
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #22

[ ] [ Siren ] >> Roger: hamas launches missiles at tel aviv for the first time in nearly four months marking a possible escalation in the war. >> Russia is run by men who want to make it a norm ruining lives, destroying cities and villages. >> Roger: an urgent appeal from ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. He's calling on the U.S. and china to join a peace summit next month. >> Canada does a terrific job. The backhand. He scores! >> Roger: we could have our first pwhl champion tonight if minnesota can beat boston in game four of the final. We begin with breaking news from the middle east where hamas has launched a barrage of rockets at tel aviv, promoting sirens to sound off in the israeli city for the first time in nearly four months. [ Siren ] the israeli military haste eight projectiles crossed into israel after being launched from the area in southern gza. A number of rockets were intercepted. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. This appears to be the first long-range rocket attack from gaza since january. It comes as israel carries out its military operation in rafah. And aids trucks have begun to enter gaza today through southern israel thanks to a new agreement between israel and egypt. The crossing in rafah was closed when israeli forces seized the palestinian side earlier this month. Egypt was refusing to open its side of the border until control of the gazan side was handed back to the palestinians. Under U.S. and israeli pressure, egypt yielded and agreed to divert traffic to israel's karam shalom crossing, gaza's main cargo terminal. It's still unclear if humanitarian groups will be able to access the aid because of fighting in the area. Let's bring in retired major general david fraser, our ctv military analyst. General, thank you very much for joining us as always. >> Roger, good to be with you. >> Roger: this attack this morning or apparent attack on tel aviv a missile launch from hamas, are you surprised by that? >> Well, I'm not surprised but, at the same time, it's well planned by hamas if they -- well, tactically won't have much significance. Strategically it just shows from the area israel is attacking into rafah, hamas still has the ability to reach out and attack tel aviv. So it is a political strategic strike more than it is a tactical one but it also demonstrates has the capability notwithstanding the I.D.F. are right on the doorsteps to inflict damage onto tel aviv. Again it's just showing better the weakness of what the I.D.F. and the prime minister of israel is trying to did that hamas can still attack them. >> Roger: they've been quiet for four months when it comes to any kind of missile attacks. Is there a reason for right now, a specific reason? >> Well, you know, I think that's going to be the question whether or not they have enough missiles and they're just harbouring what resources they do have, that the I.D.F. are getting so close that they don't want to lose these missiles so might as well just fire them off. It could be any or all the above. The fact of the matter remains is that, you know, they fired these and there's going to be a lot of questions to the I.D.F. and to the israeli prime minister. What are you going to do as a result of this? But for hamas, it just shows that they are a lethal force. >> Roger: and tel aviv, not a surprising target? >> I -- no, it's not. If you want to get people's attention, I mean look at us on sunday morning. We're talking about tel aviv. We're not just talking about missile attacks, you know, into israel or anywhere else. We're talking about into the israeli capital. You know, that is, you know -- not capital but major city. That is important for the israelis to deal with and to show that hamas is still got a lot of punch left in it. This is a political statement. >> Roger: is there any way israel can retaliate to this? Or they'll just continue their operation? >> Roger, I think, you know, they're just going to double down on their operations, you know. For the israeli ground commanders, they're probably getting a lot of encouragement and pressure from the politicians to say finish this off. Get it done, you know. So we're going to see a lot

more attacks into rafah. We're probably going to see an acceleration of some of the ground fighting which is bad news for the gazans and probably going to be bad news for tyranny to get through the fighting to get it to the people who need it the most. >> Roger: how do we interpret egypt saying yes to moving the aid to go through the southern israel port rather than through rafah? >> Well, I think, you know, it's, you know, from the egyptians' point of view, they can't go through rafah because, you know, it's in israeli hands. The problem there is what's going to squirt out if they try to even get into there? So I mean and again they can't sit on their hands and do absolutely nothing while the humanitarian crisis just carries on. So between the U.S. and egypt, you know, they've worked with israel to find another way in there, and it's in the southern part of israel's borders, which is an important aspect in trying to push humanitarian aid into the people who need it. I think it's an accommodation of and acknowledgement of the realities in the war. Rafah is just too dangerous now. >> Roger: and does it give israel more control over what aid is actually getting in? >> Israel has always controlled what was going in and coming out, and this just gives them, to your point, roger, a lot more control because it is an israeli-controlled territory. >> Roger: ok. General, thank you as always for your insight and analysis. >> Roger, thank you. >> Roger: retired major general david fraser, our ctv military analyst. To ukraine now where president volodymyr zelenskyy is speaking about the importance of a peace summit in june. >> To president biden, the leader of the united states, and to president xi, the leader of china. We do not want the U.N. charter to be burned, burned down just like these boots. >> Roger: in this prerecorded video message, zelenskyy spoke inside the charred remains of a printing press facility, destroyed in a russian air strike last week. Moscow's forces have stepped up attacks on ukrainian cities and zelenskyy hopes the june meeting in switzerland will increase international pressure on russian president vladimir putin. And speaking of those attacks, more than a dozen people are dead and 16 others missing after a russian bomb hit a packed construction supply store in kharkiv saturday afternoon. Fourteen confirmed dead, 43 others were injured. Zelenskyy says more than 200 people could have been in the store when it was attacked. Ukraine's problems have been mounting in recent months as it tried tries to hold out against russia and the war appears to be at a critical phase. A new study on children and screen time focuses on parents. Yeah, experts say that when it comes to a child's development, parents should also focus on reducing their own screen time. Researchers say parents need to be fully engaged with their children. When they are not, it can have a negative effect on a child's development. >> Time you spend more time doing one time, you have less time to do something else, less time you have to pay attention. I think that many moments in parenting are that golden moment when suddenly you see the need to be inside your child's zone of proximal development where they suddenly need 30 seconds of scaffolding that's going to help them get past something. >> Roger: researchers have found that parents can spend up to 30% of their time looking at their phones. While they playground and while their kids are playing. Quebec premier francois legault says he's open to taking major steps to curb children's social media use. It comes amid pressure from his party's youngest members. Ctv's olivia o'malley has more. >> Reporter: robots are rolling around the caq convention in Ste. Hyacinthe and social media and A.I. are topics of discussion. With its eye on the future of quebec, the party says it's concerned about youth and technology. >> [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: premier francois legault says platforms such as instagram and TikTok are nothing less than virtual pushers. That's why he's offering to hold a trans-partisan committee on the health and development of young people. This comes after parti quebecois leader ple mon din has calling on the government to ban access for certain young people. The caq says studying the issue will hopefully help parents every young children. >> We don't want to substitute their role. We want to help them deal with this situation that seems to be worrying a lot of parents but, as you saw earlier today a lot of youth as well. I think the youth today were the ones post vocal about this issue and trafs very

impressive to me actually. >> Reporter: the heart of the debate was the caq youthlings proposal to set the minimum age for accessing social media platforms to 16 years old. When it came to the debate the proposal was watered down, and in the end legault made his offer to the opposition leaders. The government has already banned cell phones in class. Education minister bernard blainville says the commissioner will help him see if it should be banned further. >> I'm looking forward to this commission helping me and helping us to have a better comprehension on this particular issue. >> Reporter: caq M.N.A.s say social media on screens will be formed 2025 at the latest which could potential -- potentially bring changes legault says will continue to make for the next generation. Olivia o'malley, "ctv news," Ste. Hyacinthe. >> Roger: the ontario N.D.P. is calling for action to assist families following the province's latest funding delay on its $10-a-day childcare program. >> Our ask today is simple. One, no more delaying. [ Unclear ] the funding formula with providers now. Certain funding and know uj [ Unclear ] >> Roger: this all comes after the province told childcare centres it will implement a new way of funding the program starting next year. Many day cares are warning that they may have to close if the funding formula is not updated to cover the actual costs of providing care. 92% of licensed childcare providers have opted into the program. There were rallies across cities and towns in alberta on saturday to send a message to the provincial government. >> Had enough of the lies. We've had enough of the deception, the gaslighting. >> And a lot of the decisions that the U.C.P. and people inside the party are promoting and supporting have nothing to do with evidence or science or expertise. It's all fear and pandering. >> Roger: about 500 people gathered outside calgary's city hall demanding transparency and accountability of the some of the major issues include the alberta pension plan and what protesters say are attacks on education and health care. In a statement the U.C.P.'s shane getson said the party supports albertans' right to peaceful protests. In montreal, students at loyola high school are helping out with spring cleaning. It's all part of a new initiative designed to connect students with local seniors. Lawrence brison duebrian reports. >> Reporter: as the years go by, julia McDONALD says it's become harder for her to tackle spring cleaning tasks. >> Some of it I've neg electriced. >> Reporter: the 80-year-old said she jumped at the chance to receive help. >> Now I've got everything cleaned and up to date and hopefully it will last the summer. >> Reporter: she says that's all due to an initiative between montreal west and loyola high school, a first in the neighbourhood. The idea is simple. Have students help residents with reduced mobility with their outdoor spring chores. >> We've actually done this shed over here so far. We took out all the stuff. We started with the hose. We cleaned everything and now we're going to go over to the deck I'm pretty sure and fix up everything there and then we have a couple more things to do and I think we'll be done. >> Reporter: 18 students signed up to be part of the first cohort of this program. The time they spend helping with chores today is counting towards the mandatory community service hours loyola students need to do. But these two 8th graders say participating is about more than just a school requirement. >> It's really good helping out someone who can't really help themselves out as much. >> Even if I finished all my hours I'd probably still do it. Like I'm not even thinking that it's for school. More as in I'm just helping the community. >> Reporter: for ella knorr hanock and fred hammond, the help is coming just at the right moment. >> I just couldn't attack the gardens. It just seemed overwhelming. >> Reporter: with two kids of their own who attended loyola, the couple says it feels confident having the students handle tasks. >> They teach their kids to be involved in their community and to help people. >> Reporter: montreal west seniors advisory committee dubbed may 25th caring neighbourhood day, a fitting name that goes a long way that goes towards older residence. >> One of our goals is to do more intergenerational activities, all those kinds of things help stop ageism. >> Reporter: with all these good deeds from students, residents receiving the help were also given a job: provide snacks. Simon ferwich, they all received "a" plus. >> Roger: the body of a young girl who went missing five months ago after falling into a quebec river has been identified. 4-year-old eva rose gauthier's body was found a week ago, 15 kilometres down stream from where she went missing december 22nd. She had been sleding with her mother and went through a hole in the fence into the

water. The discovery came after the girl's mother issued an appeal on the 15th calling on fishermen to be on the lookout for any sign of her daughter. Her funeral will be held on june 7th. An indigenous legislator is set to make history in ontario this week. Sol mom qua will rise in the chamber on tuesday to ask a question in oji-cree. His family friends and elders will be watching in the gallery. This is the first time in the legislature that another language will be allowed other than english or french. Mamakwa is the old first nation legislature -- legislator at queen's park. Deck said after he was punished in a residential school for speaking his own language. Coming up, the death toll from that massive landslide in papua new guinea has jumped to more than 600 people. More on the story next. >> If it happens here or around the world, trust ctv news channel to deliver. Live, breaking, 24 hours a day. Download the "ctv news" app or stream any time at Hanging tree -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. Looking for the fastestpersonal loan in Canada?Well, look no further. Spring Financial offers fullyonline personal loans with zero stress and no need for branch visits. But don't take our word for it. Apply today What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l wah is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. >> Roger: the death toll from that massive landslide in papua new guinea has jumped to more than 670. The U.N. migration agency's mission in the south pacific island nation says the updated death toll follows the discovery of another nearly 100 homes buried in the debris. Originally they thought there was only 60 so now they are looking at about 150 homes and possibly more. Only five bodies have been recovered. The national government says it may ask for more international assistance. At least five people, including children, are dead after tornado spotting storms struck texas and oklahoma this memorial day weekend. >> It hit so fast that it's just -- you know, the only thing I can say is just pay attention to the weather. Really if you get that warning, you've gotta go. And that's what I guess everybody did do but everybody congregated in one place. At all. It was me and my two cats in the car and we were, like, ah, a do we do? You know. >> Roger: the five fatalities were reported in cooke county, texas. Three of the victims were in one house. Also two children are still unaccounted for. The storms caused power outages and forced residents to shelter in place across the central U.S. more than 110 million people are under threats of large hail, damaging winds and of course twisters mainly throughout the mid mississippi, ohio and tennessee river valleys. According to officials, renewed heavy rains have triggered more flash floods in afghanistan.

at leeflt 15 people have been killed including two parents and their 8 children. That was in the northeast of the country. The unusually heavy seasonal rains have been wreaking havoc all around afghanistan. Hundreds of people have been killed and property and crops destroyed. This latest disaster comes on the heels of devastating floods that killed at least 70 people in april. Coming up -- we could have a pwhl champion tonight. Minnesota and boston, in the finals. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. How white do you think your teeth really are? Let's try the tissue test. Oof, still yellow! There's toothpaste white and there's Crest 3d Whitestrips white. They whiten like a $300 professional treatment. And to maintain your brightest smile, try Crest 3d White toothpaste. Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. >> Roger: canadian consumers are threatening to cancel their streaming subscriptions if prices continue to rise. Nearly half of canadian viewers across all age demographics are ready to leave the platform should ad-supported options surpass what they deem to be a fair price. Of those surveyed, 36% subscribe to an ad-supported platform, 39 to an ad-free streaming service. 26% subscribe to both. On the other side, 78% say they've never taken any action after seeing ads while watching a streaming platform. For more let's bring in simon ross, vice-president of strategy and insights at horizon media canada. Simon, thank you very much for joining us. >> Good morning. >> Roger: when you look at these numbers, are you surprised? Not surprising canadians are ready for a change. >> Not surprised at all, to be honest with you. If we think about the state of the economy, consumers need to save money and [ Unclear ] are one of those purchases that canadians are willing to save money on. >> Roger: and the commercials are just that much of a trigger for people. >> Yes. There is a I would say from my own personal experience and many other people I work with within the media industry, there is lot of bad targeting within these video streaming platforms. Consumers expect to be targeted with ads that are relevant to them, and I think with the proliferation of these types of platforms and the ability to target more accurately, that's not quite happening as of yet. >> Roger: and how do they go about it for this survey? What made them decide we need to look and see what's going on here? >> Yeah. Running the questionnaire and survey that we ran, they were just dissatisfied with what they were being targeted with. I think consumers are becoming more sophisticated with their media consumption habits, becoming a lot more indigenous tal -- digital now. In a lot of these digital environments, consumers

expect a better ad experience. >> Roger: it's amazing how we quickly adjusted to that concept that we expect ads targeted to us. >> That's right. I put it down to platforms like youtube really that changed the game. Youtube now is television and on platforms like youtube you get the skippable ads. 15 seconds and then you can skip on and see the contents. Digital platforms have really changed the experience for advertisers and advertising and these video streaming platforms allow you to be more sophisticated, more traifb, more targeted with your ads and consumers expect that. >> Roger: and where does this leave traditional tv? >> Traditional tv, it's still massively important for advertisers. Tv still brings a quality that these digital platforms don't yet bring, and a credibility these digital platforms don't yet bring. And so now, really, consumers will consume content on tv platforms, on video streaming platforms. Consumers don't really know the difference in all honesty. So from an advertising perspective it's just about hitting those eyeballs regardless of where that consumer is consuming that media. >> Roger: all right. Simon, thank you very much for joining us. We appreciate it. >> Thank you. >> Roger: simon ross is vice-president of strategy and insights at horizon media canada. It's do or die tonight for boston in game four of the pwhl final. Boston fell to minnesota on friday to trail the best of five championship series 2 games to 1. So if minnesota wins, they get to hoist the first ever walter cup. If boston can stave off elimination, there will be a fifth and final game wednesday in boston. [ ] [ ] Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. You shall live with mosquitoesand ticks no more...Contact and of your summer outisde. will spray all theareas where mosquitoes and ticks live, rest and hide. Trees, shrubs, under the deck,behind the shed. Anywhere you need protectionfrom harmful mosquitoes and ticks. We come back on arepeated schedule so you're bug freeall season long. Safe, effective,incredible results. Contact us today With new Scope Squeez mouthwash concentrate, just add water, squeeze to control the strength of your mouthwash, and find a zone all your own. ( ) Scope Squeez. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there

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