
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #20

some of the letters were destroyed, but the remaining ones returned over. He also said he spoke to the inmates. Kaminsky appear to have been writing too, but did not provide any details about that conversation in the letters keep its key talks about his quote, extreme views. N writes about a multifaceted plan to subjugate and then eliminate white people. He appears to try and pursue a romantic relationship with the inmate, calling her sweet heart and seeing I will seriously consider getting married to you. Skip its key also discusses his case writing, I am seriously considering giving up, even though I have a not criminally responsible defence with experts. I could have 100 experts while the crown has none. And I still get convicted by a bunch of the 37 year-old accused pleaded not guilty to 4 counts of first-degree murder, but later admitted to killing rebecca contois. Marcedes myran, morgan harris and a 4th victim known as buffalo woman. His defence lawyers argue skip its key should be found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder. The 9th and final letter submitted in court was written by scott. It's key to the inmate on april 25th. 2023. It's not clear if any other letters were sent or received after that time. >> That report from ctv's alexander hollick serial killer robert pickton will remain in a medically induced coma for the next few days following an attack in a quebec prison. A spokesperson for quebec provincial police say medical staff will try to determine if picton can live without life support. He was assaulted in pork, archie institution on sunday. And what officials have described as a major assault. He was serving a life sentence for 6 counts of second-degree murder at the time of his trial. Picton had been charged with the murders of 26 women, many of whom were indigenous. The tragic death of a teen in the university of victoria dorm is sparking calls for change. The 18 year-old died from a fentanyl overdose. Now her family is pushing for better protections for young people, including mandatory cpr and the locks on training for students. As ctv's shannon paterson reports, many provinces already do this. But bc does not. >> As 18 year-old sidney mcintyre-starko laid dying from a fentanyl ovrdose. Several of her university of victoria classmates watched helplessly. Not knowing what was happening to her or how to do cpr. It's a tragic story. What foundation does for a national charitable foundation. And our goal is to see every young person graduate from high school. But the skills and knowledge to save a life thanks to the act foundation. There are teachers. All right, we want to take you live now to toronto, where the city's wnba expansion team is being an ounce. Let's >> This is absolutely incredible. Good morning, I had to say that first good morning everybody. I'm stacey dales. I actually grew up right here in ontario playing hoops. I could not be more proud to be with you here today. It's my distinct pleasure to welcome all of you in this room to welcome sports fans from across the country. But more importantly. >> Wnba fans in the wnba community from across the globe. >> To celebrate what truly is an historic day in women's basketball. Please join me right now in acknowledging that the land we're meeting on. >> Is the traditional territory of many nations, including the mississaugas of the credit. The anishinaabe at the chip walked you do show me and the wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse first nations inuit and metis peoples. We also acknowledge that toronto is covered by treaty. 13, with the mississaugas of the credit. Today truly marks a special special day for women's basketball. I've already said it right here in canada. Toronto place home to a multitude of professional teams who have made it to the top. Think about it. The leafs, the blue jays, the argos. >> Tfc, the raptors. >> They've all won titles. But guess what? We're not finished skies. >> Canada has a rich basketball history and an incredible passion. >> For women's hoops in recent years, the energy for the sport has truly reached. >> Unparalleled unprecedented levels. We have a special group of leaders here are an esteemed group of leaders with us who are about to unveil a huge announcement, an announcement that we have all been waiting for. Prime minister justin trudeau. Wnba commissioner cathy

engelbert this year. >> Chairman of kilmer sports ventures, the mary 10 of all. I got goosebumps kites. Premier doug ford, everybody. And we love her kicks on the end. That is mayor olivia chow folks. All right, so let's get this thing started first, please join me in extending a huge warm welcome. >> To someone who truly believes in the power of bringing canadians together through the magic of sport. >> More specifically, he has shown unwavering support for girls and women in sport in this country. Folks. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming mister prime minister justin trudeau. >> Thank you so much, stacey. What a great day today. Good morning, everyone. It's a real pleasure to be here with mayor chow with premier with that are canada's minister of sport karla called qualtrough. My friend has been working very, very this. >> Canadian basketball hall of famer tammy brown. And so many of you who work tirelessly to make this exciting to reality. A wnba commissioner cathy engelbert, thank you so much, kathy, for all your leadership for being here today. Much taller than gary bettman. I'm going to I'm really going to like working with significantly and of course, larry tanenbaum and theresa larry, your personal drive to make this happen. And we don't need to get into the details of it, but I think everyone in this room knows just how much we are here today, because you were absolutely focused on making it happen. And really, I don't toronto, indeed, canada can thank you enough for all your contributions to sport. But this one, this one is even a montrealer can get way behind. You it's a. >> It's awesome. Awesome. Larry. >> Because yeah, as a montrealer, it does pain me to say that toronto is such an incredible sport. City through thick and thin through heartbreak and triumph and heartbreak. Torontonians consistently demonstrate their passion, their commitment and their love for professional sports. Toronto is also a diversity welcoming city and a progressive city. So it should come as no surprise that when it hosted the first ever wnba game in canada a year ago. It's sold out and set records for attendance. Broadcast viewership and merchandise sales. And over the other way. And the pwhl is inaugural season this year. Toronto, along with ottawa and montreal wholeheartedly embraced their new hockey teams. The pleasure to meet with the toronto and ottawa hockey teams who told me how magical it was to play in front of huge crowds of dedicated fans night in and night out. Have to say sitting in that sold out crowd watching the pwhl with my kids. My daughter especially maybe so proud to be canadian seen the energy that's been built up around guns, professional sports, the hunger for the excitement for it and just the glory of it is huge. Proud, proud to be part of a country that uplifts women in sport, whether it's canadian soccer legend and my cousin christine sinclair are all the great players of the pwhl or all the incredible a basketball players we're celebrating today. Cities has across canada have said loudly and clearly we are in, we want to be a destination for women's in sports. From a portal. Do they found that it? But it was. So this is apple day. And he spoke of his unit ephemeral mission of sorts. They had to fight so that their professional sports. >> The broadcast on television, underfunded. Underappreciated. But that era is over. That era is over because people in canadians, especially. >> Want to watch the most talented women in the world compete at the highest level. The record-breaking crowds during the first-ever pwhl season are proof of that as is the unprecedented surge in interest in women's basketball. Thanks to incredible canadian talents like kia nurse an alley, a edwards. My friends, we know there's lots more work to be done here in toronto. People sitting with me are not shying away from the challenge. If an top 10 box of them. Women here are building the future of women's sports. And we had and that and the guys and the long haul of mission and long-term love. Canadian, his first professional sports quality in

sport. And I for one, could not be more excited to see it happen. Thank you, everyone for being here today. Thank you for all the incredible work we've done. Let's celebrate. Let's let's see the success we're all building together. Go women's sports, go. >> Thank you, mister prime minister for those powerful it's my privilege right now to introduce you to she's the boss skies. She's the commissioner of the women's national basketball association is visionary stewardship continues to prop propel the wnba to unprecedented levels of success. I mentioned mayor chow's kicks, but take a look at these pumps. Skies. Folks. Cathy engelbert, wnba commissioner. >> It's just so great to be thank you. Prime minister really appreciate those words around the rise of women's sports, particularly women's basketball. >> And it's great to be back in toronto and such an honour. >> To have you all here with us in such a historic day in the basketball community here in canada. And as I look around the room, well, I'm so humbled to see what an impact the wnba has had on the city. >> And this country and today is truly a special day toronto in canada to hold a special place in my heart for the wnba. We know the rich history of women's basketball here from legends of the game like stacy tammy sent in ground right there to current stars like kia nurse bridget carleton and rookie stars. The prime minister mentioned aaliyah edwards were so proud of the canadians in r d and there's so much excitement. I mean, the preseason game that the prime minister mentioned. And then this year, we are in edmonton last year here in toronto, the energy and passion we saw in arenas. It was and we know toronto is a basketball city. I know for all those hockey fans were in the middle of the stanley cup playoffs here. But we've seen time and time again that toronto is home to dedicated and enthusiastic basketball fans. I'll never forget. Last year at scotiabank arena, I attended our toronto game lots of people coming up to me and saying thank you for making my dreams come true. >> By bringing a wnba game here, that's when I knew. This is the right place as we're thinking about expansion. So and the tens of thousands of hopefully millions of girls who were inspired that day. It's just something that you cannot replicate without bringing a team here to so with that. >> I am honoured to officially announce that e have awarded the city of toronto. The 14 wnba >> The team will start play in our 2026 season. And we're just at such a pivotal pivotal moment. It for our league >> We have set viewership records sell out selling out season tickets growing the game and adding this 14th team marks a particularly significant milestone in the ongoing growth of the of the leak. So this has been a major goal of mine. Certainly since I joined the league a few years ago. I'm here with my team who made this all possible. And we know as we looked at the data around toronto, be a remarkably diversity and vibrant city. And we're so proud. The wnba is now part of this open and welcoming community and we're excited to expand outside the united states. And this is our first as well. >> As we continue to work to bring in new audiences. New fans, you know, it's creates new opportunities for players, the debt depth of talent in this league is amazing. And so to be able to offer a deeper pool of talent with a team here in canada as well is great. So by the way, in case you haven't been following, the wnba, our players are not just the best basketball players in the world. They also serve as role models, community ambassadors, symbols of empowerment. And we can't wait to see how they activate become fixtures here in the toronto community around the impact that they will so as the longest tenured women's professional sports league in north america. We just tipped off our 28 season last we just the momentum we have the leadership were showing last year was our most watched season in 21 years. And again, we're just tipping off your 28. We have the highest viewership in history of the wnba draft this year flowing away right? >> So now the city of toronto

will join us. >> This is all possible. Because of larry tanenbaum and kilmer sports ventures. >> They have been determined partners committed to bringing a wnba franchise here to canada. We've been in conversations with larry for a while and it became clear that he and his team. >> Have. >> The experience, the infrastructure, the expertise. This is a visionary ownership group. And to larry and judy, there is no one we would rather partner with to take the w's first step. On our journey to become a more global leak. We're so proud to make history with you. Congratulations. And toronto. Welcome to the w. So larry, if you would come up, we'd like to present you with our iconic ball. >> May 23rd 2024 toronto welcome to the w. Thank you. Kathy. >> And to the entire wnba executive team who are here today. Thank you very much for all your support. Cathay under your leadership of the wnba has experienced unprecedented growth. >> Including in the league's first global expansion. I know this is just the start of what's to come and we're honoured to have been selected as the first franchise outside of the united states. This is an incredibly important occasion and a historic one. And throw so many of you are here to celebrate this game. >> Change to this game-changing day for not only women's basketball. >> But for sports in canada. Thank you. Prime minister trudeau. And minister over there. Thank you. Premier ford and minister lumsden. And mayor chow an mayor ballot. This team is canada's team and we appreciate you all being here to celebrate with us today. Just over 30 years ago, I saw an opportunity to bring the ended canada. As a city and as a country. We're ready to welcome canada's first nba franchise to toronto. It was the right time in the right place. And I jumped on the chance. I went on the road and convinced each and every owner and ali to support an expansion team for toronto. It was no small feat. And in 1993 at the nba all-star game in utah. We got our team. Since that time, I spent a good part of my career helping to build championship calibre sports franchises and our great city of toronto. Well, some years are better than others. We've been lucky enough to celebrate league victories 6 times in this city, most memorably with the raptors 5 years ago. Seeing the pride of our team spring, not only to toronto sports fans, fans across the country is remarkable. More importantly, goal. I've seen how our teams inspire future generations to play and grow into a better version of themselves through the skills and discipline. Learn through sport. I for reference. Nelson mandela's famous court many times. Has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hole where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government. And breaking down racial barriers. It's this that drive my passion and commitment to sports in this country. And the city. It's the latest. See, I want to leave for our next generation. For years, young girls in basketball and being inspired by some of the nba greats. Michael jordan, kobe bryant, demar derozan, kyle lowry who was with us here today to tell. Jamal murray and sga. But these young women never saw someone like themselves on the big

brightest stage playing the sport they love. The wnba has changed all that. And today we're changing that here in canada. Our team will complete the pathway for women in this country. They will see heroes that look like them in person and on the air all summer long. O gain inspiration from asia. Wilson, diana taurasi, breanna stewart and she enters. They can see that the sport they play as girls. And as women, it's just as important and worth investing in. Because the more we all recognize value and potential of women's sports. The closer we get to a more equitable future in the world of sports. So today we're here because once again, we were in the right place at the right time. And that's entirely because of the talent. Hard work and perseverance of many women in this room today. Many say women's sports is having a moment. I disagree. Women's sports has arrived. It's a movement. The world is finally taking notice of something that's been there all along immense talent, passion and competition. And that's why we're here today at the right time in the right place for our first wnba team in canada. Want to say a few words about our franchise. It's early days and we have a lot of work ahead of us. But there are a few key priorities guiding our work. First and foremost, this franchise will be canada's team. While our home base will be here. Right here. Coca cola coliseum at exhibition place in toronto. We will play games in vancouver and montreal throughout the season. United the country behind our franchise and inspiring pride passion in fans from coast to coast. We will always be committed to providing a world-class player and personnel experience for all who represent our city and country through this team. We know that investing in our players is paramount to their success on and off the court. This means an investment in expert staff, state-of-the-art facilities and creating an unmatched home court advantage. That raises the bar for every franchise in the league. It also means welcoming them to canada and making it feel like home. One more priority. Worth mentioning today. Important for us to invest in communities across the country. Because success is not just about the players and the team, but it's also about ensuring the purpose, let legacy. Our players will serve as inspirational role models, both on and off the court. And we will be committed to making a positive impact in our communities across the country. A lot today about the historic opportunity ahead of us. And I'd like to take a moment. Thanks. A small group of people without whom this would never have been possible. I think. Dizziness, president of kilmer sports ventures, teresa resch. It will be taking on the role of team president. Patrick lee, who will be our cfo of a new team. And the executives are over office led by steven blum and craig manual. You have all been instrumental in getting us to this point. Thank you to dale lastman, the team at goodmans. Keats, pele and nikki z mlse. The cne exhibition place and u of t have all been incredible partners. As well. Groupe ch in montreal, who will play a key role introducing our wnba team to quebec. Lastly, I want to thank the people of canada. None of this would be possible without your support. And I look forward to packing arenas across the country. Thank you very much. >> Thank you so much, mister tanenbaum for those now. So just want to say judy, thank you. >> As >> For making the dreams of

millions of people across this country come true. Remarkable right now we're going to bring to the stage a huge sports fan. He is our premier doug ford on up doug. >> And thank you so much. Stacy is great to be here. >> Oil after say is wow. What a speech, what a speech of a bright future in politics. We got to watch it. >> We'll run them in the next election for for sure. But what what an honour to be I'll tell ya. Brought along a migrate minister of sport, tourism and culture we call monsey old cfl or but I know he's a big supporter of all sports. You're doing an incredible job promoting sport around them, the thank you. I appreciate it. And larry. Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for not just toronto, but ontario, no matter of its being a leader in the sports scene blazing a new trail today once once again for other things. Not to mention the every other sport. So team that you're involved in just just icon. A business leader, a philanthropist, a giving back what, what people don't know. A lot of people, the average person doesn't know, but the town bombs. >> The give back non stop that every organization. >> There isn't a on out there waving the flag, they just do it. So thank you. And if we can over there in the entire family, your entire team. >> Thank you for working so hard for community, this is going to be exciting. It's going to be exciting. I have an opportunity as premier the travel around this great province and visit so many high school, so many call just a guy universities. And I'll tell you, I said the trailblazing, absolutely. It is. >> This is going to get an opportunity. Young women just imagine this. We already have great canadian stars in the the wnba, but just imagine a young woman going to high school here somewhere and and toronto, preferably etobicoke because that's where the greatest place in the world, the lives of the total northup and rex, though, but I see, I don't want to talk about person in their god bless you. Thank you. But you know, just imagine this growing up here in toronto and then playing for for the toronto team. It's a what a dream that would be an you know, commissioner, thank you for everything you're brought this to a whole different level. >> And that's telling the commissioner about the diversity of our of our province. >> 110 national these think of that over 200 languages being spoken and this is going to be truly not just a toronto team has. Larry, you're saying it's going to be the canadian team. And commissioner, you just have to see 5 years ago, which I'm sure you did the parade of 2 million people coming down our street when the raptors won. >> And we look forward to doing it again. Another 2 million people when art great toronto winds. >> We have a team of champions here in ontario. And I always say about an ontario, you know, I don't opportunity, spend a lot of time. 20 years in chicago and our plant there in new jersey and but >> Ontario, you always talk about 6 degrees of separation, right? You pretty well find anyone in ontario, it's one degree of separation. Everyone knows everyone. It's a massive family. A 16 million people growing rapidly, the fastest growing region in north america bar none faster than for a combined. And within that growth. >> There's going to be amazing athletes, amazing basketball stars. >> I just want to wish you all the best and god bless the people of ontario. Thank you so much. >> One degree of separation could not agree more. Premier ford. Now we are going to call upon the leader of you guys know it's canada's largest city, the same city which has played host to the first ever wnba game in canada. It was sold out. So is edmonton. By the way. Mayor olivia chow, she put a little hoops your day. Guys. Come on out. >> While the next citing day far toronto. Oh yeah. >> I'm here joined me. The local councillor and deputy mayor, also malik. >> And out all star city manager who coaches and referee baskeball part yeah. >> Yes, it's an exciting day for professional women's sports

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