
CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #26

we report. >> Reporter: he describes himself as a proud jewish community member, but now after 17 years of teaching at mount royal university, he is beginning to feel unsafe. >> There was a group of students in early december who went looking for jewish professors. Now we have jewish faculty who are scared of going to campus and jewish students who are terrified of going to campus. >> Reporter: on december 1st police charged one woman with causing a disturbance at the university's faculty of arts building. >> One was very aggressive making allegations of anyone who supports the state of israel is a baby killer and these sort of things. >> Reporter: he says that anti-semitism on campus is increasing since the hamas attacks on israel and followed in gaza. He claims university administration has done nothing to rep manned students who promote hates of any kind and that the school's -- training ignores anti-semitism entirely. >> We're seeing criminal activity. I point my finger directly at mount royal university for allowing the atmosphere to exist. >> Reporter: the university says it is aware of the december incident and cooperating with police adding that since then mru has had no further reports of similar behaviour and that campus security services monitoring the environment in an effort to keep our campus safe and welcoming for all. But in the wake of protests at universities across the country, some call on academic leaders to take a direct stand against hate. >> It is such a scary time for juice around the world. >> Reporter: this local rabi says that it must be protected and civil conversations to mitigate safety issues. >> It will be very important for us to continue those kind of contacts and allow them to grow and flourish so healing can take place. >> Reporter: as for this professor he fares no reprisal for his critisism. >> I won't be silent. >> Reporter: ctv news, calgary. >> Starting the summer ontario is speeding up its expansion of alcohol sales. >> On september 5th, convenient stores like this one, will be able to sell beer, sider, wine and ready to drink alcoholic beverages. >> 450 licensed grocery stores will be allowed to sell coolers and cases of beer. By the end of october every -- will have the option to sell beer sider wine and ready to drink alcoholic beverages.

>>> For more on this let's bring in professor at mcmaster university school of business. Professor, welcome. Thank you for being here. Consumers can start seeing convenient stores selli wine, beer, and coolers. Is this a step in the right direction? >> So, officially governments are not trying to increase the sale of alcohol. What they are trying to do is try to make it more convenient for those who gather it. You can go to the beer store and the lcbo but you can get a corner store close to you with hours that are probably even more extended than what you get in other places. I think it is a step in the direction of consumer friendliness. Does it mean that will be a more efficient distribution system. If you have a smaller number of stores distributing it will be quicker. >> What does this mean for the lcbo? >> They don't change that much. We're not allowing those corner stores to sell full blown alcohol. The rise-- rum and coke in a can so to speak or wine. And I think wine is of the three things they are allowing probably the least important. In other words when consumers want something they really need beer on short notice. It is not noticely they are having a wine emergency. So the lcbo will remain in the distribution business. They are the source of getting alcohol of that type into restaurants. I don't think they'll have as much of an affect as clearly the beer stores will be affected. >> The province is getting the $225 million to bridge the transition. Saying it will help keep stores open and protect jobs. Is this actually necessary? >> Well, I'm going to say yes but in an odd way. Currently the province has a deal with the beer store that is set to expire in 2026. Now in essence the province says we would like to cause that agreement to expire earlier obviously in 2024 and there would be a penalty if you're going to make an agreement end earlier than planned this money that is being spent on the beer store as it said is to keep the stores whole, to keep employment levels up because nobody knows how much of the volume will switch from the beer stores to the convenient stores. I should also point ut you correctly said that stores have the option to sell these products. They are not mandated to sell. And there is a cost ffert convenient stores to get into the business. Coolers that can lock. Training to employees. I'm not sure that every store just because they have the option to do it is going to say yes. >> And do you think this expansion could affect prices? >> Yes, again, in two odd ways. First the government does have a minimum. If you think you're going to see a buy one get one free special not going to happen. They aren't trying to lower that price that dramatically. But people will have flexibility. You will probably see sales of some sort on beer and wine and these spirits in a can. And you probably will be able to eastern extra points if you have a favourite points program. Something like that. I think yes but anyone who thinks it will be 50 cents a beer it won't happen. >> All right. That's our time. Thank you very much for being here. We appreciate your time here today. >> Thank you. >> A new amazon ware house has now opened in calgary and it is the largest in canada. The building is set to bring thousands of jobs and innovation to the city. We have the details. >> Reporter: situated in the east shepherd industrial area, it is a massive facility. 2.8 million square feet to be exact. You might recognize the logo. Amazon's newest ware house is focused in on robotics. That means storage and retrieval of orders are done automatically. Don't worry that hasn't completely cut out humans. >> In alberta over all, we have grown from about 4,000 employees which were with amazon in 2019 to 6,000 people currently employed. >> Reporter: amazon reps say that is 6,000 person work force will soon become 7,500 once the ware house is full. Politicians in calgary have some

work to do. >> I think the most important thing that council that is to keep its eye on right now is housing, public safety, and public transit. >> Reporter: infrastructure, supports, and services will need to keep up with a booming work force. >> They'll need schools and healthcare. And that's going to require all three orders of government working together. >> Reporter: the online retail giant promises its calgary employees will be compensated fairly and be given growth opportunities. Both the mayor and the premier say they are already looking forward to it. >> It also affirms the confidence that companies have here in alberta both at the hub of innovation and where business cans thrive. >> Reporter: ctv news, calgary. >> [ ] >> Coming up, edmonton plus school passed the 2024-25 budget but the board says without changes to provincial funding models the future is bleak. More on that after the break [ (Snickering) Hanging tree Money is a thing. You're told to make money, invest money, save money. While others are encouraging you to spend your money. You might even be planning your money ...based on someone else's plan. Maybe it's time to do things...differently. And get obsessed over something other than money. Like building a path based on what's important to you. ( ) we understand money's a thing, but it's not everything. Edward Jones. We do money differently. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. This is what your ear looks like filled with wax. Here's a cotton swab. Watch. It just pushes the wax in. Now here's Wush, the new, safe and effective way to clean your ears. Just Wush the wax out. That's insane. The triple stream safely clears dirt and wax buildup. It feels incredible. Get 15% off and free shipping at Living with the parents in the past has definitely helped me in saving. Home ownership means a piece of success in life. I feel at home. Homes... made for the real you. ( ) -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. >> The edmonton public school board passed its 2024-25 budget during a special meeting, but as we report, it says without changes to provincial funding models the future doesn't look good. >> We're very lean and we have been for a number of years now. >> Reporter: edmonton public school staff presented a bleak budget to trustees. >> We continue to make decisions that are in best interest for kids and continue to be innovative even in the face of challenging circumstances. >> Reporter: enrollment growth pro jexs are 5.2% year over year with just under 6,000 new students expected next school year. There is an increase in provincial funding tied to enrollment growth the board says it is hard tore balance the books. >> We're seeing higher numbers of students, higher complexity, increased staff unit cost, impact of inflation. >> Reporter: staff also explained to trustees finding money for deferred maintenance and keeping up with fixed costs like utilities and insurance is becoming increasingly difficult. >> The problem is that our fixed and committed costs are going up faster than the grant raised is keeping up to you. >> Reporter: the division says it is continuously dipping into its operating reserves to make ends meet. >> To the tune of $16 million this year which leads us with only 1.5% being left in reserves. The lowest we can go is 1%. >> Reporter: board chair says that the reserve has gone from $67 million to -- and the province needs to take a hard look at the provincial funding model. >> This isn't work for growing school division. Lft we've had five years to look at it. It is time to look at it

different. >> Reporter: the budget passed unanimously but there is growing concern the next one could mean making difficult decisions that could further impact kids in the classroom. >> Provincially, we do need to respond to a changing reality with what is to what needs to be. >> Reporter: ctv news, edmonton. >> Alberta's premier says changes to build 20 are to be widely expected by municipalities. Leaders across alberta are saying the opposite arguing the bill continues to threaten local democracy. We report. >> We heard loud and clear from municipalities that they would like us to provide more clarity. >> Reporter: when asked about bill 20 amendments this week alberta' premier said they heard loud and clear from scmunts changing legislation. Cabinet can now remove councillors by ordering a vote if they are unwilling or unable to do their job or if cabinet considers it to be in the public interest. Bylaws can be repealed if they go over the scope of council conflict with the municipality government act provincial policy or unconstitutional. >> We have early indication that the approach that we're taking is one that'll be widely accepted. >> The same disappointment that I had. We don't know what the intent of two key pieces of bill 20. >> If they want to start taking away the ability of the local voter to decide who represents them they can start appointing motives council. >> Reporter: leaders of municipal groups across alberta call the criteria vague giving too much authority over local government a concern echoed by calgary's mayor. >> I haven't yet to meet a municipality that likes this. It is the overgrab that the province was trying to stop the federal government from doing. >> Reporter: anger from rural anger could cost the ucp. >> Politicians in alberta that go against the public will don't last very long. And you I think that this premier's office is may be forgotten that. >> Reporter: he is also concerned the bill's ban of vouching people without id will prevent up to 50,000 albertans from voting in the next election. He says this allows the ucp to silence certain voters. >> It is the government choosing the voters. Most albertans I think would have a problem with that if they new it was in the bill. >> Reporter: it is expected to pass next week. Ctv news, edmonton. >> All right. We're going to take a quick break. Keep it here on ctv (Dramatic music) (Cheering) If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. . >> The edmonton oilers are back in action tonight for game 2 in their series against the dallas stars after a nail biting double overtime win on thursday. The team is still playing in enemy territory tonight, but some fans are doing their best

to bring edmonton flavor to dallas. We have more. >> Reporter: a couple of die hard oilers fans lounge on a lawn in spruce grove. Evidently they have been waiting a while for the stanley cup. An effort that is delighting the neighbourhood. >> When I take my two grandsons past this they call the the oilers funny scary and they love it. Thanks to the neighbours who did it. >> Reporter: most fans support the orange and bl you from home some are able to travel. Dave is taking his brand of oirl funny scary toll la vancouver and now the loan star state. >> Dallas fans are welcoming. A little relief compared to vancouver was. That's for sure. >> Reporter: known for his face paint and head to toe oilers he learns a lot when he received in apposing stadiums. >> This is a no fun place in la. Tampa bay you can't buy a beer if your face is painted. >> Reporter: it was full star themed face paint for game one at american airlines arena. A double overtime marathon style feels lucky to have witnessed. >> The boys were buzzing. I was impressed. Dallas I'm not scared of dallas any more. Who are the big bad stars. >> Reporter: it was a strong outing. Especially for the oilers red hot penalty kill brushing off a double minor as ot started with mcdavid with four minutes. >> Long. Really long. Miserable. I hated every second of it. The guys did an amazing job. >> Reporter: after missing a near open net connor mcdavid would not be denied in ot two. >> It is over! >> Reporter: game two goes saturday night in dallas. You can watch for style in the crowd. Ctv news, edmonton. >> Thousands of runners are lacing up their sneakers to run in ottawa 50th annual race this weekend. We have the details. >> Reporter: six months of hard work is about to pay off for jill as she gets ready to run her first half marathon. >> I've always been an athlete. I'm always looking for that competitive out let. >> Reporter: she's training for the race weekend and for her it is personal. Raising money for the ottawa hospital where she was treated for ovarian cancer when she was 11 years old. >> A little bit nervous when I was going for my radiation treatments thempt gave me a scooter bike that I could ride from the entrance way down to the radiation treatment centre. I just have a very fond memory of that. It shows how focused they are on patient care. >> Reporter: its stories like this motivating eager participants picking up their race kits ahead of the big day like this man who is running the marathon at the age of 75. >> It will be slower than usual, but it is all good. You're healthy and moving. You should be happy. >> Reporter: it is not only a big milestone for the event celebrating 50 years, but this weekend will welcome more than 37,000 participants. 10 Dude, did you know BetMGM has responsible gambling tools, so you don't get carried away? I never get carried away. Well there were the bobbleheads. And the playoff beard. Chili's ready. Those tools could really help. Don't forget about the backyard rink. Yeah these tools are pretty great. BetMGM is committed to making gambling safe

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>>> Cheaper [ ] [ ] >> For the families in newfoundland that wasn't touched by this war and make all of the families in newfoundland will find this very poignant. >> An unknown newfoundland soldier is coming home. More than 100 years after making the ultimate sacrifice in the first world war. [ ] >> Yesterday was more smokey and the fire behaviour was more intense. >> A forest fire has crept within 3 kilometers of a northern ontario community. [ ] >> I do point my finger directly at mount royal university for allowing the atmosphere to exist. >> And a university professor is calling out calgary mount royal university for its inaction to address rising hate and anti-semitism. [ ] >> It is saturday may 25th. Thank you for joining us here on ctv news channel. >> The remains of an unknown soldier who fought in the first world war are returning home to newfoundland today after more than 100 years. Members of canada's delegation honoured to be a part of this important final journey. [ Bagpipes ] >> The soldier will be buried at the province's newly created tomb of the unknown soldier. His casket will land in saint john later today and lie in state at the confederation building from june 28th till june 30th. >> 12,000 newfoundlanders that went overseas. It makes all of the families in newfoundland will find this very poignant and the ultimate sacrifice in any war is the death of a soldier, and so again, bringing home one of our fallen is going to be very poignant for the soldiers we're seeing in the pictures today. To wear the uniform comes with it extreme sacrifice, obligations. This is meaningful on so many different levels. >> A ceremony will be held on july 1st. The anniversary of the battle of beaumont where hundreds of newfoundlanders give their lives in 1916 before the northern ontario town is on edge today as a forest fire creeps within 3 kilometers of the community. We have the details. >> Reporter: north bay five is the name of the current largest forest fire burning in north eastern ontario. Officials say it started late in the evening thursday. It is roughly 134 hectares in size, located near the eastern shore of cure lake. >> A helicopter continues to dump buckets of water on hot spots. >> By no means out. Completely out. >> Reporter: crews are on the the ground tackling the blaze with five additional crews on the way. >> Yesterday was more smokey and the fire behaviour was more intense. We asked individuals to look into the fire smart program which is ways what you can do to help enforce fires encroaching on your property. >> Reporter: they have been assisting the crews on the ground. >> Our guys have pulled out and they are on standby and they may get called again depending on what's happening out there. >> A water bomber is on standby if required. No evacuations are in place for coleman township or the neighbouring town of colbalt. And kure lake road has been closed at this time. >> Remain clear from the area to ensure the safety and the safety of our personnel. >> Both the two areas along with several neighbouring municipalities are now under a fire ban until further notice. >> Let's be really careful for fires. >> Reporter: ctv news. >> At mcgill university in montreal pro-palestinian protesters remain camped out on the downtown campus despite efforts to have them removed. The group is faced down pours, blistering heat, and even two failed legal bids during their four-week campus protest. Quebec's minister of higher education calls their continued presence at mcgill an affront to the rule of law. She says the encampments should be dismantled and that private lands are not an appropriate place for the protests. >> Over in calgary anti-semitism on university campuses have risen after the israel-hamas war. But one jewish professor squarely blames mount royal university for its inaction and

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