
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #19

>> Lindsey: everyone's favourite grumpy cat is back and in a big way. >> Lindsey: the garfield movie is officially making its way to theatres this week. Chris pratt voices the cat. And rad interviewed chris. Rad is joining us now. >> Rad: now I want to be voiced by lindsey. >> Lindsey: could you imagine. We will put up a qr code. Scan the qr code to buy tickets to see the film. Rad, let's quickly talk about what the movie is about. What can audiences expect? >> Rad: it's a garfield movie. This character -- that loves lasagne and hates mondays. This movie gives us the origin story. How garfield met john. It gives us the story of how garfield was abandoned by his street cat dad. Who is voiced by sam l. Jackson. >> Lindsey: cool. You chatted with chris pratt. The chris pratt. We will show a couple of clips from that conversation. Take a look. >> When I think of garfield, I think specifically of this adorable snark that he had. He had a specific brand of humour. When I think about that humour, I think that kind of paved the way for so many things after. That adorable snark. >> I think certainly that era of comedy was changing anding there was a high likelihood because of a comic strip like "garfield" helped shape comedy. Snark became apparent. It went from "the simpsons" to "friends." >> Lindsey: what is it about garfield's personality that you think people relate to the most? >> I think the snark and also his laziness is all of us. And it's in that conversation. You think about garfield. He was born in the '80s. Late '70s and '80s. At the time of reagan. Character is a responsive idea of that time. Working our 9 to 5 jobs and go being back to ou suburban homes and doing the jane fonda workout. He gave way to that slacker genre ask this idea of no, self-care is lazy. Self-care is hating mondays. >> Lindsey: this next clip is about bringing garfield to life on the big screen >> Thinking about that original humour. I'm thinking about the process of adapting comic strips to animation. You are taking material that was where they would set up the jokes in a handful of frames to now you have motion. You have a much bigger canvas. Talk to me about that. Bringing that comic strip. >> You know, any time you adapt ultimately to your big studio and you are trying to make a big movie. It doesn't automatically make it a big movie. The lego movie is a great case study. What is that movie supposed to be about. Ultimately it comes to story tellers crafting and narrative and focusing on which relationships are going to be the most meaningful relationships in these characters' lives. For garfield it's this relationship with vick. His biological father who he unexpectedly meets. >> Lindsey: how has garfield adapted to modern times in this movie? >> There's the obvious ways where this is garfield 2024. Checking out cool cat videos that -- and also ordering his lasagne through food apps. We are not talking about the 3 to 8 sensibility. This is a movie that takes the gags that would set up in a comic strip and it finds a way to make that in motion. Also in terms of adapting the modern times. This is a generational story. This is a story of garfield and his dad. And the same way it is generational story with the audience where it is adults who grew up with this comic strip, with this character is bringing

their children to garfield. My daughter, she saw the trailers. Commanding me like garfield commands john. The garfield energy is living within this new generation. >> Lindsey: thanks so much for this. Garfield is in theatres on friday. Rad, thanks. >> Announcer: "your morning" is brought to you in part by... The garfield movie. Now playing. >> Lindsey: it is a full moon tonight. It is a perfect community to do some soul-searching with a tarot reading for kelsey. Stay with us. - Men, are you urinating more often? Are you waking at night to go? Most men will develop symptoms of b-p-h during their lives, and half of them will have more frequent urges to urinate. Reduce the symptoms of bph with Super Beta Prostate. It's proven to help you reduce the extra bathroom trips. Reduce getting up at night to urinate, and take back control. To reduce the symptoms of bph, don't wait, get Super Beta Prostate. Chuck's getting a checkup thanks to a recent health scare. He's also thinking about his family, and how to protect them should anything happen to him. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it'd be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Looking good, Chuck. With North Cover Life Insurance, Applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. [Music] Chuck, there's a step stool behind you. Your family may get an advance payout to cover funeral costs. And they will be looked after with a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Being well protected does feel good. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-844-657-1010 now or visit Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Nutri-Lawn has been nourishingthe lawns and livesof Canadians for over 35 y With our ecology-friendly lawncare, we eliminate weeds and prevent destructive insectsfrom feeding on your grass. Improve the overallhealth of your lawn. Visit If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) >> Lori dyan has a book out called "burn your s****." it's great to have you. >> Thank you for having me. I'm so excited. >> Kelsey: in the book you talk a lot about rituals. You have a morning ritual. You have a list of four things. Words, water, move and breathe >> Words is journalling. Dumping my brain on to the page. And sometimes I am half awake. Water, drinking a big glass of water first thing. Just to get me awake and moving. And then move my body, whether it is yoga or going for a walk in the woods. And words, water, movement, and breathe. And I breathe. Got to do some meditating. >> Kelsey: that's sounds like the most peaceful morning. >> When I do it. That is the thing with rituals. If you can do it, great. You don't have to get strident about it. Because then it can be obsessive ask that is not helpful. >> Kelsey: how long does the whole thing take? >> It could be just a few minutes with each one or it could be a more luxurious morning where I spend an hour doing it and go for a walk in the woods for 45 minutes. >> Kelsey: I guess it is what

you need. Your book talks about all sorts of rituals from using crystals. People know you best as tarot lori. You have a dedicated following. You have been reading tarot cards for more than 30 years. I love your tag line. It is woo woo without the cuckoo. What does that mean for you? >> I think it gives everybody my sense of the approach to tarot. I have been doing it for 30 years. It's more just to -- I always say it's having a conversation with your soul and I am the interpreter. >> Kelsey: I have never seen tarot cards before. >> Tarot cards, there are 78 cards in a deck. Each one has a different image on it. Each card tells a different story. You put these cards together ask they tell a story of you. And again, it's not fortune-telling. It's not predicting you are going0 bob at starbucks on tuesday. It's not like that. You don't want to advocate responsibility of your life with some random lady with tarot cards. They give you a peek behind the curtain of what's going on energetically. >> Kelsey: can I peek. >> I am going to stare at you. Now just say outloud these exact words. What do I need to know right now. >> Just pull out one card. Face down so you can't see it. >> I want you to pull another card. I just want a little more context. >> We have page of one. For me, the page of one is the bearer of good news. He is saying good news for you. I can't tell you what that is or when it is happening. It's like a weather system happening of good news. Connection. I pulled another -- I had you pull another card because tarot loves to be a bit bossy saying, you like that. You want that. Here is what you need to know so you don't screw it up. To help facilitate this good news, remember the message of this part. It's going to look scary, but there are no bad tarot cards. Just bad tarot card readers. 9 of swords. Like he woke up from a bad dream. This is about stress and worrying and anxiety. In the morning, lying in bed. You got to watch. You are not making mountains out of mow hills. Get your head out of your butt. The things that keep us up. Stress and worrying at 3 in the morning. Watch it. >> Kelsey: thank you. That was very lovely. I love that. Lindsey is just like, yeah. She is like, do me. We are going to take a break. Lori, I hope you will stick around for a sec. Lori's new book is out right now. We will be right back. Meet the Melville's.They've had GlobalDecking vinyl on their deckfor over 3 and now they're readyfor a new look. By using global decking systemsdeck membranes. There'sno need to rip up the old deck and send to a landfill or purchase more lumberto rebuild a new one. Just pick one of our attractive prints and have it installeddirectly over the old one. Good for another 30 years. Global Decking Systems. The only decksurface you will ever need. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato.

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catch up on and the ctv app >> A major milestone for women's sports in canada. Toronto will be awarded a wnba franchise this morning. The league's first franchise outside the united states. Its the diagnosis that opens the pathways both in the healthcare system in the community, through supports and in the school, in a world first and ontario children's hospital is turning to artificial intelligence to help identify children with rare genetic disorders that are on diagnosed. >> And the U.S. justice department appears poised to take on the owner of ticketmaster and a legal challenge over the climbing cost of concert tickets. Hello, I'm marcia macmillan. Thank you for being with us this morning. And we begin in toronto, where a major announcement is expected any minute now. >> On the very first wnba franchise outside of the united states. >> It's coming to toronto in 2026. Now, this is where the team will play. According to the associated press, coca-cola coliseum at exhibition place in downtown toronto. It's it's over 8,000. >> The team will also play some games in vancouver and montreal. Now the owner is reportedly kilmer sports ventures led by larry tanenbaum, who is also chairman of maple leaf sports and entertainment. Toronto will be the wnba 14th franchise with the expansion golden state park reset to began their first season next year. Again, we're waiting for that major announcement to begin any moment now right out of toronto were going to take you back there live. >> Once we see things officially getting underway. >> In the meantime, a major medical breakthrough to tell you about this morning in ontario for the first time, researchers are using artificial intelligence to help identify rare genetic disorders in children. It's giving new hope to many parents searching for answers, including george with staff whose son was one of the cases. The algorithm identified. >> Anthony is actually the first one they noticed with this disease in north america. And all that takes to heal. And now we can actually. But the rest your questions and know exactly what anthony have. >> Researchers at the children's hospital of eastern ontario have developed the world's first algorithm powered by ai to identify children with previously undiagnosed rare genetic disorders during the pilot I was used to scour nearly 26,000 patient records over the past decade. The analysis revealed 15 children and youth who had likely undiagnosed cases. >> A lot of the work we did was really focused on how do we identify kids who may have a rare genetic disease earlier in their diagnostic care pathway to avoid the frustration that happens when the ping pong around system for years. The reaction from the parents have so far a lot of why didn't this happen sooner? You know, why are we seeing, you know, we didn't see I think that's and then obviously some of them are really very to get that clarity and to have that piece of closure that now advocate for their child. >> Cheo's fink rare algorithm, which took 3 years to develop, hones in on cases much faster. Doctor, the doctor say that without think wears identification of cases. Some kids may not have been referred to the hospital's genetic clinic for care. Vancouver drivers can breathe a sigh of relief this morning, at least for now. Gas is back down below $2 this morning, hovering around a $1.95 per leader. That is a drop of $0.5 from earlier in the week. And it's part of a fluctuating trend in bc. Despite the drop, the cost is expected to go up as we head into the summer driving much. Another organization in british columbia is dealing with the fallout from a major cyber attack. This time. It's the first nations health authority and we're learning that patient details may be at risk. Ctv's kraig krause is on the story for us this morning. He joins us now with more. Craig, what's happening? >> Yeah, good morning, marcia. So back on may 13th. This is when the first nations health authority detected some unusual activity in its corporate network. And that's when the

later found some evidence that there was some personal information when it comes to their employees that was hacked into. But ctv news now has learned that there's more to this story. So we're learning now from some threat analysts some personal information, sensitive information when it comes to patients was also leaked on the dark web online. So a website I want to get this right here. Morsi, it's called time in ransom. In this thread, analysts found that there's been personal information when it comes to patients have been leaked on this website and and I'm assuming in this process covering the london drugs situation they're looking for a chunk of money. That number has not been identified at this point. We know rate now is that there was some employee information that was hacked into a few weeks ago. And now we're also learning that there's been patient information that has been circulating on the dark web. Okay, you mentioned londondrugs, you have been on cyber attack beats lately. It seems, craig. So. >> Are these things can acted up in any way. >> So rate now the first nation health authority came out yesterday and address that question directly. Rcm, they said that they do not believe this is connected, but we all need to remember what happened at the end of april, when government employees here in the province of bc were forced to change their passwords due to a thread. And the government also admitted that there have been several attempts to hack into their system and and threats to get involved in the bc government here in the province. And obviously london drugs that cover that yesterday on the network and also for ctv here in vancouver. And it doesn't appear that these 2 are linked at this time. But that could soon change as these attacks seem to be coming far too common here in the province of bc. Ok, chris knows for us this morning. Craig. Thank you for that update. >> The U.S. justice department is expected to file a lawsuit against live nation entertainment. The owner of ticketmaster as early as today, challenging the company's business practices. It's expected the doj will seek to break up the company as part of an anti trust campaign against the entertainment giant. The justice department has been investigating ticketmaster's control of concert ticket sales fans and politicians have called for a reexamination of the 2010 merger of live nation and ticketmaster, especially after problems with this sale of tickets for taylor swift's tour. And a warning about this next story. The video is hard to watch at least 9 people, including a child, have died after a stage collapse. And mexico. >> It happened during an election rally for presidential candidate jorge alvarez. Mendes. >> He was giving a speech when a strong gust of wind toppled the stage more than 60 people were injured. Eyewitness accounts say a lightning alighting rather structure on the stage was blown down by the wind. Maine has was not hurt. The says he is suspending his campaign in texas. A tornado ripped through the city of temple north of austin, causing widespread damage. The city has declared a local emergency. People are being told to stay off the roads. Tens of thousands are without power, homes and businesses were damaged. Vehicles flipped over so far, there are no reports of any serious injuries and closer to home hydro crews north of toronto are working to restore power to thousands of homes and businesses after a line of powers full storm swept through the region. >> So this viewer footage was taken in bradford and it shows the intensity of the wind. The person who took it believes there was a tornado near by, but there haven't been any reports of twisters touching down a tornado warning had been issued by environment canada. The storms knocked out power to more than 8,000 hydro one customers mostly between barrie and orillia. In winnipeg, a series of handwritten letters penned by admitted serial killer jeremy skip its key were entered as evidence in a manitoba courtroom just before the crown wrapped up its case. Ctv's alexander hollick has the story. >> 9 letters over 4 months written by 10 minutes serial killer. These handwritten pages were penned by jeremy skip its key between january and april. 2023 and mail to an inmate at the women's institution in nova scotia. They were submitted wednesday by winnipeg police detective sergeant michael macdonald, who sees the letters through a search warrant one year after skip it, skis arrest at the times. They were written, skip its. He was being held at milner ridge correctional centre in beausejour. Mcdonald testified

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