
CTVN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #34

to show the need for the court's intervention would have to show is a trespass or is there perhaps a law for process of gathering on speaking with the charter of rights? Well, university of toronto is expected to be in court tomorrow. Protesters have been calling on the university to cut its ties to israel. Look how big the encampment has grown, though, in the last couple of weeks. >> Cut the ties with israel, the u of t may have had and the u of t is saying they are not going to do that, that these are students, they attend the university, they do not dictate university policy. Meantime in quebec, judge there in montreal has ordered some pro-palestinian protesters too, make space at their encampment at the university of quebec at montreal, known as you cam, that is the public network of universities in quebec. They have a big campus in downtown montreal and the demonstrators set up a camp there couple weeks back in the courtyard. The school had objected and they have been granted an injunction. Now by that judge, here's what it does. Forces the protesters to stay at least 2 meters away from the buildings and clear access to all doors and windows. The judge saying that fire inspectors with the city must be allowed to have access into the camp. And so must university personnel to be able to conduct safety checks. The trudeau government says it is now going to grant temporary visas for up to 5,000 people in gaza as part of a special program for people who have relatives back in canada, that is up from 1000 temporary visas that were a lot under the program, which was announced back in december. This is all in preparation for when people are finally able to actually leave gaza currently, that's not possible. Canada's immigration minister saying this increase means the federal government will be ready to help more people. As the situation evolves. All right to ottawa, a parliamentary committee that is meeting today to discuss growing concern about anti-semitism. The committee will be hearing and has been hearing from a number of voices, including the presidents of several top canadian universities. We'll talk about anti-semitism on university campuses. We know jewish students have felt threatened by those pro-palestinian cap and slogans. Flags signs, but also additional measures that could be taken to protect the jewish community. >> Nobody told nobody has been suspended or expelled despite having graphics like this that just been asked to take him down. Actions are underway, but it does take some time to follow due process. So that whatever conclusions are reached him with whatever sanctions are recommended have indeed proper purchase. So that is our goal. I'm hearing there from the university of toronto president. We also heard from representing concordia university in montreal, mcgill in montreal as well as university of british columbia in vancouver. >> And a solidarity rally was held in toronto outside of the jewish girls school in one neighbourhood earlier today. It comes 2 days after shots were fired at the school happened on saturday. Ctv's rain ladhani has more. Showing strength in numbers. A large crowd gathered as parents dropped off their children. >> At base was scott lamb entry school for class on monday. Everybody's there for each other and that's how we have to stand together as unity in one and show that you hurt one, you hurt us all. The show of solidarity comes after evidence of bullet holes in the windows were found over the weekend while no one was inside the school when shots were fired just before 5 saturday morning. The incident has left the jewish community shaken. Oftentimes you did stories on the news and its ads and you try to be empathetic when it's at home. It's a whole different this is not close to home. This is home. Police say it's too early in their investigation to say whether this was a hate crime or act of terrorism. >> However, politicians have been quick to call the offence antisemitic. >> It involves the boss of empathy and compassion between people. It's a noted the pay over society into hate and and absolutely no place in toronto. >> Since the shooting, police have increased their presence in certain neighbourhoods, including this jewish girls school. >> None of us want to have to drop her kids off at school behind heavy police presence. But this is unacceptable and things have to change and they hope this solidarity gathering is a step towards that. >> Rahim ladhani ctv news. It is a holiday in the united states today known as memorial day. But tomorrow donald trump will be back in a courtroom in new york city for the final stretch of his criminal trial. Closing arguments by both sides are expected to last throughout most of the day tomorrow, tuesday. >> The prosecution will remind those 12 jurors of the financial paper trail. They've seen all that witness testimony they've heard during the trial, including from michael cohen, who was donald trump's lawyer personal fixer, so-called attack dog for many years. Also from star stormy daniels. After the closing arguments by the prosecution and the defence, the jury will then get instructions from the judge and then they begin to decide whether or not to fight donald

trump guilty on those 37 felony counts. Republican strategist evan siegfried is my guess. He is in new york city standing by. All right. What are we going to see? Evan, what do you think of your predictions? >> Well, I think we're not going to see terribly big fireworks were going to see the prosecution and the defence try and make their final summations and say, look, this is the case, the prosecution is going to say, look, michael cohen, he might not be the most reputable of people, but everything he has said has been backed up. Bye paperwork, which shows that donald trump was involved. Then you're going to see the defence say, well, look, michael, tell it the cone is a slimy guy. He was always been too big for his britches. He wise youth wise at every turn and he has not been able to corroborate that donald trump was involved and had direct knowledge of this. And then it's going to go to the jury. And 12 men and women from new york city. We're going to side donald trump's fate. And what's that going to be? It's going to be one of 4 outcomes guilty on all counts, not guilty on all counts. Hung jury or they could end up splitting it and say, you know, we're going to find him guilty on some and not guilty on a person >> How quickly you think the jury might decide. Well, honestly, I think the jury will come back after a few days where it could be a few hours. But I think that they're going to err on the side of caution at the end of the day. This is the most consequential criminal trial in american history because no former president has ever stood trial for any criminal charges. And I think that when you're the jury, you're going to have that added weight of history. There. We're going to say look, we want to get this 100% right, because we don't want to have somebody come up and second guess. Additionally, when you're a juror on this case, you are essentially living the first line of your hey, I'm also curious to get your read on this that, you know, I've been reading in a number of different papers and online and a lot of different publications. Evan. >> You know, by sort of nonpartisan legal analysts who say that, you know, the prosecution has done a pretty good job of making their case here. If that's if that turns out to be true it and he is found guilty, then what? >> Well, I think we're going to see 2 things, one that will be a continued legal battle where donald trump will appeal. Yeah, and he will appeal as far as he can. Any sort of sentencing and try and get the verdict mollified, but then you're going to see the messaging war and the messaging war is going to be the most thing when it comes to donald trump's political career. He's going to go out. This. The fix was in from the start. This is a democrat and biden stunt. This was an illegitimate court. They're trying to fight against me because they know I'm coming after them. And that really is the big key to the 2024 presidential election. What do these independent and swing voters by? Republicans who are supporting donald trump and then others who might not be. And that is the biggest problem. And the biggest challenge here, especially for joe biden, who has been very tight-lipped on this criminal proceeding with the exception of a joke here. They're about donald trump sleeping with in the we know it's going to be tricky as well. As you pointed out, the idea of a hung jury because you got to convince all 12 beyond a reasonable doubt that in fact, he is guilty. >> And anyone on that jury who has doubts that could be the end of that, correct? >> It could be, but at the same time, I've seen when I worked in the federal court in new york, I've seen hung juries in what looked like a hung jury and judges will say, well, you know, want to go back. They keep telling them to go back and try to get to a verdict beyond a reasonable doubt, either one way or the other. And they will go to and they will work with the jury and try and get them to get their only one that a jury says, look, we really cannot get their will. The judge say alright, hung jury and mistrial. And if there's a mistrial, you can bet that there's a strong chance that alvin bragg and the district attorneys office will end up trying to say look, you know, everything is in place to try this again. Let's go as soon as possible, which could be, you know, july or august. Wow. All right, evan siegfried joining us from new york. As the trump trial continues tomorrow. >> In the final stretch, good to see and we'll talk again. >> All right and we're following some breaking news. This is good news coming out of the province of quebec. An amber alert we've been covering for the last couple of hours issued for 2 young children in this town of saint valley, a near quebec city. Fortunately has now I come to an end. Police say the kids were located safe and sound just after about 3.30 eastern. So that'ss than an hour ago about 45 minutes ago, give or take. They have been located safe and sound 2 young children, a girl and a boy ages 3 and 2. So that amber alert is now over to an international story, a big one that we've been tracking involving 2000 people believed to have been buried alive after a massive landslide and papa new guinea, which is in the south pacific, just north of australia. The landslide happened 3 days ago, heavy rain and the remoteness of the areare

this took place. It's making rescue and recovery efforts even more. Did. >> They're trying to rescue whatever they can >> By using the taking 6. Speights. At the cultural forks. And their hands. Of course. >> The government in the new guinea has now been asking for international support. But the remoteness of the country's going make that challenging as well. People in the region hesitant to bring in heavy machinery. In some cases, they've. Hands to try and find people buried. There are also worries that water flowing beneath all the debris could lead to another landslide. There's also difficulty getting an accurate estimate of the population or how many people are missing right now because the last time papa new guinea did a census was 24 years ago and a lot of people live in remote mountainous villages and keeping track of them all is very challenging. All right, I'm all for us to the united states and devastating storms are ripping through parts of the u.s.. >> They can tell you that in the state of kentucky error is 4 people killed as a result of the memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn [Tense Music] One Aleve works through my day... I can keep working my magic. Just one Aleve for up to 12 hours of pain relief. Aleve. Who do you take it for? And for effective topical pain relief for muscles and joints, try AleveX. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims It's the betmgm must-see matchup. Toronto takes on Pittsburgh. Leading off this weekend. Have your picks, parlays and popcorn ready. It's time to up the action. Download the BetMGM App. And enjoy the game. From the edge of your seat, it's on. Cleaning with a mop and Bucket is such a Hassle. Ugh. Switch to Swiffer Wet Jet. It's Hassle Free. Wet Jet is one simple tool. That absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. And it helps prevent streaks and haze. Wet Jet with a money back guarantee. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Find an ego retailer near you. . Living with the parents in the past has definitely helped me in saving. Home ownership means a piece of success in life. I feel at home. Homes... made for the real you. ( ) Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. It's Chicken and Ribfest at Swiss Chalet. Our marinated bbq Back Ribs are cooked low and slow to fall off the bone perfection. And basted in your choice of sauce. Starting from only $17.99. Hurry into Swiss Chalet. ( ) She'll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes.

She'll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes. She'll be coming ‘round the mountain. And the river. And the desert. And whatever types of terrain she can find out there. Yeehaw. The Ford Bronco family. Designed to take you here, there and home again. >> The governor of kentucky has declared a state of emergency after a tornado ripped through much of a state killing at least 4 people and causing widespread destruction. Some homes reduced to rubble, cars overturned trees uprooted after a series of storms swept through kentucky. Other parts of the american south, at least 21 people across 4 different states were killed. Forecasters are warning of more severe weather ahead. Hundreds of thousands of americans left without power due to the weather. The governor of kentucky is warning it could take days to restore power. Authorities in peru of struck gold literally, they seized 4 gold bars weighing more than 45 kilograms. That's just over 100 pounds, which allegedly came from illegal mining. The goal confiscated from an exporting company and they were headed to the united arab emirates. Investigators say the company involved purchased the bar smith trading company that was said to be part of a criminal organization. >> Managed by officials, including a judge, former lawmaker and prosecutor. Some amazing video to show you now the dramatic crash landing in australia that could have been a whole lot worse, if not for the quick thinking of the pilot. Take a look. This was a small cessna plane. >> Lost power while flying over sydney on sunday, the pilot began gliding back toward a nearby runway, clipping several trees in the process and coming dangerously close to the top of some homes of one point. The plane so close to hitting those homes. The pilot decided to pull up the landing gear to avoid hitting anything. He finally reached the runway narrowly missing that hangar and skidding to a stop on the plane's belly. As you can see there amazingly, no one was injured. Shareholders of indigo books and music back here in canada voted to take the bookstore chain private. The offer comes from 2 holding companies owned by gerry schwartz. The spouse of indigo founder and ceo heather recent shorts is the controlling shareholder of indigo owning 56% of the company shares another 4.6% along. Surrey spent through a different holding company. A couple of canadians posting solid winds in first-round action at the french open today. Montreal's felix auger-aliassime defeating japan's yoshihito nishioka 6, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, auger-aliassime fired 7 aces and won 84% of the serves in a match that was marred by rain delays. Meantime, fellow quebec or leylah fernandez be jessica pasha of friends in straight sets 6 to 6 love. And then there's the big story. A lot of people are talking about as well. And that is a stunning elimination. >> That's the last that's wrapped in a dollar oil and gas ends in defeat. Yeah. Tennis legend rafael nadal knocked out of the french open. This could be his last time playing. He's indicated he wants to spend more time with his family as well. You lost to germany's alexander's around nadal has won 14 of his 22 grand slam trophies in paris. And what could have been the deciding game in the professional women's hockey league final was a grind for both minnesota and boston, although boston came out on top in double overtime. >> Minnesota was hoping to become the first ever winner of the walter cup. They scored in the second overtime, but the goal was called back for goalie interference. >> And then it later, boston scored securing a one. Nothing victory. And now sending the series to a winner take all game 5 showdown. And finally for us and indigenous legislator is set to make history in ontario this week. Seoul, not a cloud will rise in the chamber and the provincial legislature in toronto queen's park and asked a question in his native language cree as family friends elders were all be watching from the gallery. This is the first time the ontario legislature will allow a language other than english or french to be used acquires the only first nation legislator at queen's park. And the moment coming decades after he was punished in a residential school for speaking his own language. All right. That's going to do it for me for today. I'm todd van der heyden, thank you for making ctv news channel a part of your day on this monday. The starts to the week, but stay with us here on ctv news channel picks. Coming up next. We've got the ctv national news with sandie rinaldo for a look at all the day's top headlines and sitting

in for sandy today. >> Hello, everyone and welcome. Here are some of the stories we have for you right now. A major bust as police crack down on car thefts. >> We see repeated individuals continue to victimize their community. >> Heather: hundreds of stolen vehicles recovered, some of those arrested out on bail for similar offenses. >>> Israel's prime minister acknowledges a deadly strike in rafah as a tragic mistake. >>> Horrific moments as a pilot loses power skimming rooftops to reach the runway. >> Cuts in front. Loose puck. Scores! >> Heather: and championship denied. What looked like an overtime win wasn't in the dramatic pwhl final. >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with sandie rinaldo. >> Heather: good evening, I'm heather butts in for sandie tonight. More than a dozen suspected car thieves have been arrested and are facing hundreds of charges in a major operation targeting auto theft in ontario. Police also recovered more than 300 stolen vehicles at the port of montreal worth millions of dollars. Ctv's heather wright joins us now. Heather, canada is one of the top countries in the world for stolen cars. >> Heather, car thefts are up in most parts of the country. They increased 50% in quebec. Nearly 35% in ontario. And today police just west of toronto announced they have broken up a major car ring that was shipping stolen vehicles overseas. These are just two of the 369 vehicles recovered by police in operation odyssey. An investigation into a car theft ring spanning from ontario to montreal in the middle east. >> Since october of 2023, we have been investigating hundreds of stolen autos destined for foreign markets. >> Police arrested 16 people with warrants issued for the arrest of ten others. They say the organized crime group was stealing cars in southern ontario and using a transportation company as a hub to ship the stolen vehicles to the port of montreal and on to the united arab emirates. Found 37 containers at the port of montreal valued at more than $33 million. >> Based on the evidence we believe the trucking company owners, workers and operators were fully aware and complicit in the shipping of these stolen vehicles. >> Of the 26 people arrested or who have warrants issued in this case, 14 were out on bail. All with previous car theft charges. But in cases involving property theft defense attorney daniel learner says people are almost always granted bail. >> People are presumed innocent. All we have somebody saying this person committed a crime and nothing has been tested. >> The insurance bureau of canada called car thefts a national crisis. The agency says 105,000 vehicles were stolen across the country in 2022, resulting in 1.2 billion in insurance claims. Ottawa has given the provinces millions of dollars to address the surge in car thefts and violent car jackings but police say it is frustrating to arrest the same people over and over. >> It does get frustrating but we have a job to do. >> Police are still looking for those ten outstanding suspects but of the 16 arrested all have been granted bail and since been released. Heather. >> Ctv's heather wright, thank you it.

>>> Relief for thousands of residents in B.C. loud to return to their homes more than two weeks after a wildfire forced them to flee. Around 4700 people in fort nelson were under an evacuation order that has now been lifted. It has been replaced by an evacuation alert with the parker lake wildfire still burning out of control near the town. >>> South of the border now where at least 21 people are now confirmed dead in a devastating storm that is sweeping across the U.S. a state of emergency has been declared in kentucky after tornadoes ripped through the region flattening entire neighbourhoods. The system which has pummeled multiple states is now moving northeast threatening to bring more damaging weather from alabama to new york. >>> A devastating new development today in a deadly landslide in the south pacific. Officials now believe more than 2,000 people were buried alive in new guinea. Getting aid to the the area has been difficult. Ctv's tony grace with the complications in the first it offers of help. >> Reporter: with sticks and with their bare hands, desperation to find those buried under six to eight meters of earth, rocks and debris. From friday's landslide that followed weeks of heavy rain in the mountains of papanau new guinea. 18 family members are buried under the soil I'm standing on said this woman. I'm standing here helplessly. As the few recovered are carried away a grim reality is now setting in. >> People I think are realizing that the chances are very slim that anyone can basically be taken out alive. >> Reporter: the tough terrain is not the only thing slowing down the arrival of more aid workers and experts who can assess the stability of the ground. The ground itself is still shifting and can tribal warfare in the area means military escorts are required. As military and aid workers brief communities on the tasks ahead pledges of help are coming in. >> Heart goes out to the people of papau, new guinea. >> Australia preparing to send aircraft and other equipment. >> We'll continue to work very closely with the papau government how best we can provide assistance over the coming days. >> Here in canada the federal government is keeping a close eye on the situation. The international development minister said today his office is in touch with partners on the ground and stands ready to send support. Heather. >> Ctv's tony grace.

>>> And at least 16 people have been killed by a powerful cyclone that slashed the coastlines of india and bangladesh. Heavy rain and destructive winds hit the region inundating roads, toppling trees and destroying homes. Nearly 800,000 people have been displaced by cyclone. The first major storm to hit the region this year. >>> The university of toronto has filed for an injunction to evict the pro-palestinian encampment that started on campus nearly one month ago. The student demonstrators were told to leave by 8 a.m. This morning but tonight they are vowing to stay put. Ctv'sen annie bergeron-oliver is following the story. Annie, what is the timeline now? >> Heather, the university of toronto is going to court to try to get protestors off campus and that hearing is expected to happen tomorrow. The deadline to clear out of campus has come and gone but the protestors remain. >> We want disclosure and want it now. >> Protestors demanding the university of province of ontario and partnerships with israeli universities and disclose any investments linked to israel's offensive. U of t president says policy on divestment is clearly laid out. >> Have a very clearly articulated policy for considering divestment proposals which we have used in the past and saying to the protest group policy is there, it lays out the steps, and you are free to use it and we hope that they will. >> Reporter: the president of four major universities appearing before parliamentary committee today to talk about the encampment on campus, as well as a rise in antisemitism. >> Intefada revolution from the river to the sea, do you consider these chants to be hateful and anti-semitic. >> I find it anti-semitic. >> Unfortunate, awful and can be considered can anti-semitic. >> Testimony comes as superior court judge in quebec granted ucam requiring protestors to stay away two meters away from campus. Judge ordered protestors to stop blocking security cameras and allow university and fire officials to visit the site for safety checks. Demonstrators at the university of toronto will be meeting with school administrators tonight, heather. >> Annie, thank you.

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