
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #33

animals going at it. >> Just watched the scene and it was unbelievable. The fox kept going after the goose. The goose was flapping and hitting it. Fox was limping at one point to seize this is way bigger than the fox and it was just it was crazy in the fox with going just lie in the grass, the long grass and wait and watch. And then it would go after the goose again. It finally gave up. And the guy who survived and walked away in the fox went off to hunt a squirrel haha. >> So the goose wasn't cooked, but we're not sure about that school. Graceland, elvis presley's graceland is safe for now. It won't be hitting the auction block tomorrow. The tennessee judge adjourned the sale this morning during a hearing that only lasted a few minutes. A company claim that presley's estate failed to repay a loan that listed the property as collateral presley's granddaughter riley keough. It aired the trust in ownership of the home after the death of her mother b summary. Keogh filed a lawsuit alleging a deal, but the company was fraudulent and that her mother's signature had been forged. Canada's largest documentary festival is temporarily closing. It's toronto theatre, the beleaguered hot docs festival says financial constraints have force the company to close its flagship theatre for 3 months and lay off staff. The festival has been warning the public of its financial jeopardy since april and has been looking for more financial support. Organizers say they will use the temporary closure to regroup and come up with a strategy to deal with the crisis. The doors for the hot docs. Ted rogers cinema close on june. 12. Well, it is music to the ears of any 90's fan apple music naming the miseducation of lauryn hill, the best album of all time. All right, so yeah, the iconic 1998 album snagged the top spot from a list of great apple albums. We should point out over the last 65 years. Learn else b, do records from beyonce, the beatles, michael jackson and amy winehouse. You're watching ctv news channel. Top stories are next. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. Still keeping tabs on your petthe old fashioned way?There's a better option. Tractive gps pet trackersgive you live gps tracking. So you'll know whereyour pet is at all times. Virtual fencing, in case yourescape artist wanders too far. And activity andsleep monitoring, so you have peace ofmind around the clock. All in one easy to use appwith unlimited range and support in over150 countries. Tractive gps Trackerequals 24-7 peace of mind. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] Our hero Paul lovesto help others.But today, ...he's helping protecthimself... ...against pneumococcalpneumonia, which can put you in the hospital. He got the Prevnar 20 vaccine. Yes, even heroes... ...should think protection. Ask about Prevnar 20 today. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. For Junior Hockey supremacy, here we go the stage for the chl's ultimate prize is set. One of the hardest trophies to win in all of hockey as champions have emerged. In the ohl the whl and the qmjhl to take on the host team. Saginaw spirit Saginaw is ready for the one hundred and forth time .. Mission accomplished! The memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn

>> We know the policy solutions, we just need to have the governments at all levels have the fortitude and courage be able to implement them. Canada gets a near failing grade over how governments deal with poverty and food insecurity. >> Sending the signal that, you know, israel cannot have its security guaranteed at the expense of the security of the pan population. >> In a historic move, ireland, norway and spain vowing to formally recognize a palestinian state. I move israel is bash. Written to choose its future. British prime minister rishi sunak has said 8 july 4th date for an election poll showing the opposition labour party likely to win. You're watching ctv news channel. I'm roger petersen. Thank you very much for joining us. >> Well, some sobering numbers coming out when it comes to food insecurity in canada, its annual poverty report cards, food banks, canada warns that we've reached a critical point as poverty and food insecurity worsen across the country. Canada received an overall grade of d minus a decline from the d of last year, only to provinces nova scotia and prince edward island actually improved overall. The grades are down for the rest of the country or stagnant at best. Ctv's renee rodgers is following this for us today. Renee, thanks for joining us. And what does this study tell us about hunger in canada? >> Hi, roger ellis. Just as you things are getting worse in canada in 2024. When this report card came out last year, canada got d not very good. This year we got a d this report is comprehensive. It looks at the province's province by province. The poverty situation there and what governments are doing to address it. In I'll show you it's about this thick and of course, I can't read it all to you, but let me tell you some of the key findings in this report. Us almost half of canadians are 44% feel financially worse off. Now, then they did a year ago, one in 10 live in poverty, nearly a quarter are facing food insecurity and food bank use has risen by 50% since 2021 just think about that. It's especially bad in toronto. At take a listen to what the ceo of toronto's daily bread food bank had to say. >> That unfortunately, are welcoming about 12 to 13,000 torontonians, who had never used a food bank before, are coming to the food bank for the very first time on a monthly basis. We're growing at 3 to 5% here in city of toronto touch every single month. This past april, there were 311,000 client visits up from about 60,000 and pre-pandemic. >> So some very sobering numbers there. A food banks. Canada says that governments are not responding to this with the urgency that is required. It gives a number of recommendations for governments, including the federal government and they include things grocery and essential benefit and exploring a rent assistance program. >> We see any provinces actually improve. >> We did not see, we saw a couple of provinces to improve, but just not by very much so. Those provinces are pei and nova scotia. They improve pei improved to a c minus nova scotia, 2 d minus why those improvements? Well, of the governments in both of those provinces have taken steps to increase housing and also help decrease of poverty. The province says the one doing the absolute best is quebec. It scored a c plus and about province is actually leading the country in poverty reduction efforts. According to this report, it's taken strong steps to increase housing, especially affordable housing and to strengthen the rights of people who rent. But still, this says that, you know, they're still a lot of work to be done in quebec and and across the rest of canada. And without any major major intervention. Roger, it warns that these grades are only going to get worse. Okay, ctv's renee rodgers, thank you for that. >> You're welcome. We're also getting a better sense of how canadians feel about the state of grocery prices in canada. The majority believe costs at stores are still climbing. The new leger poll found 29% blame the rising costs on grocery chains who they believe are attempting to increase their profit margins. Senior director of the agri-food analytics lab at dalhousie university. Sylvain charlebois

says he's not surprised. People have less money to spend on too. >> And they feel they feel desperate. And so they're looking to blame something, someone and saying at to the one component, the supply chain that most people understand is the grocery store. But food inflation is much more complicated than that. But I'm not surprised to see the anger. The collective anger from some people out there. >> The federal government has introduced a voluntary code of conduct for major grocers to promote fairness and transparency in the industry. Canada's biggest grocer loblaw has signed on industry minister francois-philippe champagne says is hopeful others will follow suit. >> See, inflation is going down. I, we have in recent years with respect to loblaw signing on it's a step in the right we have been in touch with walmart and costco and I'm hopeful that they will sign that's, you know, if you talk grocers of kind of one of the key step to stabilize prices in canada. So we're going to keep about what we're going to keep on working with that. But I'm hopeful that everyone in the >> Now the frustration over high grocery prices prompted a boycott of loblaw own stores this month. And now organizers say the protest will go beyond may 31st. According to the organizers, people supporting the bike boycott want to keep it going. I really says the boycotters find a focus on advocacy efforts in the months ahead. Emily johnson, one of the key organizers says the boycott he's been a uniting moment for community members. >> Ideally, what we wanted to do was just raise awareness of the drastically increasing cost of groceries means, you know, the fact that we do have control and power as consumers we never imagined in a million years that we had today. You know, 80,000 members on our subreddit own and and that there are 20,000 members between should kochan are instagram, it's its and we're just incredibly surprised by the viral atf. >> Norway, spain and ireland have announced their intention to formally recognize a palestinian state, a declaration that would take effect on tuesday. >> I've spoken with a number of of the heaters and counterparts. I'm confident that for the countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. >> Leaders of the 3 countries say they hope the move brings new momentum toward a two-state solution, adding it's not a decision against israel or in favour of hamas bite. Instead, one in support of peace. And here at home, it's a move. Ndp leader jagmeet singh says he'd like to see canada take as well. He absolutely believed that we need to recognize palestine as a state to move forward with a two-state solution to move on some of the 4 for a peaceful solution. We maintain our position. We have a private member's motion on this, a prime member's bill on this by heather mcpherson. What are my foreign affairs critic? This is the new democrat position, but most importantly. Canada should take this position. Justin trudeau should take this position. Other countries have already made it clear that that is one of the ways forward to bringing the two-state solution back to the forefront. And we believe it is a fundamental step towards peace. We're not israel, not happy with this move by ireland, norway and spain calling the decision distorted. Israel has recalled its ambassadors to the country's and some of their countries on boards. A warning some viewers might find the image in this next story. Disturbing the families of israeli soldiers taken hostage by hamas have released graphic new footage of their kidnapping on october 7th. This image from a video shows a hamas militant holding one woman captive in tying up her hands. Well, another visibly injured woman is held against the wall. The hostages families says they obtained the video from the idf and then it was originally released by hamas. The campaign continues to put pressure on the israeli government to secure the release of the hostages. Joining me now to discuss more on this is colin robertson, former diplomat and fellow at the canadian global affairs institute. Collin, thank you for joining us. Good to be with you. Rodger. Your thoughts on norway, ireland and spain saying they want the palestinian state to be recognized. >> Well, I think it's an indication of which way the winds are blowing in long. A new chapter in the palestine israel calm 6 innings. I don't think we're going to sign up right away. But as we saw following the vote at the U.N. a couple weeks ago, when you had 143 countries. Vo 2 recognize palestine as a state within the general assembly. The winds are clearly blowing

in that direction. And in we have adjusted our position. The prime minister said after then taking the vote for we have stained rather than voted against that. We didn't preclude at some point recognition of palestine before negotiations towards that goal to state. Solution have been worked out, which has been our position really since 1948. Keep in mind that this whole idea the two-state solution goes back to 1947, 1948 and they michelle creation of israel. Fact, canadian set a hand in that are greatest diplomat lester pearson was one of the architects of that original set of negotiations. How does canada negotiate through this? Well, I think we we says you just saw what egmont saying it's, it's a lively issue of the house of commons. There is a the debate and a vote, a couple of gets a month ago. Now on the whole idea of the government shifted his position somewhat there. There are discussions going on the daily at the united nations of which were part of so we will continue to watch the next big event, I think is probably going to be the g7 meeting next month in italy, g7 countries have not moved to wear. As you put it, the stain and ireland and norway could help perfect when you mentioned ireland, nor remember these for the 2 countries that big canada out for a seat on the security council. I mean, last stood for the security council seat. >> Where would that if we do lean towards what north norway, ireland and spain have just done where would that leave us with the u.s.? >> The U.S. is probably going to be the last, but even. His has indicated his deep frustration with prime minister netanyahu, something prime minister trudeau is also expressed. It's having effectively close the door to negotiations, leading to us to see to state. A solution that that's where I think. We want to see. Things said certainly it was in the west. Now, but the current government in israel doesn't release to provide that you're see divisions in israel as well. Criticism by members of the coalition government that there doesn't appear to be any viable path towards negotiations, which is with increasing people say here's what we're going to have to do if we're going to find a solution to this. Problem, which trade in tragedy, which daily takes new lives. Will this change anything in israel and in gaza? >> I think that. Israelis who are watching what's going on sense that the winds are blowing in a certain direction as well. >> But as we've seen and as you to trade. And then the he sure showed there's what happened on october. The 7th is forever seared in israeli memory and they do not want to negotiate with a mask. They do want them eliminated for what the crimes were committed on that day. >> Ok colleen, thank you very much for your insight. Thanks, roger. Colin robertson, former diplomat and fellow at the canadian global affairs institute. Toronto police have drop some of the charges against protesters for alleged hate-motivated mischief. Ctv's rahim ladhani has more. >> I didn't lose all employment because of these allegations that were false and proven to be so after accusing and charging 11 people for participating in alleged hate-motivated mischief. Police have now dropped the charges against 4 individuals who say they were unfairly targeted for supporting palestine. You're laying trumped-up charges that allow police to bust into our homes to drag us our reputation through the mud. >> And 2 brand us as a criminals and we have not been charged with any crimes on november 10, 2 officers were called to the yorkville area at bay and bloor. >> Posters were glued to the doors and windows of an indigo bookstore and red paint had been splattered. The 11 accused had all been charged with multiple offences, including mischief over $5,000. Allegations of of postering in paint don't even meet the standard set out by the court of appeal for mischief. There is an important case called jeffers that encourage people to read it discusses the importance of how how posters in our communities. >> Are used for free expression expression by people. In response, the crown attorney's office says this decision should not be seen as a criticism of the police determination that there were reasonable grounds for the arrests of these 4 individuals. However, the standard for proceeding with a prosecution is properly higher and more rigorous. The indigo bookstore has been the subject of boycott campaigns for years over its founders have sick foundation for loans. Soldiers advocates say calling out the company is a form of activism against a foundation which offers scholarships to people without family in israel, who nevertheless served in the israeli military. As jews, we say calling out companies that support israeli war crimes is a legitimate form of protest

targeting indigo is not antisemitic. >> Lawyers for the 7 people who are still being prosecuted are calling for all charges to be dropped with the man. A horrific scene in montreal. 3 people, including a 15 year-old boy are dead after they were stabbed during a fight. With so looking for. >> All in all the food that we have in the fight to know exactly what's happening yesterday with still looking videos. And terry, some people and doing the neighbourhood to check out the fi out some of the deals, some information about it. >> Police say they got multiple 9-1-1 calls last night about a brawl involving about 15 people in the plateau mont-royal borough. When they got there, they found the 3 victims. 15 23 25 had all been injured by a sharp object. And later they died. Police say the incident was not related to games or organized crime. 3 suspects have been identified, but no arrests so far. >> This party trailing in the polls, 8 positively drenched british prime minister rishi sunak's sends the U.K. into a summer election. More on the upcoming contest. >> Ctv news channel. 24 hours a day, download the ctv news sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv They say, "post it or it didn't happen." But out here, in the places we were made for, you'll have to take our word for it. Find somewhere the internet's never been... with a family of Broncos designed to get you there. ( ) ( ) Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) - [Narrator] Guys, every year, your body loses more testosterone. Ageless Male has been proven to support testosterone levels in men, and it supports energy too. Get Ageless Male and bethe man you want to be. [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. British prime minister rishi sunak has set a date for a summer election with his party far behind in the polls. >> And today I spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has grown to this request and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold. >> Sunak's conservatives have seen their support dwindled steadily after 14 years in power. They have suffered from ethics scandals and a revolving door of leaders. The opposition labour party is strongly favoured to win. We're following the latest out of uvalde, texas, where families of the victims of that tragic mass shooting have launched a lawsuit against texas police. The families of 19 of the victims in the elementary school shooting have announced a lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers who are part of the botched law enforcement response. The families recently agreed to a 2 million dollar settlement with the city. The city agreed to set higher standards and improve training for local police. The lawyers for the families say additional lawsuits are coming. There will be lawsuits forthcoming most immediately. Against the state of texas, which has done

nothing. But bird in this town. Before the shooting by not giving them the resources they need. Prevented these families from getting the information they need. And then blaming. Blaming the city. This comes 2 days before the two-year anniversary of one of the deadliest school shootings in american history. 19 4th grade children and 2 teachers at robb elementary school were killed. Authorities in iowa continue search and rescue efforts after a tornado tore through the small town of greenfield killing an unknown number of people. Sadly, we can confirm that there have been fatalities with this tornado. >> Also, injuries have been sustained by residents here in the greenfield area. >> The tornado carved a path of destruction, taking down homes, crushing cars as well. Greenfield's hospital was damaged and that meant that at least a dozen of the injured had to be taken to neighbouring communities. Many residents are shocked, but determined to get through this. A funeral service was held today for iran's president and 7 others killed in that helicopter crash over the weekend. Many travelled to tehran from other parts of the country for the ceremony. Even I what I see and other iranian officials were killed when the helicopter went down in a mountainous region sunday. >> Race is considered a a potential successor to iran's 85 year-old supreme leader. A new presidential election has been set for the end of june. For now, there's no clear favourite well placed. >> Coming up, a wildlife showdown caught on camera. The fight to in the fox in the (Dramatic music) (Cheering) Woman: My grandson can choose to be anything he wants to be. Which reminds me: I've got a few choices to make of my own. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? Hi, I'd like a quick quote, please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. That kind of money would help a lot. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes, with no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. Wow. That easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's less than I thought. And that money could help my family cover my funeral costs, support my husband's retirement planning or even pay off the loans. I'll do it. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians over 50. To get a free, no-obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-834-2722. Or visit Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. Montreal photographer has captured a rare encounter. Alana block was taking photos of birds of the city's botanical gardens win. She heard a commotion and this is what she saw. A gorgeous fox and the goose in a showdown. Now one point the fox did manage to grab the goose by the neck. The guy boucher could south loose. Blockade herself as the standoff continued. All the while capturing video in these photographs of the animals going at it. >> Just watched the scene and it was unbelievable. The fox kept going after the goose. The goose was flapping and hitting it. Fox was limping at one point to seize this is way bigger than the fox and it's just it was crazy in the fox would go and just lie in the grass, the long grass and wait and watch. And then it would go after the goose again. It

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