
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #29

norway, spain and ireland have announced their intention to formally recognize a palestinian state. >> A declaration that would take effect on tuesday. >> I've spoken with a number of of the heaters and counterparts and confidence, but for other countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. >> Leaders from the 3 countries say they hope the move brings new momentum toward a two-state solution, adding it's not a decision against israel or in favour of hamas, but one instead supporting peace. Israel reacting angrily calling the decision this story. >> This is largely some ball. Let's be clear that you know what, the announcement today, it's not going to save one life in gaza, but it is going to send a message to israel and its supporters that there are the for its repressive policies against the palestinians, that countries are going to start to break with israel be much more critical of israel's policies toward the palestinians. And the, you know, impunity that israel's enjoy for a very long time is no longer good to pass muster. >> Israel has now recalled its ambassadors to ireland, norway and spain. And some of their envoys hamas. Meantime, welcome the move in his calling on other nations to follow suit. Meanwhile in rafah. Food distribution has been suspended because of a lack of supplies and insecurity that according to the united nations. >> We have a record number of un staff would have been killed in this conflict since october 7th. That's a very talk milestone and we need to make sure that this is not the case, but also to make sure that enough age is coming through in the because for example, in terms of amount, rishon of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. They only need calories. The treatment they need specific treatment for their for their doing this and they can. Worsen their condition very quickly. So it's a combination of things. But most of all, I think compassion and goodwill. The un says the disruptions have the kerem shalom border in rafah. >> As israel percent of pushes forward into the southern city. The agency says 24 operational health centers have not received any supplies in 10 days. Prime minister trudeau says he is sticking by his house speaker greg fergus, despite another controversy. A full confidence in in greg's berg fergus as a. >> As a speaker that is a common says a, a independent minded leader. The was dealt with was addressed by the party and by the house leader. It was an unfortunate mistake. >> The issue is an invitation to a quote, summer evening with greg fergus said also referenced reckless policies of the conservatives, both conservative and bloc mp's are calling on fergus to step down. Ctv news political commentator scott reid says he doesn't see the attacks on fergus stopping anytime soon. >> Greg fergus is never going to moment's peace as speaker, he will be under constant fire. The conservatives opposed him when he was a candidate for speaker. They have pounced on the stakes city is made and they've made it clear that even in instances like this, where the mistake wasn't really his, they're going to hold him to account. So I think you're going to see great for guests on the grill over and over and over again. The new version of the invitation has since been sent out with the reference removed. >> The canadian military's former head of human resources demanding a public apology over the mishandling of an alleged sexual misconduct allegations. Lieutenant general steven whelan is suing the federal government. The canadian armed forces and his accuser for 10 million dollars was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a female subordinate in 2011. He was accused of giving the female subordinate a better score on her evaluation. If she had flirtatious emails. Whelan was removed from his position in 2021. While there was an investigation. The sexual misconduct charges against him were eventually dropped. He claims his career was deliberately destroyed for political and personal gains. Well, sean diddy combs has been accused of sexual assault in a new lawsuit filed by a former model in her suit, crystal mckinney claims she was drugged and then sexually assaulted by cones at his new york city recording studio in 2003. This latest lawsuit comes just days after surveillance video surfaced showing comes physically attacking his then girlfriend cassie ventura in 2016. Ventura filed a lawsuit against the rapper in november. And the case was settled shortly after. Joining me now

is doing and all law and crime. Legal analyst. Thank you very much, gina, for joining us today. Thanks for having me. Another charge a new lawsuits. What can we expect from this one? Does it look like a solid case? >> You know, I mean, her story in terms of allegations of physical abuse. Now that we've all seen the video makes much stronger filing on her part. I would think that sean combs, but try to immediately settle this, not only because of the fact that he has no evidence of physical abuse. And so this in itself might have evidence about it. But we know that the you know, there is an ongoing in federal investigation and to him for what we think or maybe potential trafficking charges. So to that and he's certainly not going to want to sit for deposition in a lawsuit or something like this, because anything, any evidence that's collected in further and of a lawsuit could hurt him in terms of the criminal as well. >> Has is open to flood a flood gate, can we expect more? >> I think so. I mean, the fact is when cassie and to our first filed that lawsuit, she you know, she did not get claims outright and him and so of his friends or supporters really disparaged her online, called her gold digger, called her a liar. And that kind you know, abuse from the public really deters people from coming forward with any claims like this. Now that her claim israeli substantiated cast even tourist claim a substantiated by that video. I think it will give confidence 2 other women to be willing to step forward to, you know, that this happened to them to be able to make those kind of claims because they will be subject to the same kind of disparagement that cast even turned the others did in the beginning. And could this be coming to a me too part 2. Possibly. I mean, I you know, that even the claims that cassie ventura had were so all of a such a long time ago, if this has been happening for so many years with somebody who had us, we know the power and the celebrity net bility to reach so many people. I think certainly this could be just the beginning of what kind of allegations bc. >> Now did he did release that apology did that help or hinder him? >> I don't think it help whatsoever. I mean, first of all, he doesn't name her right as cast. His lawyers came out. It's a really big apology. He doesn't name her. Also, the fact that he lied about it at the time, right when it came when she made the filing in november. If he had put out a video, then apologizing, maybe it would have worked. But the fact is he lied about her again by saying she didn't do it. He basically re victimize ter. He said that after all that happened with her, he got help. He became a different person out of that's true. Why then, you know, lie and disparage her, you know, just a few months ago. So I think it ring hollow for those reasons and it doesn't seem like it certainly giving him any traction in the public, either. So what's next and where where does this go? I imagine this will be settled fairly quickly by him, possibly, they might want to drag it out because they don't want to be seen as this opportunity and really get a floodgate of lawsuits. So there might be a little bit of strategy involved in the least anybody who files a lawsuit against him have to put in some time and some effort. But this is going to be settled, I imagine at some point just a matter of one. Ok dana, thank you very much for your insight. Thanks for having me did. All is a law and crime analyst. It's now been 2 months since the province of alberta began investigating a company. >> That place patients who were waiting for assisted living in motels. Now internal emails have been shared by the opposition that reveal at 2 government ministers received a complaint about contentment, social services months before. Chelan skulski has that story. And just be my brother-in-law and has to be some out some other people. >> Must be receiving horrible care from them. Pamela cunningham to scratch the treatment her brother-in-law bill received for nearly 2 years from contend and social services or css. It was a long weekend and they must have forgotten all about him. Of course, he had no cell phone, no way to get out. Bill was referred to css from a social worker at the misericordia hospital in 2022 by early 2023, his family started raising concerns to hs about the quality of service is he was receiving, but got no answers. This in action from the people responsible for albertans care is utterly unacceptable. The alberta ndp say internal emails between officials in the ministry of

health and social services proves the province knew about concerns into the company in january. In documents obtained through an ndp freedom of information request. An official with the social services ministry describes the complaint is basic and medical needs not being met by contentment social services to resolve the issue. In a supervisor said the complaint was beyond her scope and shared information for resources such as 2, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1, and voice of albertans with disabilities. The ndp say the province's failure to act resulted in 25 people being housed in motels in march. Jason nixon and adriana lagrange knew that there were issues with contempt and social service says at least 2 months prior. >> And they did nothing. My department contacted the made sure that everything on the medical home care was appropriate. My understanding was that, yes, it was appropriate. Alberta's health minister insists the complaint was handled appropriately. Well, the minister of seniors community and social services says any allegation that the province new patients were being held in motels is outrageous and not factual. Very bizarre decision, not constitutional government to approve those people, take them to multiple different hotels. >> In our care for alberta's health minister says the company is not being recommended to patients at alberta hospitals. As for investigations and a review of discharge policies is underway. Ctv news did email and call contend and social services. The number was no longer in service. Chelan skulski, ctv news, edmonton. >> New research suggests more ontario seniors are visiting emergency rooms for cannabis consumption. This since the drug was legalized in 2018. The study finds a number of people 65 and older checking into the er nearly triple after legalization. Also nearly quadrupled once edibles were made legal in 2019. Researchers say the data me underestimate the number of cannabis poisonings in older adults as many do not seek treatment at the yard. >> For a canadian soccer star, christine sinclair has a very own barbie doll. We'll tell you which other athlete being honoured with the barbie treatment. After the break. >> Ctv news channel. 24 hours (Dramatic music) (Cheering) It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Still keeping tabs on your petthe old fashioned way?There's a better option. Tractive gps pet trackersgive you live gps tracking. So you'll know whereyour pet is at all times. Tractive gps Trackerequals 24-7 peace of mind. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. Nutri-Lawn has been nourishingthe lawns and livesof Canadians for over 35 y With our ecology-friendly lawncare, we eliminate weeds and prevent destructive insectsfrom feeding on your grass. Improve the overallhealth of your lawn. Visit What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. >> The portrait of north korean leader kim jong-un has been publicly displayed along with those of his father and grandfather. For the first time, sparking speculation about what message that sends. Joining me now to talk more about of these shawn zhang, the ceo of hand voice. They our national organization in canada focused on improving human rights in north korea and canada's engagement in the

korean peninsula. Thank you very much for joining us today. We appreciate it. John. Thanks for having me on here. Why is this important that we're now seeing his portrait alongside his father in grants and grandfather? >> I think the simple answer is he's in it for the long she trying to elevate his status to the level of his father and grandfather were viewed as dan. You've got some north korea. I mean, this is a you know, a north korean leader that is trying to distinguish himself from from his ancestors. And you can see that he's been able to do so is the first supreme leader. That's that with the sitting american president is turn north korea into a defect in the clear standout. So I think this is just one of many attempts to secure his place amongst the 3 leaders and he has struggled with that. They people haven't taken him as serious as his father and grandfather. >> Well, I think that he has proven himself as as a leader that can maintain control of, in cyber korea. I mean, as soon as the pandemic you saw a troops going to the northern border, securing essentially sealing off the country from the outside world. And you're seeing is a similar domestic crackdown in north korea at right now as well. And so I think he has been able to search a certain level of control. >> And why do it, why do now? I want that. Why was this not done 10 years ago, well, I think right with that kind of economic difficulties that north korea spacing. >> It's important or canned to assert himself as this elevated here. But I also think it's curious because you see war, this daughter of had been important meetings and events. And I think it's also to secure her place in this already. Terry power lines as well. And in that she is anywhere from 10 to 12 years old. >> But he is cities in for the there's no plans that he something going to step down or anything. I think that would make my job very as as a human rights activists, but but no, I mean, other activists are calling this a new dark ages for korea, where they're regressing becoming warren work and the people are struggling. And so i, I don't see any change in course anytime soon. And I think what we'll see is more janessa less agency or the north korean people. >> And more of khon asserting its power, but that all that rog. >> How do i? It's incredible. I am fascinated by north korea by the fact they essentially keep this country in the dark about the rest of the I mean, how did they do that? >> I thought since public distribution system collapsed after the U.S. and start clocks in the north koreans were able to access information of this kind of informal trade between china and north korea with goods coming in. I mean, a lot of a north korean escapees that are that have watch titanic and they grew up watching tight end. They were able to you know, television shows like game of thrones, maybe a week after read age. But I think with the pandemic and with kim jong-un cracking down on western influences, even using south korean slaying, wearing you know, teens, any western into north korea. I think we're going to see less of that. There is there's more information that would create have access in the past. And we should try as much as we can to to secure those lines. And just getting going back to his daughter for. You say she's appearing more, is she doing anything that any, any roles at that age? Well, I don't think that even looking at kim jong-un and his brother kim jong I don't think that they were playing a role. I you know, but I think it's more to socialize for with the of the heat and to socialize for with the rest of the world to show that this reddit or a line will continue that this regime is stable. Ok john, thank you very much for your insight on this to thanks for having the right to sean chung is the executive director of hand boys. >> Canadian soccer star christine sinclair is getting her own one of a kind barbie doll. >> When I first saw it, I was like holy moly. That's me. >> As barbie celebrates its 65th anniversary of the classic dollars honouring 9 athletes from around the world who have broken barriers in their sport. The company says its goal is to inspire young girls to stay in sports and fuel their ambitions and self-confidence. Other athletes include tennis star venus williams and australian football player mary fowler circle. The montreal photographer has captured a rare encounter. A lot of block was taking photos of birds of the city's botanical gardens win. She heard a commotion and

this is what she saw. Yeah, little fox and a big canada goose going toe to toe in a showdown. Now one point the fox managed to get the goose neck. But the 2 struggled free. Block heater self as the standoff continued, can capture these amazing photos. And the video as well. >> Just watched the scene and it was unbelievable. The fox kept going after the goose. The goose was flapping and hitting it. Fox was limping at one point to seize geese. This is way bigger than the fox and it's just it was crazy in the fox would go and just lie in the grass, the long grass and wait and watch. And then it would go after the goose again. It finally gave up and the guy survived and walked away in the fox went off to hunt a squirrel >> So the goose was in cook boy to we're not sure about the school. >> Coming up, canada's largest documentary festival cheddar is over details after THAT.(Snickering) Hanging tree Power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. When the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. The winds are notletting up at all here. We're going to seesome power outages. Number one thing to preparefor is extended power outages. Are you prepared? You can be with a GeneracHome Standby Generator. When a power outage occurs, your Generac Home StandbyGenerator automatically powers up, using your home's existingnatural gas or propane, so your life goes on,without disruption. You and your family arecomfortable, safe, and secure. Stay tuned, to get overa $700 value free, on the most popular homestandby generator in the world. With the Generac,we don't have to worry about whetherwe lose power or not. If the utility company does not come through,our Generac does. Having the Generac generator, I felt secure thatif there was a power outage, I didn't have to worryabout it, that there would be heatin the home. There wouldn't bebusted pipes. After the hurricane happened, we just want to beprepared for anything. Generac generatorsare designed, engineered and built for the purposeof generating power. 8 out of 10 homegenerators are Generac, and have thousandsof satisfied customers. How many timeshave you heard people say, I never want to gothrough that again? Well, the next timeyou go through it, don't make itso hard on yourself. Have a Generac HomeStandby Generator. Call or go online now to requestyour free quote with one of Generacsnationwide dealers. And if you call now,you'll receive a free 5 year warrantyvalued at over $700. The call is free,the quote is free, and there's no obligationto buy, call or go online now. So the next timethere's a power outage, your home powers up.Power your life with Generac. Call or go online to requestyour free quote today. >> We said elvis has left the building. Now the building may be leaving as well. Graceland, there's concerns it might hit the auction block, but that's not the case was supposed to happen tomorrow. A tennessee judge adjourned the sale this morning during a hearing that lasted only a few minutes. A company claim that presley's estate failed to repay a loan that listed the property as collateral presley's granddaughter riley keough inherited the trust in ownership of the home after the death of her mother, lisa marie keogh, father lawsuit alleging a deal with the company was fraudulent and her mother signature had been forged. Canada's largest documentary festival is temporarily closing its toronto landmark theatre. The beleaguered hotdogs festival says financial constraints have forced the company to close its flagship theatre for 3 months and lay off staff. The festival has been warning the public of its financial jeopardy since april. And he's been looking for more financial support. Organizers say they will use the temporary closure to regroup and coming up with a strategy to deal with the crisis. Doors for hot docs. Ted rogers cinema will close on june. 12. Well, canadian super fans of taylor swift of come up with a cheaper alternative to see the star in concert. They've done the math and say the deal they've discovered is music to their ears to ctv's janice golding. >> Taylor swift has been called the reigning queen of pop and tickets to her era's tour selling for a princely sum all over $2000, even for the 500 level in north america concert sold out almost immediately

with tickets popping right back up on resale sites for astronomical sums. Check out step up today. Single tickets for the november 14th concert at the rogers centre start at $2800 and range up to $20,000 because an, what are we doing this weekend? >> I guess we're going to stockholm. >> And that's why nadia. But doctor cousin sarah decided to go to stockholm. Sweden. >> Because the lights were fairly inexpensive. We've got every hotel appoint spends are tickets. We ended up paying people to hunt for bin $125. Canadian in all the duo spent about $2000 each for tickets, hotel accommodations and flights. >> That's less than the current price for a single ticket to a taylor swift concert here at home. But price wasn't the only factor we tried for 20 different cities >> In the united states frustrated with their look. The cousins decided to go online friday afternoon and were shocked to find tickets to a concert in sweden the next day. >> The trip to stockholm. Not so easy. However, 3 flights into lengthy delays which made them miss the first songs of the opening act. So we purchased our tickets. >> Around 2:00pm and we're at the island airport that on a flight at 6:00pm. So we had 0 minutes to pack. The trip was a whirlwind, in fact, given work obligations. The duo had no time for sightseeing in the cousins flew back the very next day. >> Still, the doc says she has no regrets. 100% worth it yet. Yeah, in fact, not. And sarah have already bought their tickets and are planning their next trip to see swift in edin-bruh this june. Janice golding, ctv news. >> After the break, food insecurity rates have increased in canada for on the poverty (Dynamic music) Tomorrow on Your Morning... A comic strip like Garfield helped shape comedy. Lindsey: Chris Pratt on what fans can expect from the brand-new Garfield movie. Start your morning in the know Thursday only on ctv. It's coming. Check for anyone who needs help! Will do! [scream] They found another body. Recognize him? Never seen him before. The obvious theory is that our killer used the flood to cover their tracks. I'd be careful if I were you. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. Looking for a smarter way to mop? Introducing the new Swiffer PowerMop. An all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time. Our new cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away. And it has a 360° swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. So you can clean your home faster and easier. Goodbye Hassle, Hello PowerMop. And with Terracycle, you can recycle your Swiffer Pads. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. We need to solve this before there's another victim. Don't. Okay, you can drive more often. Knew you'd come around. Walker, Texas Ranger. You're under arrest. Walker, new episodeWednesday at 8:00

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