
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #38

decides on its portion if would westjet do the same. Review underway by the competition bureau that might produce results in the area I thought does for us on powerplay. Your top headlines are just ahead. Have a good night. [ ] [ ] >> Toronto, welcome to the w. >> You were watching ctv news channel. Its official canada has its own wnba team. >> It is time for fans and artists to stop paying the price for live nation's monopoly. >> Akshay: U.S. justice department wants live nation and ticketmaster to face the music in a new lawsuit. >> There is no doubt canadian citizenship is highly valued and recognized around the world's. We want to citizenship to be fair. >> Akshay: federal government moves on citizenship rights of children born abroad. Good evening and thank you for joining us. It is a great win for women's basketball in canada. Wnba coming to the country in toronto gets the first professional team outside of the U.S. >> I am honoured to officially announce we have awarded the city of toronto the 14th wnba franchise. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> Akshay: the team will start playing in 2026 at the coliseum and have the ability to move to the larger scotia bank arena on occasion. The name and colours of the team still undecided. >> Every single person said what are the colours going to be and we don't know. Very much looking forward to sourcing information and suggestions from the canadian public so keep an eye out for that in the near future. >> Akshay: let's bring in student and grade seven basketball player here in toronto plays for the scarborough blues. Thank you for joining us and it's good to have you. >> Good evening at thank you so much for having me. >> Akshay: how excited for you with this being announce that finally canada has a professional women's possible team? >> I am so excited and it's a great time for women's sports right now I had the opportunity actually to see the game in person last year when it was minnesota versus chicago and it was amazing seeing all the young girls and fans cheering on these teams and just hoping it would come to canada and now it will. >> Akshay: the fact you've witnessed the game and we have seen how this country has has sold out preseason games already and a lot of enthusiasm for this league. What does this expansion of teams mean to you? >> It means so much as I have been playing basketball for as long as I can remember and even just dribbling that ball on the court brings me so much joy and I have a great time with my teammates and coaches and I love watching wnba games and being able to watch a team in person now starting in 2026 is fantastic. >> Akshay: indeed. As a student and we've seen you play on the video for us and the opportunity you see now to grow in this sport, tell me, how does this further motivate you? >> Continue working hard and working towards my dreams I still don't know whether or not I'll play professional basketball were coach but I know in the future I want to continue playing basketball and having integrated in my life. >> Akshay: toronto's wnba team will play may 2026 so two years from now. Would you like to see more canadian teams in the league? >> Yes, for sure. Would really bring more awareness to the sport. Basketball is a huge thing in canada in such a huge fan base but I know there is still a lot of work to do around salaries between wnba and nba players and mascots and even more teams

especially canadian teams would just be even better. >> Akshay: I'm glad to bring those points up as we've seen the change and finally it's happening in sports we have a professional women's team right now but let me ask you you DID3eGY +FARg gybcFç4x$ be a professional player were coach but with the changes that you mentioned, talk about the ultimate dream for the sport for you. >> I think the ultimate dream for meet would be playing in the wnba see my name on the screen and on the tv in here and get announced having my family and friends and that would be my ultimate goal to play professionally. >> Akshay: wishing you all the best for your dreams and goals and hope you accomplish them. Thank you for joining us. >> Thank you. 's. >>> And news coming in hackers have made good on their threat to release data they stole from london drug as a company refused to pay 25 million-dollar ransom from online criminals in london drug says continue to employ information with what they call distressing situation. Forced to close all of the stores last month after the cyber attack and another news, suing ticketmaster and it's parent company live nation for accusing them of running a illegal monopoly on live events in the U.S. ctv's washington bureau chief has the details. >> Reporter: called the taylor swift effect it worked for the eras tour ticket meltdown leaving customers fuming. Over botched ticket sales and perhaps the U.S. government never would have investigated. Two years later, U.S. justice department suing the company that owns ticketmaster, accusing live nation of illegally abusing its monopoly power and leaving fans frustrated. >> Alleged alive -- live nation has illegally monopolized for far too long. It is time to break it up. >> Reporter: it won't be easy. Live nation is a ticketing giant for a lock on artists and music venues and an endless list of fees. >> Ticketing fees, service fees, convenience fees. >> Reporter: that translate into higher prices for fans just ask tracy caldwell. >> The prices are insane. >> Reporter: she and her friends flew to sweden to see her idle because it was cheaper. >> The ticket for the show in toronto and the nosebleeds was three grand in sweden we got floor seats for $500 canadian. >> Reporter: fans and competition calling for a crackdown for years in congress grilled live nation's president last year. >> This is all a definition of monopoly. >> If you care about consumers, capped the price. >> Part of the action is to really foresee industry to show its cards and shine a light on how they operate. >> Reporter: live nation in a statement pushed back calling the accusations absurd and nothing more than a pr win for the justice department and they intend to fight back joy malbon, ctv news, washington. >> Akshay: other news we are tracking as U.S. president said united states not recognizing jurisdiction of the international criminal court. >> We don't think there is an equivalence. >> Reporter: this comes after the analysis this week seeking arrest warrants for israel's prime minister and defenceman are in for three hamas leaders. Israel has strongly denied charges of genocide to saying it's doing everything it can to protect civilians as it tries to wipe out hamas militants in gaza.

>>> University of toronto made an offer to representatives of a pro- palestinian encampment. >> Given the duration of the encampment and the growing strain on our community, it is time to bring this encampment to an end. >> Reporter: includes a review of protesters demands with the israeli government and also asked the university cut ties with israeli academic institutions but says that is off the table. Ctv's queens park bureau chief has more. Walk us through the offers of school had on the table. >> Reporter: and offer the university said is fair and what they hope will satisfy demonstrators I have been here since early may having a pressure cooker coming up more strain on university community coming in to competition season civil like the ceremonies to go ahead on disrupted so what the universe does university is offering to recommit to human rights and engaging in a couple different processes already exist look things like more transparency around the government has invested its money and looking at the possibility of device -- divesting the hardline in the sand as they won't cut academic ties with israel and the importance of maintaining those relationships and having academic freedom and a willingness from the president to improve or amplify palestinian studies at the university so all of those things around the table as students given 24 hours to consider it something the president hopes they will. >> Akshay: what has been the reaction of all student protesters on the campus on this offer? >> Reporter: geving a quick initial reaction tonight and they do raise concerns one of the things the president talked about the 24-hour clock on this offer that at the end of that, the university may be starting to issue trespass notices and the president does not allow the possibility of police to clear and that brings worry and concern setting up the possibility of violent encampment clearing in the way we saw at universities in alberta. That something they don't want to see as they and the university talk about wanting a peaceful resolution to this but we're not getting any sense at this point whether this offer itself is something the students are willing to accept on where their thinking is at 11:00 o'clock tomorrow and take the night to be amongst themselves to decide what's next. President said he's open for dialogue if it's an initial no willing to continue to talk. >> Akshay: even though there is time, there's not a final offer up to negotiations but a dialogue of middle ground as the demands of the students have not been met with this offer. >> They haven't. We heard concern from students today about the president having veto power the committees might ultimately decide so important to them to have an insurance the university is committing to things like human rights so I don't know if the thoughts enough to satisfy what they have been asking for if the refusal to sever academic ties is a dealbreaker that something we won't know until tomorrow but definitely shows a willingness to engage in dialogue's on divestment disclosure pieces on what is the heart of this encampment. Beginning of something whether it's not enough to have these tents pack up I'm not sure. >> Akshay: thank you siobhan morris there in toronto.

>>> Federal government that to extend canadian citizenship rights for things -- children born abroad. >> Beyond the first generation in a way that's inclusive enough to hold the value of our citizenship. >> Reporter: bill automatically for those born abroad extent citizenship to the children and to be eligible, parents michelle they spent three years in canada before the birth or adoption of their child let's delve deeper. We have an immigration lawyer and thank you for your time. >> Good evening. >> Akshay: your assessment and reaction to this bill being tabled. What you think? >> I want to know if this bill was tabled as a result of a superior court decision in december 2023 so in other words, not the federal government deciding to do something proactively to help canadians and amend the act to make it more inclusive but rather donation where the federal government was struck down and it gave the government six months to amend the act and this is what they are doing now so in my view, step in the right direction. >> Akshay: I'm glad you brought that up because what they've observed is the ontario court observed this current law the man -- the manner in which it stands up as having a disproportionate impact on women. Talk to us about that. >> Quite a novel decision because it referenced intersection analogy but the lawyers did a fantastic job in the court basically said this provision violates section 15 of the charter and ultimately discriminatory against women because it limits their ability to pass citizenship to their children on the account the fact it's beyond their control which results in them being treated differently than other canadians >> Akshay: hope us understand how once this is passed, how will the impact immigration? The numbers in the country? >> I don't thank you will have a specific impact but those who are determined as a result of legislative amendments have lost the ability to pass or obtain citizenship and I think this will bring a lot of relief and ultimately eliminate because they have been fighting for this cause for a long time and I don't think this will have a major impact on the numbers and I think the bill does a good job in balancing canadian citizenship with the local world >> Akshay: talk to us about the other side as well as many are saying the challenges for the government at this bill goes through and what are those challenges you think the government might face because canadians of convenience as it was put by the former prime minister in 2009 could be an additional burden and what you make of that? >> I think this is grossly overstated. The harper government was trying to be protectionist but have concerns about canadians for convenience but this will impact a tiny number of people and we live in a globalized world and I will think people are thinking that and I'll think there will be many challenges for a government but, of course, ultimately introduce this substantial connection requirement so having three of five years of physical presence in canada prior and I think it's a reasonable balance approach and honour think the government will face many challenges but I think there facing far challenges and other issues. >> Akshay: appreciate your time with us. >> Akshay: time for a break but edmonton oilers looking to keep it alive. Sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv Living with the parents in the past has definitely helped me in saving. Home ownership means a piece of success in life. I feel at home. Homes... made for the real you. ( ) Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home

(Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. Frizz, dryness, breakage. New Dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask, with patented peptide complex, fortifies hair bonds, helps reverse ten visible signs of damage in one minute. Keep living. We'll keep repairing. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. >> Akshay: thanks for staying with us. Hopes rest on the shoulders of the edmonton oilers to take on the dallas stars in the western conference final. >> We can't get too far ahead of ourselves and you have to stay in the moment and I think the last time we were in this situation was really our first long-run so since then, been to the second round we are here now again so you learn so much along the way. >> Akshay: the oilers took down the vancouver canucks in seven games to get here and could prove to be an even tougher challenge. They beat in THE[ih/÷fR1S X9Qron]i pm eastern.

>>> A new video of the arrest of scotty scheffler who was charged with assaulting an officer. Ctv's andrew johnson has more. >> Reporter: in video newly released, a look at the moments before a bizarre early-morning arrest as the world's top golfer slowly turns left towards the golf club arriving around to in a police officer seen found running alongside and appears to smack the windshield in the car comes to a stop. A couple minutes later, he was in handcuffs. Please have alleged he dragged the officer from his car before the arrest there's no sign of that in the new video nor is there body cam footage. >> Detective should have turn on his body were camera but didn't. >> We are not aware at this time of any video footage which captures the initial interaction between l mpd and him. >> Reporter: the officer has been disciplined in that morning shortly before he arrived at tournament worker hit and killed by a shuttle bus. >> That tragic death led to a series of very unfortunate events dark and rainy and tense conditions. >> Reporter: police say the golf superstore refused to stop at the scene and accelerated forward and hauled off to jail. >> I was never angry just in shock and I think my body was shaken the whole time. >> Reporter: he was released a few hours later and return to the court in time to tear off. He has all the arrest he's called a misunderstanding but it still is facing charges including a second degree felony assault of a police officer and scheduled to appear in court june 3rd. >> Akshay: time for a break but a new study links on processed foods to higher risk of cognitive declined (Dramatic muc) (Cheering) You shall live with mosquitoesand ticks no more...Contact and of your summer outisde. will spray all theareas where mosquitoes and ticks live, rest and hide. Trees, shrubs, under the deck,behind the shed. Anywhere you need protectionfrom harmful mosquitoes and ticks. We come back on arepeated schedule so you're bug freeall season long. Safe, effective,incredible results. Contact us today At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. Sleep Country hasteamed up with Maloufto bring you thelatest evolution of sl These Lifestyle Adjustable Basesallow you to customize your head and foot positions. While also transforming yourbedroom into a luxurious retreat where you can read, work, watchTV and even get a massage. All from thecomfort of your bed. For a limited time, when you buy a LifestyleAdjustable Base at Sleep Country You'll get up to $1,769back on a promo card. Speak with one of ourSleep Experts and start sleeping better now. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? >> Akshay: thanks for staying with us. We know ultra- processed foods are not good for the waistline but a new study says they may also be bad for your brain. Ctv's heather wright has more. >> Reporter: ultra processed foods are cheap and convenient but they are linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline and stroke. They can be hard to avoid. They are everywhere but according to a new study, a direct link between increased consumption and brain health in the study found consuming just 10 percent more increase stroke

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