
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #31

50% of canadians say they're worse off than a year ago. 25% are in food insecurity and a quarter of young adults went to a food bank in three months alone this year. Why have the canadians who can't feed themselves have to keep feeding his morbidly obese government? >> Roger: the right honourable prime minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: it would be slightly more credible to hear the conservatives concerned about the challenges canadians are facing if they hadn't voted against more spaces in child care, vote the against our dental care program that 2 million seniors have signed up for and has now delivered close to a hundred thousand dental appointments for seniors in 22 days, mr. Speaker. They've also stood against our school foods program that's going to help 400,000 more kids across the country have full bellies as they start their school day. These are investments that they are opposed to that we are there to help canadians with. >> Roger: >> The Speaker: the honourable leader of the official opposition. >> It's a school food program that has not served a single solitary meal. Even though it's promised three years ago. What he's feeding is bureaucracy, not children. And if all this spending were working, then why is it that food banks canada reports today that 25% of young adults had to go to a food bank in three months and 2 million canadians are lined up every month. Mr. Speaker, with so many empty stomachs, isn't it just a little bit whacko to be raising carbon taxes on farmers and food? >> The Speaker: right honourable prime minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we announced the national food school program in the budget and just after question period today, the conservatives have an opportunity to vote in favour of the program. And other initiatives and hundreds of thousands of kids across this country and indeed millions of canadians with the high cost of living. But he's going to stand there and vote against it, mr. Speaker. To prevent it from developing, delivering the help canadians need. We will keep going on delivering support for canadians and we will keep going on putting more money in the pockets of eight out of ten canadians with our price on pollution that supports canadian families and successfully fights climate change. >> The Speaker: the honourable leader of the opposition. >> He's been making exactly the same promises for nine long years and yet this ndp government has doubled housing costs, increase $the vices of the bureaucracy by 50%. Now he wants to quadruple the carbon tax, all to deliver 2 million people to a food bank every single month. Why are canadians so hungry? >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: here is a perfect example of where the conservatives stand. They stood and vote the against our dental care for seniors program: as of today, over 2 million seniors have signed up and in the 22 days since may 1st, close to a hundred thousand seniors have gotten free dental care. That's in 2 it2 days on program he voted against and campaigned against across the country over the past number of months. We will be there to invest in supporting canadians with a national school food program with dental care, with more child care spaces despite him voting against. >> The Speaker: [ Voice of Interpreter ] the honourable member for beloeil--chambly. >> Voice of Interpreter: the liberals are gradually paying for the disappearance of french in western canada. Moreover, they're mobilizing hundreds of unilingual anglophone members to protect their liberal colleague. Does the prime minister really want francophones to believe that it's out of love for the french language that they are flooding the association of francophone parliamentarians? >> Voice of Interpreter: mr. Speaker, francophones across our country, including those in québec, know full well that the bloc is not interested in the future of french outside of québec. That's why they want to make québec their own country to protect french. But we understand that the best way to protect french in québec and across canada is by investing in all communities who speak french across the country

to protect french in québec. Yes, we're there to do that. But also to continue to stand up to protect francophone minorities across this country and we're going to continue to do so. >> The Speaker: [ Voice of Interpreter ] the honourable member for beloeil--chambly. >> Voice of Interpreter: that's not true, mr. Speaker. But the best thing that could happen to québec in french and across the world would be an independent québec. [ Some Applause ] however, mr. Speaker, what did the prime minister say during the english debate in 2021 when I was the only one who wanted to talk about francophones outside of québec in english? I was told I wasn't allowed to talk about french and english at the english debate in his country. >> The Speaker: [ Voice of Interpreter ] the right honourable prime minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: [ Voice of Interpreter ] mr. Speaker, in that debate, like in all debates, in all possible opportunities, I always stand up to defend the french in canada and to defend francophone communities across this country. I have always done so and I'll continue to do so. Defend linguistic duality and both official languages across this country is what I've done. It's the liberal party of canada and for a liberal party, we'll continue to do so at every opportunity we have. >> The Speaker: the honourable member from burnaby south. >> Loblaw's is ripping off canadians when they buy their groceries. Now they're teaming up with rogers and bell -- >> The Speaker: colleagues, it's important we're able to hear the questions that are being asked as well as the answers. The honourable member from burnaby south from the top, please. >> Again, I know the conservatives don't like what I say on corporate greed. Loblaw's isn't content just ripping off canadians when it comes to the groceries. Now loblaw's is teaming up with rogers and bell to rip off canadians with their cell phone prices. We know there's limited choice and is limiting choices means higher prices for canadians. The prime minister promised to lower cell phone fees. They're sky high. He proammed to lower grocery fees. They're sky high. When will the prime minister finally stop greedy CEOs from ripping off canadians? >> Roger: the right honourable prime minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we've actually seen cell phone bills decrease across the country by 25% over the past number of years and we're going to continue to stand up for canadian consumers and indeed I know the minister is looking into the competition act to see if there needs to be referred on a number of things that have come forward. We'll continue to stand up for the middle class and people working hard to join it, which is why we raised corporate taxes, why we asked the wealthiest canadians to pay a little more so we can invest more in younger canadians. Why we're continuing to step up on creating fairness for every generation with this budget, with the investments we're taking and we're making and with further investments as well. >> The Speaker: [ Voice of Interpreter ] the honourable member for burnaby south. >> You act like you don't have the power to stop these greedy CEOs but you do. It's not enough to be ripping people off at the grocery store. Today we've learned that loblaw's is teaming up -- [ Heckling ] >> Roger: order. Colleagues, I know it's wednesday and everybody is a little bit more primed for action. It's really important for us to hear the questions and hear the answers. [ Voice of Interpreter ] the honourable member from burnaby south from the top, please. >> You act like you don't have the power to stop these greedy CEOs but you do. I know the conservatives don't like it but we got to take on corporate greed. [ Voice of Interpreter ] it's not enough for loblaw's to be ripping off people at the grocery store. Today we've learned loblaw's is teaming up with rogers and bell to block competition from other companies in their stores. This means less choice and higher cell phone bills. The liberals are sitting on their hands. Will the prime minister finally stand up to the CEOs and support a full investigation into the allegations. >> The Speaker: [ Voice of Interpreter ] I would like to benefit from this opportunity to remind all members that when they will be asking questions and there are answers that they go through the chair, please. The right honourable prime minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: [ Voice of Interpreter ] thank you very much, mr. Speaker.

the member knows full well that we did make improvements to give more power to the competition bureau because we know that it's by ensuring competition amongst the various companies that canadians will have better results and prices. We also know that it's important to continue continue to do follow-ups and that's why the minister is asking the competition bureau to look at what's happening in terms of cell phone packages and loblaw's. It's a challenge we're always going to take seriously. >> The Speaker: the honourable leader of the opposition. >> Normally the ndp leader is well worth ignoring, but I just can't help myself. He says that the prime minister acts like he has no power to stop all of these greedy CEOs from ripping off consumers. Who else has the power? The guy that joined the government. He's been in power during the worst food price inflation in over four decades. Will the prime minister agree with me that his carbon tax coalition is nothing more than an anti-competitive price fixing scheme that is costing canadians at the grocery store? [ Some Applause ] >> Roger: right honourable prime minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: once again we see that the conservative party's opposition to the price on pollution is ideological and not concrete. Because their opposition to the price on pollution means they don't care about fighting against climate change, even as wildfires are already rage ing different parts of the country. They have no plans to fight against climate change and they do it in the name of affordability while ignoring that the parliamentary budget officer showed that eight out of ten canadian families do better with the money put in their pockets from the car won rebate than the cost on pollution. >> The Speaker: the honourable leader of the opposition. >> Mr. Speaker, the parliamentary budget officer has concluded... >> Roger: you've been listening to question period out of ottawa and most of the focus has been on inflation and the cost of living.

>>> Coming up, london drugs confirms it was the victim of a cyberattack that shut down its stores in western canada last month. Now, the retail chain says the criminals are demanding a ransom but it won't pay. The story after the break. (Snickering) Hanging tree The all new GoDaddy Airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. Just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. Make now the future at With HelloFresh, get more out of your budget without compromising on quality or flavour. Delicious meals with fresh ingredients that save on food waste and trips to the grocery store. Order now at Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. Need to find your pet fast?It's easy with theTractive gps pet tracker. Set virtual fences to get alerts if your escapeartist goes too far. And track yourpet's live location from anywhere in the world. Tractive. Keeping yourpet safe and healthy. Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. Do not adjust your screen.Alright, you guys ready? Announcer:Crave is home to the best reality shows. Oh my god,here we go. Here we go I'm so happy to becooking with you. Announcer:Every twist... Expect the unexpected. Announcer:...and every turn... (Yell) Too much? Announcer: ...will keep youcoming back for more. (Upbeat percussive music) Jerrod:I always wanted my father to be proud of me. Dad:What did you do? Jerrod:I'm a good driver, I'm just not a good turner. Announcer: Crave,plans starting at $9.99 a month. >> Roger: we're learning more about the cyberattack that forced the closure of all london drugstores in western canada last month. The company says the global cyber criminals are threatening to leak employee data. Joining me now is tech analyst carmi levy. Thank you for joining us today. >> Good to be here. >> Roger: whether a do you know about this latest information talking about some kind of a desperation asking for money and threatening to leak all the information? >> You could almost read it as a script because most ransomware attacks play out in a similar manner. You become aware and as the investigation proceeds, oftentimes data is involved. It becomes obvious that data has been compromised, that the criminals got their hands on it, and then they threaten to release it onto the dark web, sell it to other criminal groups unless a ransom is paid. This was no surprise. The company initially said there was no evidence that there was data involved and now it's obvious that it is. What we know is that the company has very clearly said it will not, it's unwilling and unable to pay that ransom and in fact it's exactly what you're supposed to do. Most law enforcement agencies do recommend not paying the ransom because first of all you're dealing with criminals. They're just as likely to release it anyway, take their money and run. And in many cases, they won't actually -- even if you do pay the money, in this case, there is evidence that in the past, the data has been sort of sent and shared regardless so there's no honour among thieves and it

makes sense for the company to draw a land in the sand and prepare for the worst. That's what they're doing here. >> Roger: is there any way they could recover this kat data? >> Once it's out, it's out. So, no, really what you could do is focus on the victims and it looks like it's employee data. You offer them services like credit monitoring, like identity theft protection, which they have, and so whatever happens, any employee would likely want to sign up for these, take advantage of it, and you essentially hunker down and wait for the storm to pass. If the -- of course, the message to employees also is depending on what kind of information they had, you're going to want to look at the accounts you have, your financial accounts, your accounts with government, on the web, any kind of stakeholder type sign-in and make sure that you've activated all of the security protocols, update your password, two-factor authentication, encryption, that are available there as well. While you're waiting for this sort of drama to play out, you protect yourself as best as possible. >> Roger: they were asking, I think, for 24, 25 million dollars. Is that an exorbitant sum for the amount of data they had? How much data would they have actually got about employees? >> No indication of the amount of data. There is a gigabyte number attached to this, and this is just based on what the company has heard. They haven't actually identified a physical piece of data or database on the dark web yet. But considering the business employee data, it would be very sensitive. The type of data is concerning. Think of the things that we all share with our employers, so financial information, personal information, government identification, social insurance numbers, these are exactly the kinds of data points can be used by other criminal groups in other forms of fraud or identity theft attacks in future. Very private, very sensitive. And essentially it means that even after the headlines for this particular attack fade, that this data will continue to be used in the future attacks against these same victims. >> Roger: and what about customers? They're looking at this and how concerned are they about doing business with london drugs? >> So far there's no evidence the customer data has been compromised here, but you need to take that attitude regardless of who you are that any organization, any retailer, any pharmacy that you deal with could potentially be compromised. You have to ask yourself, what would I do if the data I'm sharing with them was out there? Are all of my accounts locked down? Am I using the same password across multiple systems? Is it easy to guess? Am I oversharing or social media? In many cases right now the good news is london drugs customers are not compromised by this but they should still be taking precautions. We all should be regardless of who we're shopping w>> Roger: who's winning, good guys or bad guys right now? >> Unfortunately, it looks like the bad guys have the advantage here. They're scoring some very high profile victories in this ongoing war. The group that seems to be responsible for this, they've hit boeing, they've hit the largest bank in china. They've hit the national health service in britain. They're known as a kind of a feeder of ransomware as a service software. Basically provided in kit form to other criminals to prosecute attacks like this. They're clearly on the up swing. The sophistication, the frequency, the dollar figures attached to this all going up. Which I think is a message to all of us as individuals, we've got to be doing more to protect ourselves. >> Roger: tech analyst carmi levy, thank you for your time and expertise. >> Thanks. >> Roger: canadian soccer star christine sinclair is getting her own one-of-a-kind barbie. >> When I first saw it, I was, like, holy moly, that's me. >> Roger: barbie celebrating its 65th anniversary. She looks amazing. The classic doll is honoring nine athletes from around the world who have broken barriers in their sport. The company says its goal is to inspire young girls to stay in sports and fuel their ambitions and self-confidence. Other athletes include tennis star venus williams and australian football player mary fowler.

>>> Joining me now is marketing expert tony chapman. Thanks for joining us today. >> Always a pleasure. >> Roger: so with the barbie doll and the specialized for the women, how important is this? Is this a good thing or is there any way this could backfire for them? >> It's a good thing. Barbie's not the first time they've gone into this well and profiled a celebrity or somebody that has attention or followers and that's what marketers want to do is they want to take advantage of somebody else's, you know, audience. But I think what they're doing now, which is really special, especially people like christine sinclair, is realizing that after the "barbie" movie they have a responsibility much bigger than selling toys. They've made a statement about women's self-esteem, fact that they can reach any rung in the ladder they want. Using athletes as an example is just testament to the fact that this organization, if I was mattel, I would start thinking about, should we be in the doll business or the business of producing women's conferences or women's awards? Should we be in the business of having women believe that they can do anything? I think that this is just one example of many. I would be encouraging them to do in the future. It's not just about playing with dolls. It's about growing up and being the best you can be. >> Roger: you had a chance to talk to christine. What was her reaction to her doll? >> I was talking to christine's agent. I've had christine on my podcast before. Christine is a wonderful woman and instead of retiring, she's still playing soccer -- instead of saying I'm going to be an athlete that's going to go out, she's realizing she has a platform and a voice and she's delighted with this because this is testament to what she wants, if you read her book, all about levelling the playing field. Why are women athletes paid less and getting less attention, not considered the same set as male athletes? So for her to have this barbie doll as a way of voicing this message to younger consumers, I think, is just a brilliant move on both brian levine's part and christine's and we're going to see a lot more from christine. With fifa coming to canada, I think we'll see christine continue to emerge as a voice of positivity and possibility and not just for female gender but for just in general anybody that really wants to dream and do like she's done. >> Roger: what about barbie dolls featuring scientist and is stem sciences? >> They don't have the same recognition. The intent is there. You want to encourage more people into stem. Women entrepreneurs, they just don't have the same sense of oh, wow, that's a barbie doll. That's a helen mirren barbie doll. That's part of what barbie has to do is find people that have enough -- make enough positive noise out there, have the big enough following, stand for something that matters, and that's the limelight they want to cast themselves in. Creating barbie accessories that are involved in laboratories is a brilliant move because as you're playing with barbies, why does barbie have to be in a pink car when she can be in a lab inventing a cure for cancer? All of this is possible and queen it's just going to take mattel and barbie to continue to think outside what they think they're in the business of is selling dolls and be in the business of embracing dreams and encouraging dreams. >> Roger: how do they do this? They've been around 65 years. They keep going and people love them still. >> I think the "barbie" movie like lego movie was a major reset. The trouble with barbie were kids were starting at a much younger age to play with electronics. Barbie was about playing with imagination. When you started getting into technology, the imagination was done for you. You participated in a video game. You participated in watching a vhs. Nowadays, I think what barbie's realizing is that maybe we can reset and get back into imagination, the physicality of play and the sense of relationship between the mother and father and their kids. I remember trying to put on stretch pants on my kids' barbies and they were ten years ahead of me. But at least I got to play with them and I think that's where I think the magic of barbie is rediscovering is the fact that maybe there's a pendulum swing and a little bit of way from parking a kid in front of the screen and instead maybe parents parking them selves with their kids and playing. And I think that's a wonderful thing. I think we need more play in this world. Because that's what sparks creativity and imagination and really a sense of what I can be versus somebody dictating who I am on a video game. >> Roger: absolutely. Thank you as always for your expertise. >> Thanks for having me. >> Roger: marketing expertise tony chapman.

>>> Coming up, a wildlife showdown caught on camera. We'll have more on this fight between a fox and a goose after th sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims That grimey film on your teeth... Dr. G? That's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria, which can cause cavities. Unlike other toothpastes, Crest Pro-Health's Antibacterial Fluoride fights bacteria for 12 hours. It stops cavities before they start. Crest. They say, "post it or it didn't happen." But out here, in the places we were made for, you'll have to take our word for it. Find somewhere the internet's never been... with a family of Broncos designed to get you there. ( ) ( ) Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. >> Roger: a montréal photographer has captured a rare encounter. Allana block was taken photos of birds at the city's botanical garden and heard a commotion and saw this. The fox and a goose in a showdown. At one point the fox managed the goose neck, but the goose escaped. Block hid herself as the standoff continued on capturing these great photos and videos of the two animals. >> I just watched the scene and it was unbelievable. The fox kept going after the goose and the goose was flapping and hitting it. The fox was limping at one point. The goose just was bay bigger than the fox and it was crazy and en this the fox would go and lie in the grass, the long grass, and wait and watch. And then it would go after the goose again. It finally gave up and the goose survived and walked away and the fox went off to hunt a squirrel. >> Roger: the goose wasn't cooked but we're not so sure about that squirrel.

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