
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

Introducing thecompletely reborn three rowHyundai santa fe. Wah changes everything. [Hyundai sting] Around here, light can bring out the best in you. It can make you believe you'll find the buried treasure. Tempt you to bet on yourself. Convince you there's room for one more bite. And beg you to stay out way past your bedtime Don't say we didn't warn you. Come find your island. Prince Edward Island Male Announcer: Mary's brightening up daytime with good friends and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg, weekdays on ctv. >> Lindsey: so that moment when you bring your boyfriend or girlfriend home for the first time to meet your parents can be super nerve-racking for everybody. I am going to show you a video now of the daughter is bringing her new boyfriend home. Never met the family before. This is what they did. Watch. >> Here they come. Here they come. [ Applause ] >> Kelsey: at lease you know as the boyfriend what xif family you are walking into. They have told you right away. >> Akshay: that's hilarious. >> Lindsey: I love it. She is so embarrassed, but not annoyed. I am obsessed with this family. I am taking notes. I am going to do all of these things. It is so funny. I am going to now show you a video. We will do a bit of show-and-tell that will come up after the video. We want everybody to watch this video closely. Ask people under the age of 25 to write the word "baseball" in cursive. >> Akshay: I think that is exceptional. >> Lindsey: even me, I am going to get stumped on the letter attachment. >> Akshay: this is what happens when you type everything in your life. >> Kelsey: even people who are in their 30s and 40s. When you see their penmanship, it can be revealed. >> Lindsey: I have recruited some youngins. Emily and sa ba. You are in your 20s. Did you learn cursive in school? >> A little. >> Yeah, we had to trace it out. >> Lindsey: we are going to try this as well so you are not doing it alone. >> Lindsey: I don't often write

CURSIVE. BASEBALL IS THE WORD. >> Kelsey: CAN WE HAVE MUSIC WHILE WE ARE DOING THIS. >> Lindsey: I'M STUMPED ON THE "B". >> Akshay: I DON'T LIKE THE MARKER. THE MARKER HAS A WEIRD NIB. >> Lindsey: YOU WANT THIS ONE? >> Lindsey: I FEEL LIKE I AM WINNING. >> Kelsey: YOU HAVE BEAUTIFUL PENMANSHIP. >> Lindsey: BUT YOU DID A CAPITAL B. >> Akshay: COME ON. >> Lindsey: THE LOWER B IS HARDER. >> Lindsey: IT'S AN UNFAIR WORD TO SHOW YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE THE MANAGER OF YOUR BASEBALL TEAM. YOU PROBABLY WRITE THIS WORD A LOT. LINDSEY LET'S CHECK IN ON THE YOUNGINS. >> Lindsey: SABA, YOU DID A CAPITAL B. >> IF I HAD A PEN, THIS WOULD BE FLAWLESS. >> Akshay: GOOD ONE. >> Lindsey: WELL SAID. >> Kelsey: CAN WE HAVE A MAGNIFYING GLASS? >> Akshay: THEY ARE BETTER THAN THE VIDEO WE SAW. YOU GUYS DID A REALLY GOOD JOB. >> Lindsey: IF I DID MINE AS SMALL AS EMILY DID, Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims CRAVE, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here.

Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. >> Lindsey: it's thursday, may 23rd. >> We are not in increased gang. >> Lindsey: deadly street fight. Montréal police are trying to reassure the public after young people were killed in a brawl. >> Summer election. U.K. prime minister rishi sunak calls a snap election for july 4th. >> Tailored diapers flying in style. This rescue pigeon is getting custom made diapers. Stay with us, canada, "your morning" starts right now. [upbeat theme music] >> Lindsey: so weird, but that is the morning show for you, everybody. Welcome to "your morning." I'm lindsey deluce. >> Lindsey: good morning, I am akshay tandon. >> Kelsey: I'm kelsey McEWEN. I can't wait for all of the details. >> Akshay: we talk about that pigeon for sure in just a couple of minutes. People in the U.K. will head to the polls on july 4th. >> Who do you trust to turn that foundation into a secure future for you, your family and our country? Now is the moment for britain to choose its future. >> Akshay: conservative leader rishi sunak was on the campaign trail this morning having called a snap election wednesday in the pouring rain. After 14 years in power, the tories are widely expected to lose. Labour leader says the country has a chance to end what he calls the chaos of rishi sunak's government. To drive it home, the slogan is "change". >> At least 9 people including a child has died at a presidential rally. A warning, this video may be difficult to watch for some viewers. This is in mexico. Presidential candidate had been delivering a speech in a city near monterey when a strong gust of wind toppled the stage. 63 people were injured. A structure on the stage was blown down by the wind. There had been thunderstorms and strog winds reported in the area wednesday night. >> Back at home, prime minister justin trudeau says canada will not follow norway, ireland and spain's lead to recognize a palestinian state next week. >> We are prepared today recognize a state of palestine at the right time. >> The prime minister is facing calls from the ndp and within his caucus to make the recognition, but the prime minister is saying canada's position is that a palestinian state must come with negotiations with israel before it is recognized.

>>> Police in eastern ontario have wrapped up the on-scene investigation into a deadly boat crash over the victoria day weekend. Three young adults died and five others were taken to hospital after a speedboat ended up on top of a fishing boat on bob's lake near kingston on saturday night. The opp's collision reconstruction team is piecing together what happened and they can't say if there will be charges at this point. All three people killed were in their early 20s. They were pronounced dead at the scene. >>> Montréal police say a street fight that led to the stabbing deaths of three young people was not gang-related. Montréal's major crime investigators are now on the case. Montréal police is now investigating 7 homicides in just the last ten days. >>> Convicted serial killer robert pickton will stay in a medically induced coma for a few days more. The plan is to wake picton up later this week. According to police, the inmates suspected of assaulting picton has not been interviewed yet. >>> Westjet is making changes to lower the price to fly, but it comes with sacrifices for travelers. >> They actually have the space where you can take a little bit of leg room away. >> Westjet is planning to add more seats to some of its bigger planes. It is also going to draw an ultralow fare category for people who are willing to fly without any carry-on luggage. The airline is also asking ottawa to freeze government imposed passenger fees, which pay for airport maintenance and other projects. >> Akshay: and we have some breaking news from the sports world. It's also of the worst-kept secret secrets in basketball. Toronto will be awarded a women's franchise league today. The team will be owned by the larry tannenbaum group. Toronto will mostly play at the coca-cola coliseum, but will also have other games at the scotiabank arena and will even play some in vancouver and montréal. The announcement is happening at 9 a.m. You can watch it live on ctv news channel. >> Oiler fans, are you ready? >> Akshay: the oilers take on the stars. This will be their toughest test yet. The stars are considered one of the best teams of the nhl. The oilers are coming off an emotional thriller. Puck-drops tonight at 6:30 mountain time. >> Akshay: a rescued pigeon in B.C. is making himself right at home and is already building a new wardrobe. >> Show the people your diaper. >> Akshay: a farmer rescued this pigeon last may. It was found in rough shape in a box in burnaby park. Now he is really living the life. Chrstie brought him home. Now he has custom made diapers. She changes him every few hours and he gets a daily bath. >> Lindsey: people are amazing. The fact that she is doing this. There a couple of things in that story. >> Kelsey: there are a couple of left turns. >> Lindsey: I have to say that the woman who makes pigeon pants. I have many questions about that. Who is this woman and where can I see that for a video for sidebar? I will be looking that up later. >> Kelsey: if you go to etsy and

search for overalls. They are really cute. >> Akshay: it's a thing. There are so many pants available. >> Lindsey: how much are they? >> Kelsey: $45. Maybe I would pay $10. >> Akshay: many of my pants are cheaper, sometimes. Joggers. >> Lindsey: thanks for bringing that to us. Weird story. >> Kelsey: I do have your national forecast coming up in 15 minutes' time. Here is what we are talking about. We have slowly rising temperatures in parts of the prairies. When I am saying "slowly" I am emphasizeing that word. Elsewhere in the region, there is heavy rain forecasted for tonight. We already have warnings in effect. Elsewhere in canada, it is less humid today. We had a cold front go through and it prompted severe weather. It has reduced the humidity significantly. For now, here is a look at what we can expect for today. >> Lindsey: the organization that advocates for people with allergies in québec is calling on a new approach. It affects 2% of children in canada. But allergy québec says that blanket ban is ineffective. Given the changing reality of food allergies. With more on this is jennifer gerdits. With food allergy canada. Good morning to you. What do you make of this idea? >> Good morning. I think ensuring that every child is safe at school is the goal of every teacher. It's the goal of every parent. When we get into that conversation about how to do that, the conversation gets centred on this idea of bans and removing bans. When really what the conversation needs to be about is education on how to keep these children safe. Education on food allergy. And then what are the practical policies and tactics that can be used in a school setting to support those children. >> Lindsey: there are currently 9 food groups that account for all allergies. The argument that you shouldn't just ban one food item. It's more than that now. What do you think about that view? >> I think it is a very valid view. When you think food allergy in children. You can't just think about peanuts and trea tree nuts. You need to be thinking about eggs and milk. It's stepping back ask saying what is the comprehensive approach that schools need to take to help these children stay safe. Bans can be or food restrictions can be merited in some circumstances. But it's things like, does the community understand food allergy. Do they know how to support. Do they have the cleaning protocols in place? Are they eating in the classroom? Are there cleaning protocols in place afterwards to ensure that the environment can be safe so that the children can focus on learning and not thinking about the possibility of an allergic reaction. >> Lindsey: are there instantceinstances when blanket bans are in place. >> I want to call them restrictions. The environments where those are merited is in the case where the developmental readiness -- the individual impacted isn't able to self-manage or their peers in the classroom don't understand how to support that child. And so, in those situations, restrictions can be merited because it's really hard to manage without having the ability to restrict a particular food. And again, it could be any food. That's the conversation.

it just so happens that peanut is the most prevalent one. It is also the one that most children don't outgrow. Whereas some of the other allergyies allergies, children can potentially outgrow those. >> Lindsey: 600,000 children have a food allergy of some kind. What advice do you have for a parent? >> I think the first thing they need to do before the school year is sit down with the administration and the teachers to be able to have a conversation around what their clild's allergies are. That should be in place across every school in canada. And then it is also seeking to understand where the children eat in the school environment and what steps are being taken to help mitigate the risk of their child being exposed to the food allergy. What is the supervision. And it's also thinking about preparing your child, when they are developmentally ready to carry their own epi pen. Knowing how to identify a reaction. Those are things that a parent can do. Having that initial sit down and collaborate on a approach that works with school setting and that works for your particular child is really important. >> Lindsey: it makes a lot of sense. Collaboration and education. Jennifer gerdits, thanks for being here today. >> Thank you so much. >> Lindsey: after the break, as wildfire season worsens, should there be a federal body cast with managing these fires? We are going to take A(Snickering) Hanging tree It's not always easy to eat enough of what I should. Ensure has 25 vitamins and minerals and is high in protein to help build muscles. So, I get nutrients to help me keep doing the things I love, with the people I love. Ensure. The #1doctor-recommended brand. Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) Oh, it's about to bea party in here!BetMGM's got all the sportsbetting in o And it's live, baby! We're placing moneylinesin real time. We got second half spreadsand third set winners, as...they...happen! Overs hittin'in extra innings, live is wherethe action is at! And with BetMGM - Woo! I got the best seat in thehouse! [roar] It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ >> Lindsey: the government is trying to invest is more emergency preparedness technology. They are calling for a federal firefighting agency. Good morning to you, mark. >> Lindsey: what are the main issues of how things are run right now. >> Kind of how bad wildfires have gone recently. Last year, we had the worse season on record. 2016, we had fires in fort McMURRAY. The federal government is starting to realize it has more of a role to play in fight inging house fires. The federal government increasing the volunteer tax credit for firefighters. Putting in more money for equipment and training. A lot of experts say that the status quo. The reality with climate change says extreme weather is -- provinces aren't lining up to request for this.

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