has the story. And just be my brother-in-law and has to be some some other people. >> Must be receiving horrible care from them. Pamela cunningham to scratch the treatment her brother-in-law bill received for nearly 2 years from contend and social services or css. It was a long weekend and they must have forgotten all about him. Of course, he had no cell phone, no way to get out. Bill was referred to css from a social worker at the misericordia hospital in 2022 by early 2023, his family started raising concerns to hs about the quality of service is he was receiving, but got no answers. This in action from the people responsible for albertans care is utterly unacceptable. The alberta ndp say internal emails between officials in the ministry of health and social services proves the province knew about concerns into the company in january. In documents obtained through an ndp freedom of information request. An official with the social services ministry describes the complaint is basic and medical needs not being met by contentment social services to resolve the issue. In a supervisor said the complaint was beyond her scope and shared information for resources such as 2, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1, and voice of albertans with disabilities. The ndp say the province's failure to act resulted in 25 people being housed in motels in march. Jason nixon and adriana lagrange knew that there were issues with contempt and social service says at least 2 months prior. >> And they did nothing. My department contacted the made sure that everything on the medical home care was appropriate. My understanding was that, yes, it was appropriate. Alberta's health minister insists the complaint was handled appropriately. Well, the minister of seniors community and social services says any allegation that the province new patients were being held in motels is outrageous and not factual. Very bizarre decision, not constitutional government to approve those people, take them to multiple different hotels. >> In our care for alberta's health minister says the company is not being recommended to patients at alberta hospitals. As for investigations and a review of discharge policies is underway. Ctv news did email and call content and social services. The number was no longer in service. Chelan skulski, ctv news, edmonton. >> Still ahead, apple music celebrates the greatest albums ever when michael and up, I break down after the BREAK.(Snickering) Hanging tree Summer's on its way... And Wayfair's big Victoria Day Clearance is here now! It's the talk of the town. Right now through May 25th, get up to 70% off everything home. Save on finds for indoors and out. Plus, score surprise flash deals that'll make your day. And get it all with fast shipping straight to your door. Save up to 70% off Wayfair's Victoria Day Clearance now through May 25th, and kickstart your summer with savings! Wayfair every style, every home (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. Still keeping tabs on your petthe old fashioned way?There's a better option. Tractive gps pet trackersgive you live gps tracking. So you'll know whereyour pet is at all times. Tractive gps Trackerequals 24-7 peace of mind.

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commentator. And staying with music graceland. Elvis presley's home isn't going on the auction block after all. Thank goodness. >> A tennessee judge adjourned the sale this morning during a hearing, but only lasted a few minutes. Accompany a claim that presley's estate failed to repay a loan that listed the property as collateral. Presley's granddaughter riley keough inherited the trust and ownership of the home after the death of her mother, lisa marie kill filed a lawsuit alleging a deal with the company was fraudulent and her mother signature had been forged. Well, canada's largest documentary festival is temporarily closing its toronto theatre. The beleaguered hot docs festival says financial constraints have forced the company to close its flagship theatre for 3 months and lay off staff. The festival has been warning the public of its financial jeopardy since april n has been looking for more financial support. Organizers say they will use the temporary closure to regroup and come up with a strategy to deal with the crisis. The doors for hot docs, ted rogers cinema will close on june. The 12th. >> With his party trailing in the positively deranged british prime minister rishi sunak's since the U.K. into a summer election. We'll have more after sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Find an ego retailer near you. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) Oh what's up? You watching the game? Or maybe the one later? Put a little BetMGM action on it, and now any game becomes the game! When you've got overs and unders, you're in it every time they throw the ball, kick the ball, dribble the ball... ...Maybe it's not even a ball. Now that bet's got you watching every inning, half, round, period, set, hole, or lap. Right from the edge of your seat. Wooo! Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at >> And innovative program that sees university and college students living in an independent care facility. Hopes to solve several problems that once the program offers affordable student housing and companionship for seniors filling up bacon spaces. Ctv's kevin green explains. >> Mount royal university psychology student shannon penner checks out a new digs for the next school year. I think it's great, perfect. And it's only 500 bucks a month. And that includes utilities, internet and food. The most exciting part about this is there's a chef. So I don't have to cook. Which is amazing for me because as a student and busy and that's one of the things that I kind of struggle with is cooking and preparing food. This isn't your standard school dorm. It's an independent living facility operated by silvera for seniors, which maintains it's not just the students, but the seniors who will benefit use that that brings a different level of energy into the building. So that's one >> It you know, they're, they get adopted grandchildren, very secure. A bow valley college pharmacy student is also moving in with the seniors this fall. >> Shuck your says she's missed intergenerational living since moving to canada in 2017. When I lived in ken buck kong like our culture, so they could just one where kids to pick out of our like a lovely people in

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