
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #32

And it is spectacular!! Both weapons and the ability to use them. >>> Sirens sounded in tel aviv, as hamas fires rockets from gaza as. >> We got the students are steadfast in our demands for divestment got disclosure and cutting ties with israeli institutions can listen to the israeli apartheid. >> Renée: pro- palestinian protesters and officials at the university of toronto are set to meet today, has the deadline for demonstrators to clear their encampment approaches. [ Cheering ] >> Reporter: and control of the backhand, entry scores. >> Renée: and the first champion of the pwa child could be crowned tonight, if minnesota beats boston in game 44 of the league finals. >> Renée: it sunday, may 26, things reverting is on ctv news channel. I am renée rogers. We begin in the middle east where a massive launch of roger rockets at tel aviv, prompting sciences and often the israeli city for the first time in nearly four months. Siren-air-siren. >> Renée: the israeli military said that a projectiles crossed into israel after being launched from the roth area in southern gaza big another does number of raw fruit does rockets were intercepted, there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. This appears to be the first long-range rocket attack from gaza since january. This comes out as israel rolls out as military operation in raw file.

>>> Clearly there is no operation -- injuries at this point. But also suggest that the idea of the netanyahu government, that the idea that they will eliminate hamas is an impossibility, as I think the americans have told them, and others have told them I think there minister of defence now agrees that total elimination of hamas is not going to happen. >> Renée: hundreds of mourners attended a funeral service today for one of the hostages killed during the october 7th attack. He was retrieved by the israeli army from gaza earlier this week, along with two others. >> The pro- palestinian protesters who have set up an encampment on the university of toronto can't miss this campus are expected to meet with school officials today. The meeting, which is scheduled for 5:00 pm local time, comes after the university issued a trespass notice to the protesters on friday. The school has said it will take all necessary legal steps if the protesters do not clear out by monday at 8:00 am. The notice also threatens to seek a court order against the camp. Organizers say that they plan to hold a rally tomorrow morning. For more, let's go to see between pores andrew brennan was at the encampment. Andrew, if it's the details to be met at the time that they are expected to leave, they have announced they will be holding this rally kept indicate that they do not plan to leave anytime soon. What the university says it plans to do is seek legal action to try and stop the encampment from continuing, seeking an injunction from the courts to stop the encampment. It should be said that this is something that other universities in canada have tried, namely at mcgill university there was also one brought forward by the university administration itself. And that also failed in court protesters that were speaking on the steps of simcoe hall today said that they believe, based on that and, also what their legal team is saying, that they have a good chance of being able to win this potential legal fight. They are digging in their heels in saying that once again they do not plan to leave until their demands are met. They have adjusted those demands in response to the offer given from the university and the president late on thursday into friday, with the deadline being friday to accept, which they did not, that ultimately what the offer was from the university essentially that there would be working groups for a lot of the things that these protesters are asking for, they say that that is not what they are those that there no indication that they would want to go through this particular avenue. The city university's president has the power to be able to do a lot of the things without working groups and they say there's no time when a wars going on like this to be able to take that time that could take years for these demands to be met, in a1c action now. Here's some of what they were telling us earlier on today. >> We the student's are steadfast in our demands for divestment act disclosure and cutting ties with israeli academic institutions complicit in israeli apartheid. We remain steadfast in our demands were palestinian liberation. We demand you have tease there's an end to you of tease capacity with the as really are parted. We look forward to meeting with administrators at 5:00 pm today to begin our negotiations. Presently ask you to because I got justice or genocide. >> Reporter: in a meeting at 5:00 pm, this is of course not the first meeting that has taken place between the people that have been staying in in the encampment for 24 days now and university administration." what we've heard of what we heard today from the demonstrators is that they say the university is not taking them seriously, and something that they have said almost since the beginning of this encampment on may the 2nd. There were headlines made may the 8th, which said the exact same thing. I ask the dems rated today hasn't anything really changed and they said no.

>>> Toronto police are increasing their presence in certain neighbourhoods after shots were fired at a jewish until -- jewish elementary school inside and morning scheme at one of the questions of sure people are asking is if this is a hate crime, is this a terrorist act, and what I want to say is that it's early in the investigation to say. >> Reporter: and investigators believe that the shooting happened just before 5:00 am by more than one person travelling in a dark coloured vehicle. Centre for israel and jewish affairs issued a statement saying it was a clear cut calculated and premeditated targeting. >>> For the first time in more than two decades, france's president has made a state visit to germany. [ ] >> Renée: french president emmanuel macron was welcomed by german president. This trip is meant to show unity between the two countries. Paris and berlin have openly clashed on a number of issues in recent years. Including defence and nuclear power. The last time the french president made a state visit to germany was in 2000. >>> To ukraine, were president volodymyr zelenskyy is speaking about the importance of us peace summit to be held in june. >> To president biden, the leader of the united states, and to president xi jingping, the president of china. We do not want the un charter to be burnt, burnt down just like these books. >> Reporter: in a prerecorded video message, zelenskyy spoken side of the charred remains of a printing press destroyed last week and a russian airstrike picks moscow's forces have stepped up attacks on ukrainian city's, and you -- linsky's hopes this june meeting in switzerland will increase international pressure on the russian president vladimir putin >>> The U.S. ambassador to nato says that she has seen no indication that canada has a plan to reach the alliances spending target of 2% of gdp on defence. In an exclusive interview with ctv question period, julian smith says she believes canada intends to eventually meet the commitment, but is seeing no evidence on how ottawa will get there.

>>> When will we see an actual plan to reach that 2% target and have clarity on how canada is going to get there. I have not had any instance were any canadian official has told me they will not get there, but I don't have any sign that there is a plan in place to get to that 2% mark. And again, it is a pledge that every member of this alliance made. These are difficult decisions, and that is why with the ten year timeline. >>> Last week, a bipartisan group of U.S. senators were the letter to prime minister justin trudeau, saying that they are concerned and disappointed that canada will likely not reach the 2% commitment in this decade. Canada's updated defence policy charted parts a path to reach 1.7 6% of gdp on defence spending by 2030, but does not include a target to hit 2%. >>> 212 people have been injured after a qatar airways flight from do hot to dublin experienced about of turbulence. The boeing 7879 dreamliner experienced turbulence while airborne over türkiye. The flight landed safely in dublin and was met with emergency services. Six passengers and six crew members were injured. The airline did not comment on the turbulence but said that there will be an internal investigation. >>> At least 13 people including children are dead after a string of powerful storms and tornadoes slammed the central U.S. >> It hit so fast that the only thing I can say is just pay attention to your weather alerts really, if you get that warning, you gotta go and that's what I guess everyone did do, but everyone congregated in one place. It was me and my two cats in the car and we were trying to figure out what to do. >> Renée: seven people were killed in cook county, texas, including two children aged two and five years old. Storms also killed two people in oklahoma, and at least four people in arkansas. The storms caused power outages and then forced residence to shelter in place across the central united states. More than 110 million people are under threats of large hail, damaging winds and fears sisters today, mainly through the mid-mississippi, ohio and tennessee river valley.

>>> B.C. wildfire services it is expecting a mixed bag from the weather, as it continues to battle fires throughout the province. >> This in the next couple of days were expect and highly variable fire conditions. Works back in some places will get rain and others will be dry. >> Renée: there's also a threat of thunderstorms areas which could bring lightning and gusting winds. In the rain may not hit some of the areas that need it the most, with the dry conditions in the provinces northeast expected to continue over the next couple of days. In fort nelson, there is help -- hope that a vacuum could return early next week. >> Renée: the public safety minister says that the government is hoping to quickly put the brakes on auto theft, with the recently announced national action plan. >> Obviously, we want to reduce massively the number of vehicles being stolen. We want to reduce the number of violent incidents that canadians are potentially facing as people attempt to steal these vehicles. >> Renée: five... Insurance companies pay out more than $1.5 billion and that's a more than 20% increase from 2022. The action plan includes more collaboration with international law enforcement and creating new penalties for auto thefts connected with organized crime. Interpol has ranked canada as one of the top ten sources for stolen vehicles in the world. >>> A new study on children and screen time focuses on parents. Expat say that when it comes to a child's development, parents should also focus on reducing their own screen time. Researchers say parents need to be fully engaged with their children when they are not, it can have a negative effect on a child's development. Researchers have found that parents can send up to 30% or spend up to 30% of their time looking at phones while at the playground with their kids. >>> Québec premier francois legault says he is open to taking major steps to curb children's social media you submitted pressure from his party's youngest members. >> You don't want to substitute their roles, you don't burst you want to help them deal with the situation, and it seems to be worrying a lot of parents. But as you saw today, a lot of use as well. I think the youth today were the ones most vocal about this issue. And it was very impressive to me actually. >> Renée: some 700 members of the coalition have a near québec are gathered in the province this weekend for a general convention. Among the proposals they are debating is the call from the parties youth wing to band disband social media access for those in the age of 16. Logoed describe social media platforms as virtual pushers and compared them to addictive substances. >> Renée: as the weather improves and canadians venture out into the wilderness for hiking and camping trips a summer, there is a new warning from researchers about an increase in cases of lyme disease in the country. They say cases of the disease in canada have increased by more than a thousand percent in the past decade. And is not only text that canadians have to be on the look out for, populations of an exotic mosquito species that could potentially carried the illness have become established in parts of ontario.

>>> Coming up, is the drive-in movie theatre at risk of going dark for good? That story after this. [ ](Snickering) Hanging tree If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. >> Renée: it could become much easier to purchase alcohol in ontario this summer. As of august first, 450 licensed grocery stores will be allowed to sell coolers in cases of beer. Let's bring in retail expert bruce wender. Bruce, thank you for being here is always. The ontario premier says it is a promise being fulfilled. But what is your take on this rollout? Mag yes, I think it will be good overall. It is sort of taking a chip away at the monopoly or quasi- monopoly that the beers tour. And I do think it offers a lot more convenience. And also help small business. It helps bring traffic into a lot of these variety stores and maybe other groceries. So I do think overall it is a positive move. >> Renée: there is some criticism on the someone of them is about lcb obeying the exclusive wholesaler of alcohol to grocery stores and convenient stores, would you make of that? >> That is sort of it is what it is. Dale cbo's been around for decades, if not a hundred years and they continued to do that, it does show some type of measured approach do this through regulating it through one entity. But the beer side has opened up a lot more in the l cbo has a few problems right now as it relates to getting spirits this summer. But it is what it is. It is sort of a migration towards a democratized alcohol system. >> Renée: now one of the other major concerns of the reimbursement of the beer store of up to $225 million. That is taxpayer money, to support the transition for the store, what is your assessment of that? >> I guess that was a deal between the government and the beer store. But it sounds like part of that is tuesday tried to sort of keep some beer stores open when the volume goes away, because quite a few canadians, I think six or 7000 people in ontario work at the beer store. I think the government is trying to sort of transition those jobs. And in addition, they are using the beers for the primary distribution or redistribution for empties and returns. So do think they are trying to transition this away from the beers for but still leave them with enough so that they can continue operating and helping out where possible. >> Renée: while accessible be easier for the consumer, is there any other benefits that

show it to you? >> The big benefit will be for the convenience store the smaller grocery, this will help bring people into your stores. And that to me is the big plus here. Helping to create some volume for small business, because small businesses got sort of beaten up a lot over the past few years as a result of the pandemic. >> Renée: on the other side of the coin though, does this put jobs in jeopardy, say at the out? There is questions, there will be some shifting jobs to your point, I think eventually from the beer store, can they maintain the same staff that they have not now? Probably not down the road. And the lcb domain need less people as well, but hopefully there will be some more jobs created at some of the local groceries and convenient stores to offset that. >> Renée: all right, that's our time, bruce wender, retail expert think through thinking we appreciate your time you think you have immune. >> Renée: as the summer season rounds the corner into view, some drive-in movie theatres are coming back to life. But with only two drive-ins left in the ottawa region, is the business at risk of going dark? Still in dyson reports. >> Reporter: when the sign goes down in the ottawa valley, memories come back to life at the skylight drive-in for chris and his family, there is nothing like watching a movie from the back of their truck bed. >> Is the experience, we're far enough from pembroke that you can still see the starlight and things like that, the big screen is fun to watch and everyone gets to stay up late. >> Reporter: families it tells you to pass some, missed the big night out that our biggest week was jaws with jurassic park. And people were just blown away with away with that, tv, but no one had ever seen jaws on the big-screen, it came out 19701972. >> Reporter: but the skylight drive-in is just one of two drive-in theatres remaining in the national capital region, the other located in port helmsley. >> There an endangered species, they really are. >> This guy drive in his capacity for three vehicles, but a good weekend only sees 100 park up and watch a movie. The fear is that once interest becomes too little, they will cease to exist entirely. G it is entirely possible that the numbers will drop to a point where it just no longer feasible to stay open. And to be perfectly honest, if a big developer came by and offered me enough money, I would go at this point. >> Reporter: there are no offers for the skylight drive-in and marshall still loves the movie business, but he sees no new been drive-in theatres opening anytime soon. >> Is said to lose more and more over the years and it becomes more and more expensive for families to go and visit that was bigger movie theatres. >> 's once they go, they are gone. >> Reporter: so for now, those in the skylight can enjoy the best seat in the house. Dylan dyson, ctv news, pembroke. [ ] >> Renée: coming up packets to our guy, is the first season of the pw hl wraps up tonight, with (Dramatic music) (Cheering) Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? Need to find your pet fast?It's easy with theTractive gps pet tracker. Set virtual fences to get alerts if your escapeartist goes too far. And track yourpet's live location from anywhere in the world. Tractive. Keeping yourpet safe and healthy. What would you like to payfor your hotel room tonight?$249, $225, or $199? Same room, same service.Just different prices. It's really up to you. Well, nobody asksyou this at reception, but that's exactlywhat trivago does. trivago compares hotel pricesfrom hundreds of booking sites. So, save yourselfvaluable time and money. Use trivago,compare hotel prices and save up to $50 a night Hotel? trivago. You shall live with mosquitoesand ticks no more...Contact and of your summer outisde. will spray all theareas where mosquitoes and ticks live, rest and hide. Trees, shrubs, under the deck,behind the shed. Anywhere you need protectionfrom harmful mosquitoes and ticks. We come back on arepeated schedule so you're bug freeall season long. Safe, effective,incredible results. Contact us today Around here, light can bring out the best in you.

It can make you believe you'll find the buried treasure. Tempt you to bet on yourself. Convince you there's room for one more bite. And beg you to stay out way past your bedtime Don't say we didn't warn you. Come find your island. Prince Edward Island >> Renée: it is due or died tonight for boston in game four of the final, boston felt minnesota on friday and trailed the best of five championship series 2-1. If minnesota wins tonight, they will host the choice the in all inaugural cut. Of boston staved off elimination, there will be a fifth and final game on wednesday in boston. >> There are plenty of canadians on the boston team who are used to winning the world championship and olympic gold medals. So they are not going to give this came away. But on the other hand, we saw friday night, with heisey and cavanagh, who is from thunder bay. And they basically are on fire. Between the two of them they scored most of the goals on friday evening. >> Renée: the puck drop is a 5:00 pm eastern in minnesota. >>> Another close one for team canada at the world hockey championship and once again, they fell short. This time in the bronze medal game against sweden. >> Commentator: and you handsome for the teaneck, in scores! >> Renée: the swedes scored an empty net or was just four seconds left in regulation time, giving them before-to win and the first metal since 2018. Canada coming off a stunning shootout loss to switzerland. The swiss are playing check you this afternoon for gold, you can watch that match on tsn.

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