
CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #36

And it is spectacular!! [ ] >>> A diplomatic negotiations or reportedly set to resume next week with Israel and Hamas hostage talks to be held. [ ] >>> The remains of an unknown newfoundland soldier are on their way home a hundred years after making the ultimate sacrifice in the first world war. >> And he's done it again! >>> And I go through 1 a major U.S. tournament earlier this year's died at age of 30. Welcome to ctv news channel thanks for joining us I'm akshay tandon. Media negotiations between israel and hamas reached a deal to free the remaining hostages as they are reportedly sent to resume next week. In israel the families of hostages continued to pressure the benjamin netanyahu government to reach an agreement to leave their loved ones home after 8 months in captivity with 121 hostages being held as talks are set to begin tuesday as there is no date to yet. And this comes at the united nations trail is that they are ordered to immediately halt its operation in the south city there. >> They haven't dispelled the concern. >> Reporter: the international court of justice working to stop the humanitarian crisis in gaza with them already seizing control of the border with egypt. The court also ordered israel to open a vital crossing to allow for flow they'd. They say they have the right to defend themselves against hamas while U.S. president joe biden there in the commencement address for 2024. >> President Joe Biden: in the middle east while we try to reach a cease-fire to keep things home are navy have deployed a temporary peer in the mediterranean saving and getting aid to the palestinians. Also age drops to get thousands of meals to people in gaza during the unprecedented attack on israel we have brought many together including arab nations to keep the sustained assault. In the meantime heavy seas battered the humanitarian mission to gaza today as they broke free in the morning with some of the best anchored on the beach where there as efforts to recover the vessels underway with help from the israeli navy. As of the U.S. central command says it remains fully functional we bring a professor of constitutional law at the university of ottawa thank you for your time on ctv news channel. This was 1 of the most forceful and precise rulings we've seen in a while from the icj and despite that if continued with the offensive what is the meaning for this. >> The first thing to recognize as the ruling was so powerful many people who don't even realize it include not just seizing the military offensive but also looking directly at the decision which may inflict on the palestinian group there in gaza as with destruction physical and its tie into the other major challenge that south africa brought in terms of potential for genocidal actions being committed by israel. >> It hasn't been addressed just yet how do you think things

proceed in that regard in regard to the allegations of genocide against israel. >> The additional ruling by the court they basically say you have to put together some way in ensuring the conditions are allowed to give the gaza population enough resources to the medical aid and wanting them not to be distracted there and in many respects with the court is saying you already are being isolated by the ruling. Many countries are now even saying they are willing to recognize palestine there is an island and then there is a potential norway and even cam is a potentially that they might recognize the palestinian state not at the end of the 2 state solution but even before that. The impact of the ruling is basically saying to israel the isolation it is facing is increasing if it doesn't start looking at the way to get out of this mess not just for the palestinian people by others themselves. >> Do you think makes a difference on the ground looks at an indication not changing its course. What will happen because as we speak we know a bombardment and the offensive continues could this be taking the next step where sanctions are concerned against israel. >> With those discussions taking place again next week and in addition we have the most powerful supporter of the prime minister is there basically issuing a warning that he can't go on to what he is doing and there could be repercussions from the united states as well. There was already a plan to stop some of those shipments to israel who knows what else could be falling if he knows these rulings and keep in mind there's another potential isolation factor something from the international criminal court and of potential arrest warrants being issued and with the defence minister and the major actors from hamas which is absolutely necessary. We will look at what happens next with that thank you for joining us.

>>> Some other news police in toronto are investigating after shots were fired and elementary school overnight. Integrated getting gain task forces the leader in this and we have a full support of the hate crime unit as well. >> Bullet holes were found at the school around 9:00 this morning as they pulled up at this school is multiple people begin shooting with no injuries having been reported. The pro- palestinian encampment at the university of toronto showed up despite the school delivering the trespassers the organizers. As it's now 8:00 am monday morning. Before then the 2 sides will meet again sunday evening. So far the university has offered to form a working group to consider disclosure of the investment but says it won't end any partnerships with israeli as universities. Here's what the mayor of toronto had to say about this. >> The university of toronto made a decision and for folks in this space to continue to negotiate hopefully it will all get worked out. >> Reporter: vandalism was found it 1 of university campuses with a number of red triangles spotted on those buildings. The upside down triangles have become a public symbol among pro- palestinian activists with some interpreting it as showing support for hamas. The toronto police say they are worried -- they are aware of it. >>> Pro- palestinian encampment's art at the university of mcgill still there despite efforts to have them removed. As they resume the protests. >>> The québec minister of education called the continue protest affront to the rule of law as they say, but should be dismantled and that it's not an appropriate place to protest.

>>> Ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is looking for more relief after they wants a deadly strike on the second largest city of kharkiv district hit a crowded hardware store in the city killing at least 2 people and injuring 33 more. It triggered a massive fire as it was there as the city has been the size of an intensive russian assault for weeks now. >>> As the war rages on 50 world leaders are set together in switzerland for a ukraine peace summit focusing on the 10-point peace formula with a plan calling for the complete withdrawal of russian troops from ukraine. Russia wasn't invited to the summit and U.S. president joe biden is reportedly not attending the event because of common -- conflict with the campaign fundraiser. The ukraine military is at a disadvantage because it's not allowed to use western supply of weapons to attack inside russian territory. >> As with our section in june it of course was promised for many months that we could fight back but also it's a huge concern we have those troops on the border with ukraine 30 miles away waiting to attack and they want to kill more civilians and can't do anything about it. >> This a rush as opportunity to continue the conflict in north korea as they are deterring the war effort. And with southeast asia the U.S. is urging china to act with restraint after it reformed military drills around taiwan. China conducted 2 days of wargames around the region with the tax year condemning the drills of the blades is provocation. Beijing said the drills a punishment for comments made during the inauguration speech with a call to separatist.

>>> And rapper nicki minaj said she was held at an airport on allegations of possession of soft drugs. >> The police officer told me we we were supposed to a search the luggage. >> She posted this video on social media of an airport employee telling her they were going to search her luggage and in another post she said police told her they found weed in the bag. Dutch police confirmed a 40-year-old what american women was held for possession but did not confirm the name. She was detained hours before she was due to perform a show in the united kingdom. >>> The remains of an unknown soldier who fought in the first world were on their way from france to newfoundland after more than a hundred years. The soldier will be vetted at that a newly created tomb of the unknown soldier the casket was laid in st. John's oil earlier today with the registry and building from june 28th until june 30th. >> They went overseas wasn't a family untouched by the war with all these finding it buoyant and the ultimate sacrifice in any war is the death of a soldier and it will bring home 1 of our fallen which is poignant for those seen in the pictures today as they can with extreme sacrifice and this is meaningful >> The anniversary of the battle of where hundreds of newfoundlanders gave their lives in 1915. >>> Another news we are tracking as fort nelson residents can return early next week. They were evacuated from air a few weeks ago as it still not currently say for people to return. The bc wildfire service says there's a chance tomorrow it could come which will aid the firefight. And minister dominic leblanc's insistent the government can do everything it can to eliminate auto theft in canada. In an interview of question period he said he hopes to see a significant reduction in crime after the government announced a series of new measures to tackle the problem. >> Obviously we want to reduce the number of vehicles being stolen and reduce the number of violent incidents that canadians are potentially facing the deal with the vehicles. As we're leaning in and on partners in average or section to do that and we will add more resources if we need to bring the number down everybody like those 0 vehicle stolen. And we do everything we can bring the numbers down. >> The national action plan to increase collaboration with international enforcement with amendments to the criminal code as 1 of the top 10 sources was still -- for salt stolen vehicles in the world. And now time for a short break but still ahead ontario accelerates its plan to expand the sale of alcohol TO(Snickering) Hanging tree This is what your ear looks like filled with wax. Here's a cotton swab. Watch. It just pushes the wax in. Now here's Wush, the new, safe and effective way to clean your ears. Just Wush the wax out. That's insane. The triple stream safely clears dirt and wax buildup. It feels incredible. Get 15% off and free shipping at Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. I didn't use Old Spice, I think I smell? You thought no one could tell? Freshness all day! Swagger all night! Long-lasting Old Spice keeps that stank out of sight! Kevin and Sarah have one of the world's largest collections of souvenir plates. [crash] They also have a teenager, so they got their plates insured. But they don't have life insurance. Kevin's worried his diabetes will make it hard to qualify, and Sarah does not like medical exams. So we got them some new plates to tell them about

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