
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

>>> Toronto police are searching for multiple suspects who opened fire at a jewish girls school. >> One of the questions that I'm sure people are asking is if this is a hate crime. Is this a terrorist act. It's too early in the investigation to say. >> Heather: investigators believe the shooting happened just before 5:00 A.M. by more than one person travelling in a dark-coloured vehicle. There will now be an increased police presence in the north york neighborhood. >>> More than 24 hours after the university of toronto issued a trespass notice to pro-palestinian protesters, the encampment still stands. Tensions remain high at many of the country's leading universities with a growing riff between the student body and the schools. Ctv's kamil karamali reports. >> Reporter: not willing to go quietly, protesters of the university of toronto's pro-palestinian encampment continue to march forward, despite a looming deadline to dismantle the tents by monday morning or face legal action. >> It has definitely strengthened the resolve. We do not plan to leave. >> Reporter: it was on friday afternoon, special constables handed out trespass notices. And while the situation continues to escalate here, other post-secondary institutes across canada are also seeing a growing divide in negotiations between the school and its student protesters. Mcgill university in montreal had two failed legal bids. No end in sight either for protests at the university of british columbia. >> We are staying strong. >> Reporter: while the university of quebec in montreal filed an injunction this week, with a judge set to make a decision on monday. The university of alberta called in law enforcement earlier this month, now facing backlash. Faculty members passing a vote of nonconfidence against the school's president amid calls for him to resign. But at least one school seems to have found a successful outcome. Mcmaster university in hamilton says it's come to an agreement to end the encampment by agreeing to disclose its investments and making up to $200,000 available annually for palestinians and other students. At u of t, growing concerns among some jewish student groups. >> We're hearing from jewish students at the u of t and all across the province who are experiencing increased anti-semitism. >> Reporter: but these protesters promise only peace, with the focus on sunday on one final hail mary, a meeting between the two sides set for tomorrow evening. >> Heather: and in the middle east today, attacks in gaza with dozens more killed according to palestinian health officials. This just a day after the u.n.'s top court ordered an end to israel's military operation in rafah. Ctv's jeremie charron takes a closer look tonight at why the ruling may not have the direct impact many are hoping for. >> Reporter: bodies carried away in bags. Israeli strikes in the enclave have killed more than 40 people today according to palestinian health officials. [Speaking Alternative Language] >> Reporter: we were sitting peacefully and boom, a missile from a drone. This man says. The israeli defence force pressing on, despite a new order from the international court of justice for a ceasefire in the city of rafah. [Speaking Alternative Language] >> Reporter: we want the operation to stop completely, this man says. We want a final ceasefire. Israel has condemn the the ruling, saying it has the right to defend itself against hamas. It isn't the first attempt the court has made to pressure the israelis to pull back. Instead, they pushed ahead with their operations. >> Israel's argument is that this is a defensive war. It was something brought on israel. That there was a ceasefire on october 6th, and this is not a war of choice but this is something necessary to ensure the safety of its population. >> Reporter: and the real challenge for the world court is enforcement. >> What would need to happen would be that the icj would need to refer their ruling to the U.N. security council, which would then need to vote in favour of forcing israel to stop this invasion. >> Reporter: while the security council could enforce the order, it's highly unlikely the ruling would be voted through with the U.S. having veto power. >> It's up to states, but it's also up to global civil society to take the ruling and then to try and implement political gains in terms of pressuring other countries to force israel to comply by the rules. >> Reporter: that pressure could be felt during ceasefire and hostage release negotiations, which are now expected to presume next week led by qatary

and egyptian mediators. >> Heather: children are among the at least 27 people kill the at a massive fire in an amusement park in western india. The bodies of victims pulled from the wreckage with the search now under way for more. The venue is privately owned and operated, and police say they will file a negligence case against the owner. >>> Canada's shelter system may be failing a growing number of seniors seeking safe refuge. Facilities are not designed to meet the physical or mental health needs of older adults, and studies show those experiencing homelessness age faster and are considered seniors as early as 50. Ctv's kathy le has more. >> Reporter: the mustard seed is a safe haven for vulnerable people, serving clients in three provinces. There's been an uptick in demand at its shelters in general, including adults over 50. >> About 8% of the individuals that stayed in our shelter were over the age of 65. We have individuals up to the age of 80. >> Reporter: the reality is reflected in a canadian medical association journal study that analyzed homelessness across canada. >> This is not just due to individuals who are ageing within circumstances of homelessness, but also a real rise in the number of individuals who are experiencing homelessness for the first time in late life. >> Reporter: the country's housing crisis and strain from inflation just some of the factors contributing to the troubling trend. >> Either they've experienced health emergency or they've experienced a sudden increase in rent, and they are unable to afford both food, shelter, and medication. >> Reporter: add to that obstacles older people face like fixed income or health issues, like mobility issues or dementia. >> I do see a number of individuals where it's been their dementia that has led to difficulty with maintaining their housing, such as not paying bills and getting evicted. >> Reporter: and the study finds most shelters aren't designed to help an older demographic with their physical and mental needs. Samantha lowe says their partners in their edmonton shelter does offer health services >> But we're not able to provide that in all our shelters. >> Reporter: while collaboration between health and long-term care and other social services is needed to address the issue, lowe says preventive measures like affordable housing is the ideal solution. Kathy le, ctv news, calgary. >> Heather: coming up, the resurgence of an almost eradicated disease. >> We're having troubles controlling those numbers. >> Heather: what's behind the skyrocketing cases of syphilis. Plus the tiny homes proving to be a big hit in B.C. They say, "post it or it didn't happen." But out here, in the places we were made for, you'll have to take our word for it. Find somewhere the internet's never been... with a family of Broncos designed to get you there. ( ) ( ) We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. Good. Good. Good morning. Hey. Good morning with Dulcolax ...for a gentle and fast relieve Dulcolax Soft Chews works with the water in your body... in as little as 30 minutes. Making your good morning... ...even better with Dulcolax. Darrell's family uses Gain Flings now, so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. Woman: Isn't that the dog's towel? (Groaning) Hey, mi towel, su towel. More Gain scent plus Oxi Boost and Febreze in every Gain Fling. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Salonpas, makers of effective pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvement, like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. Salonpas. It's Good Medicine. Hisamitsu ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way

>> Heather: an infection once thought to be a thing of the past is back with a vengeance. Syphilis cases are skyrocketing, and risk of transmission to some of the youngest patients is a growing concern. Ctv's allison bamford explains. >> Reporter: inside this regina clinic, nurses are screening patients for sexually transmitted infections. And a simple blood test can catch one of saskatchewan's most rampant sti's. >> It's like a really bad car crash that we're all just watching and knowing we can prevent it. >> Reporter: syphilis now a growing problem across north and south america. New data from the world health organization shows the continents make up 42% of new cases globally. Here in canada, saskatchewan posed the highest case rate among the provinces. >> It's not like we don't know how to identify or treat syphilis. It's that we're having trouble controlling those numbers, whether it's through not enough testing, barriers to access to testing or to care. >> Reporter: researchers say a rise in substance use, lack of awareness, and stigma also play a role in transmission. >> The most devastating effect of syphilis in adults is congenital syphilis, which is the transmission from the mother to the fetus. >> Reporter: transmission that could result in miscarriage or developmental problems for the baby. Canada's congenital syphilis cases jumped nearly 600% from 2018 to 2022. An alarming surge considering provinces like manitoba went decades without recording a single case. >> We didn't really see syphilis for decades, so there's a lot of physicians and health care providers who don't really know what congenital syphilis looks like, so it's important to educate them. >> Reporter: known as the great imitator, syphilis can look like other infections and sometimes show no symptoms at all. Why testing can be a top priority. Typically a simple penicillin treatment can clear it right up. Allison bamford, ctv news, regina. >> Heather: the professional golfing world is mourning the shocking death of a player. Grayson murray died one day after he withdrew from a tournament. There were no immediate details on the circumstances. Murray was just 30 years old.

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>>> Excited parents cheered on their little ones in calgary as they waited at the finish line to scoop them up. The inaugural diaper dash saw 64 babies and toddlers take on a 12-metre long carpeted course on the eve of sunday's adult marathon. >> These are our future marathoners, so they're crawling and 20 years from now hopefully they're running a marathon. >> Heather: every participant scored a custom race bib and went home with bragging rights. >>> From tiny people to tiny homes, after the break, the gnome homes spreading joy in a B.C. neighborhood. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? This is what your ear looks like filled with wax. Here's a cotton swab. Watch. It just pushes the wax in. Now here's Wush, the new, safe and effective way to clean your ears. Just Wush the wax out. That's insane. The triple stream safely clears dirt and wax buildup. It feels incredible. Get 15% off and free shipping at (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. My life is full of questions... How do I clean an aioli stain? Use Tide. Do I need to pretreat guacamole? -Not with Tide. -Why do we even buy napkins? Thankfully, Tide's the answer to almost all of them. -Do crabs have eyebrows? -Except that one. For all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be Tide. (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. >> Heather: it's a hobby turned passion for a retired senior. Crafting tiny homes from scratch. His magical mission is simple: make people smile one gnome home at a time. Here's ctv's adam sawatsky >> Hello! >> Reporter: charlie picard started regularly visiting dozens of these little doors after a coworker introduced him to this book about their inhabitants. >> He said, charlie, we'll go build a gnome home for our kids. I still remember my daughter's eyes were just exploding with magic. She saw magic. It was wonderful! >> Reporter: decades later and recently retired, his wife reminded him of that moment. >> Wonderful to feel creative and be able to make something out of a piece of wood. >> Reporter: and charlie began building a bunch of gnome homes in an undeveloped lot, much to the delight of the neighbors. >> It just made my heart soar. >> Reporter: it inspired charlie to make even more. And after getting permission, placed almost 45 doors in a dozen different locations. At the time, charlie never imagined how meaningful those moments might also be for the adults who happened upon them. >> The woman was just in tears. >> Reporter: tears of gratitude from the daughter who saw how a gnome door inspired her mom with alzheimer's to suddenly recall long-forgotten happy memories. Tears of hope from the mother who saw how the door at the transition house inspired her child, who she fled from violence with, to smile for the first time in months. And tears of solace from parents visiting the little spirits garden at the burial park where charlie gifted a gnome castle. >> That was a tough one. But I wanted to do it. >> Reporter: perhaps felt he had to do it. Because like he regularly removes each door to repaint, repair, or replace it before reinstalling every one, he knows if you're fortunate enough to make magic, it's your responsibility to maintain it. >> What's really important to me

is giving back. Acknowledging what you have been given and then in return making other people happy. >> Reporter: adam sawatsky, ctv news, nanaimo. >> Heather: that is our newscast for this saturday night. I'm heather butts. Thank you for watching. Goodnight, and I'll see you again tomorrow. To find a food star gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off.

We're done on ctv [ ] >> We can believe the university instead of listening to our demands speak it you are watching ctv in china. Protesters at a pro- palestinian at encampment on the university of toronto camp as ours said to me with school officials sunday as a monday deadline looms large. >> I think the western world should get some cats I'm sorry for being this emotional but I just see the people dying every day. >> At least two people have been killed and dozens wounded in a russian strike on kharkiv comes ahead to next months peace summit in switzerland. >> The conditions were not great, you leave apm so it's pitch black. >> And what a climb. A major milestone for a saskatchewan man as he scales mount everest. [ ] >> Akshay: hello and welcome to ctv news jampacked think you for joining us. We begin in toronto. Where protesters at pro policy and encampment's at the university of toronto say they are working on a counterproposal for the university. The school has presented an offer friday but the organizers say it's inadequate. Some of the protesters have been meeting with university administrators started to try and reach a deal. Demonstrators have until monday morning 8:00 am to clear out as set and the trespass notice. >> A group of students has become -- begun an indefinite hunger strike. We will continue until the university stops aligning with war criminals. We will eat until you have season. >> Let's bring in a graduate student at the university of toronto and officials folks present of income it on campus. Thank you for your time. >> Thank you for having me. >> The notice for trespass has been issued and the deadline to evacuate is by apm -- 8:00 am on monday. What is happening at the encampment at the moment, are students still there, are they planning on clearing out, give us a sense. >> We are here, we will continue to be here you will continue to demand as you know the nose of trespass was given to us, we cannot believe that the university wants us to leave instead of listing to our demands and what they have been for 23 plus days now. >> Since a protesters have not accepted the trespass notice I'm sure you're also very aware that the note does a coat that on court or that could beat disciplinary action possibly expulsion or termination. Does that not concern you and those participating? >> We are meeting with admin tomorrow to go through these items and to discuss this with him here as we know they didn't put forward an offer to us, is the first written offer as you have tea nose in bargaining and negotiating the first written offer cannot be the finer offer. And so we will be negotiating with him, we'd take the first offer there final offer as a first offer. We have been receiving lots of support for the community, earlier state we received the ontario federation support which represent over 1 million workers they said and I quote this year if the admin decides to move against the students they will have to go through that workers first. And so although we are worried about possible consequent as we are remaining steadfast in our demands and we are not leaving until our demands are met. >> Akshay: you mentioned that of course the first offer cannot be the final offer. We know that negotiation is set for sunday evening. Usually win there is a situation a deadlock like that we see parties trying to find a middle ground, having conversations. Accommodating will sidespin let me ask you. What is your counteroffer look like? >> We are still working on the counter rather than response. We will be holding a press conference tomorrow at 11:00 am, to tell immediate what that response will be. >> Akshay: does that mean that you are willing to let go of some of the demands that you have? To reach a middle ground? >> We hope that you if you will reproach the coaching table in good faith, we do intend to remain steadfast in our demands we have compromise quite a bit in the past this time we intend to remain and hold the space until our demands are fully met. >> There are some universities where such encampment to continue to stay. But there are some or police have had come in clear them out for example in alberta. What are your thoughts on that? >> We think that demonstration calling the police to invoke police brutality on the students and faculty is appalling, we think that

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