
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #27

infinite, almost. >> It is this is really we're looking at ultra-rare diseases like anthony status was seeing on the little short clip. These are things that may affect one in 2 million or fewer canadians. So these are not things that front-line care providers are ever going to figure out on. >> Okay, but this is also something that improves the the speed of finding the part of a diagnosis, but also helps him earlier, which saves everybody money in sand age that frustration. Absolutely right to you. Exactly right. This sort of spinning around and seeing multiple specialists and having sometimes invasive investigations, they don't need. >> You don't need to know where do we go from here, where we're at and what can we expect over the next little while. >> So now it's moving into clinical care. So that means it's going to be and setting up an alert within the electronic health care system. It says have you considered an undiagnosed for genetic disease. Facilitating at a referral and genomic testing and then sort of changing or inverting that that typical diagnostic journey for these kids and making it happened much sooner. Okay. >> Doctor, thank you very much for your time and breaking it down for us. We appreciate it. >> Yeah, thanks very much for having me. Doctor kym boycott is a senior scientist at the cheo research institute. Changes are coming to quebec's health care system and it has some family doctors worry the province is overhauling the way doctors acquire patients, forcing them to use an online portal. But some physicians say it's flawed and doesn't solve the fundamental problem of access. Ctv's denise roberts reports. >> As of may, 23rd any quebec are needing a family doctor will have to be registered on this website. It's called the quebec family doctor finder or dance. And it will be the primary way doctors take on patients, which concerns doctor annie gauthier, who has had problems with the system. >> One in 2 of the patients that against gave me. Did not need a family doctor because they already had a family doctor. They were dead or they no longer lived in quebec and therefore did not need a family doctor. The problem she says is the list is not updated, creating an enormous amount of unnecessary work. >> The problem is it one in 2 people. Letters are sent to. Don't need a family doctor. That's such a waste of time and energy on the part of the gent on the part of the doctor and part of the clinic try to contact these people. The ministry of health told ctv news that each regional health board or see use. >> Has employees dedicated to continuously updating these lists. But it adds that it's also up to people on that list to make sure their information is up-to-date. It was crazy because I got contacted after it already been set up with a doctor >> And I actually got paired with a doctor here and I was like, well, I've been followed for a few months already like I don't need the s l ay yi works as a medical receptionist and says there's a need for a better system. We get a lot of the blame for for it. One really like we're having the same issues is like the as the patients were serving, I say, to continue to pay if you want to have 30 need to send us this of one and grade because you won't be able to feel there's but doctor guillaume charbonneau of the quebec federation of general practitioner says with a shortfall of 1500 family doctors and a coming wave of retirements. This isn't the time to put more administrative burden on doctors we had to make to system asked for it as we can. And bay. >> But you know, new rules, it would good intention for treaty would create new problems, problems that may cost primary care providers. >> And potential patients. Denise roberts, ctv news. >> Serial killer robert pickton will remain in a medically induced coma for the next few days. Following and attack in a quebec prison a spokesperson for quebec provincial police says medical staff will try to determine if picton can live without life support. He was assaulted in parked car stand institution on sunday in what officials have described as a major attack. He is serving a life sentence for 6 counts of second-degree murder at the time of his trial, the victim was charged with 26 murders of women, many of whom were indigenous. Louisville, kentucky. Now more details have been released about the arrest of pro golfer scottie scheffler, the police chief there says the arresting officer, detective brian gillis has been disciplined for failing to activate his body camera. Detective gillis. >> Did have an encounter, as we know, with mister scottie scheffler. Detective. Gillis should have turned on his body worn camera, but did not. His failure to do so is a violation of the lmpd policy on uniforms and equipment. Subject category, body-worn camera. And he was this thing for a validation of the policy. 4.3, 1.6 procedures and 4.3,

1.7 operation. >> According to police, without the detectives, body camera footage, police were unable to capture initial footage of scheffler's interaction with the officer. Police are releasing video footage from a fixed camera poll in a police dash cam scheffler charged with is charged with second-degree assault of a police officer. Third-degree criminal mischief and reckless driving. >> A special night in toronto to celebrate alleged white. Details on the tribute concert. Sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv Power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. When the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. The winds are notletting up at all here. We're going to seesome power outages. Number one thing to preparefor is extended power outages. Are you prepared? You can be with a GeneracHome Standby Generator. When a power outage occurs, your Generac Home StandbyGenerator automatically powers up, using your home's existingnatural gas or propane, so your life goes on,without disruption. You and your family arecomfortable, safe, and secure. Stay tuned, to get overa $700 value free, on the most popular homestandby generator in the world. With the Generac,we don't have to worry about whetherwe lose power or not. If the utility company does not come through,our Generac does. Having the Generac generator, I felt secure thatif there was a power outage, I didn't have to worryabout it, that there would be heatin the home. There wouldn't bebusted pipes. After the hurricane happened, we just want to beprepared for anything. Generac generatorsare designed, engineered and built for the purposeof generating power. 8 out of 10 homegenerators are Generac, and have thousandsof satisfied customers. How many timeshave you heard people say, I never want to gothrough that again? Well, the next timeyou go through it, don't make itso hard on yourself. Have a Generac HomeStandby Generator. Call or go online now to requestyour free quote with one of Generacsnationwide dealers. And if you call now,you'll receive a free 5 year warrantyvalued at over $700. The call is free,the quote is free, and there's no obligationto buy, call or go online now. So the next timethere's a power outage, your home powers up.Power your life with Generac. Call or go online to requestyour free quote today. >> Big news from the sports world with toronto getting the first wnba franchise outside of the united states. >> I am honoured to officially announce. >> That we have awarded the city of toronto. The 14 wnba >> The team will play out of the 8700 seat coca cola coliseum exhibition place and be able to move to the larger scotiabank arena when it's warranted. Team president teresa resch says the name and colours are still on the side. Tsn's josh lewenberg is standing by with more on the announcement. Josh, thanks very much for joining us. Thanks for having me. Big day. What do we know about the team? It's still early, we're talking 2 years away, essentially. Yeah, a couple years away. It's going to debut here in 2026. >> Seems like a long time to wait, we were joking with team president teresa resch today. She was saying well, 2 years, some people have been waiting 0 years, 30 plus years for this. And of course, with all of the details to be ironed out. Still, it's a lot to be done in 2 years. You mention the team name and the colours, the branding. I would expect all of that. It probably in about a year from now. One year out from the team's debut. Of course, there's also renovations that are going to be done to at the coca cola coliseum, which is right now home to the marlies and the pwhl team. So I hockey venue that needs to turn into a pretty basketball venue and a few other things, including a practice facility, which larry tanenbaum has committed 40 million dollars to eventually building. For now and to start in 2026, they're going to be practising out of facilities at u of t, but a lot to be done here in a fairly short period of time. But certainly a lot of excitement today because the big the biggest hurdle was getting clearance on this, getting it over the line and of course, making it official that there will in fact be up. Professional women's basketball team in toronto, in canada. And now we can finally say.

and it's, it's a big thing. They're going to be playing some games in vancouver, a montreal. This is a huge thing for women's sports here in canada because he's getting coverage around the world. >> It really is, I mean, this is a big deal. You can't possibly overstate that. I just think both for. Professional women's sports here in canada, but also for the continued growth of the sport in this country. I've been fortunate enough to cover a lot of the canadian nba players over the years. And they all point to that seminal moment in their life where they either first picked up a basketball or just believe that it was possible for them to make it. And whether they talk about vince carter and the dunk contest or the derozan lowry teams, you could trace it all back directly or indirectly to the raptors expansion in 95. This is that moment. And I think we're going to see the impact of this on girls and young women across the country for years and decades to come. There are 4 canadians in the wnba right now. And I would be shocked if that number doesn't continue to rise and eventually skyrocket in the way that we've seen it. Rise in the nba over the last decade. >> All right, josh are thank you for that update. Tsn's josh lewenberg. O what a gorgeous song. A tribute concert is being held tonight in toronto to honour the life and legacy. The one and only gordon lightfoot. Canadian artists like tom cochrane, burton, cummings and city and colour will be taking the stage at the historic massey hall to celebrate the canadian music legend just a year after his death. Now rick haynes joins us. He was the longtime basis for gordon lightfoot and he is at the there must be some incredible meant. Thank you for joining us. But there must be some incredible memories going on right now as you sit there. >> You know this, it's really exciting. This is a big day. We're all here because we love gordon and because we're here to honour him. >> And you've, you were with him for 55 years. Is that right? >> 55 years, that's right. Started in 1968. >> How do banned from chris stay together that long? >> It's tricky, it can be very tricky. One thing that really helped a lot was our deep respect for gordon as a leader and a songwriter and performer. Gordon always knew exactly what he wanted any a really strong excellent leader who worked himself the hardest. So it's pretty easy for 10 to stay together in those circumstances. >> That is pretty incredible. Now tonight we're going to be playing some of those classics you'll be playing with. Are you playing with the this special guests as well. >> We're playing with a lot of special guests. And as soon as you have higher finished talking, I'm going to jump back on the stage. We're going to be doing our sound check with tom cochrane, who's performing the wreck of the edmund fitzgerald with us tonight. And how it started going. That we also have down a city and colour performing with us tonight. >> And how is that for you playing after playing with gordon for so long and now somebody else is going to place are going to be playing with them. How do you how do you approach that? >> Kind simple and it's not because without gordon, it's not the same. We do. We have developed the arrangements and the songs with gordon very well. So people are really shooting in and rising to the occasion. And it's, I think it's going to be an incredible experience for the audience tonight. >> I can only imagine and I mentioned some of the some of the groups there. You mentioned tom cochrane, they must be a little nervous. I mean, these guys are professionals, but they're playing gordon lightfoot songs. >> I think they are a little nervous. We, we've rehearsed yesterday in a rehearsal facility off site with tom cochrane and tom wilson and they're credibly respectful of gordon. And they really want to do a good job for gore. >> And gordon, I'm a massey hall there almost synonymous that his name and massey hall. Is there a concert that stands out from there? >> Over the we've played here so many times. I mean, it's approaching the 200 mark that we've performed here out. Like I said, I was with him since 1968. So. There are so many performances, but some of the ones where we were recording the concert live. That was a big occasion. Our, the first performance I

did with him here was in 1960 and that was a live recording. So that was quite a moment. And then we also played here today that take closed the old nasty alter its renovations. And we also played here for the opening of the new basketball. So there's a lot of special moments around this building. >> And how how do you like the new the ria, the renovations restorations of massey and how to gordon? Like I just, I have to say that. >> The renovations have been everything is better than it was before with ouch. Taking away from the original o spirit and and clash of the route. But every little attention to detail isutstanding. I mean, as you base player, I have to say the sound is better than it was before. We have an incredible sound system in here. Everything is state-of-the-art. They've uncovered the old staying glassman windows that some people, even for koch were here. They were packed away in crates in and shipped down to write options on many years for safekeeping. And some people forgot about them. So there's all kinds of things to marvel at in this place. Beautiful. >> Work, we have to let go. They were quickly. What's the charity that all this money is going to before we go, we're almost at a time. >> It's for the restoration and continuation of massey hall and artists production. >> Beautiful rich, thank you very much. Have a great show to break a leg. I guess is that what we say? Also good one. Okay. Thanks very much, rick. Aids from the basis for the late gordon lightfoot. >> After the break, more from the U.S. where the department of justice is suing live nation to the company illegally inflated concert ticket prices. (Your Morning theme)Tomorrow on Your Morning, Shingles and whatyou need to know. The cause, symptoms,and what you can do to preventthe painful condition. Start your morning in the know,Friday, only on ctv. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there

Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ >> We have a word in the city of toronto. The 14 wnba franchise. >> A slam dunk for canadian basketball fans. Toronto has been awarded the first wnba team outside of the u.s.. >> The alleged that live nation has a legally monopolize markets across the live concert industry in the united states for far too long. >> The U.S. department of justice is suing ticketmaster and its parent company live nation for violating the sherman antitrust act. >> Its the diagnosis that opens the pathways both in the healthcare system in the community through supports and in the school. >> In a world first in ontario, children's hospital is turning to artificial intelligence to help identify children with a rare genetic disorders that have been undiagnosed. You're watching ctv news channel. I'm roger petersen. Thank you very much for joining us. >> Well, big news out of the world of sports today with toronto getting the first ever wnba franchise outside the u.s.. >> I am honoured to officially announce. >> That we have awarded the city of toronto. The 14 wnba >> The team will play at the 8700 seat coca cola coliseum at exhibition place and have the option to play at scotiabank arena as well. Team president teresa resch says the name and colours of the team are still in decide. >> Every single person has said was his team name and colours going to be. We do know it's a clean slate. So we're very much looking forward to source seen information and suggestions from the canadian public. So keep an eye out for that in the near future. >> Larry tannen, bomb's kilmer sports ventures is paying 50 million for the team. Can a bomb also chair and minority owner of maple leaf sports and entertainment. >> Always been a great supporter of our canadian women's teams, whether soccer hockey basketball and we have some spectacular women's teams. And I always imagined why we only have to have it during the olympics and why, you know, why can't we have professional sports, women's sports, you know, you're around. >> Joining me now is allison san margraves, ceo of canadian women and sport. Allison, thank you very much for joining us. >> Thank you. It's something it is. I mean, we knew this was coming, but still, this is still a big day. >> It's always exciting to hear about what might be a, it was a not a secret that they were that do with that style a making of this all. >> I think really gives us a lot to celebrate. A lot of our >> And what do we have to look forward to for for women's sports in canada, because the wnba is big, it's solid. Its established. >> It's been it's been in place for almost 3 decades in the united states. We have the benefit of 2 back-to-back exhibition games in the last 2 years here in canada, which really was exceptional. This means great things for women's basketball in this country, but it's also part of a bigger movement of women's professional sport. And when the sport overall in this country, which isn't just good for women and girls, it's going to be good for everyone. >> And what do you think of the idea of of them playing games in vancoucer so far as vancouver and montreal, look at the feeling, you might see a game and maybe calgary or edmonton as well. >> Raise the game right to the fans that exists coast to coast in this country. And he's a very strategic you know, we one team is it's, it's hard to meet all the demand that exists within canada, about polls and very popular support for people playing it for people watching in the van's of it. And so it frankly, I think it makes good business but it's also going to be great for the culture. >> And teresa resch, the former raptors executive is the president. How important is it to have a woman at the helm? >> Yeah, it says a friend. And I'm so thrilled to see her or rising into those positions. She clearly has been, you know, a champion of this and someone does that really pushing for this team's. She's got a lot of experience and still warm from working with the raptors and in other spaces. I think she's

going to thrive in this role and having a woman in charge, absolutely set the right tone that this is not just about players on the court. This is about women in all the leadership positions throughout the organization. And that's really what the definition of success is here. >> And I mean, this is this is hopefully just the first team of several canadian teams. Any indicators that we've seen that when they might be joining. >> Well, the 3rd thing I it was a great place to go from here. >> Certainly having hockey and soccer are on the rise. And now as well, I think the whole ecosystem for women's sport is just a growing and becoming more successful and really, we're looking for how this is going to ripple down that path. We have sport always the grass roots and how it's really going to contribute to keeping more girls in sport. I think the dynamic between professional, the grassroots as one of the most exciting parts here. And how important is it for for girls to stay in sports and state playing them? >> Throughout, not just not just know they have nowhere to go, but how even if they do make it to the wnba, but still keep playing. >> Yeah, those who make it to the professional ranks and good for you. If you're like me and most canadians, that's not actually the objective. We can be inspired by you. Motivated by courage really, we're playing in our communities, we're playing at colleges and universities, he doesn't support is essential for their mental health and physical health and well-being, but also because it drives for gender equity in all parts of our society sport. And how the social change. And we have seen just how much with succeeding in sport has contributed to breaking down barriers across our society. So it's one in 3 girls dropping of supporting those teen years. It's essential that we keep them in there as long as possible. So they and we want the benefits of that. Ok allison, thank you very much for joining us today. >> Thank you, allison. San meyer graves is the ceo of canadian women and sport. >> Well, the U.S. justice department is suing live nation. The owner of ticketmaster arguing the entertainment giant illegally inflated concert ticket prices, hurting both artists and their fans. The suit argues the vast scope of live nation and ticketmaster allowed them to dominate the industry and use that power to stifle competition. Fans and politicians have called for a reexamination of the 2010 merger of live nation and ticketmaster, especially after problems with the sale of tickets for taylor swift's tour. >> But we are not here today because live nation ticketmaster is conduct is inconvenient or frustrating. We are here because as we allege, that conduct is anti-competitive and illegal. Our complaint makes clear what happens when a monopolist dedicates its resources. 2 entrenching its monopoly power and insulating itself from competition rather than investing in better products and services. >> The suit is seeking a jury trial and the potential breakup of the company live nation shares were down on news of the lawsuit. And let's bring in marvin ryder, professor at mcmaster university's degroote school of business. Professor, thank you very much for joining us. Glad to be with you. Your take on the lawsuit, is it to appropriate long overdue or should this is this something that the the industry should figure out? >> Well, it's a bit of a surprise. So why do I mean live nation and ticketmaster are 2 completely separate entities until the year 2010 and then there was an offer from the one company to buy the other company, which was then sent the various departments of the U.S. federal government to review and approve. And they did approve it. They said yes, we think these 2 can come together without creating a monopoly. Now here we are, roughly 14 years later. And it seems like maybe the government made a mistake. Now one of the things that changed over the 14 years is not simply the ticket buying and selling aspect, but live nation itself has acquired venues. 60% of the venues were concerts are held, are owned or controlled by live nation. So I think it's that combination that you sort of control a whole pipeline, you don't control the artist. The artist still makes the decision to tour. But if you control a venue and you can control the tickets and you, you're the only place to get these, then the fees are whatever you decide to chart. I think this is where the feeling is, they got too much power, whether we'll see a court case or this might be a trigger for live nation and ticketmaster to come back with some voluntary changes to say, ok, we hear you. We saw this wrestles with microsoft when they were threatened with the motley lawsuit that a breakup, they said okay, okay, will change some things up and that appease the government. This may be the more likely

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