
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

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item vassy kapelos. Top headlines are just ahead. [ ] >> Tonight, recognizing a palestinian state. >> Todd: three countries in europe say the time is now amid the war in gaza. >> It is the right thing to do. >> Todd: why ireland, spain, norway could encourage others and will canada follow suit? >> We are prepared to recognize the state of palestine at the right time. >> Todd, plus the surge of murders in montreal. >> The whole place was red. I never seen so much blood. >> A crime wave hits the city. Seven people killed in the past ten days. >>> Also, major retailer london drugs says no way to ransom demands. >> This retailer in canada was up against one of the most sophisticated criminal gangs. >> Todd: and the barbie treatment for canada's top soccer player. >> Holy moley that's me. >> Super star christine sinclair, honoured and immortalized. >> Hopefully can inspire next generation of young canadians. >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with omar sachedina. Reporting tonight, todd van der heyden. >> Todd: good evening. A bold move by spain, ireland, and norway. The three say the time has come to it officially recognize a palestinian state arguing the war in gaza has convinced them that a two-state solution is the only answer and the time for waiting is over. It could prompt other countries to follow suit, although likely not canada any time soon. An increasingly isolated israel immediately condemning the decisions. It comes as the deepening humanitarian crisis in gaza is verging on a famine. Ctv's annie bergeron-oliver reports. >> A dire warning, supplies and personnel are running so low in gaza the U.N. agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in rafah. >> Right now we are reaching really a tipping point in terms of what the U.N. can do on the ground. We're not getting enough via the crossings because most of them are closed. >> Worsening humanitarian crisis comes more than seven months since the war began after hamas attacked israel, taking more than 200 hostages. Today a heartbreaking new video showing five young women being taken hostage from their military post. Her 19-year-old daughter is one of them. >> It's not very easy things to see, to see your daughter this terrified look. >> The ongoing conflict and the devastation it has caused prompted spain, norway and ireland to recognize the palestinian state. >> Our decision should not have to wait indefinitely. Especially when it is the right thing to do. >> Reporter: the historic but largely symbolic move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations, something only states are granted. >> It's a recognition that while we have been talking about two states for 20 years and it's all part of our policy, that very, very little has been done over that time. >> Reporter: canada abstained from that U.N. vote. Today the prime minister reiterated canada's position that a palestinian state will only be recognized as a result of a negotiated two-state solution. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we are prepared to recognize the state of palestine at the right time. Not necessarily as the last step along the path. >> Israel responded to the declaration by ireland, norway and spain by immediately recalling all of its ambassadors from those countries. >> Ctv's annie bergeron-oliver.

>>> To montreal where we are seeing a dramatic spike in the number of murders. Canada's second largest city is no stranger to gangs and organized crime, but with these latest deaths including a 15-year-old boy police say there are none of those connections. Our quebec bureau chief genevieve beauchemin has more. >> From montreal balconies several neighbours witnessed three killings over a few moments, murders they fear are a sign of escalating violence. >> I never seen so much blood. >> Mohammad was looking down from the sixth floor. >> Everybody was running in some directions. So I went inside to call 911. >> Reporter: the brawl involving about 15 people broke out early tuesday evening. When it ended three young men had been stabbed to death, including a 15-year-old boy. A classmate said the school principal broke the news to students. He told us he had been killed in a fight she says. Many of us burst into tears. Police say the victims are not members of organized crime, and they suspect the motive is a personal conflict. One of the victims, 25-year-old grew up in the building overlooking the crime scene. His father says it is incomprehensible that three families have now lost a son. Now police are trying to determine exactly what happened. They have a lot of surveillance video good quality ones to go through to determine exactly what happened. There were so many witnesses here. In the past ten days montreal police responded to seven homicides. One victim was killed with a firearm, another was beaten, the five others were stabbed. >> Organized crime take more firearms. >> Montreal has a low murder rate compared to other big cities throughout canada can and north america. In 2022 montreal had fewer murders per 100,000 inhabitants in vancouver, winnipeg, and halifax and toronto. Montreal police cracked down on gun crime. Most often related to turf wars over the control of the drug trade. Some of the most recent murders appear to be based on personal conflict including the one last night that ended three he young lives. Genevieve beauchemin, "ctv news," montreal.

>>> An update on medical condition of one of canada's most notorious killers robert pickton. Currently on life support pickton will be kept in a medically induced coma for a few more days to see if he recovers. The 74-year-old was attacked by another inmate on sunday at a maximum security prison located in a remote part of quebec. Pickton originally from british columbia was convicted of killing six women in 2007 but also charged in the murders of 21 other women. >>> Retailer london drugs says it will not pay a $25 million ransom to cyber criminals who stole confidential data. The chain operates close to 80 stores across western canada, all of them closed for ten days in late april after a cyber attack. Now london drugs rejecting a deadline set by the hackers themselves. Ctv's andrew johnson has this from vancouver. >> Reporter: despite a steady stream of shoppers at london drugs today it's anything but business as usual. >> I feel bad for london drugs because as far as I'm concerned decent organization. >> Reporter: retailer is being held ransom by cyber criminals. The ask, $25 million by thursday afternoon or ransomware hackers lock bit will leak stolen information on to the dark web. >> There are criminals. Tried to bluff their way through some like evil bond villain in a poker game. >> One of the world's most sophisticated criminal gangs believed to have extorted more than $100 million from thousands of victims. They often target schools and hospitals. In february lock bit was dealt a blow by a rare international law enforcement operation that included canada. >> Unfortunately proven cockroach resilience and still operating. >> London drugs says unwilling and unable to pay the ransom. Forced the week-long closure of 79 stores across western canada. >> That is 100% the right move. If nobody paid ransom would be no more ransomware. >> Not paying and calling lock bit's bluff comes with uncertainty and risk. >> The problem is personal data releaed under the dark web like radioactive material. Got a life half life that will outlive the employee. >> London drugs is offering employees two years of identity theft protection. The data leak is not believed to include customer information. But todd, experts say until the hackers reveal their cards, and release what they have stolen, it's hard to be sure what's in their hands. >> Todd: ctv's andrew johnson.

>>> Canada is notorious for very high priced plane tickets. A lot of geography, smaller population doesn't help. But the airlines themselves are often criticized as well. Now westjet is calling on the federal government to cut the fees that it imposes on airlines. Ctv's kathy lee has more from calgary. >> Reporter: the high cost of flying in canada isn't sitting well with passengers. >> Insane. >> Westjet says trying to make it more affordable announcing future plans to add more seats in the back of some of its bigger planes. >> 174 seats, so we take this to 180. Actually have the space so that you can take a little bit of leg room away, similar seats and add nor. >> I'm a big guy. Anything about smaller seats is not very appealing to me. >> For me wouldn't be much of a problem. >> Westjet claims more seats means cheaper airfare. >> Want cheap flight it comes at sacrifice of some comfort. >> One of the measures to address high airline tickets. The company is also asking the federal government to review the way maintenance and projects are paid for which is by the passengers through fees, then tacked on to airfares. Westjet wants a freeze to the fees until the review is complete. >> The fees that are being charged to the passengers ultimately through the tickets that are not just paying the infrastructure, but they are also funding the federal budget. >> Reporter: while this aviation expert believes the user pay model should be overhauled. >> Somebody has to pay for the airports, somebody's got to pay for the runways, somebody's got to pay for parking lots. Who pays for that? >> Canadian airports also pay about half a billion dollars in rent to transport canada every year. A bill westjet says should stop and be redirected. >> Get under control, sustainability, quality improvements, the list goes on and on. >> As to how to change the user pay model westjet says many options but doesn't have concrete ideas yet but says it has to work for canadians. Kathy lee, "ctv news," calgary. >> Todd: some new numbers on poverty in canada come with a stark warning. If more isn't done the food bank system nationwide could collapse. For some a local food bank is a critical part of their safety net. Ctv's heather wright reports. >> Reporter: this is just part of the line outside a toronto food bank today. Where thousands of clients will shop this week, a number that keeps going up. >> As a single mother of four kids, it's not easy for me. >> Reporter: according to food banks canada one in four canadians are experiencing food insecurity. While nearly half of those surveyed feel they are doing worse financially than they were a year ago. These are statistics sees every day. >> There are people that are working fully employed and having to access the food bank. We have seniors, we have newcomers, we have students. >> Reporter: today food banks canada released its annual poverty report card. A look at challenges facing canadians and how well government are responding to them. >> We are not doing enough as a country to make sure people are able to make ends meet right now. >> Reporter: most provincial governments received grades in the d range, while seven out of ten got a d minus for what the report called insufficient approach to poverty reduction. A lack of affordable housing and stubbornly high food prices have created a perfect storm of need in many parts of the country and there are concerns the system simply can't keep up. >> They cannot continue to meet the growing demands with the amount of food and donations that are coming through the doors, and even then no system is designed for you know growth like we have seen. >> Reporter: the report includes a number of policy recommendations, among them rent control and increasing social assistance. Building more houses is also needed, something the provinces and the federal government have promised but which will take years. The report also found more young people are turning to food banks. Between february and april of this year, a quarter of those aged 18 to 24 went to a charity because they didn't have enough money to buy food. Heather wright, "ctv news," toronto. >> Todd: a big british gamble today. The conservative prime minister of the U.K. calling a surprise election. Rishi sunak and his party deeply unpopular 20 points behind the labour party in the polls and the optics arguably not great for the announcement today with sunak drenched in the pouring rain. >> Earlier today I spoke with his majesty the king to request illusion of parliament. The king granted this request and we'll have a general election on the 4th of july. >> Sunak says the vote comes at a time of great uncertainty in the world. Russia's invasion of ukraine, fighting in the middle east but the conservative party has been in power for 14 years under five different prime ministers, including three in just the past

two years. And has lurched through crisis and scandal leading to a sense of chaos. >>> Confirmation tonight that five people were killed, at least 35 others injured in the state of iowa after a massive tornado ripping through the american midwest. The tornado was at least an ef-3 with winds up to 260 kilometres an hour. It left a wide swath of destroyed homes and cars in the town of greenfield. This has been a very active tornado season in the united states. More than 860 tornadoes reported across 37 states. >>> Coming up, the apprentice film creating a stir. >> I don't necessarily think he would like it. I think he would be surprised. >> Rave reviews from critics but a legal threat from the former president. >>> Plus, barbie, honours a canadian soccer star. ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Start your 30—day home trial at Terms apply. [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] >> Todd: she once wanted to be U.S. president and called donald trump unfit for office but now nikki haley says she will vote for him in november. >> I will be voting for trump. >> Haley served as governor of south carolina later trump's ambassador at the united nations. She was seen as last hope of the anti-trump wing of the republican party. Haley did not call on her supporters to vote for trump.

>>> Speaking of trump real life rise to real estate mogul has been written about many times now a new movie about trump back in the 1980s, it's called apprentice recently premiered at the cannes film festival in france. As washington bureau chief joy malbon reports, the trump campaign isn't happy at all. >> At its world premiere apprentice caused quite the buzz at the cannes film festival following donald trump's years as a new york real estate tycoon. Starring the succession's jeremy and delete s. The movie made headlin some disturbing scenes including the future president sexually assaulting his first identify ivana who died in 2022. There are references to pill popping, lyposuction, and surgery to remove a bald spot, hardly flattering. >> I don't think he would necessarily like it. I think he would be surprised. >> Reporter: the movie's director says it's inspired by true events. The trump campaign says it's anything but. And wants to sue. This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalized lies long debunked, it belongs in a dumpster fire. >> Everybody talks about him suing a lot of people. They don't talk about his success rate though. You know. >> Reporter: defending, the director invited trump to a private screening to see for himself. A movie filmed partly in ontario and timing critics say is everything. >> As all the controversy generated over on the south of france, it will generate much more here in america when they will anticipate releasing it in september right in the closing weeks of the presidential election. >> Reporter: while the movie received a standing ovation, the director had this to say about his famous subject. >> There is no nice way to deal with this. >> The apprentice isn't the first movie about donald trump and he has got enough legal trouble to worry about facing 88 criminal charges while campaigning to win back the white house. Todd. >> Todd: ctv's joy malbon.

>>> Graceland the home of king of rock 'n roll is off the auction block at least for now. Elvis presley's granddaughter has won an emergency legal bid to delay the sale of the home which is a major tourist attraction in tennessee. A private lending company claims it gave a $3.8 million loan to elvis' daughter lisa marie presley back in 2018. The company says she used graceland as collateral but never repaid the loan. Lisa marie died last year. Her daughter argued the company's documents were forged and the loan never existed. The judge in the case saying the delay is in the public interest given graceland's historic and cultural significance. >>> Still ahead, ticked off. The creepy and dangerous critters who are crawling their way across canada. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) ( ) ( ) (i am by your side) (i am by your side) ( ) (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. Crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. (Snickering) Hanging tree four eligible farmers search for real life romance with a new crop of daters farming for love on ctv >> Todd: all heard of ticks parasites, bloodsuckers not the a great combination. Can spread disease and becoming increasingly common. With more what you need to know ctv's paul hollingsworth has this report from halifax. >> Reporter: experts caution an unseasonably warm winter has allowed ticks to thrive early, ready to bite in growing numbers. >> The ticks are quite happy with the milder winters that are happening in the maritimes and across canada. >> Tick borne illnesses are on the rise. There were more than 8,000 reported cases of lyme disease in canada from 2021 to 2023. >> Throughout the entire country. >> Donna lugar spent years battling lyme disease symptoms before she was properly diagnosed. >> I had a light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, scent sensitivity, digestive issues, hearing issues. >> Lugar urges people to check their bodies closely after being outdoors. >> We need to be undertaking preventative measures daily. >> Reporter: there are basic steps to stay tick free. >> Bug spray not a bad idea. When you come inside, either check yourself right away if you are in a high risk area, toss your clothes into a dryer. >> Concerns about certain ticks spreading lyme disease have increased in recent years. >> Black like tick is very much big problem all around canada. >> Reporter: the lone star tick is also dangerous. >> On the whole there are more ticks, they are moving further

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