
CTVN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #44

looked at the overall situation with poverty across the country, comparing the progress of every government. The federal government was given a d minus. Ontario, a d minus. Quebec a c plus. Alberta d minus, and british columbia d plus, and the yukon inconclusive, not enough data. >> At m in so I don't want to suggest that no one's taking with can action. >> Ella: federal and provincial governments need a targeted . >> Ella: coming up, new sexual assault lawsuit from rip hop model sean (Dramatic music) (Cheering) ( ) ( ) (i am by your side) (i am by your side) ( ) When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. phone plans with lots of data, Virgin Plus is the obvious choice. So, is it necessary to use the selling power of adorably fluffy kittens? Is getting discounts on food, fashion and entertainment more enticing when they're in tiny costumes? Or is it cuter from them? (Cat meowing) Do we need all this to convince you? ( ) We don't. Because when you're choosing an affordable phone plan, the obvious choice is Virgin Plus. Obviously. Frizz, dryness, breakage. New Dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask, with patented peptide complex, fortifies hair bonds, helps reverse ten visible signs of damage in one minute. Keep living. We'll keep repairing. (Keys jingling, click of light switch) Your boss' name is Heather And she made you have an awful day Let me sing all your problems away Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. It's coming. Check for anyone who needs help! Will do! [scream] They found another body. Recognize him? Never seen him before. The obvious theory is that our killer used the flood to cover their tracks. I'd be careful if I were you. >> Ella: sean diddy combs accused of sexual assault in a new lawsuit filed by a former model, who claims she was drugged and sexually assaulted by combs in 2003. This latest lawsuit comes just days after violent video surfaced showing combs physically attacking his then girlfriend. The case was settled shortly afterwards. Experts predict combs will attempt to settle this case as well. Joining me from washington is judy saunders, sexual misconduct prosecutor. The latest in a string of lawsuits against combs. Talk us through the claims. >> So what you're seeing is the result of a federal investigation that's going on. And that came after the raid on Mr. Combs' two properties, one in miami, one in los angeles. We know that prior to that, there was the lawsuit that was brought by cassie ventura. That case was the result of, in new york, the revival statute of limitations, the adult survivor act. There's a number of cases pending. I believe it's a total of 5 to 6 cases that are pending against combs because of that revival statute. You're now allowed to bring a claim as a sexual assault survivor. That's what you're seeing. We know the case of ms. Ventura was settled a day after she filed suit. But still other cases pending against Mr. Combs. >> Ella: several other cases. Where do you see this new lawsuit going? Do you think it will be settled outside of court? >> So the case where we see the

video and that video that we can speculate links directly back to ms. Ventura's case, that matter should be settled. When you think about the video as being new evidence, we're thinking that will the federal government use that video in their case, and we speculate there may be charges -- what I will say is that video will likely -- it's reasonable that it will not be used in the federal case because the evidence that probably was gathered in those raids are going to be much more incriminating than a video that circulated through the media. So the video, if anything, it eviscerates the credibility of Mr. Combs. Seeing him act like that, seeing him kick, abuse, verbally, physically ms. Ventura, that issue was likely dead because that tape comes from 2016. What we're seeing is assault, and it's probably the statute of limitations on that assault would have ran. But if anything, it speaks to the nature, it speaks to the credibility of Mr. Combs, which again, I say is absolutely eviscerated by seeing him act like this towards another person. >> Ella: it will be interesting to see where this all goes. Thank you so much for your time today. >>> British prime minister has set a date for summer election with his party far behind in the polls. >> Earlier today, I spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has granted this request and we'll have a general election on the fourth of july. This election will take place at a time where the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold war. >> Ella: the conservatives have seen their support dwindle after 14 years in power. Also suffered from ethics scandals and revolving door of leaders in the past two years. The opposition labour party is strongly favored to win.

>>> Nikki haley has endorsed donald trump in the upcoming presidential election. >> I will be voting for trump. Having said that, I standby what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they're just going to be with him. [ Applause ] >> Ella: the endorsement came during her first public speech since she dropped out of the republican race in march. She was trump's last major rival and the pair were sharply critical of each other during the primary. >>> Search and rescue efforts continue in iowa community following a ferocious tornado on tuesday. Multiple fatalities and injuries are being reported, though officials have not provided numbers. >> It is just horrific. It's hard to describe until you can actually see it, the devastation. But at the same time, I can't begin to tell you how heartwarming it is to see everybody out there helping each other. >> Ella: the twister carved a path of destruction, levelling homes and crushing vehicles. The hospital in the town was among the buildings damaged, which meant at least a dozen injured people had to be rushed to nearby hospitals. More than a hundred first responders are continuing to comb through the wreckage. >>> Another honour for canadian soccer star christine sinclair who now has her very own CUSTOM(Snickering) Hanging tree (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) So I didn't think I needed Swiffer, until, I saw how easily it picked up my hair every time I dried it! Only takes a minute. Look at that! The Heavy Duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. Even for his hair. Wow! And for dust, I love my Heavy Duty Duster. The fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. I'm so hooked. You'll love Swifferor your money back. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way.

>>> Mattel is releasing nine new barbie dolls depicting some of the biggest athletes in the world. One is canadian soccer star christine sinclair. Ctv's sarah plowman has more. >>> Christine sinclair is a three time olympic medallist. She scored more international and more olympic golds than any player in the world, and now she's being honoured in a very small but big way. >> There's sinclair, wide open goal, it's christine sinclair. >> Reporter: the belief christine sinclair gave canadian was contagious, that they could dream, win, and be the best in the world. A role model. >> That's me, my face. >> Reporter: and now mini model. A barbie with her signature headband and jersey. >> They got the gold medal. Most important, right. High socks because the cool kids wear high socks. >> Reporter: honouring nine athletes from around the world, tennis star venus williams is another. >> There's moments in life you can't even dream about. I never thought I would be made as a barbie doll. >> Reporter: while the aim may be to inspire the maker of barbie says the dolls aren't for the public. They won't be for sale. Created just in their likeness, truly to honour those athletes. And I would love the doll too. I feel everyone's pain out there. But there is only one, and it is gifted to the role models. >> Reporter: that puzzled parents. >> Why not? Sell them all. Sell them all to all the girls so the girls can play with barbies, not only get princesses, actually kicking a ball or ... >> Reporter: sinclair says being a barbie role model is an honour. >> Inspire the next generations of young canadians. >> Reporter: the asked the makers of the doll if they're considering selling to the public. They said there's no plans right now but never know what the future holds.

>>> The country's largest documentary festival temporarily shuttering -- hot dogs is laying off staff and closing that's right for the next three months. Warning for weeks it's running out of money and needs more support. It's the latest sign of struggles in canada's arts scene. This year, just for laughs filed for bankruptcy and cancelled long running festivals in montreal and toronto. >>> Apple music released its ranking for the top 10 greatest albums of all time, topping the list is lauryn hill's iconic miseducation of lauryn hill. Also michael jackson, beatles, prince, and frank ocean. >>> I think it's really, really good. I think the fact that, you know, that they got a little bit of rock, a little bit of r&b. R&b and hip hop and rap music is certainly the most listened to and streamed of the last years. It's no surprise that style of music dominates the chart. I'm surprised there's no world, live, blues. [ ] >> Ella: and as we head to the break, more from the number one ranked album by lauryn hill. Stay with us. We're back in a moment. [ ] tonight, concerns grow over an uptick in ticks. "Lying in bed, in the dark because i had a light sensitivity, sound sensitivity" parasitic bloodsuckers capable of spreading deadly disease. Tonight at 11 and at (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] (Squeaking noise)What doing? Washing machine's broken Moose. But... Squeaky? Don't worry, we'll sort it.Squeaky will be fine. -Ok. Should be squeaky clean. No worries Squeaky. I love you.-I love you too. Poor Squeaky. When lifedoesn't go to plan, ClearScore can helpwith personalized loans and credit cards. Download for free, now! ClearScore, best friendfor your finances. What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. Tonight, concerns grow over an uptick in ticks. "Lying in bed, in the dark because i had a light sensitivity, sound sensitivity" parasitic bloodsuckers capable of spreading deadly disease.

tonight at 11 and at [ ] >> We know the policy solutions we need to have the government at all levels have the fortitude and courage to be able to implement them. >> A warning as they paint a grim picture of food security. >> We are pretty unanimous in saying we have to review this because the system really has lived beyond its usefulness. >> West jet calls for a federal review into the way that airports are funded. >>> Canada's long-standing position has been to support and to call for two state solution. >> Canada maintains its stance on the middle east as ireland, norway and spain say they will recognize the palestinian state. Thank you for joining us. We are getting a troubling new look at just how much canadians are struggling with the cost of living a new report suggests a quarter are facing food insecurity and almost half are worse off financially than they did last year. >> Reporter: officials of the daily bread food bank say demand has never been greater. Thousands of new clients arriving each month. They have jobs but not enough money to pay their rent and afford groceries. >> We are welcoming about 12 to 13,000 torontonians who have never used a food bank before. There come into the food bank for the very first time on a monthly basis. We are growing at three to 5 percent here in the city of toronto every single month. This past april there were 11,000 clients visits up from about 60,000 prepandemic. >> Numbers match report released by food banks canada. It works with 5100 local food banks and community groups and all provinces and territories. Here's a look at the findings. 44 percent of people feel they are doing worse financially compared to last year. One and four are experiencing food insecurity. >> The stand out from me really is that behind all of these numbers are real people and real folks who are struggling to make ends meet like never before. Families with jobs that should be able to afford food to put on their table. >> Reporter: food banks canada looked at the overall situation with poverty across the country, comparing the progress of every government. Here's a sample of the report card. The federal government was devon -- given a d. Ontario with the minus. Québec a c+, alberta d- and british columbia b+. The yukon inconclusive, not enough data. >> Nova scotia and pei did manage to bring their scores up a bit. I don't want to just that no one is taking action. >> Reporter: activist say federal and provincial governments need a coordinated poverty reduction plan. They claim there needs to be a greater sense of urgency to address this growing problem.

>>> West jet is calling for a full federal government review into the way airports are funded in canada. Canada's major airports are operated on federally owned land and they must pay rent to the government. Part of those costs and up getting past on to consumers in the form of extra fees charged on their tickets. The ceo says they faced... And is calling on ottawa to stop collecting rent. >> Joining me to discuss this is... At mcgill university. John what is your take on this. Do you think the aviation funding model needs to be reviewed? >> Yes. We've made it clear in a few of our academics... A couple weeks ago and I think we were pretty unanimous in saying we have to review this because the system really has lived beyond its usefulness. Covid has done a number in terms of the financial status of canadian airports. There has to be a review in terms of how airports are being funded and how they are going to fund future expenditure. >> What you expect a potential review to look like? >> Right now we are in a user paying model which everybody has been saying is broken. Is not the way we should be looking at it. West jet is looking at it the same. They want to have these charges removed because he wants fares to be able to go lower. The problem is if you remove those charges from the canadian travelling public, someone has to fuel those revenues that are being generated by those fees. Unfortunately the remedy for that would be all of canadian taxpayers rather than just air travellers who will be funding airports, ready to take on that challenge just yet. >> What sort of revenue do these fees bring in for the government and does it all go back into maintaining and improving the airport? >> The airport improvement fees are fees that you pay at each airport. That money stays with the airport. That's being used to fund the capital needs of the airports. The other fees that are there... Some of the other operational fees stay with the government. The big number is the rent that is being paid by the airports to the government and it's over $500 million a year. That rent is being thrown back in the general revenues. The airlines, the airports would like to see that show up back in the airports as an investment by the federal government to prove -- improve the state of the airport situation. >> How likely do you think the government is to take this request seriously? >> I think they are starting. We've got a review underway by the competition bureau about the state of competition and in the impact of these fees and that is starting shortly. We have a government looking at alternative financing models for the airports to look at having additional sovereign funds that we have in canada invest in airports. And make it easier for those funds that are investing overseas and invest in canada. There is some attention now weather the government is ready and willing to start looking at user pay as a concept and to review alternative, there's no indication that the government is ready to talk about that just yet. >> West jet also announced that they will introduced the lowest fees to passengers who are willing to forgo a carry-on bag. Do you think that's a smart business model and an option that passengers are likely to take up? >> Everybody's going to want cheaper fair. I think whatever we see happening by these additional fees that are showing up left right and centre, this is not unheard of. Airlines are trying to peel back the onion and to make some of the fees -- some of the services that you expect in a ticket, roll them back and make them optional and have additional revenues to it. It's another attempt to look at so-called ancillary fees, they've called them junk fees. And to basically add another level of fee structures on top of what they charge as a ticket. So it really is an attempt by the airlines to segment their travelling public into various buckets and they are looking to charge those people. >> Thank you so much for your time today. Program coordinator of the global aviation leadership program at mcgill university. >> My pleasure. >> The crown has wrapped up it's case against admitted killer jeremy skibicki. Today handwritten letters penned

by him were entered as evidence, giving a look into his mind while in prison. Alexandra, where did these letters come from? >> Homicide detectives learned that he was writing letters to another inmate at a women's institution in nova scotia. He is currently on trial for four counts of first-degree murder. He pleaded not guilty but has admitted to killing four addition is -- indigenous women. His defences arguing that he should be found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder. At the time's québec he was being held at the miller ridge correctional centre about in total nine letters were cemented by detective sergeant michael mcdonald with the winnipeg police service told the court that some of the letters were destroyed and those letters he writes about his quote extreme views and then includes some anti-semitic themes. He tried to pursue own -- a romantic relationship with the inmate, calling her sweetheart and saying he would consider marrying her. He also discussed his case riding I'm seriously considering giving up even though I have a not criminally responsible defence with experts. I could have 100 experts while the crown has none and I would still get convicted by a bunch of morons. The final letter was written on april 25th 2023 by him and it's not clear if there are any other letters sent or received after this time. The crown wrapped up it's case but the defence is expected to make its case on june 3rd. The trial is scheduled to wrap up on june 6th. >> Serial killer robert pickton will remain in a medically induced coma for at least the next few days after he was attacked in a québec prison. Police say medical staff will need to assess whether he can live without life-support. The 74-year-old was attacked on sunday. He is serving a life sentence for six counts of second degree murder. He was charged with the murder of 26 women, many of them indigenous. Police will be questioning a 51-year-old suspect in the attack.

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