
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #29

on ctv [ Sirens ] >> Hamas launches a series of missiles at tel aviv for the first time in nearly four months. Marking a possible escalation in the war. >> We have not been given commitments for the vestments. We demand that. >> Student to have set up a probe palestinian encampment at the university of toronto have until monday morning. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> Dropping and control the backhand she scores! >> And the first champion of the p. Whl could be crowned tonight. If minnesota be boston ng -- in game four of the league's final. It sunday may 26, then you for joining us here on ctv news channel I'm renee rodgers. We'll begin this in the middle east where hamas has launched a barrage of rockets in tel aviv prompting sirens to sound off in the israeli city for the first time in nearly four months. >> The israeli military said eight projectiles crossed into israel after being launch of the rafah area in southern gaza. A number of rockets were intercepted and there was no immediate reports of casualties or damage. This appears to be the first long-range rocket attacks from gaza since january. It comes as israel carried out the military operation. >> Itself concern clearly. No injuries at this point. And it also suggests that the idea of the netanyahu government, that they are going to eliminate hamas is an impossibility as as I think the americans have told them and others have told them. And I think their ministry of defence now agrees total elimination of hamas is not going to happen. >> Hx have begun to enter gaza today through southern israel thanks to a new agreement between israel and egypt allowing shipments to bypass rafah. The crossing close when israeli forces sees the palestinian side earlier this month. Egypt refused to reopen their side of the border until control of the gazan side was handed back to the palestinians. But under the us and israeli pressure, egypt agreed to divert traffic through israel's crossing. With the main cargo terminal. Although the hx are beginning to enter again, the president and ceo of the humanitarian group says its not nearly enough. >> With a 95% of the aid coming over the next seven months come in through these through -- few openings. With this closed and one difficult to get to in a safe way, we saw have a problem with the amount of aid coming in. So these openings, the crossings need to be open, the crossing to the north need to be open and the pier needs to be bringing in more aid and more truckloads coming off those ships and is the case right now. >> The he mentoring groups its still unclear if it will be able to access the eight because of the fighting in the area. >> I think it's time to go beyond these actions and for israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need is a little bit more. And demand the cease-fire. >> Meantime the palestinian prime minister is calling for an end to the war in gaza. The comments were made alongside the foreign minister that comes after spain along with ireland and norway said they would recognize the palestinian state this tuesday. >> Palestinian protesters ahead and cabin on the university of toronto campus are expected to meet with school officials today. Meeting scheduled for 5:00 pm local time comes after the university issue the trespass notices to the protesters on friday. And they say that they will take all the necessary legal steps if the protesters do not clear out by monday at 8:00 am.

>>> The notice also threatens to seek a court order against the camp. Organizers have been calling on the university to cut ties with israel and to do vast from companies profiting from israel's offensive in gaza. >>> Joining me now is sarah graduate student at the university of toronto an official spokesperson for the encampment on campus. Sarah, welcome and thank you for being here. This trespassing notice has been issued and the deadline to evacuate is adm on monday. What is happening at the encampment now clear people clearing out are they staying put? >> We are here and we will continue to stay here until our demands are met. We just presented our offer to the media and we will present it later at 5:00 pm. As you mentioned ufc will be filing an injunction tomorrow morning at 80 and because they want us gone. We want -- they want to shift the blame -- blame of calling the police on the students and faculty to a court order. >>> Still we will continue to remain steadfast in our demands to disclose and invest and cut ties with the israeli academic institution. >> Can you tell us what this counteroffer? >> Yes. He says he's open to negotiation and yet here we are with this injunction and we are still trying to negotiate in good faith as we have since day one. What we are given is more of the reinstatement of the university policies then an offer. There has been absolutely know movement on our demands requesting support. Most outlined in the document that they could've initiated before even taking office encampment with the counteroffer, we are putting forth the prophecy and procedure cannot be slowed and bureaucratic and it cannot be a tutorial and people are dying. The cbc interview with a stated he doesn't think it is the right time to review the process. But we think of genocide is the exact time to do that. More specifically are counteroffer because it fails left back at the office of the president has the ability to create prophecies and they can even make decisions and issues like the vestments without being bound to a process to begin with. With the fossil fuels in 2021. So this is what our counteroffer is censuring. >> Now what I understand is since the protesters have not accepted the trespass notice, this notice threatens to seek a court order. There could be disciplinary action and possibly expulsion or termination. Does this concern those participating? >> Yes, we think threatening faculty with their contract being taken away from them, with students of the academic sanctions, it is a direct hit and a threat to our three -- freedom of expunged -- expression. We want to engage in conversation and good faith with movement on our demands. If they want to end this peacefully he would simply do this with the negotiating table in good faith, that is not what they are taking. They want the court order, they want to call the police on us and rate us and of course the academic sanctions its a very concerning for many students. It's very concerning to faculty whose livelihood is being attacked. But it does not change the fact that there is an ongoing genocide and we are willing to take that risk to bushfire demands to be met in the now. >> Negotiation is set for this evening, what you hoping for? >> We will be presenting our counteroffer, we hope that they come from the negotiating table in good faith as we have been doing for 24 days. We have been here 24 days put our lives on hold for 24 days because there is an ongoing genocide. We have people at that camp of lost hundreds of family members. We have indigenous folks and students at this camp with us that are now being told that there is a trespass notice and they are being told to get off their own land. We are asking for immediate disclosure in the form of working with the private investments, we don't want this committee they get stuck. We want total immediate divestment any agreement on the working group with these for future investments and we want this specifically for the hebrew university that has present an illegal settlement and the institute because they work on the ai by the ios to pinpoint the bombing. We are offering them very specific demands and that is our counteroffer we are hoping that they come to us with respect and they actually take these demands seriously. Because we have built a very legitimate movement right here at the u of c campus. >> We will has leave it there. Graduate student at the university of toronto and official spokesperson for the u of t's occupy for palestine encampment, thank you very much for being here with us. >> Thank you for having me. >> Toronto police are increasing their presence in certain neighbourhoods after shots were fired at a jewish elementary school saturday morning. >> On the questions I'm sure

people are asking is this is a hate -- is this a hate crime? Is as a terrorist act? I want to say its too early in the investigation to say. >> Renee: investigation lead the shooting happened just before 5:00 am by more than one person travelling in a dark colour vehicle. Centre for israel and jewish affairs issued a statement calling the incident clear calculated and premeditated targeting. >>> To ukraine our president volodymyr zelensky is speaking about the importance of a peace summit to be held in june. >> To president biden, the leader of the united states. And to president xi jinping, the leader of china, we do not want to date un charter to be burned. Burn down just like these books. >> Renee: in a prerecorded video message zelensky spoke inside the charred remains of a printing press destroyed last week and a russian airstrike. Moscow's forces have stepped of the attacks on ukrainian cities and zelensky hopes this meeting in switzerland will increase international pressure on russian president vladimir putin >>> More than dozen people are dead and 16 others missing after a russian bomb hit a packed construction supply store saturday afternoon. 14 are confirmed dead and 43 others were injured. Ukrainian president -- president volodymyr zelensky says 200 people could have been in the store when it was attacked. Ukraine's problems have been mounting in recent months as they tried to hold out against russia and the war appears to be at a critical point. >>> The us investor to nato says she has seen no indication that canada has a plan to reach the alliance's spending target of 2 percent of gdp on defence. In an exclusive interview with ctv question period julie-anne smith said she believes canada intends to eventually meet that commitment but they have seen no evidence of how ottawa will get there. >> When will we see an actual plan to reach the 2 percent target and have clarity on how canada is going to get there? I have not had any instance were any canadian official has told me they will not get there, but I don't have any sign that there is a plan in place to get to that 2 percent mark and again, it's a pledge that every member of this alliance made. These are difficult decisions, that's why it was a 10 year timeline. >> Last week a bipartisan group of us senators wrote a letter to prime minister justin trudeau saying that we -- they are concerned and disappointed that canada will likely not reach the 2 percent commitment in this decade.

>>> Canada's updated defence policy charts the path to reach 1.7 6% of the gdp on defence spending by 2030 but it does not include a target to hit 2 percent. >>> A new study on children and screen time focuses on parents. Experts say when it comes to a child's development, parent should also focus on reducing their own screen time. >>> Researchers say parents need to be fully engaged with their children. When they are not, it can have a negative effect on a child's development. >> When you spend time doing one thing is less time do something else in less time to pay attention. I think many moments in parenting are that golden moments when suddenly you see the need to be inside your child's zone of approximate development where they suddenly need 30 seconds of scaffolding that's going to help them get past something. >> Renee: researchers have found parents can spend up to 30% of their time looking at their phones while at the playground with their kids. >>> As the weather improves and canadians venture out into the wilderness for hiking and camping trips the summer, there is a new warning from researchers about an increase in cases of lyme disease in this country. They say cases of the disease and canada have increased by more than 1,000% in the last decade. And it's not just text that canadians have to be on the lookout for. The populations of an exotic mosquito species that could carry the illness have become established in parts of ontario. >>> Still ahead, researchers call for better mental health support for canadians dealing with wildfires. More on this next. (Snickering) Hanging tree If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. >> Renee: the bc wildfire service as they are EXPE=&sn7rZwé"#á“Kot: mixed bag from the weather as a condition as they continue to battle fires for the province. >> This is what we're expecting with highly variable fire conditions. We are going to have someplace to look at rain, others will stay dry. >> There is also the threat of thunderstorms in some areas which could bring lightning and gusty winds. And the rain might not hit some of the areas that needed the most with the dry conditions in the provinces northeast, expected to continue over the next couple days.

>>> And fort nelson there is also hoping that qe qe's could return early next week. With experts predicting another severe fire season ahead for canada this summer university of victoria researchers are calling for better mental health supports for canadians dealing with wildfires as another severe fire season has arrived earlier than anticipated. Actually, a mental health expert in one or the lead researchers at the university of victoria, will be presenting the finding of her study at the upcoming congress of the humanities and social sciences. She joins me now, actually, thank you for being here. >> Thank you for having me. >> Now many provinces are being affected by fires this time of the year. Tell us more about your study and it's findings! >> So my research is looking at the social impacts of wildfire disasters on communities and individuals. So, during the fire seasons we often focus on those physical aspects so we are looking at evacuation and mitigation and preparedness which is such essential information that needs to get out there. But now, from the interior region of british columbia, living in these seasons year after year people are experiencing fires consistently and I thought there's probably some room for the social aspect to look at this. That's my research has done his talk to over 30 people living in the region who experience different fire events and different ways to understand what are the challenges people are navigating? >> What kind of mental health issues can arise as wildfires become an annual thing in bc? >> What I have seen is arranged to people who obviously experience the proper loss with physical aspects of the community are gone due to fire. Kafi see those huge of grief there. Side from that there's also the trauma so spoken to people who have had to flee quite quickly if there fire events and that's nothing we have seen in a few cuties across canada and those moments with that feeling of in that moment needing to get out to people talking of ptsd from fires two years ago, five years ago, up to 20 years ago. There is those but then people reached out to me because they want to talk about living in this region where you see consistent year after year fires. Coming into these seasons people are just experiencing heightened anxiety symptoms, kind depression symptoms and many people are dealing with we kind of smoky skies and that's to become a real challenge for their mental health as well. >> What about the firefighters? I can imagine this would be compounded for them! >> I think it definitely is, I haven't had the opportunity to speak to as many of them because my first study here was looking more community members but it's an area I would like to go as well because, of course,, this is a real challenge and you know, they are on the front line then they are seeing this in realtime. Many people are even fighting these fires from these communities and that sort of also increases the level of trauma. It's another really important area. >> Is there any resources in place? >> Have spoken over 30 people, only one explicitly told me they had reached out for mental health professional and mental health supports. Thank there is an opportunity here to boost the resources we have been maybe boost the queen occasion around resources. And I also think we have to look at the barriers people are facing. Weather people are insured or uninsured, you know, there is a financial hit that comes with these fire disasters so that can be a huge barrier to accessing services as well as you know, and people are navigating these and they are dealing with insurance claims in rebuilding and relocating, they are trying to help their families get through these difficult situations. So, mental health falsely bottom of the list. I think there is an opportunity here to sort of increase the amount of trauma informed resources we have and how to lower peoples barriers and challenges to accessing support when they have gone through traumatic events. >> Right. Diversity of toronto researcher in mental health expert thank you for being here, we appreciate your time. >> Thank you for having me. >> The massive landslide is now estimated to have reached more than 670 people. The un migration agency in the south pacific island nation says the updated death toll follows the discovery of nearly 100 more homes buried in the debris. The previous estimate had been 60 homes. Local officials initially put the death toll on friday at 100 are more. Only five bodies have been recovered, the national government might ask for more international health.

>>> She'll people have been injured after a qatar airway flight from doha to dublin had about of turbulence. This 787 liner experience turbulence while airborne over turkey. The flight landed safely in dublin and it was met with emergency services. Six passengers and crew members were injured. The airline did not comment on the turbulence but they say there will be an internal investigation. >>> Still ahead team canada's going home without a medal after the hockey championship in the canadians fell to sweden and the bronze medal match after a close battle that came up short. Highlights or after the break. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) It's the betmgm must-see matchup. Toronto takes on Pittsburgh. Leading off this weekend. Have your picks, parlays and popcorn ready. It's time to up the action. Download the BetMGM App. And enjoy the game. From the edge of your seat, it's on. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. Need to find your pet fast?It's easy with theTractive gps pet tracker. Set virtual fences to get alerts if your escapeartist goes too far. And track yourpet's live location from anywhere in the world. Tractive. Keeping yourpet safe and healthy. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. >> Renee: another close one for team canada at the men's hockey championship, and once again, they fell short. This time in the bronze medal game against sweden. >> Have some time for you hanson and scores! >> Renee: the swede scored an empty net or with just four seconds left in regulation time giving them win and their first medal since 2018. Canada coming off of a stunning shootout loss with switzerland's, taking on czechia for gold at 2:00 pm eastern. You can watch that match on tsn.

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