
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #30

>> Renee: hamas launches a series a missile at tel aviv for the first time in nearly four months. Marking a possible escalation in the war. >> Destroying cities and villages. >> An urgent appeal from the ukrainian president. Volodymyr zelensky is calling on the us and china to join a peace summit next month that his country is struggling with there war with russia. >> The last one was in 1995. >> And no medal for canada at the men's world hockey championship as sweden knocks oh canada. >> At sunday may 26, figure joining us here on ctv news channel, I'm renee rodgers. We'll begin this hour in the middle east where hamas has launched a barrage of rockets at tel aviv prompting sirens to sound off in the israeli city for the first time in nearly four months. >> The israeli military went into israel after being launched from the rafah area or -- area in southern gaza. A number of rockets were intercepted and there was no immediate reports of casualties or damage. >>> This appears to be the first long-range rocket attack since january. That comes as israel carries out there military operation in rafah. >>> And talking more about this joining me now is john allen, former canadian ambassador to israel, ambassador, thank you for being here, how surprising is this attack? >> Walt's disturbing. Israel has had a particularly bad week with recognition and the palestinian state with the international with the justice and only as to their concerns there has been rocket attacks in the north continually since this war began almost a months ago. But as you mentioned, a few attacks in the heart of the country tel aviv and the various highly populated parts of the country. So this is of concern clearly, no injuries at this point. And it also suggests the idea of the netanyahu government they are going to eliminate hamas and that's an impossibility as the americans and others have told them. And I think they are minister of defence now agrees total elimination of hamas is not going to happen. >> Why tel aviv do you think and why now? >> Well, you have this renewed operation in rafah and I think thomas wants to demonstrate they haven't been crippled and that they still have both weapons and the ability to use them. I don't think this is a major threat to israel. They have their own defences and they were used in these attacks fairly successfully, a couple of missiles. I think those might have landed but no one was injured. But it's a continuing sign to keep israelis off guard they are already in collective nervous breakdowns, they have not forgotten about october 7th, they have soldiers being killed in gaza. As I said, there is a hundred thousand israelis out of their homes in the north and south and this just adds to their concerns and their feeling of being attacked from all sides. Multilaterally, bilaterally, and from their enemies. Has below and hamas. >> This just comes after the international court of justice gave an order for them to stop their targeting a bra five. Do you think this has any connection with that? >> Hamas might be connecting it, may be as I say suggesting that they are still there.

I don't see the direct connection between the two. It's more hamas' ability to continue to demonstrate that the idf and the goals of israel are not being achieved and they will not be achieved as they would hope. >> All right, dawn alan to israel, thank you for your time, we appreciate chatting with you as always. >> My pleasure. >> A truck had begun to enter gaza today through southern israel thanks to a new agreement between israel and egypt allowing shipments to bypass bra five. The crossing in rafah was close when israeli forces sees the palestinian side earlier this month. Egypt refused to reopen their side of the border until control of the gazan side was handed back to the palestinians. Under the us and israeli pressure, egypt agreed to divert traffic through israel's crossing. But the main cargo terminal. It's still unclear weather humanitarian groups will be able to access the aid because of fighting in the area. >> I think it's time to go beyond condemning actions and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need to raise the voices a little bit more in demand cease-fire. >> The palestinian prime ministers calling for an end to the war in gaza. The comments were made alongside spain's foreign minister and come after spain along with ireland and norway said it would recognize the palestinian state this tuesday. >>> Join me now in washington is shaun carroll. He is the president and ceo of a humanitarian and development assistance organization providing healthcare, water sanitation, educations and more refugees and vulnerable communities in the middle east. Sean, thank you for being here. >> Thank you have me staffers in lebanon and west bank gaza and jerusalem and palestine, what is currently going on on the ground? >> As you can imagine most of our focus is on gaza and the emergency relief efforts and we have increased the number of staff so we have more than 200 staff now over 50 of them in gaza and they are all palestinians that are working in communities they live in that they normally live in plenty of them almost all of them are displaced and several of them, many times over. Recently they have moved again from rafah to another area. In that middle area so it's difficult work but they are continuing to deliver aid every day. >> Appear as opening up for a what is it looking like in terms of the aid flowing into gaza? >> Well, the peer is not by any means the answer to this. So made has begun to comment on that peer but it has been the case at the beginning of this war the land crossings are the most effective and immediate way to get large amounts of aid in relatively reasonable prices. With that opening in with one of those still closed and one difficult to get to in a safe way, we have a problem still with the amount of aid coming in. So those openings, those crossings need to be open, the crossings in the north need to be open, and the pier needs to be bringing in more aid and more truckloads coming off of those ships then is the case right now. >> Andria: the icj ruling ordered them to have the crossing between egypt and gaza. By the looks of it doesn't look like this has happened. You think it will be happening soon? >> I sure hope so. It needs to. The only way to get the amount of aid needed to meet the caloric deficit and meet the hunger and starvation is to greatly increase the amount of aid. It's not a question of bringing what has been an average over these past seven months of only a little over a hundred trucks today and more recently although there has been a drop since the operation began so the average number of trucks a day that had come up around a hundred and 50 is now back down towards a hundred and we need to have five or 600 trucks a day coming in to meet the caloric deficit and staving off famine and death that could be avoided if it's not for a combination of

malnourishment and lack of food and the systems being depressed and diseased, these will come together and make for a lot of otherwise preventable deaths that we really don't want to see. That one increase security for anyone and it won't save lives among that -- among palestinians in gaza. >> All right. Sean carroll thank you very much a being here with us today and we appreciate your time. >> Thank you for having me. >> Pro- palestinian protesters who have set up an encampment on the university of toronto campus are expected to meet with school officials today. The meeting which is scheduled for 5:00 pm local time comes after the university trespass notice to the protesters on friday. The school has said they will take all necessary legal steps with the protesters do not clear by monday at 8:00 am. The notice also threatens to seek a court order against the camp. Organizers have been calling on the university to cut ties with israel and to divest from companies profiting from israel's offensive in gaza. >>> Toronto police are increasing their presence in certain neighbourhoods after shots were fired at a jewish elementary school saturday morning. >> Want the questions I'm sure people are asking is is this a hate crime? Is this a terrorist act? What I want to say as it is too early in the investigation to say. >> Investigated believe the shooting happened just before 5:00 am by more than one person travelling in a dark coloured vehicle. The centre for israel and jewish affairs issued a statement calling the incidents are clearer calculated and premeditated targeting. >>> The us ambassador to nato said she has seen no indication that canada has a plan to reach the alliance's spending target of 2 percent of gdp on defence. In an exclusive interview with ctv question period julian smith says she believes canada intends to eventually meet the commitments that has seen no evidence on how ottawa will get there. >> When will we see an actual plan to reach that 2 percent target and have clarity on how canada is going to get there? I have not had any instance where any canadian official has told me they will not get there, but I don't have any sign that there is a plan in place to get to this 2 percent mark and again, it is a pledge that every member of this alliance made. These are difficult decisions, that's why it was a 10 year timeline. >> Last week a bipartisan group of us senators wrote a letter to prime minister justin trudeau saying they are concerned and disappointed that canada will likely not reach the 2 percent commitment in this decade. Canada's updated defence policy charts a path to reach 1.7 6% of the gdp on the defence spending by 2030 but it does not include a target to hit 2 percent.

>>> Let's bring in tom mulcair. The political commentator and former ndp leader. Always good to see you, how important is it for canada to hit this 2 percent goal? >> It's absolutely essential and if anyone had doubts about that prior to the russian invasion of ukraine could be understandable. But once we have gone through this, we've seen just how depleted our armed forces were but there is no way to possibly justify this and be anywhere short of this obligation. And it's not just a thought is something we have committed to. How can you retain your credibility within an alliance in canada of the founding members of nato if you say yes, we are going to get to 2 percent and then you have the american representative saying look, you haven't even shown us a plan to possibly get there. And even the 2000 with a two-point 7% there's a lot missing in terms of the crowd ability of that. So it's not going to be -- it's not a priority. Internationally trudeau was a bit of a rock star when he started his medical most nine years ago. He sets only problems with china and india the two largest countries in the world and now of course with our quote -- closed his allies in western europe we are not able to pull our weight. It's disappointing. We had a letter this week in the american senators, not just republicans, democrats as well, people who are usually quite opposed to liberal saying look this is not on you. You are not doing your fair share you said you wouldn't you have no plan whatsoever to get there. I can see how mr trudeau could continue to try to offer up a word salad where he just -- justifies and rationalizes this and talks around its. We have an obligation, that obligation has become clear with the russian invasion of ukraine. We have to stand with our allies in nato when we have to do our fair share. >> Mention this letter from nearly two dozen american senators. Demanding canada meet its nato commitment. How does that look? On what level is the embarrassment from this letter for justin trudeau? >> It is a real embarrassment for all canadians. And trudeau as well but he doesn't seem to be reacting to it very much. Because of my work, I do a lot of commentary, I may tend to people and they asked me sometimes, I met american diplomatic the past few months renee, just say we don't understand. Canada has a proud military tradition, we were in the first world war lumber for the americans were in the second world war long before the americans were per capita. So it's very hard to understand with that background and that experience and the expertise and ability why we are such laggards. We saw this right at the beginning of the russian illegal invasion of ukraine how it's the most and issue peace wheeling had a few dozen of them that we get a few to ukraine and then we hardly had any left. >> Looks like we are having some audio issues with mr mulcair this morning. A looks like [ Laughter ] sorry about that! We were having a little bit of audio issues there. But I hope its working out because there's one more question I want to ask you which is this, are there any consequences for not reaching the defence spending goal? >> 's you don't get booted out of nato, but I'm a when donald trump he's good be running and he is a real chance of becoming president again of the united states, he said some very strange things as he often does, telling the russians to go and do whatever they want with the country that was usually -- the usual bizarre over the top stuff but reflect something, a feeling shared by a lot of people. How can you claim you're going to be part of an alliance with the nato treaty in section five says an attack one is -- an attack against one is an attack against all. Everyone would then have to move then apparently but how are the other supposed to feel when we haven't been pulling our own weight and up and doing our fair share? When we haven't lived up to our own obligation so I think this is something canadians have to be concerned about and yes, there could be consequences in terms of our seriousness and our ability to be reactors on the world stage and wright now I don't think we are considered very serious. We have aging equipment we haven't renewed it in our fighter jet program we've been talking for 20 years by getting rid of the plains would still not done. The ships we are using our half the time half the ships in the canadian navy they are not able to function. And a lot of our helicopters have problems, a series of problems so yes, it's an embarrassment to me on the only the world renee that fronts on three oceans. The pacific, arctic, and atlantic. The only country in the world. We have a vast territory to cover ourselves and we are not even able to do that.

>> We will have to leave it there. Love you get the audio working. Tom mulcair, they he was always for being here. >> All the best renee. >> You as well. >> Coming up, at least eight people are dead after a string of powerful storms and tornadoes land in the central US(Snickering) Hanging tree Money is a thing. You're told to make money, invest money, save money. While others are encouraging you to spend your money. You might even be planning your money ...based on someone else's plan. Maybe it's time to do things...differently. And get obsessed over something other than money. Like building a path based on what's important to you. ( ) we understand money's a thing, but it's not everything. Edward Jones. We do money differently. (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. Still keeping tabs on your petthe old fashioned way?There's a better option. Tractive gps pet trackersgive you live gps tracking. So you'll know whereyour pet is at all times. Tractive gps Trackerequals 24-7 peace of mind. ( ) Make room for variety. Say goodbye to tired, uninspired recipes. Say hello to new meal ideas that everyone will love. HelloFresh, refresh your recipe routine. [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. >> Them to ukraine now were voleuse zelensky speaking about the importance of a peace summit being held in june. >> To president biden, the leader of the united states. And to president xi jinping the leader of channel or -- china. We do not want the un charter to be burned burned down just like these books. >> Renee: in a prerecorded video message zelensky spoke inside the charred remains of a printing press destroyed last week and a russian airstrike. Moscow's forceps -- forces have stepped up attacks and zelensky hopes the june meeting in switzerland will increase the international pressure on russian president volodymyr zelensky -- vladimir putin. People are dead and 16 others missing after a bomb hit a compact construction supply store saturday afternoon. 14 are confirmed dead and 43 others were injured. Ukrainian president says more than 200 people could have been in the store when it was attacked.

>>> Ukraine problems have been mounting in recent months as they tried to hold out against russia and the war appears to be at a critical point. >>> The death toll from the massive landslide in probably new guinea is lead to a breach more than 670 people. The un migration agency mission in the south pacific island nation says we updated death toll follows the discovery of nearly 100 more homes buried in the debris. The previous estimate was 60 homes. Local officials initially put the death toll on friday at 100 are more. >>> Only five bodies have been recovered. The national government might ask for more international help. >>> At least a people including children are dead after a string of powerful storms and tornadoes slammed the central us. >> They had so fast, it's just you know, the only thing I can say it just pay attention to your weather alerts really. He get this warning you have to go. And that's what I guess everyone did do, but everyone congregated in one place. It was me and my two cats in the car. We were like what do we do you know? >> Five people were killed in cook county texas three of the victims were in one house, two children are unaccounted for as of this morning. Another person was killed in arkansas and severe storms killed two people and injured at least 23 more in northeastern oklahoma. More than 110 million people are under threat of large hail damaging winds and fierce twisters today. >>> Still ahead, team canada eyes going home without a medal at the men's world hockey championship that canadians felt to sweden and the bronze medal match after a close battle that came up short. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. It's coming. Check for anyone who needs help! Will do! [scream] They found another body. Recognize him? Never seen him before. The obvious theory is that our killer used the flood to cover their tracks. I'd be careful if I were you. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and Now becomes the Future. A Future where you grew a dream into a reality. It's waiting for you. Mere minutes away. ( ) The Future is nothing but power and it's all yours. The all new godaddy airo. Get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. >> Team canada the world hockey championship and once again, they fell short. This time in the bronze medal game against sweden. >> Take some time I knew hansen with the empty net, scores! >> The swede scored an empty net or which is four seconds left with the regulation time giving them a win and their first metal since 2018. Canada coming off a stunning shootout loss to switzerland. They take on czechia for gold at 2:00 pm eastern. You can watch that match on tsn. >> As we had to break some of the world's best surfers are in tahiti showing off their skills ahead of the 2024 paris olympics.

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