
CTVN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #33

killing people. >> Hey fred, I appreciate your time. As always. I know it's busy, but thanks for coming on the program and giving us your thoughts on this today. Thanks so much, todd. Really appreciate it. Fred hahn the president of cupe ontario. The canadian union of public employees. All right, meantime in quebec and again in a related story, a judge there has ordered pro-palestinian protesters too, make some space at an encampment that they have set up at a university in quebec. It's known as the university of quebec at montreal. Or you the got a big campus in the downtown core. Take a look. They set up their camp about 2 weeks ago in a courtyard school object it and has been granted an injunction. The dow forces, these protesters say at least 2 meters away from buildings clear all access to doors and windows. The judge says the city fire inspector's have to be allowed into the camp to conduct safety to university personnel as well. It's not just you can, of course, but we have seen a major encampment set up at mcgill university that's been there for a better part of a month. Now. And that situation is also stalemated. The trudeau government says it will grant temporary visas to up to 5,000 people who are living in gaza as part of a special program for canadians, relatives who are living there. That is up from 1000 temporary visas that were a lot of under a program that was announced back in december. It's all in preparation for when people are able to actually leave gaza currently, that is not possible. Canada's immigration minister saying this increase 1000 to 5,000 means the federal government will be ready to help more people as the situation evolves. We're tracking a major international story from the south pacific. More than 2000 people believed to have been buried alive after a massive landslide in papa new guinea, which is north of australia. A landslide happened 3 days ago, heavy rain and the remoteness of the area where it happened or making rescue and recovery efforts even more difficult. >> They're trying to rescue whatever they can >> By using the taking 6. States. At the cultural forks. And their hands. Of course. >> A country's government has now put out an international call for help, but papa new guinea is somewhat remote. And so it's going to take some time people in this region of also been hesitant to bring in heavy machinery. Instead, they've been taking on the task of actually looking for those buried by hand. There are also fears that water flowing below all this debris could lead maybe to another landslide. There's a lot of difficulties. Well, getting an accurate estimate of the local population in this part of pop. And again, that's because the country's last census was almost 25 years ago. And a lot of people live in remote mountainous villages. Let's bring in ctv's tony grace is in our national newsroom and has more on the devastating pictures out of the region. Tony, bring us up to speed on the latest year. Well, todd, yes, about landslide hitting friday. While many people were sleeping, the devastation and the scope of it becoming a lot more clear today. The. >> Government in papa new guinea now estimating more than 2000 people were buried alive underneath the debris of that landslide. Here's a little map showing you where it happened. This is a very mountainous region, as you mentioned, not a lot of reliable census data to to indicate how many people may be missing or to to check that against figures provided by the local communities. So right now I'm a sense of desperation setting. And here's a look at the aftermath. By the way, this is 6 to 8 metres of earth. And debris. That's that's covering up dozens of homes in the area and part of the problem is that this is such a remote area in the mountains, that it's been difficult to get heavy machinery up there. The first excavator, for example, just arrived yesterday. So active desperation. In the meantime, people have been digging with their hands with sticks with with garden shovels, anything that they can gather together in order to try to access the area beneath the rubble to try to see if they can get anyone out alive. At this point, we understand that only about 8 people, 8 bodies rather, have been removed from the debris of that landslide, which happened after weeks and weeks of heavy rain. So then there's the question of getting aid in as well. And that's a whole complicated thing itself, todd, because there is a tribal warfare in the area and that means aid workers and experts who are trying to assess the stability of the land have to be shuttled in often with military escorts. So that slows the process down papua new guinea's nearest neighbour australia has been among the first to pledge support to offer aircraft, which are expected to be mobilized today and more equipment into the area. But you can just see by these images, todd. But it's just an absolutely devastating and and absolutely unthinkable task and its magnitude to try and help the communities that have been devastated by this landslide. That happened friday. All right, tony grace with the latest from papa new guinea. Thank you, tony. For that. It's a major problem right across much of our country, particularly in ontario. And now we're getting an update from police just

outside toronto. >> The results of a major investigation they have found the recovered more than 300 vehicles worth more than 30 million dollars right back. If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. Welcome back. Police in ontario sharing the results of a huge car theft investigation actually began back in october. Police and the peel region of ontario outside of toronto, calling this a highly orchestrated operation responsible for the theft and transport of stolen vehicles. Take a look at the results. 16 people arrested 322 different charges were laid 369 stolen vehicles recovered were 33.2 million dollars. We hear our community. >> And we're going to as a mention, continue doing that until the people that are involved in it and responsible for it. Understand it's a very simple message. Peel is not the place to come and steal cars and it's not the place to benefit from stolen cars. I want that message loud and clear. >> In ontario, a car stolen about every 14 minutes give or take. And the problem is particularly bad in places like brampton and mississauga. West of toronto were according to police, more than 8,300 vehicles were stolen last year. That's up from about 6,000 vehicle stolen in the year. 2022 alright to british columbia now. And after more than 2 weeks being forced out by wildfires close to 5,000 people from fort nelson, bc in the northeastern part of the province finally allowed to go home today, the park or lake wildfire. Yeah, still burning out of control. People are being warned they need to leave potentially at a moment's notice to the to be on standby for that. But for now, anyway, they can go home. >> The fire is it's, it's stated that it's a mop up stage. So essentially it's the edges of the fire contained its don't burning are still fires out on the land a burning in the black racism. Nothing on the units that are caused the fire to towards the community. If we get a long dry spell I got has a lot of when that's certainly can change and that's why we're still on evacuation alert. >> Well, this is great news, of course, for those 4700 or so people who will now be able to go home a lot of them or in places like dawson creek, fort st. John, a pink bow than other places further south in bc. People are being told to gas up, make sure they've got a lot of gas in their vehicles and also bring with them a few days worth of food and supplies just in case. >> All right, in a moment for us, a devastating storm ripping through parts of the united states. We can now tell you that upwards of 20 people have been killed, including a deadly tornado ripping through kentucky. That's coming UP.(Snickering) Hanging tree

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roland garros on tsn and tsn+ >> Nowhere is safe to gaza today in this. Simplifies this in the most horrific way. >> You're watching ctv news channel on this monday. It's may the 27th israel being condemned today after an air strike on a refugee camp killed dozens of palestinians. Israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling it a tragic mistake. Maybe one or 2. >> Well, you all the power. >> Meantime in toronto, pro-palestinian protesters set canada's biggest university will be meeting with university administrators later today. So far, no signs the protesters are going to dismantle their in cap and it's been there for almost a month. They were given a trespassing notice tlaib, I am today. 8 hours later, they are still there. >> And this point people I think are realizing that the chances are pretty slim that anyone can basically take out >> And more than 2000 people are believed to have been buried in papa new guinea after a massive landslide that happened in the south pacific country on friday. Good to have you with us from across the country on this monday afternoon. I'm todd van der heyden, the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu is vowing to investigate an airstrike on a refugee camp in rafah. >> That killed dozens of displaced palestinians. Netanyahu calling the attack a tragic mistake. >> But a few bump into comey >> Netanyahu saying that israel is trying to help evacuate upwards of a million palestinians. Health officials in gaza say that israeli strike on a camp killed at least 45 people, including women and children, somewhere intense at the time. The israeli military saying it killed 2 senior hamas militants in the strike. Netanyahu saying something went wrong despite israel's attempts to protect civilians. The U.S. is now calling on israel to do yet more to try and protect palestinian civilians. And also is saying that it will work with israel on this investigation to find out how this could have happened. Back in canada, we're hearing from leader of the ndp jagmeet singh calling on the trudeau government's to do much more. Just send a message to israel. Listen to this. >> We're seeing at the rafah is horrific. We saw women and children burned alive. Intense. And what we've seen from this government is delay. So we'll be asking questions in question period today, what will it take for the prime minister? What will it take for the liberal government to finally send a clear message to netanyahu that is actions are inexcusable. And that we demand the government take every step possible to prevent a genocide. >> Take a look at some of the footage coming in during the day from that area, getting a better look at the aftermath. A charred cars tense reduced to ashes. The day's coming just 2 days after those attacks coming 2 days after the international court of justice or world court, as it's known as ordered israel to end its military offensive into rafah. Something of course, israelis did not and will not comply with no doubt. There are still tens of thousands of civilians in that part of gaza in and around a refined by the way that camp was designated as a safe zone. Let's bring in major-general denis thompson now retired. But one point was a leading multinational force commander in that part of the world, including the sinai peninsula. General thompson, thank you for your time as always. Much appreciated. Good afternoon talk this camp as I mentioned, designated a safe the prime minister of israel saying that this was a tragic accident. Your assessment of what might have happened here. >> I think what we need to do is go through what exactly happens in the targeting cycle because the israelis use exactly the same targeting cyclists we do in the west for the first thing it has to be established is is positive identification of the targets and they claim to have killed to a mask leaders. So they clearly, but still had some sort of gee group you referenced identification of where these hamas leaders were. Once you've establish that and you know that there are mobile, so you can target them, then you will conduct what's called the collateral damage assessment, which includes buildings and other things. But above all, it includes establishing with the pattern of life is on the ground where these 2 targets were. And then you reference that against what you are, what your government permits to what is acceptable way are governments that standards in terms of a civilian deaths to get a hamas leader. And I'm sure all of these calculations were done.

I can understand why the pattern of life was an obvious that it was in the area full of civilians. And that is if mister netanyahu says something's gone terribly wrong, he's probably got it right, because I can't imagine that the tolerance for civilian casualties is in in the high 40's. What do you think this might do in terms and we certainly know that israel has been facing more and more condemnation. General thompson. But what this? >> You know, it will do in terms of reaction to israel. More pressure brought on the country. I talked about the world court just on friday saying they need to stop these sorts of military offensives. Well, both of the courts are are no longer. >> Lined up at in israel's favour. So the international court of justice, as you quite rightly pointed out, he's israel to halt its attacks. And of course, the icc, the international criminal court has indicted both mister netanyahu and his defence minister as well as by the way younger son war with the leader of hamas. So there's an awful lot of pressure, political pressure from these international organizations. And as you know, back in march, there was a security council resolution that was passed because united states abstained to work towards a humanitarian ceasefire. None of this seems to have put the brakes on israel. And I don't get to that will be any change in their way forward. And by the way, you mention that in the reporting, but they've moved a million people out of the gaza gaza city in towards a humanitarian area as I think of as we've discussed before that area called alma. Al-mawasi is about 8 and a half square kilometres and is basically a beach. It's a big sandy area. So it's hard to imagine how you can push a million people into an area like that and expect him to survive. How do you think this see israel is losing the war, the narrative carry out well for tell me if if you can, how you think this particular incident and certainly what we've seen general thompson recent days. >> May or may not have an impact on, you know, any plans for for a whether you think that's pretty much at this point dead on arrival. I think they're still going to be an awful lot of work towards. He's far it may, ironically, it may not be in the interests of a massive, certainly in the interests of the palestinian people. >> And it certainly in the interests of israel, who would like to get some of their hostages back. So that is a probably don't think it's going to continue despite all of these studies reports and snow different front. Then the attack that took place on the al-shifa hospital a ton. So the israelis a penny. And by the way, its interesting that hamas is still able to strike against the idf inside of the northern gaza strip. Where they were they had apparently cleared him out once before. So in the paradigm of clear hold build is really still haven't held a lot of the ground that it cleared and it's forcing him to go back and wework areas that they thought they had cleaned out. Appreciate your insights as always. A general thompson, thank you for this today. >> All right, take care. Thompson, their montreal will go to ottawa in a moment. But first, a toronto because an 8:00am deadline has come and gone for demonstrators who are at a pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto. They were given that deadline to clear out they've been there for almost a month now. And the university of toronto adopting a different type of strategy that we saw elsewhere. Ke alberta, for example, work the protesters were cleared out within a day or 2. Toronto had a more conciliatory approach, bought the protest only grow to now more than 100 different tense. Here's what some of the protesters are saying here. They say they will hold their ground. >> We do owe this to community that all fell at a rally with us earlier this morning, where we had hundreds of workers come out or fell. Of course, that represents over a million workers. 54 unions, it shows admin to the people are on our side. We have another meeting scheduled with administration at 5:00pm. And we're hoping to continue negotiation with them at that time. >> The university seems to have enough, though, of and they, in fact, have gone to a superior court to adjust, to request an injunction to remove the demonstrators. We mentioned you heard there from that demonstrated and some labour groups have rallied outside as well in solidarity with these protesters. The university is saying they will meet with the protesters. But ultimately this is an authorized. This is now trespassing and they have to go. We spoke to one former toronto police officer who had this to say to me. >> You've seen the university of toronto allegedly take recent steps to try to mitigate or prevent the situation from continuing. That's the first thing, you know, with the motion that the courts would consider is what steps are being taken sauce far. And as the process continues to pending a what u of t's legal team swat articulate. You got

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