
CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

a potential conservative government would cut pharmacare, dental care, axis to the very fundamental medications that people require and we also do see from members of the conservative party right now, rather in elected MPs, very problematic rhetoric around a woman's right to choose. So I do think there's a clear dichotomy, there a clear split, and I think that for canadians, we need the investment that the ndp fought for, we need to maintain these investments in pharmacare, dental care and more. >> Let's bring in mel, because there's lots to cover there and I want you to respond to that. As you know, the problem for the prime minister and his party is it's an up hill battle. They are way behind the polls and those polls are pretty stubborn in terms of the spread between them and the conservatives. They've been trying lots of different things in recent months throwing everything at the wall to see if they can shift those numbers t doesn't seem at this point to be working. We're a long way away, more than a year plus no doubt from the next federal election. But your read on the strategy that trudeau is adopting and lots of his ministers too, let's be clear. >> Well, I think it's a good communications strategy. The problem is that he doesn't really back it up with unstands. The pharmacare bill is yet another example of the liberal government saying one thing and then doing another. The legislation itself actually requires the provinces to take on the whole burden of the cost associated with pharmacare program for both drug that is are covered and those that would be publicly covered or in a private care either way. And that -- that's happening without any consultation. The provinces have not been engage today date at all on this bill, and the despite the fact that they are going to be the most significantly impacted by it. Ontario's a great example. In ontario, children under the age of 18 have access to a free pharmacare through ohip, so my son is almost three years old, and if he gets an infection and he needs an antibiotic I could take him to the pharmacare and it's covered under ohip. It's not clear who the first payer will be under the new pharmacare plan in ontario. How is that going to change? Is that going to jeopardize the program that already exists in this province? The provinces don't any answers to this because they haven't been consulted by the federal government at all on this bill. So I think from the get-go, this has been a problematic piece of legislation because there's just no real follow-through here in order to actually execute on it. >> Let's dig a little deeper in terms of where things stand right now with the bill getting it through parliament, rachel aiello has been watching that as our extraordinary parliamentary correspondent. Rachel, where do things stand right now? >> Yeah, todd. So the liberals teamed up with the ndp to advance a motion to essentially fast track this bill through the remaining stages in the house. So we had two very long study days at committee thursday and friday, MPs had to get their amendments in by this afternoon, and then they've really programmed the timing out, so we're looking at about five more hours of debate at report stage and one more day at third reading. So if they really wanted to prioritize this and make it something that passes asap, that could happen as early as next week. Ened I think kind of to get back to mel's point about the provinces being consulted, the liberals have made it clear that they want to get this bill passed so they can start those consultations. Mark holland, the health minister this week was talking about needing to or intending to work on those deals this summer, and, todd, to get back to your bigger point about really sticking the conservatives, I think the linchpin for the liberals here is they can talk all they want about the conservatives pulling back pharmacare, but if they don't actually get these deals in place and there's nothing to actually tell people that poilievre is going to take away, that argument becomes quite weak and so they really do have an impetus to make sure that there are deals across the country to secure this agreement on funding and providing these dental -- or diabetes and contraceptive medications, because without that actually being something canadians are actively already able to access, the argument about it being taken away is definitely weakened. >> Yeah, okay, we're running out of time. But just quick lightening round before we go. Back to you, sabrina, of the arguments that this is nothing more than fear mongering on the part of the liberals trying to scare people, look, you like these programs, you better not vote for pierre poilievre, they're going to take it away. Your take? >> My only -- I think as gurratan pointed out earlier, one was things that the liberals are focusing on now is the right for a woman to choose and the abortion legislation and the conservative government across the province, they said no, no problem pulling that right on the rights of trans-youth and the rights of the lgbt. So it's a boliviaable proposition that the conservatives government will pull this back because they have conservative governments to pointe already. So I think it's still a good strategy for the liberals. >> Gurratan, your take? >> Well, I think it's just the -- what has been communicated by the conservative

party and the leadership, the fact that they've said that they would bring cuts to child care, to pharmacare, that this could be the last government that has a minister of health. Like, these are very problematic statements that come out of the conservatives and we don't know the extent of their authority, but we do know that that's what conservative governments tomorrow. They cut to the services that people rely them out. They cut to things like health care where they privatize it or open up the doors to privatization. These are all factor that is effectively weaken our public services and effectively hurt the services that people need the most. >> I guess, mel, the counter argument to that would be, look, we can't afford some of this stuff and it is very generous and, you know, when you take a good hard look at some of these programs and see where we can perhaps scale back in order to make sure we're not adding more and more and more to the national credit card so to speak. >> Or duplicating efforts. But I think that actually goes deeper than that here. I think this is an issue of trust. And I don't think that many canadians trust the liberal government to actually execute on this plan and to get it across the finish line in parts because they have failed to consult with the provinces that are the one whose are going to end up having to download this program and be the ones who manage it and finance it, in the end. And they also haven't engaged with the medicine manufacturers in canada on this bill, it's going to impact them, it's going to impact patients who depend on access to those innovative medicines. None of these stakeholders have been engaged in this bill and they can't say, oh, we're going to ram this legislation through and then we'll consult with them. That's not how this works. You need to do the consultation up front before you pass the bill. >> We're going to say good-bye to three of our four front benchers, and thank you they have for coming on the show. Gurratan and mel as well as sabrina and wish you all of the best, have a great weekend, we'll talk to you again real soon. We're going to keep rachel aiello because she's taking a look at the week ahead. Rachel, we're standing by for more movement on the foreign interference file. What are you watching that for? >> That's right, todd. So the first bit of debate is going to happen on that bill on wednesday, and I'm watching this because this first bit of debate on any bill is a really good opportunity to get a sense of where the parties stand. And why I'm watching this one is because we've heard from the opposition parties, this push for the government to act on a foreign agent registry. Well, now they've done that through this bill and so is it going to be something that there's going to be all party consensus and agreement that this is something that urgently needs to get done and get passed or are there going to be concerns raised about some of the other measures within this bill, new powers for csis, for example. So that's one was big things that I'm going to be keeping an eye on when they come back next week. >> All right, and what about the from the? Where do things stand on that? >> So by and far, todd, the budget bill is the biggest prior to for the government to get passed before they rise for the summer break. Both the fall economic statement legislation and the budget bill has been kind of helped along this week by time allocation. The government putting forward motions kind of prescribing how much time is left to it, so those are certainly going to be hot ones to watch if they kind of round out the finish line. They've already got the senate prestudying both to help expedite that but then there is this question, todd, freedom he'll freeland said this week they are committed to bringing forward that capital gains legislation, that still has yet to happen. And if they are adamant that is going to be in place next month, how is that going to work procedurally, so I'm going to keep an eye on that too. >> Rachel aiello, thanks for this, rachel. And don't miss racism's full newsletter capital dispatch, fridays in you are in box and on youtube, can you sign for it at ctv, it is great. All right, in a moment for us, a group of canadian soldiers on a historic mission to return an unknown soldier from newfoundland. First world war back home. Our ctv's garrett barry will join us from france with more on that story. Stay with us here on Isn't it absolutely bonkers that you can walk into a store... hand someone a piece of plastic... and they will willingly hand over Reese's cups? Forget flying cars— this is it. We're at the pinnacle. We're traveling all acrossCanada to talk to peopleabout their hearts. Who wants to talkabout their heart? Let me ask you a question.Do you have AFib? Aaah, I don't know. You kind of hesitated like... How do you know? I don't know. You don't know?! Let me show you something.- Ok. This is called KardiaMobile.- Ok. Do you know what this is?- No. That right there is apersonal ekg device. 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monday, coming up next is the top headlines. Have a great weekend. [ ] [ ] >> Heather: tonight, bracing for delays. Border workers vote in favour of a strike. [ ] the looming threat to summer travel. >> I can see people being frustrated, inconvenienced, upset. We're not asking for anything outrageous. >> Heather: with talks at an impasse. >> The best labour agreements happening at the bargaining table. >> Heather: fit for deportation. The driver behind the humbolt broncos crash ordered to leave. >> He has a family, a wife and child both canadian citizens. >> Senseless. Really is, just senseless. >> Heather: the alleged terror ties to a fatal restaurant shooting. >>> Plus a fallen soldier's return more than a century later. >> A big honour. Sucha a weight on the shoulders to perform to your highest standards. >> Heather: and the insect infestation. >> It comes once every 17 years. I hope I'll be here for the next one. >> Heather: the rare sound of the cicadas as trillions take flight. [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with heather butts. >> Heather: good evening. We begin tonight with the threat of significant disruptions at the border heading into the busy summer season. Canadian airports and land crossings could see long lines as border workers have voted in favour of a strike mandate. Unions representing roughly 9,000 members say they could be on the picket lines next month. Ctv's quebec bureau chief genevieve beauchmin reports from near l'ecole border crossing. >> Reporter: canadians plans for a summer trip abroad could hit a roadblock. Canada border service agency workers handed their unions a strike mandate. A move supported by 96% of members who voted. >> Absolutely I can see people being frustrated, inconvenienced, upset. Annoyed. All of those things. It's not something that we want either. >> Reporter: cbsa employees are posted at land crossings, airports, marine ports, but also work as intelligence officers investigators. They want work conditions in line with those of other law enforcement agencies like the rcmp. >> We're looking for greater parity regarding salaries, protections around excessive discipline, protections around contracting out and equitable retirement benefits. >> Reporter: they also want telework options for those who can work at home when the public sector has threatened a summer of discontent over the government mandating more days in the office. But where the union sees an impasse, the employer, the federal government says a strike is unnecessary. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we recognize the hard work that they do every day keeping canadians safe at our borders. But we also know that the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table. And that's exactly where the ministers are focused. >> Reporter: and the government says 90% of union members are designated as essential. They must provide services in the event of a strike. Still, the unions say their job action could lead motorists idling at international crossings for hours, like in 2021 when they brought in work to rule measures. It could also slow the flow of goods across these borders and spend any time here at the border crossing and you can see how trucks are flowing back and forth here. The unions say the window to avert disruptions is closing. Strike measures could come by mid-june. Genevieve beauchmin at the lacolle border crossing in québec. >> Heather: the rookie truck driver behind one of canada's worst tragedies will be deported to india. In 2018 he barreled through a stop sign and into the path of a bus carrying the humbolt broncos junior hockey team. 16 people were killed, 13 injured. Ctv's stacey hein on what's next. >> Reporter: jaskirat singh sidhu is set to be deported to india following a decision from an immigration and refugee board hearing. >> So at a hearing like this, a really limited discussion. They have to determine if the person is a citizen or not. And if they've been convicted of a serious crime. >> Reporter: sidhu became a permanent resident a month before the humbolt broncos bus crash that left 16 dead and 13 others. He was a rookie truck driver who drove through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey bus in april of 2018. While some family members did not want to comment on sidhu's deportation, the father of logan boulet says, quote, bernadine and I are thankful for the decision today as we continue to believe that Mr. Sidhu should be deported from canada. We are prepared to remain diligent in this belief even as

Mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals. Crash victim ryan straschnitzki says he wishes sidhu happiness. >> Obviously you want the best for someone and best for humans and a human and you know there's no -- there's no negative emotions towards him and his family. >> Reporter: in 2019, sidhu pleaded guilty to dangerous driving offences and was sentenced to eight years in prison. He got full parole last year. Since sidhu was a permanent resident and not yet a canadian citizen, the canada border service agency agency recommended deportation. >> He has a family, a wife and child who are canadian citizens would probably cannot go back to india. So it would be extremely destructive to his life. >> Reporter: his lawyer says he won't be taken into custody immediately and can reapply for permanent resident status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. He says that process could take a few months or a few years. Stacey hein, ctv news, saskatoon. >> Heather: canadians struggling under the soaring cost of groceries will be eagerly awaiting the results of a probe by canada's competition bureau. It's launched an investigation into the parent companies of grocery chains loblaws and sobeys for alleged anti-competitive conduct. Ctv's paul hollingsworth explains. >> Reporter: sobeys and loblaws already facing intense scrutiny over rising food prices find themselves on the receiving end of an investigation launched by the competition bureau of canada. >> Any time you're being investigated by the competition bureau, something serious is happening because they don't get involved all that often and I think it's a fairly novel case. >> Reporter: both grocery giants are accused of implementing restrictive covenants on their properties to limit competition in the retail grocery sector. A lack of competition is directly linked to the high price of food. >> When you try to control geography as a retailer, and you're suppressing competition, access, access to food, affordable food becomes an issue. >> Reporter: sobeys owner empire called the investigation unlawful. >> One of the allegations sobeys are making against this process is that it presents the competition bureau in a biased way. >> Reporter: millions of canadian shoppers are struggling with skyrocketing grocery prices. >> Terrible. Like I said, our pensions don't match up to what we're paying out I'll tell you that much. >> It doesn't surprise me, no, but some competition would be great. >> Reporter: dalhousie university law professor wayne McKAY says the competition bureau will be challenged to tune out public emotion. >> They have to come to it independently. They're not the overly influenced by political or public opinion. >> Reporter: he does think the competition bureau has enough to pursue the case going forward which means, he says, it's possible this case could lead to more competition and more affordable groceries. Paul hollingsworth, ctv news, halifax. >> Heather: the university of toronto has issued a trespass notice to pro-palestinian protesters. >> It's a notice of trespass, okay? >> Heather: special constables issued the order to people at the encampment on the school's downtown campus set up for more than three weeks. Demonstrators have until monday morning to clear out. If they do not leave, the university is vowing to pursue other legal steps. Both sides have agreed to meet again on sunday.

>>> A major ruling today from the U.N. international court on the war in gaza. It ordered israel to halt its the military operation in rafah. It adds more pressure on israel even though the court itself has no means to enforce the order. Ctv's jeremie charron is following the story. >> Reporter: inside this courtroom in the netherlands today, a landmark emergency ruling in a case brought forward by south africa accusing israel of genocide. >> Israel has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concerns raised by its military offensive in rafah. >> Reporter: a strict order from the world court. >> Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction. >> Reporter: the president of the court ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid in, calling the situation in gaza catastrophic. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: canada's position has been clear for many, many weeks now. We need an immediate ceasefire. Hamas needs to lay down its arms, release all hostages, but there also must be no more military operations in rafah. >> Reporter: the court also called for the release of all remaining hostages and while its order is legally binding, the icj lacks the power to enforce it. >> The international court of justice doesn't have its own army, doesn't have it's own police. It depends upon the security council to implement its orders. >> Reporter: this is the third time the court has issued orders for israel to pull back and address the humanitarian suffering in gaza, but israel has been accused of ignoring their orders in the past. >> Israeli spokesmen have already announced that essentially israel will not comply with the order, that they will continue their operation. >> Reporter: israel has repeatedly dismissed accusations of genocide, insisting it has the right to defend itself from hamas. South africa's wider case here accuses israel of state-led genocide against palestinians, the ruling on that could take years, but the icj has denied israel's request to throw the case out. Heather? >> Heather: ctv's jeremie charron in ottawa.

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