
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

>>> Brace yourselves for possible travel disruptions this summer. 9000 workers with the canada border services agency has handed their union a strike mandate. The public service alliance of canada is seeking wages aligned with other law enforcement workers. At also calling for an equitable retirement regime. The union says workers will be in a legal strike physician next month, that is also when mediation is set to begin here he says a strike could cause significant disjunctions. >> Similar to what we saw in 2021 we saw lineups up to 10 hours, obviously a strike as a last resort we would like to see mediation work were looking for a fair contract. It was doubly it is an avenue to get there without having to go on strike. >> Akshay: the government says most front line workers would have to keep working because they are deemed essential. >>> In other news and internal evaluations is canada border intelligence program needs more tools and better training to fight back against illegal smuggling. The evaluation was conducted between march 21 and 2020. And says canada's border services agency did not have access to sufficient training, all the tools needed for its intelligence officers. The border intelligence program is responsible for collecting and analysing data on issues such as drug trafficking, immigration fraud, and human trafficking. From lifejacket to oxygen my. Lynx air is selling off everything in the hope of recouping some of its losses. Now defunct carrier officially set down operations three months ago. Going $186 million when it sought creditor protection. The company says its work that a deal with aviation copies abroad this out plane parts including seat, tires, and transponders. The calgary-based carrier is among several budget airlines forced to close the doors after struggling with financial pressures from the pandemic. >>> Public safety minister dominic leblanc is insisting that the government is doing everything it can to eliminate auto theft in canada. In an interview with ctv question period he said he hopes to see a significant reduction in crime after the government announced a series of new measures to tackle the problems. >> Obviously we want to reduce massively the number of vehicles being stolen. We want to reduce the number of violent incidents that canadians are potentially facing as people attempt to steal these vehicles. We are leaning and with partners in every jurisdiction to do that and we will continue, will add more resources if we need to to do what we can to really bring the number down. Everyone would like that zero vehicle stolen. We are doing everything we can to bring the number down. >> Akshay: the government's national action plan to combat although theft includes increased collaboration with international law enforcement a menace to the criminal code and new penalties theft. It has ranked canada as one of the top 10 sources for stolen vehicles in the world.

>>> And what that will take a break coming up robert nicki minaj booked on a concert. We have why she was detained at the airport. Ctv news channel. >> Announcer: if it happens here, or around the world. Trust ctv news channel to deliver. Live. Breaking, 20 for hours they download the ctv news app.(s (Dramatic music) (Cheering) If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) ( ) Ooooo! ( ) (Bip) OoOooo! ( ) Ooooo! —Ooooo! —Ooooo! —Ooooo... Have a little boooooost. ( ) At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Dust is always in the air.And cleaning it (ugh) is the worst. So get a Swiffer Duster. It captures dust in one swipe, without lifting a thing. Trap and lock 3 times more dust. Oh yeah. You'll love Swiffer or your money back. When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. >> Akshay: thank you for staying with us. Wrapper nicki minaj has been forced to bust on her concert in england after she was detained in the netherlands for having marijuana in her bag. Spent tell me again. >> The police officers told me we had to offload all the luggage and the search everything of your luggage speak of the artist posted this video on social media showing an airport employee telling her that police wanted to search all of her luggage. Dutch police have confirmed a 41-year-old american woman was being held for possession but did not confirm the name. Nicki minaj's concert is said to be rescheduled and tickets will be honoured.

>>> At least when he for people I get including multiple children after a massive fire at an amusement park and western india. Flames engulfed the building causing its roof to collapse before crews could control the fire. Searches are underway and officials expect the death toll to rise. The 90 was privately operated, and police say they will file a negligence case against the owner. >>> That U.S. is urging china to act with a strained after performed a series of military drills around taiwan. China conducted two days of wargames around the region, human lighting -- steam lighting attacks of bombers and ships. Taiwan condemn the drills as a great provocation. Beijing says the drills or punishment for comment made during the inauguration speech of taiwan's new president who called that michael chan has called a separate test. U.S. federal prosecutors are seeking to bar former U.S. president trump for making controversial statements in connection with a classified document case. Earlier this week trump camp claimed fbi agents who searches estate and 2022 were authorized to shoot him. He also claimed they were ready to take him out and play his family in danger. Federal lawyers say the comments pose a significant danger to law-enforcement agents taking part in prosecution. Prosecutors say trump's defence have objected to the motion. And today marks four years since the murder of george floyd at the hands of a minneapolis police officer. The 46 rolled killing in custody prompted widespread protest and calls for justice at summer. Now for minneapolis police officer derek is having a more than a 22 year service -- sentence after he was convicted of murdering him by kneeling on his neck for over nine minutes while he said he could not breathe. He also pleaded guilty in federal court of depriving floyd of his civil rights. >>> And some sad news to share. From the world of golf. Two time pga tour winner murray died this morning at the age of 30. 's death comes one day after he withdrew from the charge champion in texas citing illness. The details surrounding his death have not been released. Murray had dealt with out call depression and anxiety issues in the past but he turned things around and want the open in hawaii. This year. With that time for a break still had reaching for the top. We have a saskatchewan man story of how he climbed (Snickering) Hanging tree ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way ( ) (i am by your side ) Thanks! Anytime! (i am by your side ) ( ) (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. My life is full of questions... How do I clean an aioli stain? Use Tide. Do I need to pretreat guacamole? -Not with Tide. -Why do we even buy napkins? Thankfully, Tide's the answer to almost all of them. -Do crabs have eyebrows? -Except that one. For all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be Tide. What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] >> Akshay: thank you for staying with us. A saskatchewan man has reached new heights after recently platte -- climbing mount everest. Ctv's angela stewart has more from the incredible

track. >> Reporter: proudly holding the saskatchewan flag landry warnez reached the peak. >> I climbed itself is not that -- its iconic it has features you want find other mountains. >> Reporter: warnez made it to the summit of mount everest on may 12th at 5:30. It to track he has been conditioning for it from a young age. >> My parents had us going back and forth in the mountains in the rockies. Growing up I was in the mountains quite frugally. >> Reporter: it was not until a previous trip to nepal that climbing everest was something he was committed to. >> I had tracked from a small village in the mountains all the way to everest base camp and then standing there looking up at the mountain inspires a sense of adventure and challenge and then you at that point that I wanted to do it. >> Reporter: warnez left for nepal on march tween ninth and his journey to the top began may 8th. But not be for partial climbs of mount everest before. >> You cannot go all the way up your first time your body has to get used to the altitude. Seeded one rotation about halfway up the mountain to camp three and then you come back then spent conditions were treacherous at times. >> From camp fort to the summit the conditions were not great it was blizzard and, you leave at 8:00 pm so it's page black the majority of the climb. >> Oxygen was it sometimes depletes. Making the climb even harder. >> You are using supplemental oxygen, that you carry with you. You are not completely exposed. To the low auction conditions. It's still pretty top. >> Reporter: when now having completed the world's tallest mountain warnez hopes to conquer mount robson one of the most prominent summits in the canadian rockies. Angela stewart ctv news regina. >> Akshay: as we had to a break fort frances was at ron's a lytics dating to get a symbolic a kick off to a soccer match at the vatican hosted wealth jones day festival. The pope who was known to be a soccer fan gave the bank -- a gentle touch before watching the action unfold. He greeted children representing more than 100 countries, encouraging thousands in a stadium to shake hands in the gesture of peace. Thank you for watching ctv news channel. [ ] It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Isn't it absolutely bonkers that you can walk into a store... hand someone a piece of plastic... and they will willingly hand over Reese's cups? Forget flying cars— this is it. We're at the pinnacle. It's not always easy to eat enough of what I should. Ensure has 25 vitamins and minerals and is high in protein to help build muscles. So, I get nutrients to help me keep doing the things I love, with the people I love. Ensure. The #1doctor-recommended brand. -Having triplets is...amazing. -expensive. So, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with Tide. So we're back to Tide, and the clothes are clean again. Do three times the laundry and get a Tide clean. With fastsigns, signage that gets you noticed turns hot lots into homes. FastSigns. Make Your Statement. Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. For 30 years, Walmart's helped Canadians save through a lot. The Elmo Craze in ‘96. Your endless wait for dial-up. Sfx: Iconic dial up ‘trying to connect' sound Those wide, shapeless jeans... that hair thing with the uh teeth. In the 2000s, you were all doing this. So we did this. In 2020, the race for toilet paper was won here. Whatever was happening, we made it happen - for less. 30 years later, we still are. ( ) Red hot summer four farmers one mission true love I'm super excited to find the love of my life. A new crop of daters plunge into rural life I'm not a farm girl yet, but I'm farm-curious. On the show with real life romance

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farming for love on ctv . [ ] >> Heather: tonight, a hero's homecoming from france to canada. [ ] >> Heather: an unknown soldier returns to newfoundland soil. A sombre ceremony more than 100 years after the first world war. >> It is a story of heroism and sacrifice. >> Heather: calls for more intelligence training and tools at canada's borders. >>> Facing an endless barrage, ukraine's air defences with dwindling as zelenskyy urges global support. >> The world has to wake up because we're going to lose. >> Heather: plus the gnome homes creating a friendly neighborhood. >> It was about making other people happy, especially children. >> Heather: making magic and maintaining it one little door at a time. >> Hello! [ ] >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with heather butts. >> Heather: good evening. A historic homecoming for a newfoundland soldier who went off to war more than a century ago but fell in battle and was lled during the first world war. The remains then transferred to the canadian government. Ctv's garrett barry has been following the unknown soldier's repatriation. >> Reporter: one of newfoundland's lost soldiers is finally home tonight. A long journeyed capped off by a final chapter that started this morning at beaumont-hamel. Under blue skies, canadian soldiers took one of their own in their arms. Right behind the casket, a hug between premier andrew furey and his young son, serving as the official next of kin >> Knowing that somebody's father, somebody's mother didn't know where this person was is overwhelming. To be there with my son, I feel the weight of being premier and a father at the same time. >> Reporter: by hearse, by plane, and then by fighter jet escort, the unknown soldier was carried home. Waiting to witness his return, dozens lined the streets of st. John's for the procession through the city. >> It's probably one of the most important event in the last 100 years for our province. And to see that the people of newfoundland are supporting us, supporting our boys, is amazing. >> Reporter: beaumont-hamel is home to a devastating chapter in newfoundland's pre-canadian history. Within mere minutes on july 1st, 1916, hundreds of young men were killed and injured after they were ordered over the top by the british commanders. The big push into german machine gun fire. [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: newfoundland is part of beaumont-hamel, says the mayor of the small french town. We are forever linked. This unknown soldier represents all newfoundlanders who fought and died in the first world war. This soldier's final resting place will be here, a renovated national war memorial in downtown st. John's. A sorryceremony will be held on july 1st, newfoundland and labrador's memorial day. >> Heather: that will be another sombre day. Thank you.

>>> With the backdrop of a looming strike at canada's border agency, there are growing calls for better intelligence training and tracking. A recent evaluation of the program monitoring a range of threats from gun smuggling to human trafficking highlights gaps in the system. Ctv's tony grace has more. >> Reporter: batches of chemicals that could have become 2 million doses of fentanyl. And 25 million doses of ectasy. Both considered intelligence wins at canada's borders in a report calling for improved training and tools. >> It provides an important insight into a hidden part of the work of canada border services agency. >> Reporter: an internal review made public this month found insufficient access to intelligence training for officers and analysts, calling it one of the major challenges that could pose risk to the agencies. With new recruits often working seven months or more without formal intelligence training. >> Cbsa has been struggling since its creation to transform it into what is often called an intelligence-led organization. >> Reporter: and that's critical because of a growing focus on spotting national security threats. Including from the trove of data online that can be open sourced but isn't always sewn together. The report recommending better technology on that front. >> It's a combination of taking raw data, using artificial intelligence, using human analytical capabilities to come up with an intelligence picture. >> Reporter: just this week, the cbsa underscored the need in their bid to crack down on auto theft and sharpen their watch on what's leaving the country. >> We're now looking at things being exported as well. >> Reporter: as a result of this report, the cbsa is reviewing its training standards, certifying it's own instructors, identifying data gaps and new technology to help, and mapping out a new way to measure goals and outcomes. >> The key message that comes out is that the intelligence capabilities that cbsa needs are not really at that point that they are required to be. >> Reporter: what the agency didn't attach to its plan is a timeline. And tonight the union representing border workers, which could strike next month, tells me what they really need are another two to three thousand staff for all areas of their work. And assurances that new technology will compliment workers, not replace them. >> Heather: tony, thank you.

>>> Ukraine's president is tonight urging world leaders to supply more air defence protection following a deadly russian strike in kharkiv. The renewed ask comes well over a year after canada promised a system to help with that very defence. It still hasn't arrived. Colton praill reports. >> Reporter: two employees of this mangled hardware store are the latest victims of russia's deadly aerial assault on kharkiv. Dozens were injured today in multiple missile strikes, targeting residential and commercial areas of the eastern border city. [Speaking Alternative Language] >> Reporter: president volodymyr zelenskyy calling on allies to help bolster ukraine's air defence capabilities. >> Today I am announcing... >> Reporter: in january 2023, canada committed to delivering ukraine a $400 million surface to air missile system. 16 months later, it still hasn't left the united states. >> The western world should get some guts. I'm sorry for being this emotional, but I just see the people die in kharkiv every day. >> Reporter: in a statement, the defence ministry pointed to american production delays. Instead highlighting a recent $76 million contribution to a fund aimed at bolstering ukraine's air defences. The attack comes just weeks before a peace summit. Ukraine has created a ten-point proposal for peace that has slowly gathered more international support over the past year as allies push for negotiations to resume. >> They don't want to be seen as pro-russia, but at the same time they don't want to have an endless funnel of funds and resources and seeing ongoing war at europe's borders. >> Reporter: putin says they've never refused peace talks, but they must not be resumed on the grounds of what only one party wants. An american proposal to use frozen russian assets to finance ukraine's defence gained more traction at a g7 finance ministers meeting in italy today. Russia has pushed back heavily against the idea, even threatening legal action. The final decision is expected next month. Heather. >> Heather: colton praill in ottawa.

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