
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #28

Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ >> He says that it started an important day for ireland. And for us tonight. Historic recognition, ireland, norway and spain plan to formally recognize a palestinian state. The move and bring israel, but welcome to my helmet. >> For parker doesn't necessarily a surprise to us, but just a depth of need right across the country that unfortunately is not being met with a sense of urgency. Canada has reached a critical point as more people are struggling with poverty and food insecurity. British prime minister rishi sunak has set a july 4th election day with polls showing the opposition labour party. >> Strongly favoured to win. It is 1:00pm eastern 10:00am pacific. Thanks for joining us. I'm roger petersen. Norway, spain and ireland have announced their intention to formally recognize a palestinian state. >> The declaration that would go into effect on tuesday. >> I've spoken with a number of of the heaters and counterparts. I'm confident that for the countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. >> Leaders of the 3 countries say they hope the move brings new momentum toward a two-state solution, adding it's not a decision against israel or in favour of hamas. But instead one in support of peace. Israel reacted angrily, calling the decision distorted. Joining us now is chevy professor of middle east politics at georgetown university. Professor, thank you for joining us. Thanks for the mitt. So norway, ireland and spain joining the growing list of countries that support the idea of a palestinian state. Your thoughts on this does this? What does this mean? >> Well, and beverage reminded the 1970's in 1980's it was a global struggle against apartheid in south africa at the time. Western countries because of cold war considerations were very reluctant pressure south africa to change >> Grace policies toward its majority black population. But gradually that you started to shift. It started with scandinavian countries. We started to lead the way and then slowly but surely other countries followed in large part because of internal pressure from their own populations, pressuring their elected officials saying that what the status quo here is untenable. We should not be complicit in this situation. So most of the world that you pointed out, the global south 140 countries effectively recognizes palestine within its international borders, western europe and north america have not. But now we're starting to see that consensus in western europe start to break with with it, with the news today that ireland, norway and spain are going to officially recognises to in the state of palestine. And I suspect. >> In the coming years for the reasons that I just mentioned in for reasons very similar to, you know, the struggle against apartheid in south africa, in the 70's and 80's, we're going to see if other countries follow suit. >> Will this work that will this is there any pressure on israel to listen to this? >> I think this is largely symbolic, let's be clear that you know what, the announcement today is not going to save one life in gaza, but it is going to send a message to israel and its supporters that there are for its repressive policies against the palestinians, that countries are going to start to break with. Israel be much more critical of israel's policies toward the palestinians. And the, you know, impunity that israel's enjoyed for a very long time is no longer good to pass and so you know, I think it's going to take a long there's going to be people who are going to say no, this within israel. And within the, you know, global support community of israeli supporters, there's going to be pushed back. This could be an internal debate, but it's the start of something. It's sending the signal that, you know, israel cannot have its security guaranteed at the expense of the security of the palestinian population at occupy ice. So that's how I see this sort of playing out since the start of a big process. What kind of message does this send them to a palestinian for a democracy there. Is there any hope of a true democracy being

set up there? >> With a wood with the palestinian authority be willing tell hamas of they can't be part of this. Is there any realistic expectation palestine will be able to go along with this? >> Well, obviously the palestinian authority and palestinian officials are going to welcome this. The question of whether palestine will be a democracy is going to be an internal struggle among to develop responsible representative government. And like all countries that have travelled down the path of democracy. This is going to be an uphill battle is going to games and the first thing you need before you can have a democracy. New state. So I think the fact that, you know, we we're seeing these at these countries in western europe, better democratic rising to the occasion and supporting palestine helps those democratic forces within the palestinian community. So i, you know, so let let I mean, the question democracy is, it is, you know, we have to remember the don't emerge overnight. Those are internal struggles that even when you have a democracy, there could be rolled back as we're seeing right now, united states from speaking to you from, because palestine is a country that is still occupied by israel. Before you can talk about the nature of the government, you're going to have you have to have a territory that you can claim sovereignty over and then begin a very important struggle of trying to create a democratic institution. Ok professor, thank you as always for your analysis. Much appreciated. Professor nader hashemi is a professor of middle east politics at georgetown university. >> Closer to home, toronto police headquarters that police there have drop some of the charges against protesters in alleged hate-motivated mischief. Ctv's rahim ladhani has more. >> I didn't lose all employment because of these allegations that were false and proven to be so after accusing and charging 11 people for participating in alleged hate-motivated mischief. Police have now dropped the charges against 4 individuals who say they were unfairly targeted for supporting palestine. You're laying trumped-up charges that allow police to bust into our homes to drag us our reputation through the mud. >> And 2 brand us as a criminals and we have not been charged with any crimes on november 10, 2 officers were called to the yorkville area at bay and bloor. >> Posters were glued to the doors and windows of an indigo bookstore and red paint had been splattered. The 11 accused had all been charged with multiple offences, including mischief over $5,000. Allegations of of postering in paint don't even meet the standard set out by the court of appeal for mischief. There is an important case called jeffers that encourage people to read it discusses the importance of how how posters in our communities. >> Are used for free expression expression by people. In response, the crown attorney's office says this decision should not be seen as a criticism of the police determination that there were reasonable grounds for the arrests of these 4 individuals. However, the standard for proceeding with a prosecution is properly higher and more rigorous. The indigo bookstore has been the subject of boycott campaigns for years over its founders have sick foundation for loans. Soldiers advocates say calling out the company is a form of activism against a foundation which offers scholarships to people without family in israel, who nevertheless served in the israeli military has to, as we say, calling out companies that support israeli war crimes is a legitimate form of protest targeting indigo is not antisemitic. >> Lawyers for the 7 people who are still being prosecuted are calling for all charges to be dropped. Demands it some sobering numbers when it comes to food insecurity in canada. >> In its annual poverty report card food banks. Canada warns that we've reached a critical point as poverty and food insecurity worsen in every corner of the country. Overall, canada got a d minus. That's a drop from the d last year, only to provinces actually improve nova scotia and prince edward island and the rest of the country stagnant or got workers. Joining us now to discuss this further is neil hetherington, the ceo of the daily bread food bank. Neil, thank you for joining us. Unfortunately, you have to join us. >> Unfortunately, this is yet another it's an academic report that showing very clearly what we're feeling on the ground every single day here at the daily bread food bank here in toronto. >> How do we bring about change? I mean, we hear these reports after report after report. What do we do? >> Well, I think that's the frustrating part to us here at the food bank is we know the policy we know what is going on in the city and in the country. It is a failing mark canadians overall are feeling financially worse off about 50% are

financially worse off the year prior than they are this year. And we we know the policy alternatives, we know that it's, there is a lack of affordable housing income supports are not keeping pace and precarious employment is on the rise. >> Now we were seeing from 2021. The usage is up 50% at food banks. Where's that coming from? Is it to people, some people who are already destitute, are they just getting used to be using the food bank's except as part of their life or is it are more and more people being driven into situations where they have to turn to. >> You know, it's, it's new people every single unfortunately are welcoming about 12 to 13,000 torontonians, who had never used a food bank before, are coming to the food bank for the very first time on a monthly basis. We're growing at 3 to 5% here in city of toronto, each every single month. This past april, there were 311,000 client visits up from about 60,000 and pre-pandemic. So the the numbers continue to escalate. And you asked, you know, importantly, who's coming to the food bank individuals more than 50% to have a employment. And yet they can't make ends meet largely because of inflation that has started to, to taper moose. I'm very, very pleased to see the numbers that came out last week or so showing that inflation is under %. On the right trajectory >> How are you keeping up in toronto with this, with this growing demand? Well, it's not we're keeping up because there's incredible volunteers. There's a wonderful network of agencies were responding to the call. But I got to tell you, rodger, the there is a growing sense of concern and a growing sense of frustration we have for year after year said there are clear policy alternatives that need to be implemented. Policies like the canada disability where if we, you know, just invested in that type of a program. We have the possibility of lifting up about a million and half canadians out of into a situation where they might thriving community. We know the policy solutions, we just need to have the governments at all levels have the fortitude and courage be able to implement them. And how would that work? That policy changes like to see. >> Well, yeah, I mean, when it comes to the canada disability benefit, we were very hopeful that it would be fully funded, meaning that somebody who currently is on disability in ontario, they receive about $1300 federally. There is to be about $1000 top up to that. So they could at least be at the poverty the I was pleased to see in the federal budget, the re emphasis on affordable housing. So making sure that we are back building affordable housing and making sure that their rent supplements in place. And then I think provincially there are a whole host of measures to to start to decrease precarious employment to many people come to the food bank have full-time working, but are unable to have benefits that allow them to be able to thrive in it. >> We talk about the government helping out what the private sector do. >> Well, I think the private sector in a more often than not looking to to making sure that they are paying living wages. So not just minimum wage, but living wages so that their employees can have a decent place to live in the community that they're, they're working. You're right, it's not just a full exercise, but they ultimately have a duty of care to make sure that everybody's right to housing and everybody's right to food is realized so that food banks like the daily bread, food bank and food banks, canada all across the country can start to see the lineups decrease rather than the trajectory that they're currently on. >> And I mean, I know you do what you focus on and which is one of the most expensive cities in the world. But this is also an issue in smaller towns and and smaller municipalities. >> Abs, absolutely. And they don't have the same supports that we might have in a in larger urban areas. I mean, you just have to look at what's on the screen right now, right across the country. We're seeing, you know, a lot of red, we're seeing, you know, seasoned ease across the country when it comes to investments in affordable housing, when it comes to making sure that people have that decent incomes and making sure that we've got an economy that allows businesses to thrive so that they can pay those living wages. >> Ok neal, thank you very much for joining us today. Always appreciate it. Neil hetherington is the ceo of the daily bread food bank. We're also getting a better sense of how canadians feel about the state of grocery prices in canada. The majority believe caw said stores are still climbing. A new leger poll found 29% blame the rising cost on grocery chains who they believe are attempting to increase their profit margins. Senior director of the agri-food analytics lab at dalhousie university. Sylvain charlebois says he's not surprised. >> People have less money to

spend on food and they feel they feel desperate. And so they're looking to blame something, someone and saying at to the one component, the supply chain that most people understand is the grocery store. But food inflation is much more complicated than that. But I'm not surprised to see the anger. The collective anger from some people out there. >> The federal government has introduced a voluntary code of conduct for major grocers to promote fairness and transparency. Canada's biggest grocer loblaw has signed on industry minister francois-philippe champagne says he's hopeful other players will follow suit. >> See, inflation is going down. Why we have in recent years with respect to loblaw signing on it's a step in the right we have been in touch with walmart and costco and I'm hopeful that he will sign that's, you know, if you talk grocers of kind of one of the key step to stabilize prices in canada. So we're going to keep about what we're going to keep on working with that. But I'm hopeful that everyone in the >> 3 people, including a 15 year-old boy are dead after they were stabbed in a fight in montreal. >> With so looking for. >> All in all the food that we in the fight to know exactly what's happening yesterday with still looking videos and some people and doing the neighbourhood to check out obviously has some of the deal with some information about it. >> Montreal police say they got multiple calls to 9-1-1 last night about a brawl involving up to 15 people in montreal our eye out borrow. When they arrived, they found 3 victims age 15, 23 25. They had been injured by a sharp object and later died. Police say the incident, it was not related to gangs or organized crime. 3 suspects have been identified, but no arrests have been made. >> With his party trailing badly in the polls, a positively range. British prime minister rishi sunak's ends the u k to a summer election. Or on the upcoming CONTEST.(Snickering) Hanging tree We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. With new Scope Squeez mouthwash concentrate, just add water, squeeze to control the strength of your mouthwash, and find a zone all your own. ( ) Scope Squeez. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. When choosing a location, amenities matter. Like private outdoor space, natural light, and most importantly, temperature control. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island >> British prime minister rishi sunak has set a date for a summer election and his party, though, as far behind in the polls. >> And today I spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has grown to this request and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold. >> As soon as conservatives have seen their support dwindle steadily after 14 years in power. They've suffered from ethics scandals and a revolving door of leaders in the past

2 years. The opposition labour ease strongly favoured to win. Authorities in iowa continue search and rescue efforts after a tornado tore through the small town of greenfield killing undisclosed number of people. Sadly, we can confirm that there have been fatalities with this tornado. >> Also, injuries have been sustained by residents here in the greenfield area. >> The tornado carved a path of destruction, levelling homes in crushing cars. Greenfield's hospital was among the buildings damaged. That meant that dozens of the injured had to be taken to hospitals and neighbouring towns. Many residents shocked, determined to get through this. >> Never think it's going to happen to you, you know, everything's gone. Going. It matters to me right now is that my family's ok, the stuff will get cleaned up pretty quick. It's just so devastating. I people can get back in their homes and get things going again as soon as possible. >> The storms then headed east, knocking out power to thousands of customers in illinois and wisconsin. And severe storms are also hammering parts of southern bc, leaving thousands of customers in vancouver and the lower mainland with no power this morning. When guys hit 90 kilometres an hour, bringing down trees and power lines at 1.0, 28,000 customers were without power. Bc hydro crews are working to restore power again today. The vancouver, a vancouver area was also so by heavy rains mall. Any rain is welcome during wildfire season. Fire officials say a lot more is needed to make a grant a dent excuse me in the drought conditions. >> In terms of the hot r b, he really could see later in the this rain isn't going to necessarily impact what we see in july and august moving forward. >> Parts of vancouver saw between 40 and 52 millimetres of rain. Funeral services today for iran's president and 7 others killed in a helicopter crash on the weekend. Many travelled to tehran from other parts of the country for the ceremony. Ibrahim, a racy and other iranian officials were killed when their helicopter went down on sunday. I see was considered a potential successor. >> To iran's 85 year-old supreme leader. Presidential election has been set for the end of june. >> There's no clear favourite so far. She position among the country's political elite. >> A quick programming note, you can watch ctv national news with sandie rinaldo weekdays at 4.30 eastern time. Omar sachedina will have the later edition of ctv national news at 10:00am 11:00pm eastern on ctv news. >> Shares of montreal-based aircraft maker bombardier soaring today. Top business sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen

for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. >> Shares of bombardier, the montreal-based aircraft maker were one of the top performing stocks in early trading on the toronto stock exchange today. Bnn bloomberg's paul bagnell has more on this centre. Other business stories. >> Shares of bombardier, the business jet maker rose by about 9 per cent today to the highest price in about 5 and a half years, investors were reacting to a wall street analyst upgrading the stock to the equivalent of by with a price target much greater than bombard jays current share price through its history. Bombardier has made snowmobiles, commercial jets and trains that is focused exclusively on business jets since 2020 shares of target. The big U.S. discount retailer fell by as much as 11% targets in same-store sales. A measure of sales performance that excludes the impact of stores open for less than a year fell by 3.7%. One senior executive said, quote, we remain cautious in our near-term growth outlook. And the canadian dollar was trading this morning at 73.1 cents us yesterday, new inflation numbers were released in canada and the da to convince some economists that the bank of canada may cut its benchmark interest rate 2 weeks from today. On june, the 5th and the interest rate cut would likely weaken the loonie versus the U.S. dollar. From the bnn bloomberg news room in toronto. I'm paul bagnell. >> O here's a top 10 ranking. We don't want canada is in the top 10 around the world for stolen vehicles. That is according to interpol. The agency says more than 200 stolen canadian vehicles have been found around the world each week since february. A total of more than 15,000 vehicles are 1500 excuse me. That is due to the rcmp's decision to integrate canada's database for stolen vehicles with the international law enforcement agency. Interpol says thieves are attracted to canada's abundant supply of highly coveted models such as suvs and crossovers. >> Still ahead, another woman comes forward accusing rapper sean diddy combs. It sexual assault will have more on that. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. There's so much pressure these days. Work doesn't seem to stop. And parenting never does. So when my time comes, I want to make things as stress free as possible for my family. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? I'd like to get a quote please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. Okay. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes. With no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. It's that easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's cheaper than I thought and this coverage could save my family from having to pay for my funeral when the time comes. There might even be some left over as a gift for them. I'll go ahead. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians Over 50. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-848-8154 or visit Derek. Meredith. with the brightest smile You're my person. take me where I've never been before on a cloud above So who wants to make history? A new episode of grey's anatomy thursday at 9/10 mountain on ctv. Catch up on and the ctv app

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