
CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

>>> 's summer of destruction among disruption and airports and land crossings could be an horizon grandma 9000 workers in the canada border services agency have entered the union is fragmented. >> We are looking for with a party regarding salary, protections around excessive discipline competitions around contracting out and, of course, equitable retirement benefits. >> Akshay: the union says workers will be in the legal strike position next month there is also an mediation sessions are scheduled to begin. The government says frontline workers will have to keep working still because there are deemed essential you might appoint companies of laplace and sobeys are under investigation by canada' competition bureau for alleged anticompetitive behaviour. Ctv's paul hollingsworth has the details. >> Reporter: canada's grocery giants, sobeys and loblaw's, are we feeling scrutiny over rising food prices are now on the receiving end of an investigation launched by the competition bureau of canada. >> Anytime you're being investigated by the competition bureau, something serious is happening because they don't get involved all that often -- >> Reporter: sobeys owner empire cause investigation unlawful. Law professor wayne mckay says this case will resonate with millions of canadians who are struggling with the cost of groceries. >> Is one of the things the compression bureau has to look at. Outlook -- component -- huh. >> Reporter: wayne mckay think the competition bureau has enough of the case to pursue this in the short-term and long-term. Is that it's possible this could go down a path that results in increased competition and more affordable food prices. Paul hollingsworth, ctv news.

>>> Starting the summer ontario is accelerating it's expansion of alcohol sales. >> On september the 5th consumed -- convenience stores like this one will be able to sell beer, cider, wine in ready to drink alcoholic beverages. >> Akshay: as of august first 4050 license grocery stores will be allowed to sell coolers in cases of beer by the end of october, every convenience, grocery and big box or in will have the option to sell beer, cider, wine and coolers. [ ] >> Akshay: time for a break but still ahead, plans to unite bc's right of centre parties and avoid vote splitting for a part. Details win we come back. (Snickering) Hanging tree ( ) Our family's growing. We're looking for a little bigger place for us... ( ) and this is our third Mattamy property. Homes... made for the real you. ( ) ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever. ( ) ( ) (i am by your side) (i am by your side) ( ) What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. [stomach growling] ...It's nothing. Sounds like something. When you have Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea. Pepto Bismol coats... and soothes.. for fast relief when you need it most. (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. ( ) The fact that this Reese's ad showed up at this exact moment proves that your devices are listening... to your stomach. ( ) [ ] >> Akshay: thanks for staying with us, I'm akshay tandon.

>>> Prime minister justin trudeau is responding to a letter from 23 U.S. senators who want canada to -- spend 2 sentiment of gdp on defence. To process canada's defence spending is on track to top 1.7% of gdp. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we recognize there's more to do and we will be there to do it because we are the ones who are taking seriously canada's defence needs and making sure that women and men of our armed forces have the right equipment. >> Akshay: the senator's letter comes ahead of the nato summit in washington in july. Trudeau says canada's investment in upgrading project capabilities, norad organization and arctic safety have been well received by the americans and other allies around the world >>> Now a move to a more -- has fallen apart. The two centre-right parties bc united and the bc conservatives were intox to end both -- vote splitting and take on the neb ahead of the next provincial election later this year but now both sides say that is not going to happen. >> John rustad decided to go with the faction that says no deals for anything. Magazine group of people who run candidates in the relation and lose a relation but they don't mind losing because they have a point to make. I'm about winning. >> Akshay: for his part copies conservative leader john rustad saying that, "kevin parkin said publicly that he wants to put his ego aside but privately any discussions or offers have been completely unserious and this honours." the province's former premier had this to say... >> Kevin parkin and john rustad were both in my cabinet correlated -- boarded a very good job and I like them both. But I don't think either of them is operating very rationally no and I think, you know, they have to put their egos aside and decide -- each of the more give up something important to them in order for the best interest of this province to be looked after. >> Akshay: polling earlier this week had the bc conservatives and 30 -- at 2% and bc united at 12%. The ndp though is still far ahead with 42%.

>>> Saskatchewan rush government house leader jeremy hansen has resigned from his position after admitting he took a for his lack of judgement. Harrison will stay on as minister of trade and immigration issues. >>> Toronto independent mp kevin kong would like to -- it sent a letter to conservative leader pierre poilievre seeking a nomination to represent the party in a riding in the greater toronto area. He was struck by the liberal justin to have the 2021 elections for failing to disclose a withdrawn sexual assault charge. He went on to win his riding. According to the conservative party spokesperson counterparty is not considering his request. >>> Coming up after the break ... [ ] >> I'm furiosa! >> Akshay: we'll take a look at the latest action, film in the mad max series. See with us(s (Dramatic music) (Cheering) It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] My life is full of questions... How do I clean an aioli stain? Use Tide. Do I need to pretreat guacamole? -Not with Tide. -Why do we even buy napkins? Thankfully, Tide's the answer to almost all of them. -Do crabs have eyebrows? -Except that one. For all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be Tide. -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better on its own. -On top of that, it looks gross! -It's a nail fungus infection. -Really gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. -i think I need to see a doctor. -It's a good thing you came to see me. -It's an infection; you need a prescription. Ok. Nail fungus should be taken seriously. At the first signs, show it to your doctor or foot care practitioner and ask about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. [ ] >> I'm furiosa! [ ] [ engine roars ] [ ] >> The question is... [ ] do you have it in you to make it epic? [ ] >> Akshay: it's friday and it's time now to talk movies. That's the clip from the action pack -- we have with us from protector 90. Good to see you. >> Hi how are you? >> Akshay: very well, thanks. Is a highly anticipated from sequel to mad max he wrote. Furiosa. Starting chris hemsworth, anna taylor joy, got a standing ovation at the cans from festival. What do you think about it? >> I had a blast. Aside and one of screens, theatre, people cheering the whole time. I had an amazing time with her. I mean I'm definitely a fan of the mad max series, I have been, you know, always right but I think that the last one that they did, fury road out as one of movies ever made. Furiosa is really good. Is not quite as good as fury road but it's a bit different because it's more of an epic? And a half hours, takes place over 15 years and anya taylor-joy place the yogurt -- younger version of the character played by charlize theron in fury road and I

mean, it's compelling, it's beautiful to look at. The action is absolutely incredible. And natalija I that's probably one of her best rules in furiosa since -- sounds exactly like charlize theron which is interesting and then chris hemsworth of the v. -- billing like you've never seen in his -- and before wearing this big nose and eschewing missionary and having a great time. I love this movie. Had a blast. >> Akshay: you know, I haven't seen any of the fury road series, I probably have to see one of them to know exactly what you're talking about. 's intense, violent but, you know, that's kind of thing that I -- >> Akshay: good to know. >> If you didn't like the other ones he will not like this mate that. Probably not the best entry point grammar you should watch fury road first I think. >> Akshay: okay so your grandmother. Let's move ahead and talk about the other one. We have hitman lined up and a lot of people are like this one. >> Regulars by the title, is actually not a violent movie at all. Instars glenn howard is kind of mild -- mild-mannered university professor who gets worked in support of hitman for the austin police. Actually loosely, and I'm emphasizing loosely, based on a two-story. Basically this guy's job is to drop people who are trying to hire professional players to do away with family members and I mean glenn powell, heiskanen on the cusp of starting for a long time and I think this is a movie that will really kind of taken in to the next gear. You know, you kind of importance is under hitman coherence -- was all kind of disguises ended -- you know, you gets to kind of almost play it like a jim carrey or peter sellers time in which is not what we usually see from him because he's this handsome leading man. This is something totally different, he plays -- the record by it's such an interesting evocative movie of where it was shot in boston, access and austin, texas and it's one of the most -- finally coming to theatres here in canada. Is going to networks actually in the states. But it's well worth seeing on the big screen and I really enjoy this one and I think that anybody who like glenn powell in "anything but you" will be blue -- won away by him here. >> Akshay: I was reading somewhere that this was actually based on some relief events, is that correct? >> Yeah, and they have an interesting thing that they say. It's based on a true story except for the parts that are made up. >> Akshay: okay. >> And when you see the movie you understand why most of it is actually made up. With the concept is something that actually happens and quite an interesting concept too. >> Akshay: okay. We'll leave it at that for this evening. Akl teams, from credit and managing editor at joblo media, appreciate your time and thank you for joining us. >> Thank you very much. >> Akshay: documentary filmmaker morgan suliman raza who rose to fame with this document three about the farm -- platform smacked joblo media where he ate nothing but mcdonald's for a month to highlight the dangers of a fast food diet. Spurlock's family said he died thursday in new york for competitions from cancer. He was 53. [ ]

>>> A NEW AIRLINE IS ALLOWING DOGS TO WHICH THE CANNOT OF LIKE FIRST CLASS. BARK AIR TOOK OFF FOR ITS MAIDEN FLIGHT THURSDAY FROM NEW YORK TO LOS ANGELES. AND IF YOU'RE HOPING TO TAKE TO THE SKIES WITH THEIR DOG, NOTE THE PRICES, I THINK IT'S A QUICK PRICE -- PRICEY. ONE WAKE UP ONE DOG AND ONE-PERSON INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT COSTS 8000 U.S. DOLLARS. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING CTV NEWS CHANNEL. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an EV so powerful, it can charge another EV. ( ) And an EV with a mode that does this. ( ) The only EV that's a Mustang. The only EV that's an F150. ( ) [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is his why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at -Having triplets is...amazing. -expensive. So, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with Tide. So we're back to Tide, and the clothes are clean again. Do three times the laundry and get a Tide clean. What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us.

[ ] [ ] >> Heather: tonight, bracing for delays. Border workers vote in favour of a strike. [ ] the looming threat to summer travel. >> I can see people being frustrated, inconvenienced, upset. We're not asking for anything outrageous. >> Heather: with talks at an impasse. >> The best labour agreements happening at the bargaining table. >> Heather: fit for deportation. The driver behind the humbolt broncos crash ordered to leave. >> He has a family, a wife and child both canadian citizens. >> Senseless. Really is, just senseless. >> Heather: the alleged terror ties to a fatal restaurant shooting. >>> Plus a fallen soldier's return more than a century later. >> A big honour. Sucha a weight on the shoulders to perform to your highest standards. >> Heather: and the insect infestation. >> It comes once every 17 years. I hope I'll be here for the next one. >> Heather: the rare sound of the cicadas as trillions take flight. [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with heather butts. >> Heather: good evening. We begin tonight with the threat of significant disruptions at the border heading into the busy summer season. Canadian airports and land crossings could see long lines as border workers have voted in favour of a strike mandate. Unions representing roughly 9,000 members say they could be on the picket lines next month. Ctv's quebec bureau chief genevieve beauchmin reports from near l'ecole border crossing. >> Reporter: canadians plans for a summer trip abroad could hit a roadblock. Canada border service agency workers handed their unions a strike mandate. A move supported by 96% of members who voted. >> Absolutely I can see people being frustrated, inconvenienced, upset. Annoyed. All of those things. It's not something that we want either. >> Reporter: cbsa employees are posted at land crossings, airports, marine ports, but also work as intelligence officers investigators. They want work conditions in line with those of other law enforcement agencies like the rcmp. >> We're looking for greater parity regarding salaries, protections around excessive discipline, protections around contracting out and equitable retirement benefits. >> Reporter: they also want telework options for those who can work at home when the public sector has threatened a summer of discontent over the government mandating more days in the office. But where the union sees an impasse, the employer, the federal government says a strike is unnecessary. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we recognize the hard work that they do every day keeping canadians safe at our borders. But we also know that the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table. And that's exactly where the ministers are focused. >> Reporter: and the government says 90% of union members are designated as essential. They must provide services in the event of a strike. Still, the unions say their job action could lead motorists idling at international crossings for hours, like in 2021 when they brought in work to rule measures. It could also slow the flow of goods across these borders and spend any time here at the border crossing and you can see how trucks are flowing back and forth here. The unions say the window to avert disruptions is closing. Strike measures could come by mid-june. Genevieve beauchmin at the lacolle border crossing in québec. >> Heather: the rookie truck driver behind one of canada's worst tragedies will be deported to india. In 2018 he barreled through a stop sign and into the path of a bus carrying the humbolt broncos junior hockey team. 16 people were killed, 13 injured. Ctv's stacey hein on what's next. >> Reporter: jaskirat singh sidhu is set to be deported to india following a decision from an immigration and refugee board hearing. >> So at a hearing like this, a really limited discussion. They have to determine if the person is a citizen or not. And if they've been convicted of a serious crime. >> Reporter: sidhu became a permanent resident a month before the humbolt broncos bus crash that left 16 dead and 13 others. He was a rookie truck driver who drove through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey bus in april of 2018. While some family members did not want to comment on sidhu's deportation, the father of logan boulet says, quote, bernadine and I are thankful for the decision today as we continue to believe that Mr. Sidhu should be deported from canada. We are prepared to remain diligent in this belief even as Mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals. Crash victim ryan straschnitzki

says he wishes sidhu happiness. >> Obviously you want the best for someone and best for humans and a human and you know there's no -- there's no negative emotions towards him and his family. >> Reporter: in 2019, sidhu pleaded guilty to dangerous driving offences and was sentenced to eight years in prison. He got full parole last year. Since sidhu was a permanent resident and not yet a canadian citizen, the canada border service agency agency recommended deportation. >> He has a family, a wife and child who are canadian citizens would probably cannot go back to india. So it would be extremely destructive to his life. >> Reporter: his lawyer says he won't be taken into custody immediately and can reapply for permanent resident status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. He says that process could take a few months or a few years. Stacey hein, ctv news, saskatoon. >> Heather: canadians struggling under the soaring cost of groceries will be eagerly awaiting the results of a probe by canada's competition bureau. It's launched an investigation into the parent companies of grocery chains loblaws and sobeys for alleged anti-competitive conduct. Ctv's paul hollingsworth explains. >> Reporter: sobeys and loblaws already facing intense scrutiny over rising food prices find themselves on the receiving end of an investigation launched by the competition bureau of canada. >> Any time you're being investigated by the competition bureau, something serious is happening because they don't get involved all that often and I think it's a fairly novel case. >> Reporter: both grocery giants are accused of implementing restrictive covenants on their properties to limit competition in the retail grocery sector. A lack of competition is directly linked to the high price of food. >> When you try to control geography as a retailer, and you're suppressing competition, access, access to food, affordable food becomes an issue. >> Reporter: sobeys owner empire called the investigation unlawful. >> One of the allegations sobeys are making against this process is that it presents the competition bureau in a biased way. >> Reporter: millions of canadian shoppers are struggling with skyrocketing grocery prices. >> Terrible. Like I said, our pensions don't match up to what we're paying out I'll tell you that much. >> It doesn't surprise me, no, but some competition would be great. >> Reporter: dalhousie university law professor wayne McKAY says the competition bureau will be challenged to tune out public emotion. >> They have to come to it independently. They're not the overly influenced by political or public opinion. >> Reporter: he does think the competition bureau has enough to pursue the case going forward which means, he says, it's possible this case could lead to more competition and more affordable groceries. Paul hollingsworth, ctv news, halifax. >> Heather: the university of toronto has issued a trespass notice to pro-palestinian protesters. >> It's a notice of trespass, okay? >> Heather: special constables issued the order to people at the encampment on the school's downtown campus set up for more than three weeks. Demonstrators have until monday morning to clear out. If they do not leave, the university is vowing to pursue other legal steps. Both sides have agreed to meet again on sunday.

>>> A major ruling today from the U.N. international court on the war in gaza. It ordered israel to halt its the military operation in rafah. It adds more pressure on israel even though the court itself has no means to enforce the order. Ctv's jeremie charron is following the story. >> Reporter: inside this courtroom in the netherlands today, a landmark emergency ruling in a case brought forward by south africa accusing israel of genocide. >> Israel has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concerns raised by its military offensive in rafah. >> Reporter: a strict order from the world court. >> Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction. >> Reporter: the president of the court ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid in, calling the situation in gaza catastrophic. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: canada's position has been clear for many, many weeks now. We need an immediate ceasefire. Hamas needs to lay down its arms, release all hostages, but there also must be no more military operations in rafah. >> Reporter: the court also called for the release of all remaining hostages and while its order is legally binding, the icj lacks the power to enforce it. >> The international court of justice doesn't have its own army, doesn't have it's own police. It depends upon the security council to implement its orders. >> Reporter: this is the third time the court has issued orders for israel to pull back and address the humanitarian suffering in gaza, but israel has been accused of ignoring their orders in the past. >> Israeli spokesmen have already announced that essentially israel will not comply with the order, that they will continue their operation. >> Reporter: israel has repeatedly dismissed accusations of genocide, insisting it has the right to defend itself from hamas. South africa's wider case here accuses israel of state-led genocide against palestinians, the ruling on that could take years, but the icj has denied israel's request to throw the case out. Heather? >> Heather: ctv's jeremie charron in ottawa.

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