
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #26

... All right here. Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. >> This is certainly a surprise to us, but just at depths of need right across the country that unfortunately is not being met with a sense of urgency. Canada has reached a critical turning point as more people are struggling with poverty and food insecurity. >> That was on for too many events. That was not too many things and the person were there. >> 3 young males, including a 15 year-old boy are dead after being stabbed in a fight in montreal. He says at the start and important state. I'm from dallas tonight. Ireland, norway and spain plan to formally recognize a palestinian state move, angering israel. But a welcome by hamas. You're watching ctv news channel. I'm roger petersen. Thank you very much for joining us. >> Well, some sobering numbers when it comes to food insecurity in canada, in its annual poverty report. Cards. Food banks. Canada warns that we have reached a critical point as poverty and food insecurity worsened in every corner of the country. Canada received an overall grade of d minus. That's a drop from the d last year, only to provinces nova scotia and prince edward island managed to improve the rest of the country remain stagnant or worsened. >> Putting together housing plan, looking at yours, social assistance or benefits rates, making sure their indexed to inflation so that people are falling further and further behind into poverty. And then what we're suggesting for provinces that don't and put together a coordinated poverty reduction plan with with target so that you can hold your government to account and citizens can see that your government is taking action. Digging deeper into the numbers. The report found that more than 44% of people are feeling worse off when compared to last year. >> The percentage of people paying more than 30% of their income on housing hit 43.6% in 2024. Joining us now to discuss this further is neil hetherington, the ceo of the daily bread food bank. Neil, thank you for joining us. Unfortunately, you have to join us. >> Unfortunately, this is yet another it's an academic report that showing very clearly what we're feeling on the ground every single day here at the daily bread food bank here in toronto. >> How do we bring about change? I mean, we hear these reports after report after report. What do we do? >> Well, I think that's the frustrating part to us here at the food bank is we know the policy we know what is going on in the city and in the country. A it is a failing mark canadians overall are feeling financially worse off about 50% are financially worse off the year prior than they are this year. And we we know the policy alternatives, we know that it's, there is a lack of affordable housing income supports are not keeping pace and precarious employment is on the rise. >> Now we were seeing from 2021. The usage is up 50% of food banks. Where's that coming from? Is it to people, some people who are already destitute, are they just getting used to be using the food bank's accepted as part of their life or is it are more and more people being driven into situations where they have to turn to you. >> You know, it's, it's new people every single unfortunately are welcoming about 12 to 13,000 torontonians who have never used a food bank before are coming to the food bank for the very first time on a monthly basis. We're growing at 3 to 5% here in city of toronto, each every single month. This past april, there were 311,000 client visits up from about 60,000 and pre-pandemic. So the numbers continue to escalate. And you asked, you know, importantly, who's coming to the food bank individuals more than 50% to have a employment. And yet they can't make ends meet largely because of inflation that has started to, to taper moose. I'm very, very pleased to see the numbers that came out last week or so showing that inflation is under 3%. On the right trajectory >> How are you keeping up in toronto with this, with this growing demand? Well, it's not we're keeping up because there's incredible volunteers. There's a wonderful network of

agencies were responding to the call. But I got to tell you, rodger, the there is a growing sense of concern and a growing sense of frustration we have for year after year said there are clear policy alternatives that need to be implemented. Policies like the canada disability where if we, you know, just invested in that type of a program. We have the possibility of lifting up about a million and half canadians out of into a situation where they might thriving community. We know the policy solutions, we just need to have the governments at all levels have the fortitude and courage be able to implement them. And how would that work? That policy changes like to see. >> Well, yeah, I mean, when it comes to the canada disability benefit, we were very hopeful that it would be fully funded, meaning that somebody who currently is on disability in ontario, they receive about $1300 federally. There is to be a better $1000 top up to that. So they could at least be at the poverty the I was pleased to see in the federal budget, the re emphasis on affordable housing. So making sure that we are back building affordable housing and making sure that their rent supplements in place. And then I think provincially there are a whole host of measures to to start to decrease precarious employment to many people come to the food bank have full-time working, but are unable to have that allow them to be able to thriving community. We talk about the government helping out what the private sector do. >> Well, I think the private sector in a more often than not looking to to making sure that they are paying living wages. So not just minimum wage, but living wages so that their employees can have a decent place to live in the community that they're, they're working. You're right, it's not just a full exercise, but they ultimately have a duty of care to make sure that everybody's right to housing and everybody's right to food is realized so that food banks like the daily bread, food bank and food banks, canada all across the country can start to see the lineups decrease rather than the trajectory that they're currently on. >> And I mean, I know you do what you focus on and which is one of the most expensive cities in the world. But this is also an issue in smaller towns and and smaller municipalities. >> Abs, absolutely. And they don't have the same supports that we might have in a in larger urban areas. I mean, you just have to look at what's on the screen right now, right across the country. We're seeing, you know, a lot of red, we're seeing, you know, seasoned ease across the country when it comes to investments in affordable housing, when it comes to making sure that people have that a decent incomes, making sure that we've got an economy that allows businesses to thrive so that they can pay those living wages. >> Ok neal, thank you very much for joining us today. Always appreciate it. Neil hetherington is the ceo of the daily bread food bank. We're also getting a better sense of how canadians feel about the state of grocery prices in canada. The majority believe costs at stores are still climbing. A new leger poll found 29% blame the ryman rising costs on grocery chains who they believe are attempting to increase their profit margins. Senior director of the agri-food analytics lab at dalhousie university. Sylvain charlebois says he's not surprised. >> People have less money to spend on too. And they feel they feel desperate. And so they're looking to blame something, someone and he's is seeing ad to the one component, the supply chain that most people understand is the grocery store. But food inflation is much more complicated than that. But I'm not surprised to see the anger. The collective anger from some people out there. >> The federal government has introduced a voluntary code of conduct for major grocers to trying to promote fairness and transparency in the industry. Canada's biggest grocer loblaw has signed on industry minister francois-philippe champagne says he is hopeful others will follow suit. >> Seeing that inflation is going down. Why we have in recent years with respect to loblaw signing on it's a step in the right we have been in touch with walmart and costco and I'm hopeful that he will sign and that's, you know, if you talk grocers of kind of one of the key step to stabilize prices in canada. So we're going to keep about what we're going to keep on working with that. But I'm hopeful that everyone in the >> And frustration over high grocery prices pumped prompted a boycott of loblaw own stores this month. Now organizers say the protest we'll go beyond may 1st. According to the organizers, people supporting the boycott want to keep the movement going a release as the boycotters find a focus on advocacy efforts in the months ahead. Emily johnson is one of the key organizers and says the boycott has been a uniting moment for community members.

>> Ideally, what we wanted to do was just raise awareness of the drastically increasing cost of groceries means, you know, the fact that we do have control and power as consumers we never imagined in a million years that we had today. You know, 80,000 members on our subreddit own and and that there are 20,000 members between should kochan are instagram, it's its and we're just incredibly surprised by the viral atf. It. >> Well, a lot has pushed back against criticism of the company, saying it's not responsible for higher food prices. The canadian grocery chain has been expanding its discount stores to accommodate for the higher prices. And a live look in london, 10 downing street where we're waiting to hear from british prime minister rishi sunak's. He will be delivering a statement outside that famous store there likely announcing a summer general election. We'll take you there live when the prime minister speaks. Norway, spain and ireland have announced their intention to formally recognize a palestinian state, a declaration that would take effect on tuesday spoken with a number of of the heaters and counterparts. >> I'm confident that for other countries will join us and taking this important step in the coming weeks. >> Leaders from the 3 countries say they hope the move brings new momentum toward a 2 state solution, adding it's not a decision against israel or in favour of hamas, but instead one in support of peace. Israel reacted angrily to the move, calling the decision distorted. >> Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas. And I suggested it is not a reward ice who has no interest in 2 states, has no interest in the continuation of israel's existence. It's, it's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority who already cooperate with israel. >> Israel has now recalled its ambassadors to ireland, norway and spain and some of their envoys. Hamas, meantime, welcomed the news news and is calling on other nations to follow suit. Meanwhile, in rafah, food distribution has been suspended due to a lack of supplies and insecurity. That according to the united nations. Well, prime minister trudeau says he is sticking by house speaker greg fergus, despite another controversy. We have full confidence in rexburg fergus as a. >> As a speaker, that is a common says a, a independent minded leader. The was dealt with was addressed by the party and by the house leader. It was unfortunate mistake. >> The issue is an invitation to a quote, summer evening with greg fergus and also referenced reckless policies of the conservatives, both conservative and bloc mp's are calling on fergus to step down. Ctv news political commentator scott reid says he doesn't see the attacks on fergus stopping anytime soon. Greg fergus is never going to moment's peace as speaker, he will be under constant fire. The conservatives opposed him when he was a candidate for speaker. >> They have pounced on the stakes city is made and they've made it clear that even in instances like this, where the mistake wasn't really his, they're going to hold him to account. So I think you're going to see great for guests on the grill over and over and over again. >> Let's go back to london now, where british prime minister rishi sunak is making a statement. >> I stood behind one of the podiums upstairs in the building behind me. I told you that we faced a generation defining moment and that we as a society would not be judged by some government action. >> But by the small acts of kindness that we showed, one of us. You met that challenge. And then some and I have never been proud to be british. When I introduce the follows skate. I did so not because I saw rick country simply in need of desperate help, little bit. We want. But because ice or a country, his future hung in the balance. I could be bold interest in the 10's of millions of you at home, that you would rise to the moment or I could accept the inevitable millions of job losses and pick up the pieces. In truth, it was no choice at all. I have never and will never leave the people of this country to face the darkest of days. Ally and you do that because you've seen it. I was like did that. I will forever do everything in my power to provide you with the strongest possible protection I can. That is my promise to you. Because for so many of us, it's easy to forget the scale of what we've been through. We were hit by pandemic upended

normal life. Who would have thought that the government would have to tell us how many times a day we could leave odds. Then just as we were recovering from covid full return to europe. With putin's invasion of ukraine energy bill spiring. I came to office the bubble to restore economic stability economic stability is the bedrock of any future success. Whether that is rising wages and good jobs investment in our public services. All the defensive, the country. And because of all collective sacrifice and your homework. We have reached 2 major milestones in delivering that stability. Showing that when we work together, anything as possible. Our economy is now growing faster than anyone predicted. Outpacing germany, france and the united states. >> And this morning, it was confirmed that inflation is back to normal. This means that the pressure on price israelis and mortgage rates will come down. This is proof that the plan and parties I set out on work. I recognize that it is not always been easy. Some of you with any just be starting to feel the benefit. And for some, it might still be hard. When you look at your bank balance. But this hold and economic stability was only ever meant to be the beginning. The question now is how and who do you trust to time that foundation into a secure future for you, your family and our country. Is the moment for britain to choose its future. To decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made risk going back to square one with no plan and no certainty. And today I spoke with his majesty, the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has grown to this request. We will have a general election on the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the cold. Putin's russia is waging a brutal war in ukraine and will not stop there. If he succeeds. That war is also made it all too clear the risk to our energy security. In the middle east. The forces of business to extremism threaten regional and ultimately global stability. These tensions are exploited by extremists who seek to undermine our values and a volatile society here at heart. China, it's looking to dominate the 21st century by stealing a leading technology. And migration is being weaponized by a stall states threatened the integrity of our. These uncertain times cool for a clip. Lot bold action to chart a course to a secure future. You must choose in this election who has stopped. Who is prepared to take the bold action necessary to secure a better future for our country and our children. I cannot and will not play. We have got everything right. No government. I'm proud of what we have achieved together. The bold actions we have taken. I'm confident about what we can do in the future. We've tackled inflation controlled at caldwell cuts taxes and increase the state pension by 900 pounds. We've reduced taxes on investment, can seize the opportunities of brexit to make this the best country in the world to grow the business. That record amounts of funding into our nhs and ensure it is now trading. The doctors in the U.S. says it needs in the decades to come. We've reformed education and our children. Now the best returns in the west. We parts always energy security and your family finances over environmental do in our approach. And that's their right. We fully funded an increase in defence spending to 2 and a half percent of gdp. We made a decision to invest more in local transport you actually use rather than endlessly plow more money into hs 2. We set out a comprehensive plan to reform our welfare system to make it fast for those who pay for it as well as those who need it. Immigration is finally coming down and we all stopping the boats with our one departments. We will ensure that the next generation gross out smoke-free. I hope that my work since I became prime minister. Shows that we have apply and all for pat to take bold action necessary for all countries to flourish. I stuck with that plan and always been honest with you about what is needed, even when that's been difficult. Because I'm guided by doing what is right for our country. Not what is easy. I can say the same thing for the labour party. Because I don't know what. And in truth. I don't think, you know, ina. And that's because they have to plan. There is no action. And as a result, the future can only be on site. And with that. On the 5th of july and the

customer on will be prime minister. He has shown time and time again that he will take the easy way out and do anything to get power. If he was happy to abandon all the promises he made to become lately that once he got the job. How can you know that he would do exactly the same thing if he were to become prime minister. If you don't have the conviction to stick to anything you say. If you don't have the courage to tell people what you want to do. And if you don't have a plan. How can you possibly be trusted to lead our country, especially at this most uncertain of times. Over the next few weeks. I will fight for every vote I will on your trust. I will prove to you. Only a conservative government led by me. Will not put a hold and economic stability at risk. Can restore pride and confidence in our country. And with a clear plan and bold action will deliver a secure future for you. Your family and our united kingdom. >> And you've been watching british prime minister rishi sunak standing outside of 10 downing street to announce that there will be a general election on july 4th. Now the conservatives have been saying for some time, it was going to be too early back end of the year, that they would have this election said they're announcing it for july. The 4th. It is a and has it happened at a time when his party is trailing the labour party. They're way behind in the polls. According to that end, even cirnac is struggling with his within his party. He took over only a year and a half ago. We have more coming (Dramatic music) (Cheering) I've got good news. There is a murderer - Oh! - walking among us. [gasps] Fantastic! I'm sorry, what? She watches a lot of true crime. Welcome to the family. There's so much new stuff happening out there. I just can't keep up. Well it's too far to swim back now. This is amazing! I promise you I'll not let you down. Stream the best of British tv only on Britbox. Watch with a free trial at It's the betmgm must-see matchup. Toronto takes on Detroit. Leading off this weekend. Have your picks, parlays and popcorn ready. It's time to up the action. Download the BetMGM App and enjoy the game from the edge of your seat. It's on. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. (Sniffling) Feeling Claritin Clear is like... ( ) Is she...? Claritin Clear? Yeah. Get fast, non-drowsy allergy symptom relief. Live Claritin Clear. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. ( ) Ooooo! ( ) (Bip) OoOooo! ( ) Ooooo! —Ooooo! —Ooooo! —Ooooo... Have a little boooooost. ( ) 3 people, including a 15 year-old boy are dead after they were stabbed in a fight in montreal. >> With so looking for. All in all the prove that we're here, we have in the fight to know exactly what's happening yesterday with still looking videos. And terry, to some people and do it in the room to check out the fi. Has some of the deal, some information about it. >> The trump police received multiple 9-1-1 calls last night about a brawl involving 15 people in montreal's plateau mall right now. And when they arrived, they found 3 victims. 15, 23 25 all had been injured by a sharp object. Police said the incident was not related to gangs will organized crime. 3 suspects have been identified, but no arrests have been made. Turning out to toronto and police headquarters there and said some charges have been dropped against protesters in the alleged hate-motivated mischief crimes. Ctv's rahim ladhani has more. >> I didn't lose all employment

because of these allegations that were false and proven to be so after accusing and charging 11 people for participating in alleged hate-motivated mischief. Police have now dropped the charges against 4 individuals who say they were unfairly targeted for supporting palestine. You're laying trumped-up charges that allow police to bust into our homes. To drake us our reputation through the mud. >> And 2 brand us as a criminals and we have not been charged with any crimes on november 10, 2 officers were called to the yorkville area at bay and bloor. >> Posters were glued to the doors and windows of an indigo bookstore and red paint had been splattered. The 11 accused had all been charged with multiple offences, including mischief over $5,000. Allegations of of postering in paint don't even meet the standard set out by the court of appeal for mischief. >> There is an important case called jeffers that encourage people to read it discusses the importance of how how posters in our communities are used for free expression expression by people. In response, the crown attorney's office says >> This decision should not be seen as a criticism of the police determination that there were reasonable grounds for the arrests of these 4 individuals. However, the standard for proceeding with a prosecution is properly higher and more rigorous. The indigo bookstore has been the subject of boycott campaigns for years over its founders has stick foundation for loans. Soldiers advocates say calling out the company is a form of activism against a foundation which offers scholarships to people without family in israel, who nevertheless served in the israeli military as jews, we say calling out companies that support israeli war crimes is a legitimate form of protest targeting indigo is not antisemitic. >> Lawyers for the 7 people who are still being prosecuted are calling for all charges to be dropped. Demands it. Severe storms hammered parts of southern bc, leaving thousands of customers in the metro vancouver area. >> With no power this morning. When guys hit 90 kilometres an hour last night, trees came down, power lines as well. At 1.0, 28 thousand customers were without power. Bc hydro crews are working to restore power again today. And the vancouver area was also soaked with heavy rain. Any rain is welcome during the wildfire season. Fire officials say a lot more is needed to make a dent in the drought conditions. >> In terms of the hot r b here, we could see later in the this rain isn't going to necessarily impact what we see in july and august moving forward. >> Parts of vancouver saw up to 52 millimetres of rain. Authorities in iowa continue their search and rescue efforts after a tornado tore through the small town of greenfield killing several people. >> Sadly, we can confirm that there have been fatalities with this tornado. Also, injuries have been sustained by residents here in the greenfield area. >> The tornado carved a path of destruction, destroying homes, crushing cars. A hospital was among the building's damage would meant which meant at least a dozen of the injured had to be taken to neighbouring hospitals. Many residents are shocked, but determined to get through this. >> Ever think it's going to happen to you, you know, everything's gone. Going. It matters to me right now is that my family's ok, the stuff will get cleaned up pretty quick. It's just so devastating. I people can get back in their homes and get things going again as soon as possible. >> From iowa, the storms moved east, knocking out power to thousands of customers in illinois and wisconsin. >> Free countries have announced they will be formally recognizing a palestinian state, which is expected to take effect on tuesday. Details Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. And I feel so free - [Announcer] Linda just paid off over $42,000 in credit card debt. A debt management plan lowered her total monthly payments by over 40%. Consolidated Credit counseling services worked with her creditors to reduce her interest rates to just 1% so she could pay off all her debt fast. Call now for a free consultation or go to Call now. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses.

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