
CTVN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

northward. >> According to recent data from the government of canada there are 40 different types of ticks in our country but not all of these ticks will make you sick. Some scientists say avoiding all ticks is the safest approach. >> Not every tick is infected but every type of tick can have something nasty. >> Reporter: it's a growing and alarming concern, especially with canadians enjoying outdoor activities during the warm weather season. Paul hollingsworth, "ctv news," halifax. >> Todd: after the break, role models become plastic models. A canadian soccer super star among the athletes honoured with their very own barbies. Money is a thing. You're told to make money, invest money, save money. While others are encouraging you to spend your money. You might even be planning your money ...based on someone else's plan. Maybe it's time to do things...differently. And get obsessed over something other than money. Like building a path based on what's important to you. ( ) we understand money's a thing, but it's not everything. Edward Jones. We do money differently. Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. >> One of canada's most famous soccer player, the other world's most famous doll. Now christine sinclair and barbie are teaming up in toy land one might say. >> Wide open goal. It's christine sinclair! >> The belief christine sinclair gave canadians was contagious. They could dream, win and be the best in the world. A role model. >> My faith. >> Now mini model. A barbie with her signature head band and jersey. >> They got the gold medal most important, high socks because the cool kids wear high socks. >> Among sinclair's achievements. Scoring the most international goals ever. She says this was unexpected but a huge honour. >> You know, an iconic toy, hopefully can inspire the next generation of young canadians. >> For 65th anniversary barbie is honouring nine athletes from around the world. Tennis star venus williams is another. >> There's moments in life that you can't even dream about, never thought that I would be you know made as a barbie doll. >> While the aim is to inspire, the maker of barbie says the dolls aren't for sale. >> The role model dolls are created just in their likeness truly to honour those athletes. And I would love a doll too. I feel everyone's pain out there. But there is only one and it is gifted to the role model. >> Reporter: that puzzles parents. >> I think why not. Sell them all. >> Sinclair says growing up she didn't have female role model athletes to look up to. >> Through this barbie I hope to show especially young girls obviously that anything is possible and that you know chase your dreams they can come true. >> Reporter: a goal that much larger than a game. Sarah plowman, "ctv news," fredericton. >> Todd: that's it for us tonight. I'm todd van der heyden. For omar sachedina and all of us here at "ctv national news," thank you for watching. Have a great rest of your evening and I will see you right here again tomorrow.

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Get down! Get into a new station 19 on ctv [ ] >> We know the policy solutions we need to have the government at all levels have the fortitude and courage to be able to implement them. >> A warning as they paint a grim picture of food security. >> We are pretty unanimous in saying we have to review this because the system really has lived beyond its usefulness. >> West jet calls for a federal review into the way that airports are funded. >>> Canada's long-standing position has been to support and to call for two state solution. >> Canada maintains its stance on the middle east as ireland, norway and spain say they will recognize the palestinian state. Thank you for joining us. We are getting a troubling new look at just how much canadians are struggling with the cost of living a new report suggests a quarter are facing food insecurity and almost half are worse off financially than they did last year. >> Reporter: officials of the daily bread food bank say demand has never been greater. Thousands of new clients arriving each month. They have jobs but not enough money to pay their rent and afford groceries. >> We are welcoming about 12 to 13,000 torontonians who have never used a food bank before. There come into the food bank for the very first time on a monthly basis. We are growing at three to 5 percent here in the city of toronto every single month. This past april there were 11,000 clients visits up from about 60,000 prepandemic. >> Numbers match report released by food banks canada. It works with 5100 local food banks and community groups and all provinces and territories. Here's a look at the findings. 44 percent of people feel they are doing worse financially compared to last year. One and four are experiencing food insecurity. >> The stand out from me really is that behind all of these numbers are real people and real folks who are struggling to make ends meet like never before. Families with jobs that should be able to afford food to put on their table. >> Reporter: food banks canada looked at the overall situation with poverty across the country, comparing the progress of every government. Here's a sample of the report card. The federal government was devon -- given a d. Ontario with the minus. Québec a c+, alberta d- and british columbia b+. The yukon inconclusive, not enough data. >> Nova scotia and pei did manage to bring their scores up a bit. I don't want to just that no one is taking action. >> Reporter: activist say federal and provincial governments need a coordinated poverty reduction plan. They claim there needs to be a greater sense of urgency to address this growing problem.

>>> West jet is calling for a full federal government review into the way airports are funded in canada. Canada's major airports are operated on federally owned land and they must pay rent to the government. Part of those costs and up getting past on to consumers in the form of extra fees charged on their tickets. The ceo says they faced... And is calling on ottawa to stop collecting rent. >> Joining me to discuss this is... At mcgill university. John what is your take on this. Do you think the aviation funding model needs to be reviewed? >> Yes. We've made it clear in a few of our academics... A couple weeks ago and I think we were pretty unanimous in saying we have to review this because the system really has lived beyond its usefulness. Covid has done a number in terms of the financial status of canadian airports. There has to be a review in terms of how airports are being funded and how they are going to fund future expenditure. >> What you expect a potential review to look like? >> Right now we are in a user paying model which everybody has been saying is broken. Is not the way we should be looking at it. West jet is looking at it the same. They want to have these charges removed because he wants fares to be able to go lower. The problem is if you remove those charges from the canadian travelling public, someone has to fuel those revenues that are being generated by those fees. Unfortunately the remedy for that would be all of canadian taxpayers rather than just air travellers who will be funding airports, ready to take on that challenge just yet. >> What sort of revenue do these fees bring in for the government and does it all go back into maintaining and improving the airport? >> The airport improvement fees are fees that you pay at each airport. That money stays with the airport. That's being used to fund the capital needs of the airports. The other fees that are there... Some of the other operational fees stay with the government. The big number is the rent that is being paid by the airports to the government and it's over $500 million a year. That rent is being thrown back in the general revenues. The airlines, the airports would like to see that show up back in the airports as an investment by the federal government to prove -- improve the state of the airport situation. >> How likely do you think the government is to take this request seriously? >> I think they are starting. We've got a review underway by the competition bureau about the state of competition and in the impact of these fees and that is starting shortly. We have a government looking at alternative financing models for the airports to look at having additional sovereign funds that we have in canada invest in airports. And make it easier for those funds that are investing overseas and invest in canada. There is some attention now weather the government is ready and willing to start looking at user pay as a concept and to review alternative, there's no indication that the government is ready to talk about that just yet. >> West jet also announced that they will introduced the lowest fees to passengers who are willing to forgo a carry-on bag. Do you think that's a smart business model and an option that passengers are likely to take up? >> Everybody's going to want cheaper fair. I think whatever we see happening by these additional fees that are showing up left right and centre, this is not unheard of. Airlines are trying to peel back the onion and to make some of the fees -- some of the services that you expect in a ticket, roll them back and make them optional and have additional revenues to it. It's another attempt to look at so-called ancillary fees, they've called them junk fees. And to basically add another level of fee structures on top of what they charge as a ticket. So it really is an attempt by the airlines to segment their travelling public into various buckets and they are looking to charge those people. >> Thank you so much for your time today. Program coordinator of the global aviation leadership program at mcgill university. >> My pleasure. >> The crown has wrapped up it's case against admitted killer jeremy skibicki. Today handwritten letters penned

by him were entered as evidence, giving a look into his mind while in prison. Alexandra, where did these letters come from? >> Homicide detectives learned that he was writing letters to another inmate at a women's institution in nova scotia. He is currently on trial for four counts of first-degree murder. He pleaded not guilty but has admitted to killing four addition is -- indigenous women. His defences arguing that he should be found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder. At the time's québec he was being held at the miller ridge correctional centre about in total nine letters were cemented by detective sergeant michael mcdonald with the winnipeg police service told the court that some of the letters were destroyed and those letters he writes about his quote extreme views and then includes some anti-semitic themes. He tried to pursue own -- a romantic relationship with the inmate, calling her sweetheart and saying he would consider marrying her. He also discussed his case riding I'm seriously considering giving up even though I have a not criminally responsible defence with experts. I could have 100 experts while the crown has none and I would still get convicted by a bunch of morons. The final letter was written on april 25th 2023 by him and it's not clear if there are any other letters sent or received after this time. The crown wrapped up it's case but the defence is expected to make its case on june 3rd. The trial is scheduled to wrap up on june 6th. >> Serial killer robert pickton will remain in a medically induced coma for at least the next few days after he was attacked in a québec prison. Police say medical staff will need to assess whether he can live without life-support. The 74-year-old was attacked on sunday. He is serving a life sentence for six counts of second degree murder. He was charged with the murder of 26 women, many of them indigenous. Police will be questioning a 51-year-old suspect in the attack.

>>> Three young men are dead after being stabbed during a fight in montréal's neighbourhood late on tuesday. The dispute was not connected to gangs or to organized crime. >> The city is say for sure. We are not in an increased gang season... >> More than a dozen people were involved in the violent altercation. The youngest victim was just 15 years old and the oldest was a 25-year-old father. >>> Hundreds of vehicles stolen from canadians are being found around the world every week according to investigators. The international police agency says more than 1500 vehicles have been discovered since february. That's when the rcmp began sharing data with the agency. They collect information from 137 countries. It now ranks canada among the ten worst in the world for car theft. Vehicles stolen in canada are often shipped to africa and the middle east. >>> For european countries -- three european countries have announced they will recognize the palestinian state. They say it's largely symbolic but it's a blow to israel. >> Reporter: you mandatory in 80 groups in gaza will be -- are issuing a dire morning. Supplies are running so low that the agency has suspended food aid operations in rafah. >> The situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who are at the very brink of famine are now closer than they've probably ever been to this catastrophic situation. >> Reporter: the crisis in gaza comes more than seven months since the war began after hamas attacked israel, taking more than 200 hostages. Today a heartbreaking new video shows the moment after five young women were taken hostage. >> It's not very easy thing to see your daughter with a terrified look. >> Reporter: the ongoing conflict and the devastation caused has prompted spain, norway and island to recognize the palestinian state. >> Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely especially when it is the right thing to do >> Reporter: already the decision has sparked quick combination from israel which is order the immediate recall of its ambassadors from those three countries. >> Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas. I suggest that it is not a reward to hamas who has no interest in two states, has no interest in the continuation of israel's existence. It's a reward to moderates and the palestinian authority. >> Reporter: it comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations. Something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that boat. Canada has maintained it's support for two state solution where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to call for two state solution. That's the path to lasting peace in the middle east. >> Reporter: the recognition by the three european countries is historic but largely symbolic. They're formal declarations will happen next tuesday.

>>> Coming up after the break, the victims of a deadly mass shooting in texas are suing police (Snickering) Hanging tree Summer's on its way... And Wayfair's big Victoria Day Clearance is here now! It's the talk of the town. Right now through May 25th, get up to 70% off everything home. Save on finds for indoors and out. Plus, score surprise flash deals that'll make your day. And get it all with fast shipping straight to your door. Save up to 70% off Wayfair's Victoria Day Clearance now through May 25th, and kickstart your summer with savings! Wayfair every style, every home At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever. Well, a major lawsuit could be filed as soon as tomorrow. It against the on a asta the U.S. department of justice has been investigating if live nation is blocking competition, thanks to its relative dominance of the ticket buying marketplace take hamas to kind monda immense scrutiny when millions tried and file to buy tickets to taylor swift's eras families of the victims of a tragic school shooting in uvalde, texas have launched a lawsuit against place 19 children and 2 teachers were killed in the mass shooting. The families of 19 victims have announced a lawsuit against nearly 100 state police offices who are part of the law enforcement response. The families recently grade to 2 million dollars settlement with the city, which grade to set high standards and improve training for local place. The lawyer for the family says additional will say it's all coming. >> There will be lawsuits most immediately. Against the state of texas, which has done nothing. But bird in this town. Before the shooting by not giving them the resources they need. These families from getting the information they need. And then blaming. Blaming the city. >> It comes 2 days before the two-year anniversary off the school shooting, which was one of the deadliest in american history. Sean diddy kinds has been accused of assault in a new lawsuit filed by a former model crystal mckinney claims she was drugged and sexually assaulted by claims that his new york city recording studio in 2003, the slightest little state comes just dies off to surveillance video set this showing climbs, physically attacking his then girlfriend cassie ventura in 26 states. Ventura filed a lawsuit against throughout the in november. The case was settled shortly off to experts predict kimes bill attempts to settle this case as well. When he highly has indoors to form a pundit. Donald trump, the upcoming presidential election. >> I will be voting for trump. Having said that. I stand by what I said in my suspension. Trump would be smart. To reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me. And not assume that they're just going to be with him.

>> The endorsement time during hailes first public speech since she dropped out of the republican race in march. Haile was trump's last night arrival in the contest in the pair was sharply during the primary and british prime minister rishi sunak has said a diet for some time election with these fall behind in the opinion polls. >> And today I spoke with his majesty, the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has grown to this request and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold. >> So not conservatives have saying this support dwindle off to 14 years in power. I've also suffered from ethics scandals and a revolving door of late is in the pass to use the opposition labour party is now strongly 5 id to win. The planned boeing starliner launch has been delayed again. And this time until further notice, nasa says off to 2 dozen investigations, more work is needed before potential liftoff. Officials have not said when that might bay. The launch has been delayed several times, including g to a helium leak discovered last wake him. >> And another on a full canadian soccer star christine sinclair, who now has her very own pass to bobby. Don't more on that after the break.(s sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! Bladder leak underwearhas one job. I just want to feel protected! Especially for those sudden gush moments. When your keys are in the door and your body's like it's happening! If you're worried aboutyour protection, it's not the right protection. Always Discreet protects like no other. With double leak guardsthat help prevent gushes escaping from the sides and a rapid dry corethat locks in your heaviest gushquickly for up to zero leaks. And it contours to every body. Now this is protection. Always Discreet— the protection we deserve! Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance Want some coffee, mate? Coffee'd be great. Thanks, mate. How 'bout some Coffee Mate? —Coffee, mate! —Coffee Mate? Already said I want some coffee, mate? I meant you want some Coffee Mate? Oh! I'd love some Coffee Mate with my coffee, mate. —Mate? —Mate. Crikey, that's rich and creamy coffee, mate. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. >> Mattel is releasing 9 new barbie dolls depicting some of the biggest athletes in the world. One of combs being immortalized is canadian sawka stock. Christine sinclair, ctv's sarah plowman has more. >> Christine sinclair is a 3 time olympic medallist who scored more international and more little goals than any player in the world. And now she's being honoured and a very small. >> But big way. But again, they're sinclair, why? >> The belief christine sinclair gave canadians was contagious. They could dream when b, the best in the world. >> A role model. >> That's me, my face. >> And now many model. >> A barbie with her signature headband in jersey. They got the gold medal most important right? >> High socks, high socks because the cool kids wear high socks for its 65th anniversary. Barbie is honouring 9 athletes from around the world. Tennis star venus williams is another. >> I mean, there's moments in life that you can't even dream about. I never thought that. I would be. You know, made is a barbie doll. While the aim may

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