
CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

It is regarded as a big step along the way. Not there yet, but definitely helps. >> One of the realities seems to be that we are in a world, in an environment, where trade and freer trade, ever freer trade, is not really a given anymore. Uh, you could say that it started with the Trump administration, but it's been adopted everywhere, Janice. And we see it from the UK. We see it in Europe, even in Canada. There is just a more protectionist mentality. For a trading nation, an exporting nation like ours, what kind of complications does that present? >> This is probably our biggest challenge, Amanda. The world has stepped back from free trade. It's not that the proportion of global trade as a proportion of our global GDP is not growing. It is, but it is increasingly regionalized. For Canada, there is no question that will push us to concentrate on our own region, and particularly our biggest trading partner, the United States. >> Even there, we are all reminded of course from the renegotiation of NAFTA, now CUSMA that you know, things aren't always flowers and sunshine with our relationship when it comes to trade with the US. Are we still though do you think in a pretty good position in terms of keeping at least the free trade we have, if not expanding it into some problematic areas that we have seen in the past, like softwood lumber, like steel. >> You know, complacency is our biggest enemy here. Um, it's not only Trump. It is the Biden administration, which continues to talk about raising tariffs. Um, we are on the verge, I think, of some extraordinary new measures directed against China. It is the Biden Secretary of Trade who said, NAFTA II, CUSMA, is up for renewal. Everybody should come to that table with a degree of uncertainty. Nobody should take this for granted. Canadians cannot take this for granted. >> Which does introduce this uncertainty. This kind of renegotiation. The sunset clause they built back into this agreement every six years. Meanwhile, Janice, I do have to ask you. We have this bill passing through now, passed second reading of the senate, that would make it illegal to negotiate around supply management. How does that hamper us as we head back into reopening the negotiations of that North American deal? >> I am shaking my head, Amanda. The biggest issue-- one of the two biggest issues that were toughest to negotiate with the Trump administration last time was supply management. It is our form of protectionism. I have no doubt it will be on the table for the next renegotiation that will take place beginning in 2026. Should this bill pass the senate and become law, it effectively ties the next government's hands. Now you can say, that's great. We can say to the United States we are constrained by law. I don't think that will cut it with US trade negotiators. >> Amanda: Janice, we've got to leave it there. It's great to have you for this. >> Pleasure. >> Amanda: Janice Stein is a professor at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. Our relationship with the US of course remains the most important one we have in just about every way. But with the nation's elbows up right now, what does the path ahead look like? Beth Burke is Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian American Business Council. Beth, thanks for being with us. >> Hi Amanda. Thanks so much for having me. >> So, this all-important relationship feels like it was a little bit tested as we renegotiated NAFTA, now USMCA, or CUSMA. What do your members-- What's the kind of impression you get about the feeling between the two countries right now? >> You know, I think the relationship is really strong, right? There's about 200-- sorry, 400,000 people crossing the border each day, $2.6 billion of goods and services moving across. I think from a business perspective, it couldn't be stronger. We are invested in making the economies work together, focussed on how having business at the table is important to both countries. >> And the trade agreements obviously keep things flowing. Do you feel as though there is nervousness about the revisitation of that agreement in two years, or are businesses more focussed on just getting the job done day in, day out? >> Well, I think both, right? The Canadian-American Business Council was intimately involved when USMCA was negotiated the first time, and we intend to be very vocal partners as the review is approaching in 2026. >> And when you hear from members-- I mean, obviously talk of tariffs makes people nervous on this side of the border for sure, when we hear now both President Biden and potentially a President Trump sound as though tariffs are on the table. What's the-- from your point of view, what's the Council's view

of that? >> Well, we're really looking and focussing at ways that the relationship can be strengthened. So, looking at supply chain efficiency, regulatory cohesion and cooperation are really important. Having predictability and strong market access are really important for the businesses that operate cross-border. So we're really focussed on those things, and we're really pleased to see that Minister Anand is coming to DC this week to meet with her partner at OIRA to really make sure the regulatory cohesion is working well, 'cause that's going to save hundreds of millions of dollars. >> That focus on regulation reduction, on red tape reduction, is important. Do you feel as though there's good progress being made? >> Absolutely. The conversation happening is great, and progress happens when people are at the table. The Canadian-American Business Council just had a round table discussion with Minister Anand, sort of sharing our thoughts and hopes for how that conversation can go, and we will continue to be having it on this side of the border as well. >> There-- we get this impression that free trade is still obviously very much the name of the game across that North American zone, but that the tone around trade has changed a little bit. Do you think that's sort of fair from the point of view of the businesses that are still working to move things across the border, that are still relying on our trade agreements? Does it feel as though there's a bit of a shift in attitude in recent years? >> Well, I can tell you from a business perspective, what I'm seeing from our members is that there's a bit of a move away from just necessarily the Canada team and the US team, and they're really operating more like a North America team, because that's just the way the market is moving and the way the business is flowing. So while there may be protectionist tendencies on either side of the border from government, that's certainly not felt in the business community, and we will be quite vocal to make sure that that cohesion exists at the government level as well. >> So in a way, more integration across that North American zone. >> Absolutely. >> And where does that take-- when businesses are kind of planning for the future, that sounds like we're going to see more cooperation even at the level of state to governor, at lower levels of government. Does that make sense? >> Absolutely. I think business will be involved at every level. You know, the efforts that are happening right now around different levels of government reaching out from Canada into the US is welcome. From a business perspective, we really believe that success is driven when everyone is at the table, and we will be loud advocates to bring everyone together to make sure that the best ideas are put forward and that we can actually, you know, cooperate and keep the integration together. Because business being at the table and having a sound voice is not just important for business's sake, but it's also important for both countries' economic and national security. We've seen the integration of critical minerals, critical infrastructure, supply chains at large being a really important piece in this relationship, and the Canadian-American Business Council will be present and participating in that conversation. >> So glad to have you for this, Beth, appreciate your time. >> Thank you so much for having me, it was a real pleasure seeing you, Amanda. >> Beth Burke is chief executive officer of the Canadian-American Business Council. Still ahead, how barriers inside Canada are costing us a fortune. ( ) (I am by your side ) Thanks! Anytime! (I am by your side ) ( ) At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. [ ] Ever notice some odours don't come out in the wash? Odours from sweat, urine,and other musty odours can get trappedin fabrics. Try DownyRinse & Refresh. It helps remove trapped odours 3-times better than detergent alone. Try Downy Rinse & Refresh. [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it.

Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Payment plans available at Terms apply. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. TO FIND A FOOD STAR GORDON FACES HIS BIGGEST RIVAL EVER. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? IT'S TEAM LISA VS TEAM GORDON She can Vanderpump off. We're done ON CTV >> The barriers to trade in Canada are sometimes higher between provinces than internationally. Deloitte has estimated that those barriers add the equivalent of almost 7% tariffs on goods moving across borders inside Canada. That's a massive cost to businesses and consumers. Ryan Manucha is a research fellow at the CD Howe Institute and also the author of a book on this subject. Ryan, great to have you with us. >> It's a pleasure to be here, Amanda, thank you so much. >> So we do often hear about these inter-provincial trade barriers, and let's just start with the very real costs. We can add them up; they're probably hard to measure, but we know they're costing us all money. >> Absolutely, yeah, there's estimates that are produced routinely between 8%-14% extra on the cost of goods that we purchase as a result of internal trade barriers. One more concrete example, freight trucking. A new estimate just came out: the inter-provincial trade barriers hike freight trucking by about 8.6%. So it adds up, especially the higher up you are in the value chain. >> So, and some of the-- I mean, we've been talking about this for so long, Ryan, that it's almost comical. For instance, speaking of transport which is a hugely important part of our supply chains, of our economy, trucks have regulations that keep them from travelling at certain times of day in BC and other times of day in Alberta which gives them this narrow little window to get across that border. What-- these feel like really easy things to fix. Given that you've been watching this for a while, what are the impediments to fixing these, these types of barriers? >> There's a number of reasons when it comes to internal trade barriers in general and you can kind of triangulate them to trucking. It can come down to just general inertia, regu-- the regulatory process, sometimes stakeholders have vested interests in the rules being the way they are, sometimes it's difficult for regulators from one jurisdiction to negotiate an outcome with another, and sometimes, you know, with trucking it's physical limitations, right? Sometimes you have a really heavy truck, hard to-- for them to travel across the Prairies where the, the sand is a little softer than across the Canadian Shield in Ontario. >> Some Canadians might be surprised to know that we actually not that long ago put together a Canadian free trade agreement. It's literally an agreement for free trade between provinces. It sounds ridiculous but there it is. How is that working out? Is it as free as we need it to be? >> The Canadian free trade agreement is an excellent addition to our arsenal in sort of liberalizing internal trade. Look. Canada is the second largest country by land mass and in order to keep us as one, and instead of balkanizing, you have to accommodate local differences. So it's okay and the constitution allows for provinces to have areas of jurisdiction. And because of that, and because of local circumstances you might see differences in rules and regulations. But it's good to be able to harmonize where possible, whether it be on certain trucking regulations-- you know, first aid kits, construction codes, you know, alcohol limitations wherever you can find them where they're unnecessary impediments to free commerce domestically. >> As with most of this type of production, Ryan, at the bottom of it all is protection of industries and jobs, right? Nobody would do this if they didn't have some kind of well-intentioned interest in keeping the business there. Liquor's a good example. Alberta went out and dropped its barriers with, with other provinces, including BC, but recently the two provinces got into a fight over booze because BC is not reciprocating and Alberta doesn't appreciate it. It still seems, probably to many Canadians, kind of amazing that something like buying booze, you know, ordering direct from a winery in British Columbia is impossible for somebody in Alberta right now. >> Absolutely. And the story of inter-provincial trade sees beer, and liquor, and wine flow through it pretty much from confederation to the present. And I think beer, and liquor, and wine is something that-- well, many are engaged with and so it becomes very real. And the most recent supreme court decision on our constitutional free trade clause was about a gentleman trying to go buy beer in Quebec and bring it back into New Brunswick. And I think it bec-- it makes it very palpable for us. That's why, you know, it's very-- you know, when get into the topics like workers compensation and occupational health safety limits, those are not as sexy internal barriers but they're just as impactful in many cases. >> Amanda: Absolutely. And in fact, labour mobility

is one thing that's very much affected by some of the regulatory issues across border. Is there a bigger role for the federal government in all of this? >> Absolutely. Leadership from amongst the first ministers-- so premiers and (Unclear -- very, very important to break that gridlock as you said, as you exactly said. So there are vested interests who want to keep the rules, in many cases, the way they are that protect local fiefdoms. And in order to break them you need that strong leadership both from the federal government and from amongst the premiers. >> Ryan, so good to have you for this. Appreciate your time. >> Thank you so much. >> Ryan Manucha is a research fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute. Time for the Takeaway and how we clean up when company's coming. For 30 years, Canadians have been sold on the value of free trade. Trade that's so good that more of it is only better. And there's little doubt that our economy has benefited over time, most notably the ability to sell our products and services tariff-free to the biggest and most robust economy on the planet while also aligning our interests with that trading partner south of our border. Adding in Mexico created what should be a regional powerhouse that is the envy of the world. Recently America's view of trade seems to have cooled a little with an emphasis on made in America running up against the central thesis of free trade, which is that goods and services should be made wherever it's most efficient to do so. That shift causes some trouble for Canada and our exporting businesses but for now, and likely the foreseeable future, we still have a solid trade deal to work with. Where we run into trouble is actually our own backyard with provincial barriers adding to the cost of doing business inside this country, but also through protections that we've layered on over many decades for various industries and businesses. These protections can have the affect of reducing competition. When that happens, our businesses becomes less efficient. One way to make sure that we don't engage in that kind of self-sabotage is through trade deals. There's nothing like the bright light of an outsiders gaze, sort of how we clean up our house best when we know company's coming. Forging new trade deals forces Canada to confront its own behaviour and do better, at least well enough to meet the standards that gain access to new markets. There may be many things we're kicking under the sofa right now that should be set right. My takeaway. Trade deals are a good thing because they open markets for our business but they also force us to be the best version of ourselves. That's Taking Stock for this week. I'm Amanda Lang. Thanks for being with us. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. Ok, someone just did laundry... No, I add Downy Light so the freshness really lasts. Yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. And I don't like anything. But I like this. Get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l WAH is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] Summer starts... now! The NEW DQ Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at DQ. Happy tastes good. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? Male Announcer: Mary's brightening up daytime with good friends and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it?

Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg, weekdays on ctv. . [ ] >> Roger: fort nelson's mayor warns residents to stay back due to unsafe conditions. >> To see people being frustrated, inconvenienced, upset, annoyed, all of those things. >> Roger: border unions threaten major disruptions this summer after voting to strike. >> It's to go out there, make sure you look the part, act the part. You're bringing home one of your own. >> Roger: canada's military prepares to bring home the remains of a fallen soldier who died in france in world war i. You're watching ctv news channel. I'm roger peterson. Thank you very much for joining us. Fort nelson wildfire evacuees are being warned against coming home early. Fort nelson's mayor told them it is not safe. He says those returning early could cause congestion on the highways and stop healthcare workers who need to get through. Close to 47,000 residents had to flee the area. They left on may 10th. Officials are hoping they could return early next week. >>> The rookie truck driver behind one of canada's worst tragedies has been ordered deported to india. In 2018, jaskirat sidhu barreled through a stop sign into the bus carrying the humboldt broncos junior hockey team. 16 people were killed. 13 injured. Ctv on what's next. >> Reporter: jaskirat singh sidhu is set to be deported to india following a decision. >> A hearing like this, limited discussion. They have to determine if the person is a citizen or not. >> Reporter: sidhu became a citizen a month before the bus crash. He was a rookie truck driver from calgary who drove through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey bus in april of 2018. Some family members did not want to comment on sidhu's deportation the father of crash victim logan boulet says bernard bernardine are thankful. We believe he should be deported from canada. Crash victim ryan straschnitzki says he wishes sidhu happiness. >> You want the best for someone and best for a human and best for a human. There's no resentment or negative emotions towards him and his family. >> Reporter: in 2019, sidhu pleaded guilty to dangerous driving offences and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. He got full parole last year. Since sidhu was a permanent resident and not yet a canadian citizen, the canada border services agency recommended deportation. >> He has a family, a wife and child who are both canadian citizens who probably cannot go back to india. It would be extremely destructive to his life. >> Reporter: sidhu's lawyer won't be taken into custody immediately and can reapply for permanent resident status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. That process could take a few months or a few years. >> Ctv news, saskatoon. >> Roger: jurors in an ontario murder trial heard the accused had connections to the terror group isis and the crown says the reason the victim was killed was because he was ready to expose those terrorist ties. Ctv's john woodward reports. >> Reporter: it was a bloody scene in 2021. Five family members shot, a 25-year-old died in an attack that shocked the city of mississauga. >> I just don't understand. >> Senseless. Really is. Just senseless. >> Reporter: at the time police released this surveillance video of the gunman before and after the shooting, part of an investigation that led to the arrest of three men and led the crown attorney to tell a jury in the first-degree murder trial at the brampton courthouse that he had gone to work in a warehouse. The crown attorney said you will hear evidence that you will hear the group pledged allegiance to isis. Money was used to finance that organization sent back home to further that cause. He was planning to go to the authorities and betray the

others. The others came up with a plan to prevent that from happening. A plan to kill him and his family. May 29th that plan was put into action. Witnesses told the court they saw a slender man race into a waiting honda accord which sped off. His mother heard several pops. She was shot in the arm. Several family members were shot including one of her sons. I could see the blood everywhere on the ground. I could do nothing. She said she called 9-1-1 and asked any driver in the outside gas station for help. Police pulled footage from 70 dash cams and surveillance cameras en route to follow him back to the business. One officer testified a major break in the case. >> Roger: a major ruling from the international court of justice on the war in gaza. The united nations top court ordered israel to stop its military operation there. Ctv's jeremie charron with the details. >> Reporter: inside this courtroom in the netherlands, a landmark emergency ruling in a case brought forward by south africa accusing israel of genocide. >> Israel has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concern raised by its military offensive in rafah. >> Reporter: in a strict order from the world court. >> Israel must hold its military offence and any other action in the rafah government which may reflect on the palestinian group in gaza conditions of life that could bring about physical destruction. >> Reporter: the president of the court ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid in calling the situation in gaza catastrophic. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: canada's position has been clear for many, many weeks now. We need an immediate cease-fire. Hamas needs to lay down its arms. Release all hostages. There must be no more military operations in rafah. >> Reporter: the court called for the release of all remaining hostages. While its order is legally binding, the icj lacks the power to enforce it. >> The international court of justice doesn't have its own army or police. It depends upon the security council to implement its orders. This is the third time the court issued orders for israel to pull back and address the humanitarian suffering in gaza. Israel has been accused of ignoring their orders in the past. Israeli spokesmen already announced that essentially israel will not comply with the order. They will continue their occupation. >> Reporter: israel reportedly dismissed accusations of genocide insisting it has the right to defend itself from hamas. South africa's wider case accuses israel of state-led genocide against palestinians. A decision on that could take years. The icj rejected israel's's decision to throw the case out. >> Reporter: israel agreed to send trucks to gaza. >> Egyptian officials voiced concerns about the mounting violence near the main border crossing into gaza. Humanitarian aid and food supplies dramatically completed over the last few weeks. The international court of justice ordered israel to open the rafah crossing to allow for the flow of aid and stop its result on rafah. No enforcement of the ruling has been provided. >> Federal prosecutors are seeking to bar donald trump from making controversial statements over the classified documents case. Earlier this week, trump claimed that the fbi, agents from the fbi searched his mar-a-lago estate in august 2022 where, quote, authorized to shoot me and were locked and loaded ready to take me out and put my family in danger. Federal lawyers say comments like those pose a significant and imminent danger to law enforcement agents taking part in the prosecution. According to prosecutors, trump's defence team has objected to the motion.

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