
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #34

[ ] >>> A los wants to demonstrate that they have not been crippled that they still have both weapons and the ability to use. >>> Sirens sound in tel aviv got as hamas fires rockets from gaza >> We the students are steadfast in our demands for divestment, disclosure and for cutting ties with israeli institutions complicit with israeli apartheid. >> Reporter: pro- palestinian protesters and officials at the university of toronto were supposed to meet today, is the demands deadline for demonstrators to clear their encampment. >>> And on the far side, canada. >> The first champion of the pwhl could be crowned tonight. If minnesota beats boston in game four of the leak final. >> Renée: at sunday, may 26, thank you for joining us on ctv news channel, I'm rene rogers. We begin in the middle east, where hamas has launched a barrage of rockets at tel aviv, prompting sirens to sound off in the israeli city for the first time in nearly four months. [air sirens wailing] >> Reporter: the israeli military says eight projectiles crossed in to israel after being launched from the rough area in southern gaza, a number of rockets were intercepted. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage, this appears to be the first long-range rocket attack from gaza since january. Hamas' military wing release this footage today, which it claims shows missiles being loaded and then fired at tel aviv. The group says the attack was in response to the killing of civilians in gaza. >> Joining us now as dakota would cut the retired U.S. marine corps lieutenant colonel welcome colonel woodcock it's another example that israel would used to show that hamas still proves to be a threat. Right there from the heart of rafah, hamas is saying that they fired over a hundred munitions, some reports say ten, israelis are saying eight, but this specific number is sort of irrelevant. The point is that hamas is saying that they are firing these in retaliation for what israel has done killing civilians that they are coining. But yet it's hamas killing civilians back in october that started this whole war. So I think it is a significant example that the fight continues, that hamas still proves to be a threat to israel and then the palestinians, the people living in gaza, continue to support hamas, which is intolerable, or they are so afraid of laws which shows that hamas is afraid -- of force to be reckoned with against losses -- and yahoo's policy that most most be destroyed. Was another example of the violence that hamas continues to perpetrate against people of israel. >> How do you think israel will retaliate to be met they've already conducted a strike, reports on the area say there are about 22 killed on the gaza side of this, so clearly over the past several weeks or months, israel has been sort of mapping the network and using its intelligence resources to understand where hamas leadership and where the environment positions are two and three -- two or three battalions of hamas fighters in the rough area. So they are leveraging that now using that to conduct strikes. So there no way that some kind of negotiated settlement is going to the near future and picking hamas continues to hold these hostages, israel has shown that there are active puddles I go to from egypt to the rough area. Otherwise you wouldn't have these munitions are all that. And so this fighting will continue. And it will continue for the foreseeable future. >> Reporter: do you think israel has underestimated hamas is tactically. >> Don't think it underestimated. I think this is why the prime minister and his war cabinet have said it is so critical to destroy hamas, as it is lofty goal, can you actually destroying into d. Like this, when it still continues to receive so much support, right? So it is on the tractable problem until the point where the gazans, the palestinians, repudiate hamas and the rest of

the world accepts that hamas cannot continue in a position of power, we will see this conflict continued to foment and extend itself. >> You have alluded to this, but how will this affect the cease-fire talks that are reported to begin on tuesday? >> I don't think you will see any progress. Mosses doors netanyahu has said that hamas is the man that israel remove itself completely from gaza and that hamas continues to be the governing power in gaza is just unacceptable to israel. Israel's demands that all of the hostages be released and then hamas be eliminated politically, if not physically, is not going to sit well with the hamas side. And so, I think it's just going to be one of these reports out of the white has that progress is being made, is belaboured and slow, but I don't think we'll see an agreement in the foreseeable future. >> Renée: that is our time, dakota woodcock retired U.S. marine corps lieutenant colonel, thank you very much for your time today. >> Pro- palestinian protesters who have set up an encampment on the university of toronto campus are expected to meet with school officials today. Meeting, scheduled for 5:00 pm local time comes after the university issued a trespass notice to the protesters on friday. School has said it will take all necessary legal steps if the protesters do not clear out by monday at 8:00 am. The notice also threatens to seek a court order against the camp. Organizers say they plan to hold a rally tomorrow morning. For more, let's go to cp 24's andrew brennan was that the encampment. Andrew, give us the details. >> Reporter: at the same time they are expected to leave, they have said they will be holding this rally to indicate that they will not leave anytime soon. What plan to do is seek legal action to stop being cabin from continuing, seeking an injunction from the courts to stop the encampment. Should be said that this is something that other universities in canada have tried captain namely at mcgill university, there was one brought forward by students that failed, those and other one brought forward by the university administration itself. Not also failed in court. The protesters that were speaking on the steps of simcoe hall today said that they believe that based on that and also what their legal team is saying, that they have a good chance of being able to win this potential legal fight. They are digging in their heels, saying once again they do not plan to leave until their demands are met, they have adjusted those demands, in response to the offer given from the university as president. Late thursday and friday, with the deadline being friday to accept, which they did not, ultimately that what the offer was from the university, essentially that there would be working groups were a lot of these things that protesters are asking for. It said that's not what they are concerned with. They do not want to go through this reticular avenue. They see the university's president has the power to be able to do a lot of these things without working groups and they say there is no time when wars going on like this to be able to take that time. It could take years for these demands to be met and they want to see action now. Here's some what they they were telling us earlier on today. >> Led the students are steadfast in our demands for divestment, for disclosure and for cutting ties with israeli academic institutions complicit in israeli apartheid. We remain steadfast in our demands for palestinian liberation. We demand you've tease does an end to you've tease complicity in israeli apartheid and we look forward to meeting with israeli administrators at 5:00 pm today to finally begin our negotiations. To the president, we ask you again to. Aside, justice or genocide. >> At the meeting at 5:00, this is of course not first meeting that has taken place between people who have been staying at this encampment for 24 days now. And university administration. But what we have heard and what we heard today, from these demonstrators, is that they say that the university is not taking them seriously, sending out they have said almost since the meaning of this encampment on may the 2nd. There were headlines made may the 8th that said the same thing for gas demonstrators the same thing as anything really change in those respects and they said no. >> Renée: that was cp 24 under brennan reporting there. And members of toronto's jewish unity gathered along the waterfront for solidarity rally this afternoon. [ Singing ] >> Reporter: members of the group organizer shoulder to shoulder solidarity event in support of the remaining hostages held by hamas in gaza. Demonstrators called for their safe return. >> We are demanding they are released now.

>>> Israel says around 100 hostages continue to be held in gauze along with the bodies of around 30 others. >>> For the first time in more than two decades, france's president has made a state visit to germany. >>> French president emmanuel macron was welcomed by german president frank-walter steinmeier. The trip is meant to show unity between the countries. Paris and berlin have openly clashed on number of issues in recent years including defence and nuclear power. The last time a french president made estate visit germany was in 2000. U.S. ambassador to nato says she has seen no indication that canada has a plan to reach the alliances spending target of 2% of gdp on defence in an exclusive interview with ctv's question period, julianne smith says she believes canada intends to eventually meet this commitment but has no evidence on how ottawa will get there. >> When will we see an actual plan to reach that 2% target and have clarity on how canada will get there? I have not had any instance were any canadian official has told me that they will not get there. But I do not have any sign that there is a plan in place to get to that 2% mark. And again, it is a pledge that every member of this alliance made. These are difficult decisions and that is why it was a ten year timeline. >> Renée: last week a bipartisan group of U.S. senators were the letter to prime minister trudeau saying that they are concerned and disappointing canada will likely not reach this commitment in the decade. Candidates updated defence policy starts to pass to reach 1.7 6% of gdp on defence spending by 2030 but does not include a target to hit 2%. >>> White house says that boeing will have to do more to show it is able to safely increase production. U.S. transportation secretary pete buddha judge spoke to face the nation about the federal aviation ministries deadline to fix the quality problems picks. >> Concerning problem is that any of those issues are happening at all. That is why boeing is under huge amount of scrutiny right now, occluding from the faa. They will have to do more to demonstrate their readiness to increase production. And again, obviously the goal is for them to do so. But only on a safe and healthy basis.

>>> The faa order boeing to make this plan in february after the whole blue open side of an airborne 737 max. The administration said it audited the production line, plus the key 737 max supplier and found multiple instances where the companies allegedly failed to comply with manufacturing quality control requirements. Boeing is expected to present it's plan to fix quality problems to regulators this week. >> Powerful storms including tornadoes have killed at least 14 people and left a wide trail of destruction across texas, oklahoma and arkansas spin echo seating at their restaurant in and out of norman mom called me and says there's a tornado hitting and everyone was evacuating out of nowhere my mom started to scream I'm dying, everything is moving the windows are breaking and dying scheme at thousands of people have been injured. More than 250,000 customers or without power across the states. Storms destroyed homes, and a truck store and overturn vehicles. U.S. president joe biden has been briefed on the storm. Arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders has declared a state of emergency. >> For the first time since the collapse of the francis scott key bridge, "cruise ship has set sail from the port of baltimore. Royal caribbean vision of the seas off the port saturday. It is headed for a five night voyage to bermuda. The trip comes two months after a ship struck the cart the chicago ship struck the bridge, killing six workers. Them if they say the 30-year-old sun took his only the two time pga tour died just one day after withdrawing from a to a human sony open in january. At the time said he had turned a corner and his battles with alcoholism and mental health and had been sober since last summer. His parents say they want people to honour murray by being kind to one another. >> Renée: coming up, we will tell you about one type of screen time that having a severe effect on children. Stay with us. [ (Snickering) Hanging tree [ ]"Ready?" Change is inevitable. It can send you offin new directions... show you the unexpected. Like how your favouritespot isn't yours anymore... it's theirs. Introducing thecompletely reborn three rowHyundai santa fe. Wah changes everything. [Hyundai sting] We're traveling all acrossCanada to talk to peopleabout their hearts. Who wants to talkabout their heart? Let me ask you a question.Do you have AFib? Aaah, I don't know. You kind of hesitated like... How do you know? I don't know. You don't know?! Let me show you something.- Ok. This is called KardiaMobile.- Ok. Do you know what this is?- No. That right there is apersonal ekg device. Would you like to take30 seconds and do an ekg? Absolutely. With KardiaMobile, youcan take an ekg in just 30 secondsfrom anywhere. KardiaMobile is proven todetect atrial fibrillation, one of the leadingcauses of stroke. KardiaMobile can also detectNormal Sinus Rhythm. How much doyou think this costs? Probably in the hundreds. 99 dollars. Oh wow! That could be cheaperthan a tank of gas. Taking an ekg anytime, anywherehas never been easier. Don't wait! Get KardiaMobilefor you or a loved one today for just $99 or Amazon. [ Serene music playing ] Welcome to the Wayborhood. The Wayfair vibe at our place is Western. My thing, Darling? Shine. Gardening. Some of us go for the dramatic. How didn't I know Wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] This. Wow! Do you have any ottomans without legs. Sure. You'll flip for the poof cart. in the Wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. >> Renée: the bc wildfire services that is expecting a mixed bag from the weather as it continues to battle fires throughout the province. >> The next couple days were expecting some highly variable fire conditions, so we are going to have some places that rain, others will stay dry. >> Lois: there is no. >> Renée: there's also the threat of thunderstorm in some areas that could bring lightning and gusting winds. And the rain may not hit some of the areas that might need it the

most, with dry conditions in the provinces northeast affected to continue over the next couple of days. In fort nelson there is also help hope that evacuees could return fully next week. >> A new study on children in springtime focuses on parents. Experts say when it comes to a child's development, parents should also focus on reducing their own springtime. Researchers say parents need to be fully engaged with their children back and when they are not, it can have a negative effect on child development. >> When you do more timeless one thing, lesson we had to do something else in the lesson you have debate engine. I think many moments in parenting for that old moment, when suddenly you see the need to be inside of a child's zone of proximal development where they need 30 seconds of scaffolding that will help them get something. >> Renée: researchers have found that parents can spend up to 30% of their time looking at their phones what the playgrounds with their kids. >>> The québec premier francois legault says he is open to taking major steps to curb social media use for children thanks to calls from the parties youngest member. >>> We want to help them deal with the situation that seems to be dealing with a lot of parents. But as you saw earlier today, a lot of use as well. And seeing the youth today were the ones the most vocal about the issue and that was very impressive to me actually. >> Renée: some 700 members of the coalition of a near quebecer gathered in the province this week and for general convention. Monger proposals they are debating is a call from the parties you swing to ban social media access for those to the age of 16. Ago described social media platforms as virtual pushers and compared them to addictive substances. >>> As the weather approves and canadians venture out into the wilderness were hiking and camping trips this summer, there is a new warning from researchers that an increase in cases of lyme disease. They say cases of the disease in canada have increased by more than 1000 percent in the past decade. And it's not only takes canadians have to be on the look out for. Populations of an exotic mosquito in B.C. a potentially carry this illness could have been established in parts of ontario.

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>>> Do or die tonight for boston in game four of the pwhl final. Boston fell to minnesota on friday and the best of five does trail the best-of-five series two to one. Of minnesota when sight, they will hoist the inaugural walter. If boston saves off elimination, there will be a fifth and final game on wednesday in boston. >>> And joining minaud to talk more about this is sports journalist laura robinson. Thank you for joining us again laura. >> Of pleasure. >>> Minnesota is one game away from winning inaugural walter cut. I think before we get there, what is the lead up to this, what has the season? >> This has been an incredible season, not only for these particular hockey players in the six teams, I mean there or now only two teams left capitol of the six teams, but also all young women and girls, who care about competitive sport. You know, but this has done is certainly put the top women hockey players in the world front and centre in terms of female athleticism. And I think that what we are seeing in what I really hope that we will see, is an increasing girls in schools and universities, we're saying maybe they won't be a professional hockey player, but they will try really hard to make their school hockey team or volleyball team, and they're not going to let stereotypic attitudes about females get in their way. >> Renée: and all comes down to tonight possibly, what are your expectations for tonight's game? >> While I am very interested to see how many fans come out to the arena, last friday they had over 9000 fans. And has a capacity of just over 17,000. So I am really hoping that the good people of minnesota will support their team, and that there will be a strong contingent arriving from boston as well. And we shell see. Right now, boston is on fire. The combination of. >> They have just set records that would be very difficult to break. In terms of the postseason assists and goals. >> Renée: can boston come back? What did they have to do tonight to take this to game five? >> We'll boston can come back. And if they do win, game goes back to boston. Boston actually does of easily has the ability, they walked over montréal a few weeks ago, in the playoffs. And now we they need to bring that game back, and so far they have not. Friday night's game was 4-1 for minnesota and boston needs to play the way that we know that they can play and not let, psychologically not let minnesota take over. And not let them take over physically either. These games are becoming rather physical as well. >> Renée: I don't want to put you on the spot, but quickly, do you have a prediction for tonight? >> There are more canadians on the boston team, but I just feel that the heisey cabot duo is really hot right now and yes, boston will be out to try and stop those two. For right now, I think that they are looking to hoist the cup tonight. >> Renée: alright, laura robinson, sports journalist, thank you for your time, as always. >> Thank you very much. >> As we had to break, picnic was held on the iconic streets of paris. Thousand set on a 200 metre tablecloth at the shops at le musee de avenue. Participants were selected by lottery and had a chance to enjoy baguettes, pastries and other treats all pectin to picnic baskets. Watching ctv news channel, the top stories are next. [ ]Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back.

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