
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #16

>> I don't believe anybody has gone to the federal government to ask for help. Provinces try to deal with wildfires at first. If they are overwhelmed, they reach out to the agency which is a cooperation between the federal and provincial government and they get help from other places. What experts tell me is that oftentimes that is too late. Whether it is other provinces getting wildfire fighters over. Oftentimes that comes to it. >> Lindsey: it seems like a lot of steps to go through right now. It is not streamlined. >> Lindsey: talk to me about what that would look like and what that would do? >> Rather than wait until the provinces overwhelmed and relying on the armed forces as we saw last year or last year we had over 5,000 international firefighters come in. What some people want is a centralized agency where you already have people deployed in certain areas where there is a higher risk that can be ready to deploy. They are tracking the data ask they are ready to deploy whenever so that it is not too late by the time help is needed. There is quite a few different models. I suspect that the cost is one issue. Given that right now, the provinces would probably be taking the burden of the cost. Why would the federal government want to take that on. But there is also some people who are saying that instead of spending that time and resources to kind of take it away from the provinces and to give it to the federal government and kind of add extra hurdles, why not increase coordination or why not put more effort into mitigation and adaptation. There are some other things to look at as well. >> Lindsey: what surprised you the most about how things are run right now? >> It is the amount of hurdles that there isn't already a centralized system. I know the federal government is trying to coordinate better with the provinces. The fact that we rely on thousands of international firefighters to come in when firefighters in canada are overworked and underpaid and yielded all of these issues. It's kind of the hurdles that exist. Especially when other g7 countries have either a national firefighting force. >> Lindsey: what is the likelihood that we could see this happen? >> I am not sure. We know that the federal emergency minister has expressed openness to this before. This year, he introduced -- it's more support for NGOs already doing that work. It is kind of a bit of a step back. They haven't ruled that out. We also have a federal election next year. I do know one thing is that the current federal government are happy to talk about wildfires. This at the are happy to make more appearances. We will talk about this issue especially as it relates to climate change. >> Lindsey: interesting. Mark, thanks for being here today. Appreciate it. After the break, morning thunderstorms are moving into atlantic canada. We are going to talk about that with kelsey. She is tracking this sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv This is our future, ma. GoDaddy airo. Creates a logo, website, even social posts in minutes! -How? -a.i. Ay I like it! Who wants to come see the future?! Get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides!

Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. Like a puzzle piece stops now. Man: Us tribute's don't have a choice. My name is Alex Hitchons. Call me Hitch. >> Kelsey: good morning. Happy thursday. It is going to be a quieter day in parts of atlantic canada. The farther west you are, the more likely you are about to enter some thunderstorms. Rolling in from eastern québec right into -- we had some flashes of smaller storms and cells. We will go live to fredericton. This view courtesy of YouTube. It's quiet now. Still fairly dry. Looking for a high of 27° this afternoon. Still warm tomorrow. And the temperature falling as we head toward saturday with a forecasted drop toward 23. We will see mild temperatures in many communities for the next couple of days. Tomorrow peeking across charlottetown and halifax. Rising up until saturday. For newfoundland, it's a bit of a different story depending on where you are. Today will be very sunny in the region. For St. John's, you will get up to only 7 today. It's a cooler start sitting at only 2 currently. By the time we hit evening, the front itself moving over from ontario and québec will firmly sit over the region. East of that, scattered cells. This does not mean everybody will have rain. It just means regionally, there's a chance of seeing those thunderstorms pop up. If they do, you will feel the wind first. The down draft coming down. It's called thunderstorms outflow. When you get that blast of cool wind. It's air coming from the top of the clouds. Those storms will move through quite quickly. Overnight, we could see some thunderstorms over the atlantic coast of nova scotia. Into tomorrow morning, we will see rain lingering up toward newfoundland. Particularly the north coast and sliding through the avalon peninsula by afternoon. Halifax, you got a super sunny day for friday. Charlottetown as well with increasing cloud. But region alley, it's unsettled as a secondary low moves in as we go into saturday morning. Something to keep in mind. A bit of an unsettled extended forecast. In behind that, you can really see that front here that was associated with all of the active weather yesterday in ontario. There were times yesterday afternoon where my phone was buzzing quite rapidly. I get weather alerts from across the country. There's a secondary low that is going to move in from the dakota into southern manitoba. That has prompted new this morning a rainfall warning. 50 to 60 millimeters of rain picking up tonight and continuing friday and for saturday as well. We will talk more about that coming up in the next half hour. We will also detail the impact this front has had on temperatures and the humidity in ontario and québec. That's coming up. Also ahead, exciting news for the aboriginal peoples network. That conversation coming up. Stay with us. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. Nutri-Lawn has been nourishingthe lawns and livesof Canadians for over 35 y With our ecology-friendly lawncare, we eliminate weeds and prevent destructive insectsfrom feeding on your grass. Improve the overallhealth of your lawn. Visit Did you know you waste200 hoursa year hand washing dishes?

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My name is Alex Hitchons. Call me Hitch. >> Good morning, canada. >> Kelsey: I love that so much. Caitlyn and greg, I hope you are watching this morning. >> Lindsey: cute. >> Kelsey: they are friends of ours. Some of the first friends we made when we came to ontario. >> Lindsey: I had no idea that campbell ford had a giant toonie. Uncle joe lives there. Hello, uncle joe. I didn't know there was a large toonie there. >> Kelsey: thank you for sending that in. There's the qr code. If you would like to send a cool landmark that is in your community, record that and share it on the show. >> Akshay: there is some exciting news in sports. The city will be awarded a wnba team today. The toronto franchise will start playing in 2026. A group led by larry tanenbaum will own the team. Toronto's wnba team will mostly play out of coca-cola coliseum. The team will also have home games in montréal and vancouver as well. The announcement is happening at 9 a.m. You can watch it live on ctv news channel. >> The city of toronto is looking to take a new approach to its strategy when it comes to deal with homeless encampments. >> The clearing is not a strategy that works. Removes people from one place to go where? >> Akshay: the new report recommends a housing first human rights approach shifting away from enforcement. The city says with a lack of mental healthcare services, more people are experiencing homelessness. The goal is to use more outreach workers and compassion. A toronto shelter support worker says what these really need is a coordinated regional response and regional reception centre. The city will present the report next week. >> Overseas now. Taiwan is responding to military exercises by china. Its new president visited an army camp this morning promising to defend the island against threats from china. Beijing says it's punishment for taiwan. The drills simulate a full scale attack on taiwan as opposed to past exercises. China this morning also issued a warning for the U.S. to stop supporting taiwan. >> Nikki haley has shared who she will support in this fall's presidential election >> Biden has been a catastrophe. I will be voting for trump. >> Lindsey: it's not a surprise the former south carolina governor did say donald trump hasn't been perfect either. The endorsement of her former rival came during nikki haley's public speech. She says that donald trump's last major rival in the presidential race.

>>> The U.S. department of justice could file a lawsuit against the owner of ticketmaster as soon as today. They have been investigating whether life nation is blocking competition. Ticketmaster has been facing immense scrutiny in recent months especially since millions of people tryed and failed to buy tickets for taylor swift's eras tour. >> The canadian food inspection agency is recalling mehta brand enoki mushrooms. The mushrooms are mostly sold in ontario. But canadian food inspection agency says they could have been sold in other provinces and territories. >> You could live in an island paradise right here in canada. Check out this private island in nova scotia's south shore. It sits on almost 10 acres of land. The three-storey home features a rustic bar and large dining room and kitchen. It is 9500 square feet. It costs $15.8 million. >> Kelsey: I could either buy an entire island in nova scotia or I could live ten minutes away from work. Those are my two choices for that amount of money. >> Akshay: that's if you want to live on bridal bath. Everything is not $15 million in toronto. >> Kelsey: I cannot buy a nice house for 3 or $4 million. Wishful thinking. One day. >> Lindsey: I went and looked at all of the pictures. Really stunning. Different locations. >> Kelsey: there's one house near us on a gigantic lot and it went up for sale. It was the best because we finally got to see inside. It was a swanky house. >> Akshay: how much was it for? >> Kelsey: 4.5 million. It took a while to find a good buyer. >> Akshay: if I had 15.8, I would never invest it on an island like that. You make money with money. Buy a house for 5 million and then use the rest of the money to make money. >> Kelsey: we are going to switch over to weather this morning. Coming up in ten minutes, I have your full national forecast. There are heavy rainfall warnings. Elsewhere today, it is less humid. We will talk about that forecast coming up. Morning thunderstorms tracking into atlantic canada and then in western communities, below average temperatures for the next couple of days. When will it finally warm up? I will have those details up. Stay with us. >> Kelsey: the world's first national indigenous broadcaster is getting an update this september. The crtc has granted aptn to streamline its programming to two channels. It will feature programming exclusively in indigenous languages. The changes come as the network celebrates its 25th anniversary. Monika ille is the ceo, aptn. She joins us from montréal. Great to have you this morning. >> Thank you so much for having me. >> Kelsey: I could see you nodding along with a giant smile on your face. How are you feeling about this upcoming change? >> Excited. Nervous. Anxious a bit as well.

september 1st is coming up so quickly. We have been working on this for a few years now. When we got the answer last week, it was quite emotional. Tears were coming down because I believe so much in this. For me, this is really the future. We are in this decade of indigenous languages right now and there are so many things happening. We are claiming our culture ask identity. And we are claiming our languages. I think that indigenous media, we play a very important role in promoting and preserving indigenous languages. >> Kelsey: how do you see as we go toward the future with the united nations declaring 2022 to 2032 as that decade of international languages. How do you see that role that aptn will play in preserving and passing on these languages >> We want people to hear the beauty of those languages. When you lose a language, you lose a big part of your identity. Your language, they hold your culture. They hold your traditions. They hold your songs and they hold your dance and your roots. By reclaiming these languages. Having more programming in those languages, it helps to revitalize and also there's many languages in canada that are very fragile. I know a bit of the language. I am trying to learn it. It's quite hard. But as you get other people to learn the language and make television shows, hopefully people are going to come and listen to those shows and will be able to learn the language through those programs. >> We have talked so much over the last 8 years of the show about the importance of representation. How much that means to people watching. The impact that has for kids to be able to look at the tv screen and see themselves represented. What are you hearing from your viewers about what indigenous programming on a national network like this will mean to them? >> I have to do a quick story. In 1999 when aptn went to the crtc asking for a channel, there was a quote and somebody said there were more aliens on tv than there were indigenous people. Thank god, things have changed. Since having the first english broadcaster in canada had a great impact on the media landscape. When aptn started, there were a handful of producers. Now there are hundreds working in a thriving production community. Getting our stories out there. Not only to atpn, but different networks. I think that brings a change. When you get to hear storys from other people, from other cultures, you get to understand better who they are. I think that is the best moment when you have that understanding and appreciation. I think that is where stereotypes and myths fall away. We have a great impact and by having the crtc say yes to this indigenous language, it shows that they are really supporting and respecting the updating broadcasting where you have english languages at the same level as french and english in the media landscape. >> What kind of programming can people in canada look forward to this september? >> The same programming we have on aptn. We have our news and current affairs in french and english. Basically on the english language feed will be the same of and more of. That's what we want to do is more indigenous language programming. >> Kelsey: thank you so much for coming on the show today. Good luck with this brand-new adventure. >> Thank you so much for having me. >> Kelsey: just ahead on the show, 10 centimetres of snow is ahead in the If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) Want some coffee, mate? Coffee'd be great. Thanks, mate. How 'bout some Coffee Mate? —Coffee, mate! —Coffee Mate? Already said I want some coffee, mate? I meant you want some Coffee Mate? Oh! I'd love some Coffee Mate with my coffee, mate. —Mate? —Mate. Crikey, that's rich and creamy coffee, mate. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain

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