
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #21

in our city. It's time it's time for a woman basketball heroes. It's time for one basketball team. >> In you. >> Wnba team will have the power to bring people together at the stadium in people's living rooms, restaurants and bars. It will give people another reason to cheer for toronto post pride and passion for our city. The team or inspire generations of young people. They will have new heroes, new role models. >> Your local legends and new memories of favourite >> Sports memories last a lifetime. >> Everyone remembers their first baseball game basketball game or where they were during the raptors game 7 with. >> How we hit that buzzer beater. I remember where I was. >> And you know, >> I came to canada when I was 13. The only kid only kit. With my parents didn't know anybody landed at jarvis collegiate. Didn't know anyone. Spoke a bit of english. I tried out for the basketball team. And I've got a bit. As for a mate, friendship, that's where I found my sense of belonging. That's where I got my confidence. Now. Bush orders everybody grew taller. I didn't try out for a great 10. >> You know, this. >> Wnba team. >> Those sports hero, it's going to mean a whole lot to a whole lot of teenage kits. >> Especially ones that are feeling not so sure. You know, when you're going up. >> That is the power of sports sports have to you need power to draw us together to unite u.s.. >> 2 blurred divisions and build bridges across all the different communities that call toronto home. >> All united in the common love. Off our city, our province and our country. >> Yes, this is an historic moment in toronto sports. >> I know they wouldn't have been possible without the canadian woman's athletes. >> Their hard work dedication. >> They have already proven my, we already knew that they can compete in the world stage. And of course, thank you. Prime minister, thank you to the premier. Happy. Thank you. Anne. Most expect chalet, the most tenacious ambitious. >> Passion that. >> Hero, larry and bob, thank you so much. I speak for the cause, the entire city, when I say we excited too. Watch the new team compete and I work with city council to make sure that we are ready for another huge championship parade. >> I have the honour today. >> I do. You don't need me to read out the entire proclamation. They just say that we're really proud. >> And we are. >> I, the mayor. >> Toronto on behalf of toronto city council. >> Do hereby proclaim may 23rd 2024 ads. >> I don't know and be a day in the city offer wow. Thank you. Mayor chow wnba day, ladies and gentlemen. >> So right now what I would like to do is gather these leaders and steam dignitaries together for a photo. I met. >> There's one ball reesor. It's a game ball for mister tanenbaum. So I'm going to give the ball to mister 10 obama's our guests come off and each. >> Share a really guys and historic photo and announcement that will never forget.

>> All right, thank you so much. Everybody around of applause for our guests, leaders and dignitaries. >> All right, it's official. Toronto has been awarded the 14th wnba franchise, the first team outside of the u.s.. It is as the wnba expands so. I'm just going to listen for a second we're just getting started today. We're making history clearly, but we know you have questions. >> Some of my questions were, how long has this been in the works as our our panelists come up. When did it start? What is it going to look like? What's going to be the name of our new toronto wnba team. We have just the people here to answer those questions for you. As we did our little set change. We're going to go through our panel and I'm going to essentially. T everybody up on some of the questions you may have. And we will break down following that with a question and answer from our audience and our zoom landscape. So there's 2. Extraordinary women joining me on the stage right now. All start at the very and somebody I got to play with you tammy sutton ground. Finest. Wnba champion. She played for the charlotte stay. She played for the indiana fever. She played 12 years in the women's national basketball association, not to mention playing overseas in europe and asia. She was a proud member of our olympic team in the 2000 summer olympics that took place in sydney. She has had and indelible impact on women's basketball here in canada as well as the united states. That is tammy sutton, brown, ladies and gentlemen. You guys heard mister tanenbaum mention teresa resch. She is extraordinary. Longtime toronto raptors executive. She spent 10 years with the team's championship front office, focusing on player development strategy operations. She played an instrumental role as you all know, in the design and construction of raptors. Ovo athletic centre. She was pivotal in launching toronto's g league. Raptors 905. Before the raptors, she spent several years at the nba league office as a member of the international basketball operations team. And today her innovation is going to take over. She is the new president of the wnba team here in toronto. And you guys heard from cathy engelbert. I could provide a paragraphs and chapters on what she is already done. I mentioned she's a boss since she took over as commissioner in the wnba. And 2019. We have a player's driven collective-bargaining agreement that she is at the helm of an responsible for. The money that has been raised for the wnba. Incredible upwards of 75 million. If I'm not mistaken. Kathy. Her stewardship. Goes without saying. Is impeccable. So we are so fortunate to have kathy, theresa and tammy, I'm going to start off with this panel by just asking tammy, do you believe that we're here? >> Wow. >> I always hope for this day. I think there's an app that you look forward to playing in front of family and friends and I always wish I could play on canadian soil. I wasn't able to bat the canadians that are playing in the w right now, will that have that opportunity and the future canadians will have that opportunity. So this is a really, really special day, not only for toronto, but this is canada's team. I know that there's a number of wnba fans across canada and this is your franchise. So yes, I'm excited. I'm so I did not think. >> This day would ever come. >> I'm so excited. I'm so happy that we're here today. Who didn't you, tammy? Look up to because, you know, growing up here in ontario, like who are some of your basketball icons? >> There is no wnba when I was playing growing up and so my role models for michael jordan, larry bird, magic johnson, those are my role bottles.

but that's what I saw on television. So I smile every time these next generation of kids come in and the rookie class comes in and they've grown up with the w and their role models. Our dawn staley supered, sheryl swoopes because they grew up watching the w. And so I'm really excited for the future. Thanks to copy that continues her and her team will continue to push the w forward. These girls, their role models are now wnba players. >> Yeah, and I have to imagine kathy, when you're crossing borders for the first time and entering in this international platform. Why toronto, what was it for you about toronto that? >> Made this, that you needed this to happen as as the next. >> Expansion franchise. Will stacey, we had done a huge analysis. I'm a big data person. We have done a huge analysis of back in 2020. >> Pre-pandemic, believe it or not. And we're looking at toronto, we're about to announce a preseason game back in early 2020, literally the week that, you know, the nba essentially shut down the sports world because of the pandemic and and so from that moment on, we knew the diversity of the city. We knew that we wanted to bring a team north. We wanted to expand globally. We wanted a global platform. >> A new fan avid fan base. >> When I I wasn't even the commissioner yet, but I was named and I went to game 6 out in golden state. Adam silver had invited me and I just saw the passion of the toronto fans, even at an away game. And then obviously winning the championship that year and just it's got me thinking, let's look at the data. Let's find a committed ownership group. Let's make sure we have a good arena and player experience. Let's have a preseason game near which coming up the pandemic. We eventually did in 23 little 3 years late, but but the I saw the excitement in the vibrancy of the city around women's sports and women's basketball. And obviously canada basketball and having canadian players in our league playing at the highest level elite. I'm all all factored into it. But when larry and I met, it was, you know, kind of like that. Jerry maguire, you had me at hello. I said, you know, there's no one more dedicated to building women's sports. I think in the city, in this country than in larry and judy. Yeah. >> It's simply the infrastructure is fantastic here for toronto. As you alluded to tree set. >> We've got a name yet to be. Okay to tell us a little bit theresa, about the plans for this new team and the innovative mindset with you specifically as president. >> I mean, every once you're details, right? Where is the scene in play? What are we going to do? I'm your I get to call the we heard a lot of ready. This isn't just toronto's team. This is canada's team and we're so excited for that. Girls and women of canada and the people that love and support them to love and support us. We're going to play across canada, different we look forward to doing that in a way that no other its professional sports team in canada has ever done. These games are going to matter and we can't wait to see you there. Coca-cola will be your home base. We're going to have a fan section, just like a soccer team and you guys better be loud and I cannot wait to rock that place. So that's where we're going to play. We're going to be everywhere. Theresa, I just would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that the years you spent with her. >> Nba are incredible nba talent. And just to the partnership and what that looks like in the energy that you're able to draw from that group as we welcome a team in 2026. 0, yeah. Set the stage like kathy mentioned game under very distinctly. Kyle, you might remember this after that game. There is probably going to see 5 to 12,000 people in the arena afterwards yelling and chanting. We've in north bay saying the anthem, this is an away trip. In america. You know, when you get to go cross, you know, coast to coast to coast in canada and play these games, it's going to be credible. We can't we to see everybody around the country really show up. So tammy, you played overseas 12 years in the wnba, that is. >> That's called an incredible veteran career couple all-stars in there. >> What for you in terms of this team is how, how can san show up because you've seen everything from europe to asia to the u.s.. What we do see here. >> Honestly, I don't think I would have played 12 years that that wasn't the support that I had and the w and internationally, I think for players, the fans are that 6 player there, that six-woman there, that 6 man. And so we feed off that energy. And so fans are incredibly, incredibly important. How fans who show up you can attend games, buy season tickets. >> Where are your favourite players? Jerseys to games, watch games on tv following your players on social media? I think that there's a tonnes, there's tons of ways in order for fans across canada to show up for their players. Players will say they don't look at the social media, they really do. So. They see all the messages,

they see all the love and support. I think that's really important. And it definitely does make a difference. >> Awesome, I just I'm curious to just from your standpoint, we're hearing this caitlin clark and you guys heard birth. We're hearing about this wave. But the wnba, is, as you know very well, it's been in existence for 27 years. >> We have a lot of incredible. Hall of famers. Legends like tammy, I played 5 years. So. Just curious from your standpoint, how this wave of players now impacts what we've already built as a sisterhood. >> I think having role models in market will be a huge impact on the next generation of young athletes. It's one thing to watch the game on tv, but to see a good life person. There's something really special about that. There's something really special about meeting your favourite player getting an autograph, taking a picture. And so you hear time and time again what athletes say when they were younger, they met their favourite player in the impact it had on their day. It inspired them to where they are now. And so I think there will be a huge impact. This team in toronto will make a difference. I think adding a few other cities as well over the next few years will open up additional roster spots right now. We have for canadians plan the w hopefully the next few years will double that number. Tree said. Curious from you, how >> Can canadians support this new team? That's couple couple years of like yeah, 2 years ago, I think the excitement enthusiasm that will garner over the next 2 years ago. Incredible. So number one, the first question I've been asked in the last hour that I've been appointed president. >> Every single person has said was his team name and colours going to be >> We do know it's a clean slate, so we're very much looking forward to >> Source seen information and suggestions from the canadian public. So keep an eye out for that in the near future ultimately, tammy touched on a lot of nothing speaks louder than. People spend their time, energy and money. So spend in ways that support this team, buy a ticket. By lee pass watch games. If your decision maker they, you know, from canadian women's sports, 8 2 out of every 3 canadians are fans of women's sports, invest in it. And then when you're a fan look at who's investing in this team and support them. It's a whole flywheel and we can really get churning if we, if we make the right decisions. So really looking forward really growing this team and setting a new level of investment and support that the wnba has never seen right, right, kathy. Yet we're going to see golden state right next. And then it will be toronto. >> That will be 14 teams, which is awesome. The goal, I believes. >> By 16 16 by 2016. Right? So we're having olympics down in the states have in the same time frame. What advice do you have because you have been a part of expansions. Obviously, these are huge undertaking. So we're sitting up here kind of speaking casually in some respects about it. But these are deep meetings. They take a long time. Give us perspective on that. >> Yeah, you know, when I first joined the league and I saw that in. >> We were the longest tenured women's professional sports league in north america, by the way, by double any other. >> In a lot, a lot of leagues have started unfolded and started unfolded in hockey, soccer and even basketball. So. >> We take that with great responsibility. And as I looked around at some major cities that are big media markets, that a lot of corporate, you know, fortune 500 companies base their I said, how could we only be in 12 cities. And as I started to talk to corporate partners. >> Be great. If you would be in toronto in the bay area. And so again, looking at all that we take it with great responsibility to expand. We need as tammy just set the number of roster 144 today. Roster spots are available. We're going to expand that with the 4 teams. We're going to add by 48, that's a 30% increase. So that's going to give a lot of opportunity to a lot of young women, whether they come out of college or not. >> We have obviously have an international program as well. And it will inspire, hopefully millions of other girls to pick up a basketball. I mean, one thing you mentioned, caitlin clark, that this whole rookie class and all the attention

on the wnba and women's basketball. I can't tell you how many people are now coming up to me in arenas and saying my 10 year-old daughter, my 8 year-old daughter saw all sabrina and stephen, the nba all-star game and they start to pick up a basketball. And we know from data that girls who play sports become confident leaders and society and become leaders. I think 90% of the fortune, 500 women leave the women that are leading fortune. 500 companies played organized youth sports, at least through high school. There's something there about building that confidence. The mayor said and you know, again, we take it with great responsibly to expand this the to grow because the more you grow, the more opportunities you give them work again, it's, it's a huge inspiration to so many of these players. The polity of the play on the court 10. >> Have you seen this? I haven't. I almost want to get it doubles up coming retirement. >> It the growth has been incredible. As I said, you know, cathie, you come on board, you've done a great job. Your team's going done a great job pushing the game I think the players coming in are now bringing their fan base, but them too. And so. >> We have dew eyeballs get more eyeballs and hopefully that just continues to grow. >> What's it going to look like from any I would say kathleen theresa, the player experience coming here too. We've seen the raptors do it right for years now, obviously. But what's that experience going to look like for I'm so glad you asked a see that we've had we've but for me personally, I've had 10 years at the raptors understanding white professional athletes moving to canada. >> Need to be successful and to be supported and and have a great environment will put all those things to use because we've made mistakes in the past and we won't have to make those in the w because we know those things now. So all right, if we're it is a huge day for toronto and really for all of canada. >> City of toronto has just officially received the w nba's latest franchise. The 14th team, the first team outside of the united states play will start in 2026. >> The prime minister is on hand for this, the wnba commissioner, the on terror premier toronto mayor, of course, larry tanenbaum, who bought brought the nba to canada 30 years ago. And here we are today celebrating a women's team coming to toronto. The base will be toronto. They were also the team play games in vancouver and montreal. I want to bring in laura robinson now she's a sports journalist. Laura, you and I've been talking lately about the pwhl here we are talking about wnba, a team coming 2 toronto, larry, top 10, a bomb perhaps saying it best. This is just not a moment. Women's sports have arrived. What do you make of this announcement this morning? And the impact for professional women's sports here in canada. Will murthy? >> Murthy, I think it's a an absolutely historic day for women's sport. You know it isn't a moment, you're absolutely correct. This a sea change. Women athletes have being working hartford decades, probably over 100 years. Actually, because women have always played sports in this country for to be recognized and and to to be respected. Right? And I think that's the big thing care that young women who have dreams and girls who have dreams to see that they, they don't have to dream vicariously through a male athlete. >> They dream because they see themselves. >> On the court or on the ice and and well, that is not going to, you know, certainly make down. Women have equality in sport. It is such a big change, the it's definitely to be celebrate and the fans are there aren't day. And we saw that to the excitement, enthusiasm around the pwhl site. >> Yes, absolutely. The fence with their mean, these are incredibly professional athletes, as we know many canadian female athletes had to go to the states and europe in order to play basketball they are professionals and they're great players. Technically, there's her it's extremely exciting. And you know, I actually think the a venue is it is a positive thing in that there's an intimacy involved and I think we're going to see that kind of intimacy on the court and in the stands when the wnba is here in 2026. >> Is 8,000 people and us. Altogether. Is that it? >> Well, relative the air canada centre true, but you know, things change, there's a there's an atmosphere change

when come together in girls come together to celebrate other with it. And it's not the testosterone toxic culture, it's a it's exciting culture and you know, I mean, we heard the word sister hit could be being used this morning on stage. And you know that we have our feminist prime opening it up, you know, that's a big change. >> Theresa rash, the former raptors executive has been named president of this new team. What will she bring in her role, do you think? Based on her impressive resume and her experience? >> Anything at the grassroots yes. This is a professional team, but we're still starting from the ground. She brings all those years of corporate experience, which is going to be necessary. And she also knows because the raptors, I think they've done a good job of reaching out to the grassroots, right? So you see that there's a connection between what's happening on the street and what's happening with the raptors. And you, you know, in 2019, you could see the other route, my bike down, you know, to just watch what people were up to a waiting for that final game. And it just such a great variety of humanity. And so she knows that and she knows that, that humanity now is going to b all about girls and women, not the men and boys are going to be that they are, but but we're going to see a place where girls and women to come. And it's a really excellent. Powerful, strong athletes. And I I think we can underestimate how or overestimate actually how important that's going to be. >> Laura robinson, thanks so much for taking the time to be part of our coverage of this announcement this morning. Really appreciate it. Thank you for having me. My next guest is nancy a core her 12 year-old daughter plays basketball in toronto. Good morning, nancy. We heard a lot this morning about how these young women will be role models. They will be inspiration for people like your daughter. So what does this announcement today mean to you? >> O this is huge. I'm so excited for these girls, you know, they've always had to look outside in the U.S. right for their injuries and caitlin clark's due to watkins now going to have our, our own people that we can go and watch and cheer for. It's a great time. You know, I know you said women's sports have a right. What I want to emphasize that they've been here and now they're thing I am here, you have no choice but to look songs. I'm super excited for them. >> Have you had a chance to talk to your daughter about this? I mean, what? Yes, yet what she's saying. O, she's excited to get a week ago. >> I think in earth, a couple raptors game. So she says sees in fact, this 2020 think that to log haha. >> I know it kind of makes you a little bit emotional when you think of watching the game through a young person's eyes. And again, seeing new role play a sport that they are so passionate about themselves and see such incredible success and know that really the sky's the limit absolutely, they're just. Amazing. >> You know, having someone that you can actually look up to and not necessarily, you know, the man simon is exciting for them. It's like they're, they're super excited. She watches although point guard some time, you know, try to emulate the canes and all. It's really cute. I love it. >> Well, nancy, thanks a lot for taking the time to speak with us and be part this stay and all the best to you and your daughter. It's exciting and you so much. You're welcome. All right. Turning to some other news this morning in vancouver, drivers can breathe a bit of a sigh of relief, at least for now. Gas is back down below $2 this morning, hovering around a $1.95, a leader that's a drop of $0.5 from earlier in the week. It's part of a fluctuating trend in bc. Now despite the drop, the cost is expected to go back up as we head into the summer driving months. The U.S. justice department is expected to file a lawsuit against live nation entertainment. The owner of ticketmaster as early as today, challenging the company's business practices. It's expected the doj will seek to break up the company as part of an anti-trust campaign against the entertainment giant. The justice department has been investigating ticket masters control of concert ticket sales fans. Some politicians have called for a reexamination of the 2010 merger of live nation and ticketmaster. Especially after the problems with the sale of taylor swift tickets.

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