
CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #35

on ctv [ ] [ ] >> Renne: diplomatic negotiations are reportedly set to resume to reach a deal to free the israeli hostages being held in gaza. >> I think the western world should stand up. I am sore for being this emotional but I just see the people dying every day. >> Renne: at least two people have been killed and dozens wounded in a russian strike on ukraine. This comes as a piece summit approaches next month. [ ] >> Renne: the remains of an unknown newfoundland soldier are on their way home. More than 100 years after making the ultimate sacrifice in the first world war. >>> It is saturday may 25th thank you for joining us here on ctv news channel I am renee rogers. Negotiations between israel and hamas to reach a deal to free the remaining israeli hostages are reportedly said to resume next week. And israel the families of the hostages continued to pressure the netanyahu government to reach an agreement with hamas to bring their loved ones home after nearly -- nearly eight months in captivity. Roughly 120 hostages are still being held. Amasses bin pressing israel far lasting cease-fire in gaza in exchange. >>> This comes as the united nations top court has ordered israel to immediately halt its controversial military operation in gaza -- a southern state of rafah. >> Does not sufficiently address and dispel the concerns raised by the offensive and rafah. >> Renne: the international court of justice wrote on friday that the operation into gaza would worsen the already disastrous humanitarian crisis in gaza. Israel has already begun by that -- begun a limited operation in the city and seize control of its border with egypt. The court also ordered israel to open the vital crossing to allow some flow of aid. Israel has condemned the ruling think it has the right to defend itself against hamas. Meanwhile U.S. president joe biden is talking about the actions in the middle east. >> In the middle east the conductors of diplomacy have been talking about a cease-fire. Are making a v. That av that deploy separate affairs on the mediterranean. And record time we are increasing life-saving aid to palestinians. The U.S. air force is conducting food drops that airdrop meals the people in gaza. Drop partners together to repel the sustained assault. >> Renne: in the meantime, for vessels supporting the deliveries broke free of their anchors on the beach. Tour in the water and two are beached on the coast of israel. Efforts to recover the vessels are underway with help from the israeli navy. No injuries are reported. U.S. central command says that the pier remains fully functional. Joining me now is a professor of middle east politics at georgetown university, professor thank you for being here, trues talks are set to resume next week. Does this have anything to do with the recent ruling from the icj? >> I do not think they are directly connected although the icj did call on hamas to release the hostages but of course if you are following the story we know that these hostage negotiations are between the two sides and have been going on for a very long time, way before the icj wrote on this topic. There is not a direct link but there is a connection. >> Renne: the ruling from the icj is a binding but there are no means to get it in the forest. Israel has rejected the court's ruling. What is next?

>> That is a great question. It is up to states, but it is also up to global civil society to take the ruling and then to try and implement political gains in terms of pressuring other countries to force israel to comply by the rules. I am talking about things like boycotting the sale of arms to israel that they used to kill civilians in gaza, diplomatically isolated gets wheel by withdrawing ambassadors from israel until israel complies with the court ruling, getting global civil society to pressure collective leaders to force a compliance with the court ruling. These rulings, they are a norm but they are not self enforcing it is up to members of the international community, both state and civil societies around the road to try and take the court ruling and then translate them into a political gain, of course it is not a straightforward path, it requires a lot of organization, hesitation, and political motivation I think that is where we are right now. >> Renne: not the first time israel has rejected a un court ruling. If that continues, does the un have any recourse? For example could adjust say if you were not going to be with us than you are against us and you cannot be part of this group. >> That is basically correct. The un's role its only as strong as the will of the member states so if the member states do not want to comply with you and norms than those norms do not get implemented. Of course the more powerful estate you are the more you have the ability to reject you and arms and that is what we are seeing from the united states right now, when the international court of justice wrote on this particular conflict or in the international criminal court when they roll on this particular conflict, the united states simply rejects the authority of these hot un bodies, international bodies, so nothing really happens, and it's really about member states. Of course it is also about citizens, we are seeing a lot of mobilization in the united states and north america among citizens, demanding their governments stop the double standards and hypocrisy and to live up to the norms and values that the united states in the west routinely proclaim as being foundational to good order and international piece and justice such as this oft heard term a rules-based international order. Unfortunately for the west, for israel, for many other countries they only want to uphold the law when it is to their benefit, international interest. They want a lot to apply only to the adversaries and not their enemies -- themselves. So that is the nature of international relations, but citizens, and I think civil society groups also have a role to play here in terms of calling countries, politicians out for their hypocrisy and trying to push things in a direction where everyone, every state is judged equally under the law. I think that is really the foundation of what is at stake here. >> Renne: that is our time. Professor of middle east politics at georgetown university, thank you as always for being here with us today. >> Thank you. >> Renne: ukraine's president vladimir zelenskyy is issuing fresh please today for more air defence after russia launched a deadly strike on ukraine's second-largest city of car cave. The strike hardware store in a residential area of the city killing at least two people and injuring 33 more. The attack triggered a massive fire that has since been contained. Zelenskyy says more than 200 people may have been inside the store, a second bomb hit a city park. The city has been the site of an intense russian assault for weeks now.

>>> As the war wages on more than 15 world leaders is had to gather in switzerland in june for a ukraine at peace summit. The meeting will focus on ukraine's 10.8 formula a plan that calls for the complete withdrawal of russian troops from ukraine, russia has not been invited to the summit, and U.S. president joe biden is reportedly not attended the event because it conflicts with a campaign fundraiser. When you cleaning and peace as ukraine's military is at a disadvantage because it is not allowed to use western supplied weapons to attack inside russian territories. >> If we could get the air defence, if we would have the modern fighter jets, I hope we get them in june. Because they have been promised for many months. Then we could fight back. But also it is a huge pressure. We see this on the border with ukraine. Just 30 miles away they are waiting to attack us. They want to kill more civilians. We cannot do anything about it. >> Renne: wrapper nikky ménage says she was held at an airport in amsterdam on -- amsterdam on allegations of possession of soft drugs. >> The police officer told me that we have to offload all of the luggage. >> Okay. >> And search everything the luggage. >> Okay. >> Renne: they post to this video on social media shrink an airport employee telling her that police wanted to search all of her luggage. It in another post ménage said police told her they found weed in her bag. Police have confirmed that a 41-year-old american woman was being held for possession but did not confirm her name. Nikky ménage was detained hours before she was due to perform a show in the uk. >>> The remains of an unknown shoulder who -- soldier who fought in the first world war on the way from france to newfoundland after more than 100 years. [ ] >> Renne: the soldier will be buried at the province's newly created tomb of the unknown soldier, is cast, will not -- casket will rely in st. John's earlier -- later today. >> 12,000 newfoundlanders went overseas, there was not a family at that point she was not touched by the war. A lot of families in newfoundland will find this very poignant. The ultimate sacrifice in any war is the death of a soldier. So bringing home one of our fallen is going to be very poignant for the soldiers that we are seeing the pictures today because to wear the uniform comes with extreme sacrifice, so this is meaningful in so many different levels. >> Renne: a northern ontario town of cobalt is on edge today as a forest fire creeps within three kilometres of the community. >> Reporter: north bay five is the name of the current largest forest fire pretty good northeastern ontario. Officials say it started late in the evening on thursday. It is roughly 134 hectares in size, located near the eastern shore of kerr lake. A helicopter continues to dump buckets of water on hot spots. >> By no means completely out. >> Reporter: three and range fire crews on the ground tackling the blades with additional crews on the way. >> The fire behaviour was a little bit more intense yesterday. We look that individuals looking to fire smart programs, a way to help forest fires get off your property. >> Reporter: several firefighters from neighbouring municipalities have been assisting crews on the ground. >> Our guys are on standby. To make it called again depending on what is happening out there. >> Reporter: a water bomber is on standby. No evacuations are in place for cobalt township or the neighbouring town of cobalt. >> We just ask that individuals remained clear from the area. >> Reporter: the town of cobalt and several neighbouring communities are under fire back until further notice. Eric cassian her, ctv news, cobalt township. >> Renne: meanwhile in B.C. there are reports that a wildfire in fort nelson has returned. Residents were evacuated from the area two weeks ago. Harper like wildfire has been reduced but it is still not currently say for people to return.

the B.C. wildfire services there is a chance of rain tomorrow which should aid the firefight. >>> If you live in québec and have a stockpile of reusable shopping bags hold onto them. The baby part of a new class action lawsuit and that province. It seems the bags are not what they say they are. >> Reporter: if you ever purchased the screen dollarama bag you can be part of the new class action lawsuit. >> I would assume that this affects several million people. >> Reporter: the lawyer is leading the case against defendants such as dollarama. >> This is a dollarama back that was filed in court as evidence. >> Reporter: he says that these bags sold them -- these bags were sold as if they were recyclable. But they were not. >> You cannot just make a fraudulent claim. The claims are clearly manifestly false, wrong, and fraudulent. >> Reporter: while the bags are reusable many people ctv spoke to say they are surprised they cannot be recycled. >> This is just for emergency. I keep using this all the time. >> When I buy a bag like this are just three years at. As long as I can until it rips. But I always thought it was recyclable. >> Reporter: according to what of the biggest recycling facilities in québec, these plastic bags cannot be recycled in québec, or even in canada. >> If I structured it does not stretch. It is rigid, therefore goes in the garbage not in the recycling bin. >> Reporter: several of the companies mentioned including dollarama tell ctv news they will not be commenting on the subject due to an ongoing legal procedure. Anybody who bought a bag from april 2019 until now are eligible to join the class action lawsuit. >>> Still ahead, ontario accelerates its plan to expand the sale of alcohol to grocery and convenience stores this summer. More on this after the BREAK.(Snickering) Hanging tree -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better on its own. -On top of that, it looks gross! -It's a nail fungus infection. -Really gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. -i think I need to see a doctor. -It's a good thing you came to see me. -It's an infection; you need a prescription. Ok. Nail fungus should be taken seriously. At the first signs, show it to your doctor or foot care practitioner and ask about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. It's like a shower for yournose. This thing is amazing!Navage flushes salin to help clear congestionby quickly sucking out mucus, allergens, and germs. There's no other productout there like it! Navage. Clean nose,healthy life. You shall live with mosquitoesand ticks no more...Contact and of your summer outisde. will spray all theareas where mosquitoes and ticks live, rest and hide. Trees, shrubs, under the deck,behind the shed. Anywhere you need protectionfrom harmful mosquitoes and ticks. We come back on arepeated schedule so you're bug freeall season long. Safe, effective,incredible results. Contact us today This is what your ear looks like filled with wax. Here's a cotton swab. Watch. It just pushes the wax in. Now here's Wush, the new, safe and effective way to clean your ears. Just Wush the wax out. That's insane. The triple stream safely clears dirt and wax buildup. It feels incredible. Get 15% off and free shipping at [ ] >> Renne: an internal devaluation says canada's border intelligence program needs more tools and better training to fight back against the illegal smuggling. The evaluation was conducted between march 2021 and 2022. It says canada's border services agency did not have access to sufficient training or the tools needed for its intelligence.

intelligence officers. The border services program is responsible for collecting and analysing data and issues such as drug trafficking, immigration fraud, and human trafficking. >>> Brace yourselves for possible travel disruptions this summer. The union representing nearly 9000 canadian border services agency workers have voted in favour of strike action as early as next month if there is no deal. >> Reporter: canadians plans for a summer trip abroad could have a road block. Canada border services agency workers handed their unions a strike mandate. A move supported by 96 percent of members who voted. >> I could see people being frustrated, the union is upset, annoyed, all of those things. Not something that we want either. >> Reporter: these employees are clothes to land cropping -- crossings, airports, shorelines, but they also work in intelligence. They want standards closer to the owls -- those that the rcmp have. >> Salary, protection, discipline, protection abound contracting out. Of course equitable retirement benefits. >> Reporter: they also want telework options for those who can work from home. There is already a summer of discontent over the government mandating that more workers be in office. The federal government sets a strike is unnecessary. >> We recognize the hard work that they do every day keep a canada safe at our borders. But we also know that the best labour agreements have been at the bargaining table. That is exactly where the ministers are focused. >> Reporter: the government says 90 percent of the union members are designated as essential. They must provide services in the event of a strake. Still union say that job action could leave motorists idling at international crossings as well as trucks. It could also slow the flow of goods across these borders, look at any border crossing and you can see just how many trucks are going back and forth here. The union say the window to avert disruptions is closing. Strike measures could come mid-june. >> Renne: starting this summer ontario is accelerating its expansion of alcohol sales. >> On september 5th convenience stores like this one will be able to sell beer, cider, wind, and ready to drink alcoholic beverages. >> Renne: as of august first 450 licensed grocery stores will be allowed to sell coolers and cases of beer. By the end of october every convenience, grocery, and big box store in ontario will have the option to sell beer, cider, wine, and ready to drink alcoholic beverages.

>>> JUST AHEAD TRAGIC NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF GOLF. TWO-TIME PGA WINNER HAS DIED. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. >> Renne: SOME SAD NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF GOLF. GOLF. TWO-TIME PGA TOUR WINNER KRISTIN MURRAY DIED THIS MORNING AT AGE 30. 'S DEATH COMES ONE DAY AFTER HE WITHDREW FROM THE CHARLES SCHWAB CUP CHALLENGE CITING ILLNESS. PGA TOUR COMMISSIONER SPOKE WITH HIS PARENTS TO OFFER CONDOLENCES. MARY HAD DEALT WITH ALCOHOL, DEPRESSION, AND ANXIETY ISSUES IN THE PAST. HE TURNED THINGS AROUND AND WON THE SONY OPEN IN HAWAII THIS YEAR.

>>> A saskatoon swimmer who just qualified for the 2024 paris olympics has now also broken a canadian swimming record. We talk with the athlete ahead of the games. >> He has done it? >> Reporter: setting a new canadian record, earning his spot in the paris 2024 olympics. >> I kind of shook the water out of my head and I looked out of the board and I was like what? What does it say? A while. I was kind of surprised. >> Reporter: he set the record just days after qualifying for the hundred metre backstroke. This will be his first olympic games and first time in paris. >> Very happy, I cannot wait to go to paris. Were they looking forward to it. Super grateful for the performance is that I had. Super grateful for everybody around me as well. >> Reporter: his parents put in -- put him in swimming lessons around five years old. >> Starting trying to win, got faster. >> Reporter: the 22-year-old is currently living in vancouver where he is studying biomedical engineering at ubc and swimming at the school's high-performance centre. He grew up in saskatoon and in high school he competed with the gold of thin swim club. >> Blake was always a very energetic kid, great to coach them, he was always challenging himself. That means I had to improve as well. Good to have. >> Reporter: he says he is proud to see him qualified to compete on the world stage and will be cheering him on here at home. >> A really problem with the see somebody go on and do that. We had a clothes call and 2021 for tokyo. Good to see him kind of go through the next three years of his life and come back even stronger for it. >> Renne: the paris olympic games begin on july 26. >> Renne: as we had to break some colourful images from australia. This is sydney. Fireworks over sydney's opera house. You are watching ctv news channel. Top stories are next. [ ] The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and Now becomes the Future. A Future where you grew a dream into a reality. It's waiting for you. Mere minutes away. ( ) The Future is nothing but power and it's all yours. The all new godaddy airo. Get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or Need to find your pet fast?It's easy with theTractive gps pet tracker. Set virtual fences to get alerts if your escapeartist goes too far. And track yourpet's live location from anywhere in the world. Tractive. Keeping yourpet safe and healthy. ( ) ( ) (i am by your side) (i am by your side) ( ) -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment! Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!!

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