
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #40

. >> Marcia: 'W5' WILL BEGIN MOMENT, BUT THE STORIES WERE FALLING. >> MOSS WANTS TO DEMONSTRATE THAT THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CRIPPLED. AND THAT THEY STILL HAVE BOTH WEAPONS AND THE ABILITY TO USE THEM. >>> SIREN SOUND IN TEL AVIV, AS HAMAS FIRED ROCKETS FROM GAZA FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MONTHS. >>> WE, THE STUDENT, ARE STEADFAST IN OUR DEMANDS FOR DIVESTMENT, DISCLOSURE AND FOR CUTTING TIES WITH ISRAELI ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS THAT HAVE TIES TO THE ISRAELI APARTHEID. >> Marcia: PROTESTERS MEET WITH THE MINISTRATION OF UT IS THE DEADLINE TO CLEAR THE ENCAMPMENT APPROACHES. >> I LIKE TO BE HERE WITH MY FAMILY PICKS THE BASE ON THAT I'VE SEEN. >>> AND STUFF ECONOMY IS NOT SOMETHING CANADIANS FROM GOING ON A VACATION. >> Marcia: THOSE OF THE (Dynamic music) >> Announcer: This is a CTV News special presentation. (Upbeat music) Tonight... >> I've been with CTV for 50 years, and during that time I've interviewed hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. There is nothingwe won't do >> Some famous. Do you see yourself as a product of marketing hype? >> It basically happened because my fans liked me. >> Some not so famous. Have you seen the change? >> We can't think of just the destination. This is all a journey. >> Announcer: On the record. >> There are people who didn't like you. >> Announcer: And behind the scenes. >> Oprah gave me a good piece of advice. >> I found the most interesting when they go off script. Are you a pop diva? >> (Sighs) I don't know if I'm a pop diva. >> Announcer: 50 years. >> And so here's to 50. >> Announcer: 50 interviews. >> Well we're going to revisit some of those interviews. >> Announcer: Sandie Rinaldo's 50/50. (Waves crashing)(Dynamic music) >> I've been to Los Angeles many times over the last 50 years. Everyone has seen the Hollywood sign. And it certainly represents the extravagance of Hollywood. What California has to offer in terms of the actors, the talent. >> Go ahead, make my day. >> What's most fascinating about interviewing actors when they don't have a script in front of them is those who can articulate and speak so eloquently about the business, about themselves. Any regrets about the fact that you were away so much of the time that Kyle was growing up? >> Oh yeah, absolutely. You do miss out on a lot. But when you see the brass ring sort of coming your way, you figure, gee, I better do this. >> Honey, you put up a very good fight. But you have no idea who you're dealing with. >> You and Samantha Jones sometimes are confused one for the other. >> I have no problem... (Laughs) ...I never confuse her with me. >> No? >> This is one role that I played for a very long time. And I enjoyed playing it. But as soon as they said, "Cut," I was no longer Samantha Jones. >> And so I never know what I'm going to get when I sit down to talk to them. It's always full of surprises. Is there a question that you keep getting asked that you hate when an interviewer puts it to you? >> Christopher: Well you've just asked one. >> Thank you. (Laughs) I take that as a compliment. By your own admission you described yourself as troublesome, a brat, is that true? >> I wasn't the easiest kid to raise, I was very opinionated and very stubborn.(Crashing) >> Dammit I am telling you the truth. Got mewrapped around your finger Pulling stringsto play my heart >> Did you expect eyes to roll when you made the transition from actor to music? >> Absolutely. My eyes rolled. >> Of all the people I've interviewed over the years, there was one that was certainly the most challenging. Back in 1994 I was asked by the VP of entertainment at CTV to interview William Shatner. I was assured he would want to talk about himself. Well little did I know he was totally disinterested in talking about himself, at which point I said, alright, let's talk about you. A Canadian ex-pat that we all take great pride in. Let's talk about what it was like to grope Montréal. He quickly shut down the interview, he didn't want to talk about himself. Ripped off his mic and stomped out. It was only later when I went back to see to be headquarters that Shatner had shown up at the network and said to the VP of entertainment, "I think I upset

your little girl." All these years later, he's the one I wanted to revisit for this special. Okay. (William muttering) We are rolling. >> Where are you cutting? >> Man: Uh, like this. >> Perfect. Thank you. >> What kind of a grandfather are you? I mean-- >> Worshipful. >> Do you dote on your granddaughters? >> Dote. >> Yeah. >> Where do you think dote came from? >> Sandie: I don't know, you tell me. >> I know, but I can't stand it that I don't know where dote came from. >> Is it they've got you wrapped around their little fingers? >> No, no, no. They don't have me wrapped around. No sir, not me. >> Sandie: What about your daughters? >> You have me wrapped around, look at this. >> Already? >> Already. >> We just met. >> I know, but that's how easy it is to do it to me. (Laughs) Where did the word dote come from? You ready? >> Yes. Do you want one of us to look it up so you and I can chat? >> No, we can chat right now. Please go ahead. >> I need the eye contact. >> You want me to take my contacts out? (Laughs) >> What? You're a stand up comic in addition to everything else? >> No, I'm sit down comic in this case, that's, yeah. >> Okay, it's going to be this type of interview, I can tell. >> Alright. >> You are still a little bit cantankerous, huh? >> Cantankerous is a good word. >> Sandie: How would you describe yourself? >> Amenable. >> Okay. Back in the day, would you have been okay with that description? >> What's the day? When people say back in the day, what do they mean? >> You know, this interview-- >> Yes. >> --I'm trying to follow the bouncing wall. >> Is going further a feel, right? It's not what you expected at all. >> Which is fine. I love going with it. >> Oh good. >> You know? If you want to banter back and forth with me-- >> I'm not bantering. >> Sandie: What are you doing? >> I'm answering your question. (Beep) >> You know, there are people who didn't like you, haven't like to along the way. >> You think so? I can't imagine that nobody would not like me along the way. (Beep) >> You like yourself? >> I think so. >> Okay, nothing about yourself that you would change? >> Oh, I would change out of the blue sweater. >> Okay, okay. (Laughs) Alright, let me do this differently. (Laughs) 'Cause I don't think I'm getting anywhere. >> Are you capable of doing something different? >> I think I am. Don't-- you're insulting me by saying that. >> It was merely a question. I wasn't insulting. Look into yourself and examine yourself. Are you able to do a different kind of interview? >> So we tried this in 1994. >> You and I? >> You and I. >> Did we have a good time? >> No, we did not. >> Was it cantankerous? >> Yes. >> Maybe you bring out cantankerousness. >> 'Cause you asked me-- >> I have no recollection of it whatsoever. >> Sandie: Ah! >> I'm having trouble remembering what I had for breakfast. >> Okay. You didn't like the questions I asked you, so you took your mic off and you left. >> You're kidding. >> Sandie: Yeah. >> That was terrible. >> Sandie: Yeah. >> How rude. (Sandie laughs) >> So we were all betting today, would you leave if I asked you the similar question? >> No, I won't leave. >> Sandie: You won't leave? >> It's my office, you leave. (Laughter) >> We've left Los Angeles where I've had a redo with an actor who was certainly my most challenging interview ever. We're now on the opposite coast in New York City where I'm going to meet up with a true Renaissance man. An actor who can without a doubt to be called a gentleman. >> I was cast from the Toronto production, and then a few weeks later I was here shooting in Central Park. It was crazy. >> Announcer: When Sandie Rinaldo's 50/50 continues. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. What doing?Washing machine's broken Moose. But... Squeaky? When lifedoesn't go to plan, ClearScore can helpwith personalized loans and credit cards. Download for free, now! ClearScore, best friendfor your finances. Meet Febreze's Miracle Spray. NEW Febreze Fabric Refresher. I literally use this every day. To enjoy it's freshness for hours! After I make the bed, after I catch my dog on the couch. So I can wear my jacket one more time. It even makes shoes smell fresh. Febreze doesn't cover up odours with scent, but fights them and freshens! Over one thousand uses. Febreze Fabric Refresher. Safe to use around cats and dogs. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown.

I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. Male Announcer: Mary's brightening up daytime with good friends and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg, weekdays on CTV. (Upbeat music) >> New York is the city where dreams come true. And as the song goes, "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere." Well Canadian actor Victor Garber made it here, made it here big. >> So great to see you. >> You too >> I live 20 blocks down. >> So you walk a lot? >> I walk a lot. It's a gorgeous day. >> So back then you told me that it was god's spell that brought you here to New York. >> Well yes because it was the movie, I was cast from the Toronto production. And then a few weeks later I was here shooting in I think Central Park. It was crazy, it was crazy. >> So the reason we're here today is we decided we would revisit some of my most favourite interviews. >> Well I'm flattered. >> So you are in the favourites side. >> One of your most favourite. I'm very, I'm very, I am humbled by that. Thank you. >> It's true. The last time we sat down to talk, I said to you, you have such a recognizable face, but there are people who don't know who you are if we were just to say, do you know who Victor Garber is? They said, Victor who? >> Gee that's nice Sandie, thanks. Yeah, lovely. >> Did I insult you? >> No, it, no actually, not really. Most people have no idea what my name is. >> And you said, I don't mind being anonymous. >> I'm embarrassed when people stop me on the street. And now it's more because I've been around for so long and I've done so many things. Often it's, "You look familiar." And I said, "Yeah, I know, I do." And if they say my name, I'm really surprised. But that happens more. >> Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Because my goodness, I look at your body of work. >> Forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard. >> About half actually. Rose, you miss nothing, do you? The words are yours. Do quickly what you have to do. And I can't get enough Say we. >> We. >> At least you're out there seeing people again. That's terrific. I asked Devlin if I could come tell you myself. They verified your statement. >> You're everywhere. You're a busy man. >> It's still kind of a shock to me that I'm here and that I'm still doing it. And that I got to New York where I've always wanted to live. You know, I received the Order of Canada recently-- >> Sandie: Yes, congratulations. >> --I was on the Theatre Hall of Fame in New York. And something else happened. And I think, oh, does this mean I'm about to die? Because it feels like, okay, thank you, you're done, you know, but that's up to something else. But I realize I have done more than I am conscious of. I'm grateful, I'm really grateful. Pour one drink one Though thou has surelystrained Take heart grace Thy steps retrace Pour one drink one >> New York is home to musicians of every genre you can imagine. And over my 50 years in this business, I've interviewed musicians who are just as diverse. All by myself >> I remember Celine Dion. She was very candid with me. >> If I can't get pregnant today-- I'm sure because I'm constantly working. If ever I have the chance of being pregnant, I'll stop. No doubt. >> Sandie: I guess with musicians, they're on the road a lot.

Hi! >> Hi, Sandie. How are you? >> Sandie: They leave their families behind and they have their entourage of people who are close to them. >> You have to make a lot of sacrifices for a career such as mine. On the road so much of the time, and I'm really pretty obsessive with my guitar, and that's pretty difficult for most men to deal with. >> The itinerary itself that kept me on the road was detrimental to a marriage. Stop this game Deal me out >> You've always been a very private person. >> Very. Mm-hmm. >> The loss of your mother. You wrote about losing Adella to cancer. Why open yourself up to that? >> Um, you are stronger than you think you are. (Audience applause and cheers) >> Here I am today doing things that are, you know, that you wouldn't associate with someone that's supposedly shy singing in front of a lot of people. But I do it because I love the music so much. >> Do you ever wanted to throw up before a performance? >> Oh, I have, dear, trust me. (Laughter) I've done that. Been there, done that for sure. I never againwill go down underground (Vocalizing) >> Again, with The Red Bulls. (Vocalizing) There was only one Indian family there and it wasn't mine. I had all kinds of self-identity questions that little kids don't label as self-identity problems at all. But I had I'm looking back on it. Chill out,what you yellin' for? Lay back,it's all been done before >> People describe my music as punk, and my music is not punk. It's rock pop. (Vocalizing) >> I remember that day when I interviewed Mariah Carey... stretched out on a couch. My first question to her was, you know, what's this? You know, are you Nefertiti? Is there a reason for this? >> No. I'd rather be in a bed right now. >> Are you a pop diva? >> (Sighs) I don't know if I'm a pop diva. >> Sandie: Afterwards, she gave us an opportunity to walk with her outside of the property, and others had not been given that opportunity. >> That's my baby Jack. Come here, Jack. >> Man: Look at this! >> Oh no! >> All my animals take on a little bit of my personality, so this is the inner side of me that can't come out all the time. You can't tell meit's not worth dying for >> No tales of drug use. He won't even take an aspirin. Is that true? >> I mean, I went through all that when I was a teenager. You know, I went through my sort of abuse periods then. I don't really need to go and, you know, do that now. I did it. In a movie made for TVor a late night interview >> Sandie: Certainly I remember when I was younger watching Gordon Lightfoot perform on the stage. And so there was a real enormous respect for him when I had a chance to interview him. >> You've got to work on the idea before you start working on the song. I mean, really, it's a whole bunch of steps. There's, god, maybe 50 or 60 steps. >> Sandie: And what do you mean by the idea of being there? >> It's just little bits and pieces that I throw together when I'm sitting around watching you on television. (Laughter) When I was a young boy >> Looking back over your life, would you change anything now? >> I think that I would maybe have been a little nicer or kinder to some people in my life. >> And would you still be a womanizer? >> John: Probably. Sometimes lovedon't feel like it should You make it hurt so good (Cheering) >> We love you! >> He's so hot. >> I gave teachers a hard time sometimes. >> Okay, alright. That's good. You were about to censor. >> I always like to goof off. I like to be the centre of attention. >> Sandie: I was one of the first to interview a young Justin Bieber. He had been busking outside the Stratford theaters. He had put a number of the videos on YouTube, and he was taking off. When you're on the stage performing, are you thinking of the audience, are you thinking of your music? What are you thinking of? >> I'm thinking of the audience. I feed off of everybody's energy. And when they're screaming, that just makes me feel very, very good. >> Sandie: Who knew that his popularity was going to explode the way it did? Let me tell you one time >> Announcer: Still ahead... >> If there's one interview I would like to do over again, it would be that. >> Announcer: Stay with us. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. ( ) You're just too good to be true

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building in Canada representing the seat of power in this country. When it comes to interviewing politicians-- Hello, Mr. Mulroney. Nice to see you again. >> Really nice to see you again. >> Sandie: ...I want them to stopping being the politician for a moment with me and reveal something about themselves. >> If you're not controversial it means you haven't done anything. >> My early days there were-- there was a lot of partying after dinner and in the House of Commons. >> The moments when I've been able to capture or glean or learn a little bit about who they are as people, that for me is a huge win-win. >> I can handle conflict, but I prefer to try to resolve it. >> My defeat in 1993 was a very devastating one. I think it's a pity that in Canada we don't pay more attention to the role that our leaders have played. >> Would you agree you were too nice and that's why you didn't make it as prime minister? >> No, no. Being defeated was not a personal rebuke, as far as I was concerned. >> We have departments, various departments that are not nearly as important. >> I was one of the last journalist to interview John Diefenbaker. I met him in his tiny, little office and I think I asked one question during the entire half hour. He just kept talking. >> ...that today there are in Canada, according to the latest statistics, and I'm referring to the 1970 census, 1,725,000 over 65. >> I've interviewed wives of politicians and it was interesting to hear what they had to say about trying to normalize the lives of their children within an environment that was anything but normal. >> I'm so glad that we're home. >> Sandie: Mila Mulroney was the same way. I interviewed her at Harrington Lake. Is there something that you've desperately wanted to do all these years but haven't been able to? >> Well, I'll tell you-- I haven't even told my children this. I want to run in a marathon. >> No. >> I really do. I can see my daughter over there. That's what I want to do. >> Sandie: I had a sense this is a mother who's fully engaged with her children, despite the fact that she lives in a political bubble with her husband. >> This is one of the earlier ones with Kyle when he was just 18 months old. And there's Justin, Sacha and Michel. >> For everything that Margaret Trudeau went through, and it was, for her, such a public journey, certainly one of the more interesting moments 28 years ago is Justin showing up unexpectedly. >> Justin. >> Happy Mother's Day. >> Yeah. >> What a pleasure. >> Nice to see you. My goodness, it's been forever. >> It has indeed. >> Come sit down in your office, which we have now taken over. >> That's quite alright. >> That year that I interviewed your mom-- >> Mm-hmm.

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