
CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

>>> Saskatchewan rush government house leader jeremy hansen has resigned from his position after admitting he took a for his lack of judgement. Harrison will stay on as minister of trade and immigration issues. >>> Toronto independent mp kevin kong would like to -- it sent a letter to conservative leader pierre poilievre seeking a nomination to represent the party in a riding in the greater toronto area. He was struck by the liberal justin to have the 2021 elections for failing to disclose a withdrawn sexual assault charge. He went on to win his riding. According to the conservative party spokesperson counterparty is not considering his request. >>> Coming up after the break ... [ ] >> I'm furiosa! >> Akshay: we'll take a look at the latest action, film in the mad max series. See with us(s (Dramatic music) (Cheering) It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Are your floors as clean as you think? Try Swiffer Sweeper Wet. It gives me the cleaning power of a mop and the convenience of a wipe. These cloths trap dirt and grime. Even hidden dirt you can't see. So it doesn't get pushed around. Swiffer Sweeper Wet. Love It or Your Money Back. This is what your ear looks like filled with wax. Here's a cotton swab. Watch. It just pushes the wax in. Now here's Wush, the new, safe and effective way to clean your ears. Just Wush the wax out. That's insane. The triple stream safely clears dirt and wax buildup. It feels incredible. Get 15% off and free shipping at [ ] Pick-up is quick and easy. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) [ ] >> I'm furiosa! [ ] [ engine roars ] [ ] >> The question is... [ ] do you have it in you to make it epic? [ ] >> Akshay: it's friday and it's time now to talk movies. That's the clip from the action pack -- we have with us from protector 90. Good to see you. >> Hi how are you? >> Akshay: very well, thanks. Is a highly anticipated from sequel to mad max he wrote. Furiosa. Starting chris hemsworth, anna taylor joy, got a standing ovation at the cans from festival. What do you think about it? >> I had a blast. Aside and one of screens, theatre, people cheering the whole time. I had an amazing time with her. I mean I'm definitely a fan of the mad max series, I have been, you know, always right but I think that the last one that they did, fury road out as one of movies ever made. Furiosa is really good. Is not quite as good as fury road but it's a bit different because it's more of an epic? And a half hours, takes place over 15 years and anya taylor-joy place the yogurt -- younger version of the character played by charlize theron in fury road and I

mean, it's compelling, it's beautiful to look at. The action is absolutely incredible. And natalija I that's probably one of her best rules in furiosa since -- sounds exactly like charlize theron which is interesting and then chris hemsworth of the v. -- billing like you've never seen in his -- and before wearing this big nose and eschewing missionary and having a great time. I love this movie. Had a blast. >> Akshay: you know, I haven't seen any of the fury road series, I probably have to see one of them to know exactly what you're talking about. 's intense, violent but, you know, that's kind of thing that I -- >> Akshay: good to know. >> If you didn't like the other ones he will not like this mate that. Probably not the best entry point grammar you should watch fury road first I think. >> Akshay: okay so your grandmother. Let's move ahead and talk about the other one. We have hitman lined up and a lot of people are like this one. >> Regulars by the title, is actually not a violent movie at all. Instars glenn howard is kind of mild -- mild-mannered university professor who gets worked in support of hitman for the austin police. Actually loosely, and I'm emphasizing loosely, based on a two-story. Basically this guy's job is to drop people who are trying to hire professional players to do away with family members and I mean glenn powell, heiskanen on the cusp of starting for a long time and I think this is a movie that will really kind of taken in to the next gear. You know, you kind of importance is under hitman coherence -- was all kind of disguises ended -- you know, you gets to kind of almost play it like a jim carrey or peter sellers time in which is not what we usually see from him because he's this handsome leading man. This is something totally different, he plays -- the record by it's such an interesting evocative movie of where it was shot in boston, access and austin, texas and it's one of the most -- finally coming to theatres here in canada. Is going to networks actually in the states. But it's well worth seeing on the big screen and I really enjoy this one and I think that anybody who like glenn powell in "anything but you" will be blue -- won away by him here. >> Akshay: I was reading somewhere that this was actually based on some relief events, is that correct? >> Yeah, and they have an interesting thing that they say. It's based on a true story except for the parts that are made up. >> Akshay: okay. >> And when you see the movie you understand why most of it is actually made up. With the concept is something that actually happens and quite an interesting concept too. >> Akshay: okay. We'll leave it at that for this evening. Akl teams, from credit and managing editor at joblo media, appreciate your time and thank you for joining us. >> Thank you very much. >> Akshay: documentary filmmaker morgan suliman raza who rose to fame with this document three about the farm -- platform smacked joblo media where he ate nothing but mcdonald's for a month to highlight the dangers of a fast food diet. Spurlock's family said he died thursday in new york for competitions from cancer. He was 53. [ ]

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[ ] [ ] [ ] >> Hi there and welcome to power-play friday, I'm todd van der heyden. Tonight, the U.N.s top court orders a halt to israel's offensive at rafah. >> Israel must immediately halt its military offence and any other action in the rafah government. >> The international court of justice demanding an immediate halt to israel's military operations in rafah, but the ruling is not enforceable, arguably symbolic. We're going to get canada's response with U.N. ambassador bob rae coming up in moments. >> Then no deal and bad blood. >> They don't mind losing because they have a point to make. I'm about winning. >> Negotiations between bc's two xii right parties breaking down with bc united announcing there will not be a deal between the two parties, and the bc conservatives with a scorched earth response. The leader of bc united, kevin falcon will join us live. On our friday front bench gets into the politics between the prime minister's pharmacare push and his political attacks on pierre poilievre. First, though, this. >> Under the convention, israel must immediately halt its military offence and any other action in the rafah government which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza, conditions apply that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we need to be helping on the ground. We need to get more aid in. The icj's latest proposed measures go exactly in that -- in that direction. And icj's proposals are binding and we expect everyone to follow them, as a matter of international law. >> Prime minister trudeau reacting to that major ruling from the international court of justice on the israel-hamas war. It's known as the world court, and it ordered israel to immediately halt military operations in rafah and southern gaza. Also ordering urgent humanitarian access in and to allow the united nations to send in observers, but here's the thing. The court's ruling is not enforcen in any way. Israel is not going to comply, certainly not with that order to stop its military campaign. It does put more pressure on israel, and for more on canada alleges position in all of this, we are joined by the country's ambassador to the united nations bob rae. >> Ambassador ray, thanks for joining us. So the world court today ordering israel to immediately halt its military offensive in rafah and to clarify, the prime minister's comments, I'm curious, is canada fully supportive much the ruling? >> Well, first of all, it's important to understand we have two courts at work in the hague. One is the international court of justice which has made this -- this decision, and the other one is the icc which is e a full release of the hostages. And I think it's important to recognize that the court in -- in urging that israel not go ahead with its attack on rafah has also made it clear that it wants to see the hostages released. I mean, I think it's days graceful that hamas is now releasing the bodies of hostages. Hostages that were killed on october 7th and then were then pirated back to gaza and basically held as if they were alive, which is just disgraceful. And it shows the way in which the hamas has treated the hostages is in fact an ongoing crime against humanity. >> We know there's no enforcement mechanism for this ruling. I'm curious whether there are tools that canada might be looking at, Mr. Rae, to sort of push this ruling to actually be respected, because as you know very well, in all likelihood, israel will not respect the ruling. >> Well, I think there's -- I mean, there's sign of a discussion underway, bill burns has been designated by the united states as their main negotiator, is now back in contact with them and others and the israeli is have said they will participate again in the potential cease-fire and release of hostages. So I have thought given up hope at all for that. I think it's important to stress that a cease-fire is in everyone's interest, including israel's. And the level of civilian destruction and the loss of life of children and of completely innocent people in the way in which israel's conducting this war has to be something that is -- is understood by everyone as simply not acceptable. It's not -- it's not allowed under the rules of war to cause this much civilian havoc when

you are dealing with an enemy like hamas. And I know it's -- it's difficult, it's -- no one's pretending that this kind of a conflict is easy, but we do have to understand that there are rules of war and rules of engagement. And putting as many civilian lives at risk as are being put alberta risk is a real problem for everyone, including for israel. >> How far would canada go, Mr. Rae, and would we consider sanctions if this ruling isn't respected? If israel doesn't comply even in some ways? >> Well, I don't think we're at that point now. I think what we are doing now is together with a number of other countries who feel strongly about this as we do, is trying to make sure that we're taking every step that we can. We've already indicated that we're not going to be providing any military equipment by israel that would be used in this -- in this -- invasion of rafah. We have taken further steps to make the israelis understand the strength of the feeling in canada about the level civilian loss of life and particularly the way in which the war is affecting children and affecting women. And everybody has to think about what is the plan going forward, that's possibly going to create the conditions for peace if we don't stop the destructionists right now. >> The court also ordered increased access for humanitarian aid into gaza, and in canada's view, ambassador, what is the main impediment right now to aid getting into gaza, to those most in need? >> Well, it's a combination of things. Some of it is the way in which certain rules are being applied so that even things like medical equipment are considered to be, quote, dual use, which is the test the israelis apply, saying if it could be used in some other way, then it shouldn't be allowed in. But we do have to understand that every -- every independent report that we've seen defeat degree of suffering and the -- what the cost of the loss of access is luge. Secondly, everyone has to understand as well that under the geneva conventions and other rules of war that have been set up over the last 150 years, depriving people of the necessities of life is not allowed, and creating conditions under which people will suffer unnecessarily in the face of this conflict is also not allowed. So these are not, like, completely out of -- out of order rules that are being applied by an international court. This is -- this is the way it's supposed to be. And I think that's something that all of us have to pay attention to, and the israelis have to pay attention to and, frankly, so does hamas. I mean, hamas is a terrorist group. That doesn't probably feel bound by the rules of any kind of conflict. But national governments like israel have to comply, and that's -- that's something we all have to recognize. >> By doing what it's doing, do you think that israel may be committing war crimes? >> I'm not going to get into that. That's -- that's why we have courts. It's just so politicians and diplomats won't make -- constantly be making judgment calls on a daily basis about the conduct of war. What we have to say is that the court is doing a difficult job at a difficult time in trying to create a broader understanding that even conflicts such as this have rules. It's clear that hamas has broken the rules. It's clear that the taking of hostages and the committing of the atrocities that were committed on october the 7th, those are clearly way beyond what is in any sense acceptable. And that's why the icc has issued its -- its clear point of viewers the prosecutor has indicated his point of view on that. But on the question of the conduct of the war by israel, the difficult question is does the degree of the loss of life and the harm to civilians, the harm to infrastructure, hospitals, schools and children and women who have not been participating in any way, shape or form, in any -- in any way, the conflict, except that they have he been killed in the conflict, that is a problem and that's something which we expect the courts to rule on as time goes on. And that's -- that's -- these are decisions that will have to be made. >> The court is also calling on israel to allow U.N. monitors into the war zone. Is there a role for canada in that mission potentially were to go ahead? >> Well, I think that's obviously a decision that will come down the road. Buff the fact of the matter is, is that we do need independent investigators, we do need access for humanitarian supplies, and we do need the blockage of those supplies, wherever it comes from, whatever country is not

allowing goods to go in, they have to take the steps to allow the goods to go in. And in everyone's interest to make sure that there is a serious independent investigation of what is taking place. And that, I think, is something that needs -- absolutely needs to happen. And if it happens or when it happens, I'm sure the government of canada will consider what role we can play in that regard. But the key thing is that it needs to be done and it needs to be independent. >> Bob rae is canada's ambassador to the united nations, Mr. Rae, always a pleasure, thank you for taking time for power-play today. >> Thank you, todd, good to talk to you, take care. >> Todd: all right. Still ahead for us, no deal in a unite the right push in british columbia. So does that seal another victory for the province's ndp? We've got bc united party leader standing by. He's going to join me next right here on power-play. [ ] ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance With fastsigns, signage that gets you noticed turns hot lots into homes. FastSigns. Make Your Statement. Ego, the #1 rated brand in cordless outdoor power, brings you the ego power+ string trimmer with powerload technology. Feed the line, push the button and get back to work. Find an ego retailer near you. Dust is always in the air.And cleaning it (ugh) is the worst. So get a Swiffer Duster. It captures dust in one swipe, without lifting a thing. Trap and lock 3 times more dust. Oh yeah. You'll love Swiffer or your money back. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser powers through tough messes. So it makes it look like I spent hours cleaning. And no, I didn't! It makes my running shoe look like new! It's amazing! It's so good, it makes it look like I have magical powers! Magic Eraser and Sheets make cleaning look easy. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) >> John decided to go with the faction that says, no, no deals for anything. They are the same group of people that run candidates in every election and lose every election but they don't mind losing because they have a point to make. I'm about winning. >> John rostad, are a powerful anytime downtown lobbyists working for the wealthiest british columbians, trying to get them together in a marriage of convenience to protect their interest. >> It is very clear that kevin falcon and john rustad are in it for themselves, they are not in it for you. >> A unite the right movement in british columbia now seems to be dead on arrival. The two centre right parties, the bc united, formerly bc liberals and the bc conservatives were in talks to try and end vote splitting and take on the ndp ahead of the next provincial election which of course is coming up later this year. But today, united leer kevin falcon saying there is no deal and conservative leader john room. Ustad says in a statement I can say with certainty that the conservative party of bc and the bcu united party will not be merging before the upcoming provincial election this fall. Kevin falcon says publicly he wants to put his ego beside but discussions or offers have been completely leader of the bc united, Mr. Call conis in vancouver today, thanks for your time. >> Thanks for having me, todd. >> So what went wrong here?

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