
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #35

>>> The U.S. says there aren't enough players in the live event industry, accusing ticketmaster and its parent company livenation of squeezing out the competition. The department of justice has launched an anti-trust lawsuit against the entertainment giant. Canada's competition bureau says it's aware of the lawsuit but won't confirm whether it's investigating. CTV's joy malbon in washington, joy, there have been gripes about livenation for years. >> Reporter: hey, merella, get ready for an epic legal battle as the U.S. justice department and 30 states take on the largest ticket seller in north america. Call it the taylor swift effect. If if weren't for the eras tour ticket meltdown in 2022 leaving customers fuming over botched ticket sales, perhaps the U.S. government never would have investigated. Two years later, the U.S. justice department is now suing the company that owns ticketmaster, accusing livenation of illegally abusing its monopoly power and leaving fans frustrated. >> We allege that livenation has illegally monopolized markets across the live concert industry in the united states for far too long. It is time to break it up. >> Reporter: it won't be easy. Livenation is a ticketing giant with a lock on artists and music venues, and says the attorney general, an endless list of fees. >> Ticketing fees, service fees, convenience fees. >> Reporter: and that, he says, translate in to higher prices for fans. Just ask teresa caldwell, a swifty. >> Toronto prices are insane. >> Reporter: so she and her friends flew to sweden to see her idol because it was cheaper. >> The ticket for the show in toronto in the nose bleeds was 3 grand. In sweden, we got tickets, we got floor seats for $500 canadian. >> Reporter: fans and politicians have been calling for a crackdown for years. Congress grilled livenation's president just last year. >> This is all a definition of monopoly monopoly. >> If you care about the consumer, cap the price! >> Part of this action is, you know, by the doj is to really force the industry to show its cards, shine a light on how they operate. >> Reporter: livenation in a statement pushed back calling the accusations absurd and nothing more than a pr win for the justice department, and they intend to fight back. Merella? >> Merella: all right, joy malbon in washington.

>>> A political rally in northern mexico ended with nine people dead including a child after the stage collapsed. Witnesses say it happened in a matter of seconds with videos on social media showing people running away and climbing out from under metal poles. The event was held in support of a long-shot presidential candidate. More than 120 people were injured. It is believed heavy winds may have caused that collapse. >>> Police say notorious serial killer robert pickton is on life support in a medically induced coma. Doctors plan to try waking him in the next few days. Pickton was attacked at a maximum security prison in quebec last weekend. The 74-year-old is serving a life sentence for six murders and was accused of dozens of others. >>> Doctors at the children's hospital of eastern ontario are using artificial intelligence to help diagnose rare disorders. The A.I. scans records and flags patients for genetic testing. CTV's judy trinh got a closer look at the technology and how life changing it could be. Judy, how long did it take to develop this? >> Reporter: cheo researchers began developments of this algorithm in 2021 and since then identified dozens of cases that were missed. For years, this family were searching for the cause of the developmental delays in their 10-year-old son anthony. >> His balance is very poor as well as being able to retain information and grasp everyday small tasks and knowledge was very challenging. >> Reporter: doctors initially thought the delays were due to complications from surgery anthony had as a baby. He was born with excessive fluid around his brain. After more than 100 visits to the hospital and being bounced from one specialist to another, anthony was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. >> There's about only 400 people in the world known with this disease right now as we speak, anthony is actually the first one diagnosed with this disease in north america. >> Reporter: there are 6,000 rare genetic diseases. Anthony's diagnosis may not have happened if he wasn't flagged for testing during A.I. algorithm. Cheo named it "think rare." it was developed by scientists working with tech experts. >> It's kind of a nudge. We're not replacing the doctors. We're kind of helping them with some of these digital tools. >> Reporter: for this pilot project, researchers used the algorithm to analyze ten years of data consisting of more than 250,000 apparent records. Of that number, 15 people were flagged as having potential rare genetic diseases. A.I. is allowing cheo doctors to diagnose rare disorders in kids much earlier so families can get help faster. >> If you don't have a specific diagnostic code attached to you in the educational system, you're often not given enough resources. >> Reporter: cheo doesn't have plans to monetize the A.I. algorithm. Instead, it wants to give it away for free to help other children's hospitals. >> Merella: that's a great idea, judy, thank you. With your help in mind, we want to share the details of a new study of ultra-processed foods. Researchers say they may also be bad for your brain. Heather wright joins us with more. What would be considered ultra-processed foods? >> Reporter: ultra-processed foods are cheap, convenient, they're often delicious, but they are linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline and stroke. They can be hard to avoid. Chips, crackers, pop, soup, ultra-processed foods are everywhere, but according to a new study, there's a direct link between increased consumption and brain health. The study found consuming just 10% more ultra-processed foods increased the risk of stroke by 9% and cognitive impairment by 12%. >> Reporter: the down side is really coming in to focus. Not only with our study but with all the others that there is a cost associate we had that in that both individually and then collectively, we need to think about what that cost is and how to tackle that. >> Reporter: this is just the latest study to look at the dangers of ultra-processed foods which experts say can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and early mortality. Food is considered ultra-processed when it goes through multiple processing steps, when nutrients are removed to make it last longer and ingredients like sugars, salts, and chemicals are added. >> The purpose of ultra-processing is to create a product that's convenient, so it's ready to eat, drink, or heat. >> Reporter: it can be hard and expensive to remove ultra-processed foods from our diets, but the lead author of this study says even making

small changes can have a big impact. >> Earlier in life that you do it and the longer you're able to maintain it, the better off you are. >> Reporter: and when it comes to packaged foods and processed foods, experts say it really is a spectrum, some far worse than others. And that's why they say it is important to read the packages, to look at the ingredients, and whenever possible to cook meals at home. Merella? >> Merella: CTV's heather wright in toronto. >>> The body of a soldier from newfoundland will be coming home from france. The soldier died in battle during the first world war. His identity not known, but he will represent all the soldiers from that province who never made it home. CTV's garrett barry has joined a group of canadians now in france for the start of that journey. Garrett, what's happening now where you are? >> Reporter: merella, preparations and practices are well under way here in beaumont hamel in the northeastern part of france for this one of a kind ceremony, honouring newfoundland and labrador's contribution to the first world war. Soldiers from the royal newfoundland regiment are back in france this week, this time taking up a fallen ancestor at a ceremony on saturday. These hills still hold the holes of artillery blasts, scars from a battle that never really healed at home either. On july 1st, 1916, nufrld newfoundlanders were ordered over the top. It was part of the big bush, the battle of the somme. It was the dominion of the british empire, not yet part of canada. This battle was the deadliest in the royal newfoundland regiment's history. The field was wide open and german machine guns were set on the holes in the barbed wire that newfoundlanders had to run through. Within mere minutes, 324 were killed, another 386 were wounded. Some historians believe the newfoundlanders never fired a single shot. The unknown soldier is meant to represent all of newfoundland's war efforts. So officials won't say where exactly he died, were that's in beaumont hamel or other battlefields in the area. Because he's not been identified and no family has been found, newfoundland and labrador premier andrew furey will serve as next of kin. >> The emotions are overwhelming. The event is overwhelming, and the responsibility of being next of kin is definitively the most honourable thing I've done as premier of this province. >> Reporter: after the remains change hands on saturday, the canadian forces will move immediately to head back to canada and bring that unknown soldier home to newfoundland and labrador for the first time in more than a hundred years. Merella? >> Merella: garrett barry is in france today.

>>> Coming up, a shorts debate. >> These are the shorts I was wearing and then some lady told me they were too short. >> Merella: montreal students protest what they call a sexist dress code. Plus... [ Singing ] a first look at the emotional new trailer for celine dion's documentary. She'll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes. She'll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes. She'll be coming ‘round the mountain. And the river. And the desert. And whatever types of terrain she can find out there. Yeehaw. The Ford Bronco family. Designed to take you here, there and home again. I've got good news. There is a murderer - Oh! - walking among us. [gasps] Fantastic! I'm sorry, what? She watches a lot of true crime. Welcome to the family. There's so much new stuff happening out there. I just can't keep up. Well it's too far to swim back now. This is amazing! I promise you I'll not let you down. Stream the best of British tv only on Britbox. Watch with a free trial at What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. >> Merella: with the warmer weather, canadians are casting coats and jackets aside, swapping the long pants for shorts. But some girls in quebec are pushing back on their high school's dress code saying they're being singled out just for trying to keep cool. CTV's genevieve beauchemin joins us now with the details of the clash over clothing. Jen? >> Reporter: yes, merella, the students say there's no room in this day and age for this dress code, but particularly how it's being applied. Their chant is "free the shorts" but to students skipping class for this protest, it's so much more than about short shorts. >> I'm fighting for equality because we're in 2024. Boys and girls are supposed to be equal. >> Reporter: this week, the protest was sparked by a dress code crack down at curé-antoine-labelle high school. >> These are the shorts I was wearing and then some lady told me they were too short. >> Reporter: 50 students, most of them girls, were given a choice of going home or finding a way to cover up exposed knees. >> She said, your shorts give space for imagination. And I was like, what a gross comment on a child's body. >> Reporter: the school sent a letter home to parents saying the rules established by the school committee require that shorts be at or just above the knees. The girls say in their overheated school, they need cooler clothes and that few shorts sold to girls are made that length anyway. >> Our education is what matters before anything else, right? And they're here suspending girls? >> Reporter: but several students also say the reasons teachers gave them were inappropriate. >> The boys can find your knees attractive and you have to change. >> Reporter: the school board says it has reminded the school that applying the rules must be done respectfully and acknowledges that the vast majority of those sent home are girls. But director general yves michel says rules are applied to girls and boys equally but that most of those breaking the rules are girls. >> If they don't want to listen to us, so we have no options but to do this. >> Reporter: the students say there's only a few weeks left of the school year, so they don't understand why this crackdown is happening now. Merella? >> Merella: all right, CTV's genevieve beauchemin. Time for a short break. Coming up... New video from the arrest of the world's top golfer. Leo's having a hard time hitting that bullseye. Leaving his family unprotected, should anything happen to him,

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>>> Canadian music superstar celine dion is opening up about her health issues in a new documentary. >> I miss it so much, the people. I miss that. If I can't run, I'll walk. If I can't walk, I'll crawl. >> Merella: the film offers a behind the scenes look at stiff persons syndrome. It's a rare neurological condition. Dion calls the doc a love letter to fans. >>> After the break, more canadian national treasures. Rolling back the years, a rare look inside canada's archives. - [Announcer] Most men willdevelop symptoms of BPH.To reduce these symptoms Finally, less urges to urinate. Super Beta Prostate. Find it at thesefine retailers. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) This is our future, ma. GoDaddy airo. Creates a logo, website, even social posts in minutes! -How? -a.i. Ay I like it! Who wants to come see the future?! Get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo. Sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. Like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. Which is why Downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher and better. Downy Breathe life into your laundry. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. (Horn honking) Hi, Dad! (Vehicle departing) How's your visit with Noah going? He took out my Jag! (Chuckle) But he doesn't know how to drive stick. He doesn't? (Tires screeching, thud) Ah, f... Fix Auto! The first words that should come to mind after an accident. >> Merella: for the first time, members of the public will get a chance to go inside a building designed to hold critical pieces of canadian history. Libraries and archives canada is giving rare access this weekend, but CTV's annie bergeron-oliver was able to get an inside look today. >> Reporter: inside these massive buildings are indispensable treasures that each tell a story about canada's history. >> We have a map that has the first time the word "canada" was put on it, but we also things have a paper dress that was part of the 1968 campaign for pierre elliott trudeau. >> Reporter: those artifacts just a few of the tens of millions carefully catalogued and stored by library and archives canada that may be on display this weekend when the public gets a rare look inside. >> I think we all know there isn't one history of canada, there's many histories of canada. And at library and archives of canada, we want to showcase everyone's story. >> Reporter: the precious collection contains 425,000 works of art, 22 million books, the original constitution. And millions of photographs, films, and government records. Any of the items stored inside their brand new net zero facility are all digitally catalogued and accessible by robots that move around six identical storage vaults. Each of the vaults is temperature and humidity controlled and also fireproof and designed to keep a single piece of paper in perfect condition for up to 500 years. >> It's going to be important for my grandkids, my grand grandkids eventually, and I think I'm really proud that they're going to be able to come and, you know, see the facility that's still going to be standing tall and proud in a hundred years. >> Reporter: a state-of-the-art facility housing items... Whose access is usually tightly controlled. This friday and saturday, though, they'll be open to the public. >> So they're going to get a chance to see some of the treasures in our collection because we have the fifth largest collection in the world.

>> Reporter: a collection built by canadians for canadians. Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, gatineau. >> Merella: some interesting stuff. That's our newscast for this thursday. Thanks for sharing your time with us and be sure to join todd van der hayden later tonight. For ongoing coverage of canada's top stories, tune in to ctv news channel. I'm merella fernandez. Your local ctv news begins right now. [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Vassy: hi there and welcome to power-play, I'm vassy kapelos. Tonight, capitol hill pressure on canada's prime minister. >> I'm sure I would be able to ensure those concerned senators that canada will be ready and

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