
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #18

toxicity. So that when we create a model where we get the pathology and treat it. The train wreck is still there, but it doesn't seem to affect the cell and we get normal function. >> Lindsey: it's really incredible. You want to take this trial in 3 to 5 years. Why is als a difficult disease to work on? >> It's been a challenging disease because it's not a single disease entity. It has multiple different origins. The proportion of patients will have a genetic risk factor. Others will have genes which will modify how the jean gene presents. >> Lindsey: this is an international project. This breakthrough has been more than 15 years in the making. What has been canada's role in this? >> Canadian investigators tend to be quiet about what we have done. But canada has really played a lead role in als research, particularly these types of cellular changes that can occur in these groups of cells. When you think about whether it has come out of laval or montréal. Research across this country has really paved the way to understanding how these changes can be toxic to a cell. Our work builds around those of others. Canada has been a leader in the world for this kind of research. >> You spoke about making this your life's work. What does this breakthrough mean to you as a scientist? >> As a scientist and as a clinician, it means I will sit down with my patients. We are working on this. We are trying to understand it. We think we know the direction we are going in. I think we can now see the horizon. I think we know where we are headed more now. It may not help the person who has got it today. But it will help those coming down the path. >> Lindsey: somebody watching right now, could this help me. Is this still a couple of years away? >> It still is. With a lot of hurdles in front of us. I have been around long enough to see these kinds of models. This is the best series of results I have seen. You can still stumble on a hurdle. It may not work later on. We have all of that to go through. It's nice to have that to go through, to be honest. >> Lindsey: congratulations to you and your team. Thanks for being here today. >> Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. >> Lindsey: now here is akshay tandon with "in case you missed it." >> Akshay: auto theft has been ramping up across the country. More than 1500 stolen cars have been identified. More than 200 stolen canadian cars have been found around the world each week since february. Earlier this year, the rcmp -- new data shows canada ranks among the worst top ten countries of stolen vehicles so far this year. >> They made me my own card. I am going to auction off a couple of cars off tomorrow. Given how the kids were so nice to me as soon as I got hit. >> Blue jays fan, liz McGUIRE has returned to the ballpark after leaving with a painful souvenir. She was hit by a 110 foulball. The jays invited her back wednesday night and got her an autographed ball. >> Now this is a place vacationing pet owners will want to sit ask stay at. A special bed that has a policy of the more, the merrier when it comes to dogs. Ctv's alana pickrell has more. >> Reporter: with four calls calling this big yellow house home, you would think it is at capacity. That's just not the case. >> No additional fees. They are allowed in the library and out on the beds. We don't care how much they

shed. That is all part of the experience. >> Jill, alongside her husband rick and her sister kathy opened up sit and stay. >> We tried to build in everything we want when we are traveling with our dogs. Dog beds in the room. Dog dishes. Brother-in-law rick did a lot of work outside. Especially out by the road. He made sure that was high and double and safe for all of the dogs, which is his number-one priority. >> The b and b showcases a love for pups from the outside double fences from the carefully picked interior decor. >> It's the izzy suite. She was a rescue. I got her a puppy and she was my soul mate. >> While it is a puppy paradise, it still models a typical bed and breakfast. >> The breakfast is here at the b and b. >> Offering a place to sit and stay that is enjoyable for both 2 and four-legged guests. >> It's not just dog friendy. It's dog welcoming. >> The bed and breakfast is open from may to october. Alana pickrell, ctv news, new brunswick. >> Akshay: that is a cute little pair died. Your sidebar stories are coming up after the break. Stay with us. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. ( ) The fact that this Reese's ad showed up at this exact moment proves that your devices are listening... to your stomach. ( ) When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. Sally's having a hard time focusing on her yoga routine. She's thinking about her family, and how to protect them should anything happen to her. With North Cover Life Insurance, she'll be so well covered that it would be like she's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Sally, why don't you try that stretch again? With North Cover Life Insurance, take comfort in affordable coverage that doesn't stretch your wallet. And if you're not sure where to start, don't worry, applying is easy. Expert insurance advisors are a phone call away. You're covered for death by any cause once coverage commences. With a cash payout of up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, you'll receive your benefit upfront. Looking good, Sally. Being well protected sure feels great. North Cover - Comfort in being protected. Get a quote today. Call 1-844-466-1010 now or visit Like a puzzle piece stops now. Man: Us tribute's don't have a choice. My name is Alex Hitchons. Call me Hitch.

>> Lindsey: it is corey's half birthday today. Did you know that? >> Only you have it in your calendar. >> Lindsey: happy half birthday. >> Thank you. I appreciate it. >> Lindsey: look at how happy he is. >> I just like the attention. >> Lindsey: I will do what I normally do for people. This is my gift to you. [ Singing ] >> Lindsey: do you understand? >> Yeah, half the song. >> Lindsey: moving on... Enough about you. I have a story to tell and it's about seagulls. This group of friends, meaning two people. Just two of them. In their car, they decided they wanted a first hand experience of seagulls. Watch this. >> Lindsey: have you ever seen the movie "the birds" it's an alfred hitchcock movie. Never watch it. Let's roll the last bit here. >> Akshay: a friend of mine, if he is watching this right now, he will have a heart attack. There's a condition called for people who are scared of birds. >> Kelsey: all of that poop. Is that my dad's car? At that age, I feel like I was driving my dad's car. There is strong words to be had. >> Lindsey: speaking of random ask funny. Look at this cat painting. >> Akshay: that's a Being a Dad means sometimesmaking decisionsthat don't win youany popularity But you do itbecause you care. That's why I'm taking steps to protect my family'sfinancial future. Welcome to Cover Direct.How can I help? Hi, I'd like toget a quote on Family LifeInsurance please? No problem.There's no complicated forms and you can arrangeeverything right now. If you're a CanadianResident aged 18-70, you can apply for upto $1.5 million of coverage, and help giveyour family some peace of mind. Great. You won't need a medicalor a blood test to get approved,you just need to answer a few healthand lifestyle questions. Sounds good. For a $100,000of coverage, it would be as littleas $10.87 a month forthe first year. That's just 36cents a day. That's less than I thought and it could help pay the mortgage for heror pay for college. Cover Direct FamilyLife Insurance is only availablefrom us,

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farming for love on ctv >> Good morning from windsor, ontario. It is a beautiful morning for a walk. Can you say hi? Have a great [upbeat theme music] >> Lindsey: how cool was that? >> Kelsey: I do the same exact thing when I'm showing videos of the dog. I will pause as if they are going to say hi. I go, thunder, say hi. I love that very much. Here is the qr code. We would love to hear from you. Scan the qr code and upload the video. >> Lindsey: how exciting is the wnba. This is something we have been talking about for years. We are moments away from a press conference which will officially announce the wnba's new expanse team coming to toronto. For more on this, we are joined by katherine, the host of pick-up, wnba podcast. What a good morning this is. What are you feeling this morning? >> Today feeling really exciting. It feels like a celebration. I mean, I have my pink suit on. Yeah, I mean, I feel like for a lot of football fans, this has been years in the making and we are finally here. It's really, really an exciting day. >> Lindsey: what sort of reaction are you hearing from fans this morning? >> I think everybody is thrilled. We have this exhibition game last year. It was sold out. I feel like it was a bit of a market test. I feel like the fans in toronto really came out. We did everything we could. The merchandise was sold out by halftime. There was so much buzz in the city for women's basketball. It really feels like perfect timing. >> Lindsey: let's talk about some of the details. Toronto will be the first city to have a wnba team north of the border. Fans in montréal and vancouver will also get a chance to watch the team. What do we know about the plan so far? >> Well, they will be announcing that at 9. I am hoping to find out more. What we do know is the team is going to debut in 2026. They will play at coca-cola arena. Which feels small, but it's a start. We are going to find out when they are going to reveal the team name. >> Lindsey: that is being thrown around for the name? >> Huskies. We also have the toronto smoke. I have heard bandits, which I think will be fun with raccoons and stuff like that. You know. North star. Lots of fun names being thrown around. >> Lindsey: the whole idea of attracting players here and that conversation, right? >> Yes. That's going to be huge. There will be an expansion draft. Keep an eye on women's nba basketball basketball. All that will be happening not today. There's two years' time. But definitely exciting. >> Lindsey: it is exciting because I think of my children. I have two daughters and a son. They are going to live their life knowing there is a wnba team in toronto. There are woman out there. And not only for my daughters, but for my son to see this as well. This is going to be normal for them. How great of a moment is that. >> Huge. I grew up loving basketball. Never really thinking I would ever see this day and here we are. It's a great day. I think a lot of us feel that way. >> Lindsey: good to talk to you today. Thank you. >> Thank you. >> Lindsey: akshay tandon has the rest of today's headlines. >> Akshay: we will continue with some sports news now. Oiler fans, are you ready? The oilers begin the western conference final on the road tonight in dallas taking on the stars. This will be their toughest year. The stars are considered one of the best teams in the nhl. The oilers are coming off an

emotionally emotion game thriller. >> In other news, the U.S. department of justice could file a lawsuit against the owner of ticketmaster as soon as today. They have been investigating whether live nation is blocking competition. The lawsuit is expected to allege that they have squeezed out competitors. Ticketmaster has been facing immense scrutiny in recent months, especially since millions of people tried and failed to buy tickets for taylor swift's eras tour. >> I chose number 3 as being the cake. Was I right? >> Akshay: let's see. >> No. It's chicken. >> I thought it was the cake. >> He is appearing on "ctv morning live" in vancouver. The owns a bake shop in surrey and he is good since he baked his way to the finals of the show. >> Lindsey: I love this show so much. >> Akshay: I just love cakes, period. >> Lindsey: what is your favourite? >> Akshay: cakes. Morning, evening, night. Cakes. >> Kelsey: you have to watch the show. You will sit there and become an expert on your couch. There's no way that is cake. They will cut into it and it will blow your mind. >> Lindsey: you have to be eating cake if you watch it. You have to eat it while you are watching the show. >> Akshay: like I said, cake, any time. I love cake. >> Kelsey: we were talking years ago, you don't have to wait for birthdays. You can say, it's thursday. It's cake day. >> Akshay: love it. >> Kelsey: right now, we will go to steinbach, manitoba. It is quiet now. There is a rainfall warning in effect for the community right across southern manitoba. As we are seeing a weather system move its way up from the dakota bringing with it saturated rain. Elsewhere in the country as we slide over to the St. Lawrence area through the gaspe peninsula and into new brunswick. We have thunderstorms pushing through this morning. This is part of a cold front that moves through ontario and québec yesterday. Prompting significant severe weather. It's a different story this morning. You might be wondering why, if it prompted all of that action when it moved through other communities. A couple of different reasons. Partly is that just like anything, weather systems will run out of steam. They will run out of the fuel that they need to prompt severe weather. The other big factor is the time of day. It's early morning right now and temperatures are not at their hottest. When a cold front hits an area as temperatures are still very warm. There's an increased likelihood of that weather becoming more severe. The storms that are pushing in this morning are non-severe. There's a possibility we could see a secondary front moving through. Notice the timing here. 4:30 in the afternoon. Temperatures at their peak. It's very possible we will be talking severe thunderstorms there. Severe thunderstorms are cat categorized not by lightning and thunder. Lightning is something that needs to be treated with a lot of caution. Severe thunderstorms are categorized by hail, heavy downpours and 50 millimeters of rain in an hour or less and wind gusts at 90 kilometres or less. It's approaching the loonie-sized if not big. Yesterday there was tennisball-sized hail reported in parts of ontario. As we head into the evening, you will see the thunderstorms pushing toward nova scotia. As you head farther north, you will see a flipover to steady rainfall and possible snow in the northern pen. Thunderstorms are possible through the halifax area overflight. You will pick up the day with rain. Tomorrow in newfoundland. Much more clear conditions in our maritime provinces. As we go into the weekend, a rainier story for newfoundland and labrador with labrador sticking firmly in snow as we head toward saturday evening. That's a look at a more wintry may forecast. Now here are some warmer temperatures.

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