
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #23

born abroad and adopted by canadian citizens. The same criteria will apply once the rules if the bill is adopted. The multi key that if they can show that there are significant connections to kind of the adult, the child will be able to be given citizenship. Bill c 71 -20 will give citizenship to those who are lost it and we'll keep that create a culture here in process for the future for citizenship. It worked the house of commons and senate have done on bill s 2, 4, 5, well improving on the proposals in the senate public bill. And comprehensively addressing the issues raised by the courts. Still, I think it's in 52 that they've done it in citizenship as part of our identity. What kind of nexus inclusion. So today's bill, we are looking to improve the law and citizenship been a lot of talk about, I conservatives like pierre poilievre wanting to take away people's rights. They say there's nothing to fear. Canadian should just trust them. This is an example. Of conservatives having taken away canadians right and something they hold most dear to them in their citizenship. So in this conservative say nothing to fear canadians need to take note what they've actually done in the past. This law fixes this is not marked faces, it does not. Mark miller talking. This is the course of said so clearly. Thank you, jen. A messy a little more on that now over to my colleague mp jenny kwan. Thank you very minister. >> Let me for some say thank you and most particularly, I want to acknowledge the advocates in the family members who's been impacted by this unconstitutional. And I'm all right. We're getting news this morning mark miller on changes to canadian immigration. We're going to continue to monitor this as we move on to some other news. >> Including this morning, another organization in british columbia dealing with the fallout from a major cyber attack. This time. It's the first nations health authority. Ctv's kraig krause is standing by with more. Craig, what are you learning this morning? >> Yeah, good morning, marcia. So back on may 13th. This is when the first nations health authority detected some unusual activity in its corporate network. And that's when the later found some evidence that there was some personal information when it comes to their employees that was hacked into. But ctv news now has learned that there's more to this story. So we're learning now from some threat analysts some personal information, sensitive information when it comes to patients was also leaks on the dark web online. So a website I want to get this right here. Morsi, it's called time in ransom. In this thread, analysts found that there's been personal information when it comes to patients have been leaked on this website and and I'm assuming in this process covering the london drugs situation they're looking for a chunk of money. That number has not been identified at this point. We know right now is that there was some employee information that was hacked into a few weeks ago. And now we're also learning that there's been patient information that has been circulating on the dark web. Marcia. >> Craig, thank you for that serial killer robert pickton will remain in a medically induced coma for the next few days, following an attack in a quebec prison. A spokesperson for quebec provincial police say medical staff will try to determine of picton can live without life support. He was assaulted in port car chase institution on sunday in what's been described as a major assault. He was serving a life sentence for 6 counts of second-degree murder at the time of his trial. Picton had been charged with the murders of 26 women, many of whom were indigenous. The U.K. election campaign got underway today with the 2 major party leaders hitting the trail. >> All that is happening if I'm upon minutes to those flights will go to rwanda. We will get back to turn up and running. >> Conservative leader rishi sunak's spoke with workers at a distribution centre where he defended his government's controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to rwanda. Sunak shocked many, even within his own party by announcing a 4th of july election months earlier than expected. It's and is a >> And labour leader keir starmer kicked off his campaign at a football stadium in kent. A recent poll shows labour with a 23 point lead over the conservatives heading into the vote. Russia is accusing the united states of blackmailing georgia after the U.S. threatened to cut aid to the country and impose sanctions over a foreign agents bill passed by georgia's parliament

earlier this month. >> We looking very hard what we can do in response to that, I we will take opponents have been protesting the bill they say is authoritarian and russian inspired. >> The new law requires organizations receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register. >> As agents of foreign influence. >> Ahead for us counting down to the summer olympics in paris. When we come back, I'll speak with the first ever surfer the team right after the break. State. >> Ctv news channel. 24 hours a (Dramatic music) (Cheering) If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. >> With just under 65 days until the paris came. So noah deathly ill and has become the first ever surfing athlete named to the canadian olympic team. The bc native will compete in women's short board during the games and snow dump leone joins me now. Good morning. Thanks so much for being with us. Good morning. Thank you for having me on. So how does it feel to be the first ever surfing athlete name to canada's olympic team as the sun can? Yeah, I mean. >> It's definitely still sinking in a little and I'm sure, you know, be more and more male has the game's approaching it closer and closer. But it feels really good. Obviously, you know, going up 16 canada, I have so many beautiful memories that I love the search committee and yeah, just the coast here and all it's a part of so special to me. So I'm very grateful and I'm super excited to represent canada. The income too. >> Awesome, so tell us a little bit about your background, at what age did you start surfing and at what point did you I wouldn't mind going to the olympics. >> Yeah, serving. Didn't become a part of the olympics until like last summer 4 years. Joe. So wasn't really like a dream until because it wasn't a possibility. But I started surfing a little bit with my mom when I was 4, 5, just kind of playing in the water and then I really started picking or when I was around 9 years old and did my first international contests, not 11. >> How are you preparing for the games? >> Yeah, the biggest same preparing is starting to chant the ways that the games will be at, it's going to be in tahiti, french polynesia. So I'm headed there in the beginning of june for a couple

weeks to in the location. >> Wow, just hearing you say that it sound so exciting of quick sear training schedule like. >> Yeah. The tuning schedule surfing is pretty different each day and pretty lives compared to a lot of depending on the conditions and you know, sometimes even the calves, so kind of just surf, whatever you want. Keeping an eye on the conditions throughout the day. And then on top of, you know, making sure that you're doing, you're stretching and macomb, bility and injury prevention. And then doing, you know, here in gym training is up. >> Do people ever sort of pause when you tell them that you surf in canada, it's not something that you think of when it comes to canadian sports, usually it's hockey or skiing. >> Yeah, something is definitely election and score in canada in the surfing world. And now you know, the still searching in canada, if you know the town of them, I love it is pretty popular and lots of surfers come internationally certainty chips here. But I want ships or, you know, even, you know, to canadians for the, you know, more inland surfing is definitely not the most popular here. So people are usually really excited about it and surprised. >> What are you most excited about in going to these games? >> I'm just really excited for the chance of it. It's such a good opportunity to, >> You know, chain him prepare and really put a lot actually, and into much surfing in, but cheney and just getting everything you need to plant where. I can, you know, compete in. Give my best shot at it, getting a good result. So it's just it's an opportunity to times myself against the best surfers in the world. And I mean, yeah, it's, it's such a good opportunity. You sound so calm and cool. >> On a scale of one to 10, if 10 was, you know, crazy nervous. Where are you on the nervous scale? >> I need to fund of funds and the situation obviously, you know. If if you think about like became super close. Leanne, that weight is known for being really a very dangerous is one of the most popular is in the world. So you know, the signs early you know, that is all that the mayor is that the conditions that could easily be up to like 210. But obviously it's a any other surf you got to stay calm and you know, just utility. So. I'm kind of in the midst of its own between like staying calm and not overthinking. And also being really excited because yeah, I'm jim to the olympics are so I'm, I'm not so great. We wish you all the best or going to be watching for sure. >> Thank you. So definitely. Oland is a canadian surfer and she is canada's first olympic surfer going to the 2024 olympic games. >> Still ahead, puppy paradise, a bed and breakfast in new brunswick is putting out the (Snickering) Hanging tree -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. You shall live with mosquitoesand ticks no more...Contact and of your summer outisde. will spray all theareas where mosquitoes and ticks live, rest and hide. Trees, shrubs, under the deck,behind the shed. Anywhere you need protectionfrom harmful mosquitoes and ticks. We come back on arepeated schedule so you're bug freeall season long. Safe, effective,incredible results. Contact us today Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l wah is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall.

I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. >> A bed and breakfast near moncton has a unique business model. Doesn't just taylor to people. It's also a vacation spot for their furry friends. Ctv's alana pickrell has more. >> Not only allows dogs, but really welcomes them. We tried to build in everything we want when we're travelling with their dogs. Dog beds in the room >> You know, dog dishes. Brother-in-law rick did a lot of work outside specially out by the road cause is close to the road. So we made sure that was high and double and safe for all the dogs, but his, his number one priority. The bnb showcases a love for pups from the outsidces to the carefully picked interior decor. >> To even a 2 bedroom names, which played tribute to those who came before. It's the izzy sweet. She was a rescue. I got it was a puppy and she was my soulmate. >> And while it's a puppy paradise, it's still models a typical bed and breakfast. Jill is the best coke. The breakfast says here at the bmv or 3 course top notch, offering a place to sit and stay that's enjoyable for both to and four-legged guests. It's not just dog-friendly. Each dog welcoming. >> The bed and breakfast is open from the end of may until november, giving people a chance to explore when new brunswick has to offer. >> Without leaving behind any member of the family. Alana pickrell, ctv news. Lower coverdale, new brunswick. >> Huge day for women's sports in canada. Toronto has been awarded a wnba team, the first franchise outside the u.s.. The expansion team will start playing in may. 2026 coverage of this story continues right (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) - Men, are you urinating more often? Are you waking at night to go? Most men will develop symptoms of b-p-h during their lives, and half of them will have more frequent urges to urinate. Reduce the symptoms of bph with Super Beta Prostate. It's proven to help you reduce the extra bathroom trips. Reduce getting up at night to urinate, and take back control. To reduce the symptoms of bph, don't wait, get Super Beta Prostate. . Firefighters... What we do is hard. It's not enough to be strong. You have to be tough. Let's move! Get down!

get into a new station 19 on ctv >> And a landmark lawsuit, the U.S. justice department is suing ticketmaster owner live nation, arguing it's harming concert goers by abusing its control of the industry. >> We have awarded the city of toronto, the 14 wnba franchise. It toronto basketball fans on a high with news that the city has been awarded the first wnba team outside of the u.s.. >> Its the diagnosis that opens the pathways both in the healthcare system in the community through supports and in the school and in a world first and ontario children's hospital is turning to artificial intelligence to help identify children with rare genetic disorder or sad or undiagnosed. Hello, I'm marcia macmillan, thanks for being with us. We're waiting to hear from the U.S. attorney general any moment now. >> About a landmark lawsuit targeting one of the world's largest ticketing and concert promoters. The U.S. justice department is now suing live nation. The owner of ticketmaster arguing the entertainment giant illegally inflated concert ticket prices hurting both artists and their fans. The doj suit argues the vast scope of live nation and ticketmaster allow them to dominate the industry and abuse its position to stifle competition fans and politicians have been calling for a reexamination of the 2010 merger of live nation and ticketmaster especially after problems with this sale of tickets for taylor swift's tour. >> I think there is no question that taylor swift certainly facilitated this in particular her fans in their frustration and the way they work advocates for trying to step up and investigate this particular situation. It lead to a hearing in congress. And as I understand, it did help to spur some of these cs within the doj. >> The suit is seeking a jury trial and the potential breakup of the company. Live nation shares took a tumble in pre-market trading this morning on reports of the lawsuit. And big news from the sports world this morning with toronto getting the first wnba franchise outside of the u.s.. >> I am honoured to officially announce. >> That we have awarded the city of toronto. The 14 wnba >> We're engaged larry tanenbaum, lead kilmer sports ventures is paying 115 million dollars for the franchise. The team will play the 8700 see coca cola coliseum at exhibition place and have the ability to move to the larger scotiabank arena on occasion team president teresa resch says the name and the colours of the team are still and decide it. >> Every single person has said what is this team name and colours going to be? We do know it's a clean slate, so we're very much looking forward to source seen information and suggestions from the canadian public. So keep an eye out for that in the near future. >> All right, with me now is catherine eicher, the founder and host of the pickup wnba podcast and buckets and te nba show catherine. Hi there. Thanks so much for speaking with us. I know that you are at the event earlier this morning. Can you describe the energy in the room and just how much enthusiasm there is right now for this league coming to canada. >> Yeah, I mean, the room was absolutely electric specially for a press conference. It was really exciting. And I think today's like a celebration like. Harry was there. Scottie barnes was there. I mean, it was really it was really, really find today. >> And you spoke with the prime what did he say to you about this new franchise coming to canada? >> Yeah, that's a sentence. I get to say yeah under get the prime minister today. >> I mean, he's absolutely thrilled it. He's really excited to have a wnba team in toronto, in canada. You know, you talked about kids and those kids are really into sports and the kind of impact this is going to have on them and not, you know, for a new generation, like within sports, women's basketball, it's going to be totally normal for them. It's going to be the status quo and that's really exciting. What are you learning about the lead up to today's announcement, how long has this been in the works? >> Well, you know, that's interesting because last year

we had an exhibition game in toronto and it was the first ever wnba game. >> In canada and then they had one earlier this year. It has since been those really felt conditions, you know, like they felt like, you know, we're testing the market. We're trying to see what's real and you know the game. So how I mean, I remember all the merchandise is sold out at halftime. I need it was a huge success like people in the audience liked and signs saying like future ticket holder and stuff like that. And I think we, you know, the fans in front of the really good job showing that something that and showing the commissioner cathy engelbert that this is, you know, the next place for a wnba team. So I feel like it's been in the works for a while, but especially in the last year, we've had so much moment. And you feel like the fan base is here to support the team. O p. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I you know, I've been to so many different sporting events, I've never seen all the merchandise sell out of halftime before. I mean, that's just been really like the fans are definitely here. It's going to be in the coca-cola arena, which feels personally feels louis mall to me, I think we're going to drive that arena pretty quickly. And >> I mean, who knows? But definitely the fans are absolutely here. >> What do you know about theresa rash? The former raptors she caught the eye of them cited jury years ago. She's now president of this what will she bring to the role? >> Moe says that kind of experience as well as a great relationship with the owner. Larry time bomb. It is with the raptors during you know, that championship fun. And I think he's going to be a great leader of this team. I mean, this group is very experienced. Like I said, the one championships, you know, the role that that's raptors franchise to what it is today. I mean, they feel like the right group to, you know, take this new team atv to the next level. >> And we heard this morning from larry tannen bomb's that these players are really going to serve as role models in the community, that they're going to be just a tremendous inspiration for young women and girls. Can you speak to that, katherine? What are you expecting? What are your expectations around whoever these players are for this new team and what they're going to bring to the city of toronto. >> Well, you know, it's interesting, like since the inception of the raptors, you've seen so many now canadian players in the nba, who are like we're doing really well. I mean, even like a staging fielder alex either was an mvp this year. He was runner-up in the mvp voting. Now we have this like amazing olympic team. You know, has a real shot at a medal this year. It and I feel like, you know, the birth of the raptors allowed all this, you know, different kinds of community growth. Yeah, throughout not just toronto, but throughout canada's. So. >> You know, I think the impact on canada like over the next, you know, generation or so, it's going to be absolutely here. All right, katherine, sorry to cut you off. I got to leave it there. We've got to get to some other breaking news out of washington happen. Thanks so much. >> Here's U.S. attorney general merrick garland speaking up about the lawsuit filed against ticketmaster's parent company live nation concert industry in the night states. >> For far too long. It is time to break it up. Live nation. Ticketmaster has made itself ubiquitous in the live entertainment industry. It controls at least 80% of primary ticketing at major concert venues. It directly manages more than 400 artists and controls more than 60% of concert promotions across the country. And it gwns or controls more than 60% of large ampa theatres in the united states. We allege that to sustain this dominance. Live nation relies on unlawful anti-competitive conduct to exercise its monopolistic control over the live events industry in the united states. And over the fans, artists independent promoters and venues that power the industry. The result is that fans paying more in fees. Artists have fewer opportunities to play concerts. Smaller promoters get squeezed out and venues have fewer real choices for ticketing services. As detailed in our complaint live master live nation, ticketmaster locks out competition in ticketing through the use of long term exclusive taking contracts with venues that can last over a decade as well as by acquiring venues themselves. With exclusive agreements to cover more than 70% of concert ticket sales at major concert venues across the country. Ticketmaster can impose a seemingly endless list of fees

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